Sivut kuvina

8. All iron fore and aft beams and thwart ship beams used for hatchway covering shall have suitable gear for lifting them on and off without it being necessary for any person to go upon them to adjust such gear.


9. All machinery and chains and other gear used in hoisting or lowering in connection with the processes shall have been tested, and shall be periodically examined. All such chains shall be effectually softened by annealing or firing when necessary, and all half-inch or smaller chains in general use shall be so annealed or fired once in every six months. If the chains are part of the outfit carried by a seagoing ship it shall be a sufficient compliance with this Regulation as regards softening by annealing or firing of half-inch or smaller chains, that no such chains shall be used unless they have been so annealed or fired within six months preceding. As regards chains, the safe loads indicated by the test, the date of last annealing and any other particulars prescribed by the Secretary of State, shall be entered in a register which shall be kept on the premises, unless some other place has been approved in writing by the Chief Inspector.

10. All motors, cog-wheels, chain and friction-gearing, shafting and live electric conductors used in the processes shall (unless it can be shown that by their position and construction they are equally safe to every person employed as they would be if securely fenced) be securely fenced so far as is practicable without impeding the safe working of the ship and without infringing any requirement of the Board of Trade.


The lever controlling the link motion reversing gear of a crane or winch used in the processes shall be provided with a suitable spring or other locking arrangement.

12. Every shore crane used in the processes shall have the safeload plainly marked upon it, and if so constructed that the jib may be raised or lowered, either shall have attached to it an automatic indicator of safe-loads or shall have marked upon it a table showing the safeloads at the corresponding inclinations of the jib.

13. The driver's platform on every crane or tip driven by power and used in the processes shall be securely fenced, and shall be provided with safe means of access.

14. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent exhaust steam from any crane or winch obscuring any part of the decks, gangways, stages, wharf, or quay, where any person is employed.


15. No machinery or gear used in the processes, other than a crane, shall be loaded beyond the safe-load; nor a crane, unless secured with the written permission of the owner by plates or chains or otherwise. No load shall be left suspended from a crane, winch, or other machine unless there is a competent person actually in charge of the machine while the load is so left.

16. A boy under 16 shall not be employed as driver of a crane or winch, or to give signals to a driver, or to attend to cargo falls on winch. ends or winch-bodies.

17. Where in connection with the processes goods are placed on a wharf or quay other than a wharf or quay on a shallow canal:

(a) A clear passage leading to the means of access to the ship required by Regulation 4 shall be maintained on the wharf or quay; and

(b) If any space is left along the edge of the wharf or quay it shall be at least three ft. wide, and clear of all obstructions other than fixed structures, plant and appliances in use.

18. No deck-stage or cargo-st argo-stage shall be used in the processes unless it is substantially and firmly constructed, and adequately supported, and, where necessary, securely fastened. No truck shall be used for carrying cargo between ship and shore on a stage so steep as to be unsafe. Any stage which is slippery shall be made safe by the use of sand or otherwise.

19. Where there is more than one hatchway, if the hatchway of a hold exceeding 7 ft. 6 in. in depth measured from the top of the coamings to the bottom of the hold is not in use and the coamings are less than 2 ft. 6 in. in height, it shall either be fenced to a height of 3 ft., or be securely covered. Provided that this Regulation shall not apply during meal times or other temporary interruptions of work during the period of employment. And provided that until the 1st January, 1908, the fencing may be the best the circumstances will allow without making structural alteration. Hatch coverings shall not be used in connection with the processes in the construction of deck or cargo stages, or for any other purpose which may expose them to damage.

20. No cargo shall be loaded by a fall or sling at any intermediate deck unless a secure landing platform has been placed across the hatchway at that deck.


21. No person shall, unless duly authorised, or in case of necessity, remove or interfere with any fencing, gangway, gear, ladder, life-saving means or appliances, lights, marks, stages, or other things whatsoever, required by these Regulations to be provided.

22. The fencing required by Regulation I shall not be removed except to the extent and for the period reasonably necessary for carrying on the work of the dock or ship or for repairing any fencing. If removed it shall be restored forthwith at the end of that period by the persons engaged in the work that necessitated its removal.


23. No employer of persons in the processes shall allow machinery or gear to be used by such persons in the processes that does not comply with Part III. of these Regulations.

24. If the persons whose duty it is to comply with Regulations 4, 5, and 7, fail so to do, then it shall also be the duty of the employers of the persons employed for whose use the means of access and the lights are required to comply with the said regulation within the shortest time reasonably practicable after such failure.

25. The certificate of the ship's register and any other certificate or register referred to in these Regulations shall be produced by the person in charge thereof on the application of any of H.M. Inspectors of Factories.



[Came into force, May 1, 1914.]

These Regulations shall not apply to the construction or repair of a ship not exceeding 150 ft. in length measured from the fore part of the stem to the after part of the stern-post on the range of the upper deck beams, except in awning or shelter deck vessels, in which cases the length is to be measured on the range of the deck beams next below the awning or shelter deck.

It shall be the duty of the occupier to comply with Part I of these Regulations. It shall be the duty of all persons employed to comply with Part II of these Regulations.

PART I.-Duties of Occupiers.

1. A sufficient supply of sound and substantial material shall be available in a convenient place or places for the construction of all stages.

2. All uprights, thwarts and other supports used for the erection of stages, and as far as reasonably practicable the stages themselves, shall be erected by competent persons specially but not necessarily exclusively employed for that purpose by the occupier: Provided that this part of the Regulation shall not apply to such adjustment or shifting of the staging from time to time by any workman as may be necessary to meet the varying requirements of his work. All stages shall be securely constructed of sound and substantial material, and shall be of sufficient width, as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case, to secure the safety of the persons working thereon.

