Sivut kuvina

(1) 378 by 55 by 201ft; (2) 320 by 55 by 201⁄2ft; (3) 480 by 61 by 221ft; (4) 345 by 44 by 171ft; (5) 285 by 47 by 19ft. Floating, 122 by 32 by 81ft. Total length of quayage space in the harb., including coaling staiths, about 9,500ft, and waiting dolphins for about 40 vessels. There are high level coaling staiths fitted with 20 spouts upon the most modern and approved principle together with one elevator spout for high vessels, and one spout for coaling tugs, fishing vessels, &c. Charges. Harb. dues, 41⁄2d to 1/6 inwards ; 4d to 1/1 outwards. Import and export dues, 6d and upwards; large coal, 3d; small coal, rad; herring boats with fish, 3/-. Ballast discharging at cranes, 1/10 ton. Pilotage. N.C. In and out, 1/6 per foot all the year round, and d per ton over 500 tons reg. in and out. Bringing vessels from Tyne, Sunderland, Hartlepools, Tees, Hull, Grimsby or Leith, as per arrangement. Train fare, moving in harbour, &c., extra. Towage. Steamers in or out of harb. under steam : First tug-up to 600 tons net reg. £2 10s; 600 to 2,000 tons, id per ton; ̊2,000 tons net reg. and above, £6 5s. Second tug-up to 600 tons net reg. £2 10s; 600 to 2,000 tons, åd per ton; 2,000 tons net reg. and above, £6 5s. Removals, docking or undocking, for each tug employed: up to 800 tons net reg. £2 1os; 800 to 2,000 tons åd per ton; 2,000 tons net reg. and above £6 5s. Sailing ships-towage in or out, in ballast 2d reg. ton; loaded 4d per reg. ton. Harbour towage and removes from 15/. Officials. Gen. Man. and Sec. to Commrs., C. E. Baldwin; Harb. Master, R. T. Wilkinson; Coll. of Customs, &c., Geo, Moffat; Collector of Dues, T. C. Blackburn ; Pilot Master, W. T. Ashby; Yard Master, W. P. Dent, N.E. Rly.; Lloyd's Agents, Whitfield & Co,

BODDAM, Aberdeenshire. Lat. 57° 28′ N; long, 1° 18′ W. Auth. Owner, Archibald Hay Tennant, by Act 8 and 9 Vict., c. 25, and a Harbour Order of 1878. THW. f. and c. oh 44m. W. The most dangerous is the E. Harb. has an area of 9,600 sq. yds. D. is about 9ft HWN., and 11ft at HWST. The port is used by fishing and coasting vessels up to 150 tons reg. Ry. terminus, G.N. (S.). Charges. For all vessels loading or unloading 4d per ton reg.; windbound or sheltering 2d per ton reg. Pilotage. 1/ per ft. Official. Harb. Master, James Stephen.

BOGNOR, Sussex. Lat. 50° 47' N; long. o° 40′ W. Auth. Bognor Pier Co. THW. f. and c. 11h 48m. There is no harb. or port for goods, but boats land passengers at the pier. Official. Pier Master, C. Flude.

BONAR BRIDGE, Port of Inverness, Tain Firth. D. 1oft HWS, and 6ft HWNT.

BO'NESS, Linlithgow. On the Firth of Forth.

Lat. 56°

2' N; long. 3° 36′ W. Pop. 9,500. Auth. N.B. Ry. Co. Tr. I. Timber, esparto grass, iron ore, grain, wood pulp, sulphur ore, china clay, and phosphates; E. Coals, pig-iron, fire-bricks, chemical manures, and general goods, THW. f. and c. 2h 10m. D. on bar 4ft at LWOST.

