PORT DIRECTORY OF THE WORLD THE PORT DIRECTORY IS REVISED AND CORRECTED from the latest particulars supplied by the Port and Harbour Authorities, and from the last official sources; and every care is taken to ensure absolute accuracy. But the Editor, and those who supply him with the information, disclaim all responsibility for error. I.-PORTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED. Accn.=Accommodation for Shipping, etc. AST.=Average Spring Tides. Auth.=Authority or owner of port, docks, etc. D.=Depth of Water (generally applied to depth on bar unless otherwise OT.=Ordinary Tides. Pilotage, C.=Compulsory. " N.C.=Non-Compulsory. Pop. Population. R. of N. Rise of Neaps. R. of T. = Rise of Tide. Rys.=Railways which connect with the harbour. ST.=Spring Tides. THW.=Time of High Water. f. & c.= full and change (of moon). Tr.Trade of Port. I.=Imports. E.=Exports. = W. Wind, i.e., the prevailing or other winds which affect the harbour. W. of En.= Width of Entrance. SHIPPING WORLD ABERAVON. - See Port Talbot. ABERAYRON, Cardiganshire, Wales. Lat. 52° 14′ N; long. 4° 15′ W. Pop. about 1,200. Auth. Owner, Lieut. A. L. Gwynne, R.N., under Statute 47 Geo. III. Tr. I. Coal, bricks, slates, cement and provisions; E. Practically nil. THW. f. and c. 7h 25m. W. prev. N.W. to N.E. Accn. Harb. of about 5 acres, with stone piers on N. and W. sides, each 396ft long, extending to half-tide mark. D. Dry at LW.; 12ft at HWST. Harb. used chiefly by, locallyowned vessels, drawing from 8ft to 14ft OST. Charges. 2d per ton reg. on ships, 1/ per ton on cargo. Officials. Harb. Master and Lloyd's Agent, Joseph Rees; Agent to Lieut. Gwynne, Roger Lloyd. ABERBROTHWICK. - See Arbroath. ABERDEEN, Aberdeenshire. Lat. 57° 8' 20" N; long. 2° 3′55′′ W. Pop. 164,000. Auth. Harb. Commission, incorporated under Act of Parliament, 58 and 59 Vict., c. 136. Tr. I. Coal, lime, iron, cement, salt, granite, timber, bones, esparto, wood pulp, fibre, slates, manures, grain, fish, &c.; E. Cattle, oats, granite, pit props, paper, oats, herrings, &c. THW. I hour f. and c. Sp. rise 13st; N. rise Ioft. W. prev. are from S.W., and most dangerous gales on coast are from SSE. to ESE. Accn.: Rys. Cal. N.B. and G.N. (S.). At HW. of ST. vessels of 25ft dft. enter the harb., and at LW. vessels drawing 13ft enter. The navigation channel, the entrance to the harb. and docks are formed by the N. pier, extending 2,000ft into the German Ocean, and S. breakwater running out. about 1,000ft from the shore. W. of E. 8ooft. En. to Victoria Dock, one 7oft wide, with a HWD. of 26ft; lock 250ft x 60ft wide, over which there is a HWD. of 22ft. Extensive warehouses and cranage accommodation up to 10 tons; shears to lift 100 tons. Particulars of Floating Docks and Patent Slipways : Charges. Rates on vessels vary from 1 to 1/3 reg. ton. Lights, flags, or signals Ad reg. ton for all vessels. Pilotage. NC. District. The harb. the rivers Dee and Don, the coast between these rivers, and the coast southward from the mouth of the Dee to the extremity of the city's precincts or boundary on the south side of the Dee. Inward pilotage For each additional 100 tons or part thereof 5s. Outward pilotage rates-one half the inward rate, but not in any case less than 5/. For any vessel arriving in the lower basin or tidal harbour after the dock gates are shut:--For vessels under 150 tons 3/; for vessels 150 tons and upwards 5/. For each tide's work in the harb. each man in boat 2/. For any vessel calling in the bay for orders, and not entering the harb., requiring the