3. When any plank or planks forming a stage extend less than I foot beyond the inside edge of the support upon which they rest they shall be securely fastened to prevent slipping.

4. The main gangway giving access to the upper parts of the ship shall be secürely protected by upper and lower hand-rails on each side; and there shall be safe means of access to all places in which any person is required to be employed.

5. All ladders used shall be of sound material and of sufficient length to give safe access to the part they are intended to reach. They shall be maintained in good condition and be adequately secured to prevent slipping.

6. All ventilator holes, manholes and dangerous parts of other openings in decks shall be provided with temporary covers in good repair, or other sufficient protection, which shall be maintained in position except when necessarily removed in the course of work.

7. All parts of a ship on which work is being carried on, and the approaches to such parts, shall be efficiently lighted in such manner as is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case to secure the safety of the persons employed. If portable lamps, including hand lamps carried by the workmen, are used for any part of such lighting they shall be maintained in good condition. Oil lamps shall be provided with properly fitting screw lids or stoppers.


8. When a stage has to be dismantled and in all cases where materials or articles have to be lowered from a height, adequate precautions shall be taken to secure the safety of persons employed or passing below.

9. Suitable means of removing injured persons from the place of accident shall be provided, and suitable arrangements shall be made for first aid treatment.

10. A competent person or persons shall be appointed to exercise supervision with regard to the requirements of these Regulations, and to enforce the observance of them.

PART II.-Duties of Persons Employed.

11. Every person employed who becomes aware of any defect in the plant or gear which he is using or may be required to use shall forthwith report the same to the occupier or his manager or foreman or any person appointed in pursuance of Regulation 10.

12. No person employed shall leave any loose articles or materials lying about in any place from which they may fall on persons working or passing.

13. No person employed shall throw down tools, planks, or loose material from the stages, decks or other parts of the vessel, without observing the precautions required in pursuance of Regulation 8.


[Came into force, October 1, 1912.]


The provisions of the section shall apply, subject to modifications hereinafter contained, to non-textile factories and workshops which are shipbuilding yards so far as concerns the work of persons employed in the building or repairing of a ship.

The section shall be modified to read as follows:

I. The occupier or contractor shall, for the purpose of enabling each worker who is paid by the piece to compute the total amount of wages payable to him in respect of his work, cause to be published particulars of the work and rate of wages applicable as follows:-(a) He shall furnish every worker with written particulars of the rate of wages applicable to the work done by him at or before the time of his first employment on the work and on every subsequent occasion when the rates are fixed or altered; or he shall exhibit such particulars on a placard in the factory or workshop. Provided that if the rates are not ascertainable before the work is given out, the particulars shall be furnished to the worker in writing when the work is completed. (b) Such particulars of the work done as affect the amount of wages payable to each worker shall be furnished to him in writing when the work is completed.


Where the work is done in common by a gang of workers it shall be sufficient if the particulars of the work done by the gang and of the rate of wages applicable thereto are furnished to the member of the gang to whom the wages of the gang are paid by the employer.

3. The particulars, either as to rate of wages or as to work, shall not be expressed by means of symbols.

4. Any placard exhibited in pursuance of the foregoing provisions shall contain no other matter than particulars of rates of wages and shall be affixed in such a position as to be easily read by all persons to whose work the particulars relate.

5. If the occupier or contractor fails to comply with the requirements of this section, he shall be liable for each offence to a fine of not more than ₤IO, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction within two years from the last conviction for that offence, not less than £1.

6. If anyone engaged as a worker in any of the aforesaid class of work, having received such particulars, whether they are furnished directly to him or to a fellow workman, discloses the particulars for the purpose of divulging a trade secret, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £10.

7. If anyone for the purpose of obtaining knowledge of or divulging a trade secret, solicits or procures a person so engaged to disclose such particulars, or with that object pays or rewards any such person, or causes any person to be paid or rewarded for so disclosing such particulars, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding f10.

8. The Order of December 30, 1909, relating to shipbuilding yards so far as concerns the work of platers, riveters and caulkers is hereby repealed.


DIGEST OF SECTION 7, WHICH APPLIES TO MASTERS AND SEAMEN. 7. (1) This Act shall apply to masters, seamen, and apprentices, and apprentices in the sea-fishing service, provided they are workmen and members of the crew of any ship registered in the United Kingdom, or of a British ship or vessel of which the owner, managing owner, or manager resides or has his principal place of business in the United Kingdom, subject to the following:-(a) Notice of accident and claim for compensation may, except where the person injured is the master, be served on the master, but where accident happened and incapacity commenced on board it shall not be necessary to give notice; (b) in case of death of master, seaman, or apprentice, the claim for compensation shall be made within 6 months after the news of death has been received by claimant; (c) where an injured master, seaman, or apprentice is discharged or left behind in a British possession or foreign country, depositions respecting injury may be taken by any judge or magistrate in British possession, and by British consular officer in foreign country, and transmitted to the Board of Trade, and depositions or certified copies thereof shall be admissible in evidence as provided by Sections 691 and 695, Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and those sections shall apply; (d) in case of death of master, seaman, or apprentice leaving no dependents, no compensation shall be payable if owner is under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, liable to pay expenses of burial; (e) weekly payment shall not be payable for period during which owner is, under Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, as amended or otherwise, liable to defray expenses of maintenance of injured master, seaman, or apprentice; (f) any sum payable as compensation shall be paid in full notwithstanding anything in Section 503, Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, but the limitation on owner's liability imposed by that section shall apply to amount recoverable by way of indemnity under the section of this Act relating to remedies against employer and stranger as if the indemnity were damages for loss of life or personal injury; (g) Sub-sections 2 and 3, Section 174, Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, shall apply for recovery of compensation by dependents of masters, seamen, and apprentices lost with their ship as for recovery of wages

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