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The port is not exposed to gales such as endanger vessels entering or leaving harb. Ry. N.B. L.V. s.s. Westgate, carrying 4,000 tons in and out, and drawing 21ft. Acen. The total area of dock and harb. is 13 acres. The total extent of quayage is 4,300ft. Depth in tidal harb., 5ft LWOST. The above area includes a wet dock of 7 acres and 2,400ft of quayage. Depth on sill, 22ft HWOST. W. of E. 48ft at coping, and 4ft from bottom of sill, which is round, 40ft 6in. There are 15 portable hydraulic cranes, and 3 coal hoists, storage sheds, hydraulic machinery, &c. Charges. Harb. dues, coastwise 2d reg. ton, foreign 3d reg. ton.Rates on goods Id to 4d. Dock light dues 1/ per 100 reg. ton. Trimming coal, id to 3d, self trimming to 3 decked; levelling, 5/ to 30/, according to tonnage of vessel; extra stowing and wheeling, as per agreement. Pilotage. NC. According to tonnage, inward and outward, 8/6 for vessels under 100 tons reg., £I 15s.. for vessels of 1,000 tons and upwards, vessels light or in ballast one-third less. Towage. Inwards per reg. ton id, from below buoy 2d.; outward per reg. ton id, min. 7/6. Attending in or out, under 1,000 tons reg. £2 Ios; two tugs £4; over 1,000 tons reg. one tug £3, two tugs £5. Officials. Harb. Master, Thomas Cairns; Coll. of Harb. Dues, Robt. Aitken; Customs Officer, C. Bosman ; Traffic Agent, R. W. Duff.

BOSCASTLE, Cornwall.

Lat. 50° 30′ N; long. 4° 48′ W. Auth. Owners, Exrs. of Henry Pige Leschallas. Tr. I. and E. Coals, manure, bricks, timber, &c. THW. f. and c. 41 58m. W. prev. NW. and W. D. HWST. at quay r8ft; LWNT. 8ft Gin. A small port used by vessels of 100 to 150 tons. Charges. Harb. dues according to cargo. Pilotage. In and out 2/ for every 10 tons, and 2/ for warping in, out, 4/. Officials. Harb. Master, Richard Couch; Lloyd's Agent, H. Bowering.

BOSCOMBE, Hants. Adjacent to Bournemouth. A Promenade and Steamboat Fier, belonging to the Corporation of Bournemouth.

BOSHAM QUAY, Sussex. Lat. 50° 50′ N; long. o° 52′ W. Auth. Lord Gifford, V.C. Tr. Grain, timber, and coals. THW. f. and c. 11h. 48m. Vessels of 300 tons can enter at HW. Bosham Quay, in Chichester Harbour, gft at NT., 13 to 14ft OST., and 11ft at ST. Dell Quay in Chichester Harbour, 10 to 11ft ST. Charges. Bosham Quay, boomage 1/ per vessel; coals and shingle, 3d per ton; grain, id qr; dues on ship, id per ton per week. Dell Quay, groundage, 4d per voyage; meterage, 3d per ton, paid by ship. Pilotage. C. From sea, 3/ to Bosham Deep or Itchenor; from Bosham Deep, 100 tons, 3/6; 150 tons, 5/ Dell Quay, the same from Itchenor and Emsworth Channel; from sea to Whithor, 3/ per ft; from Whithor, 3/6 to 7/6, according to size of ship. Officials. Quay Master, W. Trogbrook; at Dell Quay, J. Eures.

BOSTON, Lincolnshire. On the Witham, near the sea. Lat. 52° 57′ N; long. 0° 3′ W. Pop. 18,870. Auth. Boston Harbour Trust. Tr. I. Timber, deals, pit