services of a pilot boat, 20/, which shall include taking off orders. If after the expiry of 12 hours any pilot is detained on board, he shall be paid 2/6 for each tide during which he is detained; and if, after the expiry of such time, the pilot boat is required, 1/ for each man in boat for each passage between the harb. and vessel. Vessels paying pilotage rates may have use of boat and crew for mooring and unmooring at:-under 400 tons.2/6; under 1,000 tons 5/; over 10/. Ordinary Sea Towage (by one or more tugs) : From the docks or tidal harb. to the bay, or from the bay or outside Abercrombie's jetty, or vice versa, with cargo, reg. ton 2hd; with ballast 2d. Harb. Towage: Between Abercrombie's jetty and the docks: If 200 tons or under 6/; above 200 and not exceeding 500 tons 10/; above 500 tons and not exceeding 800 tons 20/; 800 and not exceeding 1,200 tons 30/; 1,200 tons and upwards 40/. From one part of the harb. or docks to another: If 500 tons or under 15/; above 500 tons and not exceeding 800 tons 30/; above 800 tons and not exceeding 1,200 tons 40/; for each additional 100 tons 2/6 ; an additional tug, if required, same rates. In the event of any vessel being towed into the tidal harb. after the dock gates are shut, the tugboat shall, if required, continue the towage of such vessel into the dock the following tide without any additional charge. Minimum towage outwards or inwards 5/. Steamers requiring the service of a steam tug or tugs, while entering or leaving the harb., rd per ton of their reg. tonnage for each tug required. Officials. Sec., W. Gordon ; Treas. and Coll. of Rates, James A. Ross; Dock and Harb. Master, Capt. W. A. Crombie; Engineer, R. Gordon Nicol ; Supt. of Works, A. G. Souter; Marine Supt., J. King; Gen. SHIPPING WORLD Man. of G. N. (S.) Ry., George Davidson; Coll. of H.M. Cust. A. Astin. ABERDOUR, Fifeshire. N. side of Firth of Forth, about 8 miles N.W. of Edinburgh. Lat. 56° 10' N; long. 3° 20′ W. Post-town, Aberdour. Pop. 1,900. Auth. Owner, the Earl of Morton. THW. f. and c. 2h 34m. Neaps rise roft. Accn. Wooden pier 250ft long, with jetty carried out to 4ft LWST.; 16ft water at HWST.; dry, LW. Charges. Id per ton reg. on vessels; Id per ton on cargo. Official. Acting Harb. Master, James Barcas. ABERDOVEY, Merionethshire. Lat. 52° 30′ N; long. 4° 15′ W. Pop. 1,500. Auth. for Pier and Wharf only, Cam. Ry. Co. THW. f. and c. 8h om. W. prev. NE. to SW., and most dangerous S. to E. Tr. Live stock, slates, lead ore, grain, cement, fish, &c. Accn. Pier 367ft carried out to 12ft LWST., and a wharf 365ft long, Railu Railway alongside. D. on bar 3ft 6in LWST., and 19st HWST., but is subject to frequent alteration. LV. Steamers from the Baltic with cargoes of timber up to 1,200 tons. Steam crane power. A lifeboat station. Charges. Moorage of vessels, ad per ton reg.; slates, coal, bricks, iron, 2d per ton; timber, grain, flour, cotton, wool, petroleum, and general merchandise, 3d per ton actual weight. Pilotage, C. Towage. As per arrangement. Officials. Secretary & Gen. Manager, Cam. Ry., Oswestry, C. S. Denniss; Harb. Master, Lewis Edwards; Coll. of Customs, T. Lewis, Aberystwith; Lloyd's Agent, E. Lewis. ABERFFRAW, Anglesea. A creek of Beaumaris. A bay of refuge in Е. or N. winds. D. 15fms. HWST. Wharfage free. Dep. Lloyd's Agent and Harb. Master, W. Jones. ABERLADY (PEFFER BURN). - See Leith. ABERTHAW, Glamorganshire. Lat. 51° 22′ N; long. 3° 20′ W. No Harb. Auth. Barry Port Sanitary Auth. THW. 6h 48m. Tr. Aberthaw lime. Rys. T.V. and Barry. ABERYSTWYTH, Cardiganshire, Wales. At