Sivut kuvina
[blocks in formation]

Utah having but one Congressman is not divided into Congressional districts.


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Land area, 60 square miles; water, 10 square miles; total, 70 square miles.

O Naval Observatory, the point from which longitude is reckoned from Washington.



Be it enacted, etc., That on and after the 1st day of October, 1888, the following articles mentioned in this section, when imported, shall be exempt from duty:

Timber, hewed and sawed, and timber used for spars and in building wharves.

Timber squared or sided.

Wood unmanufactured, not specially enumerated or provided for.
Sawed boards, planks, deals, and all other articles of sawed lumber.

Hubs for wheels, posts, last-blocks, wagon-blocks, oar-blocks, gun-blocks, heading-blocks, and all like blocks or sticks, rough, hewed, or sawed only. Staves of wood.

[blocks in formation]

Provided, That if any export duty is laid upon the above-mentioned articles, or either of them, by any country whence imported, all said articles imported from said country shall be subject to duty as now provided by law.

Salt, in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, or in bulk, when imported from any country which does not charge an import duty upon salt exported from the United States.

Flax straw.

Flax, not hackled or dressed.

Tow of flax, or hemp.

Hemp, manila, and other like substitutes for hemp



Sunn, sisal-grass, and other vegetable fibers.

Burlaps, not exceeding 60 inches in width, of flax, jute, or hemp, or of which flax, jute, or hemp, or either of them, shall be the component material of chief value.

Bags of jute for grain.

Machinery designed for the conversion of jute or jute-butts into cottonbagging, to wit, cards, roving-frames, winding-frames, and softeners.

Iron or steel sheets, or plates, or taggers iron, coated with tin or lead, or with a mixture of which these metals is a component part, by the dipping or any other process, and commercially known as tin-plates, terne-plates, and taggers tin.


Glycerine, crude, brown, or yellow, of the specific gravity of 1.25 or less at a temperature of 60° Fahr., not purified by refining or distilling.


Soap-stocks, fit only for use as such.

Soap, hard and soft, all which are not otherwise specially enumerated or provided for.


Extract of hemlock, and other bark used for tanning.

Indigo, extracts of, and carmined.

Iodine, resublimed.

Oil, croton.

Hemp-seed and rape-seed oil.


Alumina-alum, patent alum, alum substitute, sulphate of alumina, and aluminous cake, and alum in crystals or ground.

All imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters. Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, unmanufactured.

Boracic acid, borate of lime, and borax.

Copper, sulphate of, or blue vitriol.

Iron, sulphate of, or copperas.

Potash, crude, carbonate of, or fused, and caustic potash.
Chlorate of potash and nitrate of potash, or saltpeter, crude.

Sulphate of potash.

Sulphate of soda, known as salt-cake, crude or refined, or niter cake, crude or refined, and Glauber's-salt.

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Aniline oil and its homologues.

Coal-tar, products of, such as naphtha, benzine, benzole, dead oil, and pitch. All preparations of coal-tar not colors or dyes, and not acids of colors and dyes.

Logwood and other dyewoods, extracts and decoctions of.

Alizarine, natural or artificial.

Spirits of turpentine.

Ocher and ochery earths, umber and umber earths.

Olive-oil, salad-oil, cotton-seed oil, whale-oil, seal-oil and neat's-foot oil. All barks, beans, berries, balsams, buds, bulbs, bulbous roots, and excrescences, such as nut-galls, fruits, flowers, dried fibers, grains, gums, and gum-resins, herbs, leaves, lichens, mosses, nuts, roots, and stems, vegetables, seeds, and seeds of morbid growth, weeds, woods used expressly for dyeing, and dried insects, any of the foregoing which are not edible and not specially enumerated or provided for.

All non-dutiable crude minerals, but which have been advanced in value or condition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manufacture, not specially enumerated or provided for.

All earths or clays unwrought or unmanufactured.

Glass plates or discs unwrought, for use in the manufacture of optical instruments, spectacles, and eyeglasses.

Opium, crude and not adulterated, containing 9 per cent. and over of morphia, for medicinal purposes.

Iron and steel cotton ties for hoops, for baling or other purposes, not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge.

Needles, sewing, darning, knitting, and all others not specially enumerated or provided for in this act.

Copper, imported in the form of ores, regulus of, and black or coarse copper and copper cement, old copper fit only for remanufacture.

Antimony, as regulus or metal.


Chromate of iron or chromic ore.

Mineral substances in a crude state and metals unwrought not specially enumerated or provided for.

Brick, other than fire-brick.

German looking-glass plates, made of blown glass and silvered.

Vegetables in all their natural state or in salt or brine, not specially enumerated or provided for.

Chicory-root, ground or unground, burned or prepared.

Acorns and dandelion-root, raw or prepared, and all other articles used, or intended to be used, as coffee or substitutes therefor, not specially enumerated or provided for.

Cocoa, prepared or manufactured.


Currants, Zante or other.


Meats, game and poultry.
Milk, fresh.


Beans, pease, and split pease.

Bibles, books, and pamphlets, printed in other languages than English, and books and pamphlets and all publications of foreign governments, and publications of foreign societies, historical or scientific, printed for gratuitous distribution.


Bulbs and bulbous roots, not medicinal.

Feathers of all kinds, crude or not dressed, colored, or manufactured. Finishing powder.


Grindstones, finished or unfinished.

Curled hair, for beds and mattresses.

Human hair, raw, uncleaned and not drawn.

Hemp and rape seed, and other oil-seeds of like character

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Rags, of whatever material composed.

Rattans and reeds, manufactured but not made up into finished articles. Stones, manufactured or undressed, freestone, granite, sandstone, and all building or monumental stone.

All strings of gut or any other like material.


Waste, all not specially enumerated or provided for.

Sec. 2. That on the 1st day of October, 1888, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid the following rates of duty on said articles severally: Glycerine, refined, 3 cents per pound.

Acid, acetic, acetous, or pyroligneous acid, exceeding the specific gravity of 1.047, 5 cents per pound.

Castor beans or seeds, 25 cents per bushel of 50 pounds.

Castor-oil, 40 cents per gallon.

Flaxseed or linseed oil, 15 cents per gallon.

Licorice, paste or rolls, 5 cents per pound.

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