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props, granite, ore, iron, linseed, cotton seed, cake, grain, and sugar and general goods; E. Corn. coal, machinery, agricultural implements, manufactures and produce. THW. 6h 30m; Mean Sp. rise 22ft. D. Wainfleet Swatchway, south-west of bar, 1oft LWOST; "Parlour," south of bar, 12ft LWOST.* Vessels entering the port by either channel are not liable to the Bar Flat Light Dues of d per reg. ton. Vessels can also enter the port via Lynn Well and Freeman's Channel into Boston Deeps when they become liable to pay those dues. D. in roadstead, 26ft at LW. of ST. Roadstead (Clayhole) well sheltered and has good anchorage. The LV. can now proceed up the river to the dock and discharge cargoes, and in many cases exceed 2,000 tons net reg.; the LV. which has entered the dock is 211⁄2ft dft. Accn. Dock area 7 acres. D. on sill 18ft NT., 25ft ST., lock 300ft by 50ft, length of quayage space 2,330ft large fish landing stage and bonded warehouses for tobacco, wine, and spirits. The dock is lighted by electricity and is provided with hydraulic cranes up to 15 tons, and two coal-hoists, both can tip into one vessel. Sheds on the quays for the storage of goods, and there are large grain warehouses, provided with elevating machinery, capable of holding 50,000 qrs of grain. There is a gridiron for vessels up to 300 tons reg. and patent slipway, length 61oft; width, 40ft on floor; cradle, 200ft. Thompson's Patent Slipway is 200ft long, 32ft wide. Mean H. of T. ST. 22ft; N. 15ft 4in. In addition to dock accom. there is sufficient quay space in the harbour for a number of vessels. Steamers to Hamburg, Hull, Grangemouth and London. Ry. G.N. Charges. Harb. dues, 6d per reg. ton, but if entering dock 3d ton. Pilot trust id per reg. ton. Dock dues, coasting 3d, from ports Scaw to Ushant 4d, from North Cape to Scaw, Ushant to Gibraltar, and from Baltic 7d, from other European or American east coasts Iod, other ports 1/; all per reg. ton to or from. Pilotage. C. District. High Hörn or the Tofts to Boston. Rates. From High Horn or Boston Toft to Boston Town or vice versâ, or any intermediate distance, under roft, 1/6; 101 to 12ft, 1/9; 12 to 14ft, 2/; 14 to 16ft, 2/6 ; over 16ft, 3/. Towage. Boston to Roadstead and vice versâ—Sailing vessels from all Southern Ports, 6d per ton reg. Steamers, 2d. Sailing vessels from Baltic and Northern Ports, under 100 tons 6d, over 100 tons 41d per reg. ton. Steamers id. Light vessels 3d. per reg. ton. Vessels attended to more than one tide between Elbow Buoy and Boston 10/ per tide extra. Min. charge for attendance on steamers 50/. Towing beyond the limits of Elbow Buoy by arrangement. Officials. Clerk and Solicitor to Harb. and Dock Commrs., B. B. Dyer; Dock Man. A. B. Anderson; Harb. and Dock Master, H. Mountain ; Engineer, G. E. Clarke, M.I.C.E.; Clerk to Pilot Commissioners, C. Lucas; Lloyd's Agent, A. H. Read; Supt. of Customs, C. A. Bozman; Shipbrokers, Sutcliffe & Co. BOURNEMOUTH, Hants. A fashionable health The Promenade and Steamboat Pier

belongs to the Corporation.

* During the War Freeman's Channel only must be used.


BOWLING, River Clyde. Auth. (1) The Caledonian Ry. Co., who own E. portion of harb., at entrance to Forth and Clyde Canal; quay space of 750ft; four electric cranes, each capable of lifting 3 tons; timber wharf 460ft in length. D. of En. at HWST. 25ft; lowest NT. 15ft 3in. Inner Basin, suitable for vessels not exceeding 85ft long, 20ft broad, and 1oft deep. Sea-going vessels not exceeding 681ft x 19 ft and drawing 8ft 6in can pass through the canal to Port Dundas, Glasgow, and all the ports on the East Coast. (2) The Clyde authorities own the W. portion of the harb. and use it for laying up vessels. (3) N.B. Ry. own Friskey Wharf. Two slipways at Scott & Sons' yard. Charges. 2d per ton reg. Officials. Gen. Man., Cal. Ry., Glasgow, Donald A. Matheson, N.Inst.C.E.; Supt. of Harbour and Docks, Cal. Ry., Grangemouth, J. Newlands; Harb. Master, Wm. Brown; Coll. of Harb. and Canal Dues, Jas. Allison; Principal Cust. Officer, Wm. Garthwaite.