the joint outlets of the rivers Rheidol and Ystwith. Lat. 52° 24' 30" N; long. 4° 5' 30" W. Pop. 7,600. Auth. Corporation of Aberystwyth (Act of Parliament, 1874). THW. f. and c. 7h 31m; Sp. rise 15st; N. rise 10ft. Tr. I. Timber, coal, cement, bricks, culm, general; E. Lead and copper ore, bark, bark, corn, timber. Accn. The area of the harb. is 20 acres, dry at LWST. Quayage space for about 670ft is accessible to vessels of 500 tons. East Quay about 250ft long, with 14ft water HWST.; West Quay about 8ooft long, with 12ft water HWST. Two powerful capstans with ropes on each side of the harb. entrance. D. on bar uncertain, as bar shifts. Rys. Cam. and G.W. W. Most dangerous are SW. to W. by N. LV. 367 reg. ton. A lifeboat station. Charges. Harb. dues vary from 3d coastwise to 6d foreign. Vessels exclusively employed in fishing are exempt from payment of harb. dues. Loading and discharging, as per agreement, 6d to 8d. per ton. Pilotage. NC. District not defined. Rates. As per agreement. Towage. As per agreement. Officials. Town Clerk, A. J. Hughes; Harb. Master, Capt. D. J. Lloyd; Coll. of H.M. Cust., Mr. Mortimer; Lloyd's Agent, Capt. Doughton. ACARSAID, Island of Skye. -See Portree. ACKERGILL, Caithness. Lat. 58° 26′ N; long. 3° 8′ W. Auth. Owner, Trustees of late G. Duff, Dunbar. THW. 10h 58m. W. prev. S., most dangerous N.E. Accn. A pier of masonry about rooft long, used by fishing boats and by steamers loading into boats. D. Alongside 15ft HWOST., and 8ft at entrance of creek at LWST. A lifeboat station. There is a good anchorage in the bay, with S. winds. There are no charges. Official. Harb. Master, ALDEBURGH, Suffolk. Lat. 52° 6' N; long. 1° 30′ E. Pop. about 2,120. A small port 12 miles from the mouth of the river Alde, convenient for laying up yachts. There is no harb. authority. THW. 10h 45m. Sp. rise at sea 8ft; N. 6ft. Wharfage IIft HWST., on bar 1 Ift HWST., 9ft HWNT. THW. Slaughden Quay (where vessels unload), full and change 12h 30m. Tr. Malt and grain. A lifeboat station. Charges. Coals, 4d per ton; timber, 3d per load; bricks, 9d per 1,000; manure, 4td per ton. Officials. J. O. Williams, Deputy Receiver of Wrecks; Chief Customs Officer, Lieut. Sharp; Chief Boatman, Coast Guard, and Acting Customs Officer, T. Fry; Harb. Master, Henry Harling; Lloyd's Agent, W. H. Hall. ALDERNEY. -See Channel Islands. ALDRINGTON. -See Shoreham. ALLINGTON LOCK, Medway (Lower). River navigable to Maidstone, which is two miles beyond. Double lock: length 186ft breadth 21ft 3 in; depth over sill: HWST. 1oft to 12ft, NT. 6ft 6in to 7ft 6in. LW. Winter 2ft, summer Ift. Depth between locks and Maidstone about 8ft. Tugs from Rochester to locks and Maidstone. Vessels of 180 tons burden pass through. (See also Maidstone.) Official. Lock Master and Collector, W. Smith. ALLOA, Clackmannanshire. On N. bank of Firth of Forth, 20 miles above Queensferry. Lat. 56° 7'N; long. 3° 44′ W. Pop. 13,000. Auth. North British Railway Company. THW. f. and c. 3h 18m; Sp. rise 174st; N. rise 15ft; R. of N. 101st. Tr. I. Grain, timber, pitwood, iron, &c.; E. Chiefly coal. Accn. No vessels can enter the harb. at LW. of ST. The harb. consists of a line of open quays and a wet dock. Dock 630ft x 185ft, has an area of 3 acres, depth ST. 191ft and NT. 15ft, and quayage 1,600 ft. There are 400 yds of quayage space in tidal harb., also dry dock 210 ft long, 37ft wide, Ift deep at OHW. Crane for lifting 20 tons of grain per hour, and one steam crane for coals, safe lift 25 tons. D. on bar, Sp. 20ft to 22ft; N. 15ft. |