BOWMORE, Argyllshire. Lat. 55° 48′ N; long. 6° 18′ W. Auth. Owner, C. Morrison, of Islay, under Islay Piers Order, 1904. THW. f. and c. 5h 28m. Small harb. dry at LW. used by coasters up to 50 tons, Vessels discharge into boats. Good anchorage in about five fms. Charges. Dues, 1d per ton. Officials. John Laughton, factor, Eallabus, Islay; Lloyd's Agent, M. McMillan.

BRADING, Isle of Wight.-See St. Helen's.

BRADWELL-ON-SEA, Essex. A sub-port of Colchester. Tr. I. Coal; E. hay, straw. THW. at f. and c. 12h om. D. HWST. 13ft; HWNT. 9ft; LWST. 3ft. Accn. Three wharves. Charges. 1d reg. ton on vessels. Id per gr. on corn, 6d per load on hay and straw, 6d per ton on all other goods. Pilotage. NC. 1/ per ft. Official. Harb. Master, C. W. Parker.


BRANCASTER, Norfolk. Lat. 52° 57′ 30′′ N ; long. o° 47′ E. Auth. Owner, Elijah Sutherland. THW. f. and c. 6h 17m. W. prev. N.E., N. and NW. A small harb. 2 miles from Burnham, dry at LW.

BRANDON, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Lat. 52° 15′ N; long. 10° 15′ W. Auth. County Council of Kerry. THW. f. and c. 4h 23m. A small pier will slum wall in Brandon Bay, between Brandon Head and Tralee Bay. Official. Singleton Goodwin, M.I.C.E., Co. Surveyor, Tralee. BRAUNTON, Devonshire. Lat. 51° 12′ N; long. 4° 12. 30" W. Auth. Owner, Sir W. R. Williams, Bart. THW. f. and c. 6h 43m. Used by colliers of 60 to 90 tons. D. 3ft LW. and 1oft HW. Charges. 1/ keelage and 4d mooring. Officials. Harb. Master, John Abbott, Manor Office, Wrafton, Barnstaple.

BRAY, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Lat. 53° 12′ N; long. 53° 10′ W. Auth. Bray Urban District Council. Tr. I. Coal, bricks, slates, tiles, iron, lead ore, &c.; E. Native timber, gravel, &c. THW. f. and c. 11h 28m. Accn. A commodious harbour. D. South Pier end, HWOT. 19ft, LW. 8ft; North Pier end, HW. 14ft, LW. 4ft. Berths:

ST. 12ít, NT. 10ft. One 3 ton loco. steam crane; 3 tons at 18ft radius, 2 tons at 23ft radius. W. of E. goft. Pilotage. NC. Boats meet vessels in bay. Charges. Loading and unloading, 3d and 4d per ton. Steamers discharging coal / per ton. I Officials. Harbour Master, Thos. Scraggs.


BRHYER.-See Scilly.

BRIDGENESS, Linlithgow, Scotland. Lat. 56° 2′′ N. long. 3° 36′ W. Auth. Auth. Owner,.H. M; Cadell, Grange, Bo'ness. THW. f. and c. 3h 3m. Accn. A tidal harb. chiefly used by vessels exporting coal from adjoining collieries-small import trade in pitwood, clay, 5 loading berths. D. Sp. 15 to 19ft; N. 10 to 13ft. Charges. Harb. dues, vessels loading coals and minerals, &c., id per ton on the quantity shipped; steamers, 1 per ton. Vessels discharging wood, lime, &c., &c., 3d per reg. ton. Vessels beaching within the harb. to clear or repair, 2d per reg. ton. Vessels beaching within the harb., if they remain beyond 4 days, d per ton additional. Stowage of coals, vessels under 150 tons, 2d per ton shipped; vessels above 150 tons, 3d per ton shipped. Light dues, 6d for each 50 tons reg. or part thereof. Ballast. Taken from the ship's side, free. Crane dues, ballast, 6d ton discharging. Pilotage. By agreement. Official. Harb. Master, A. Bell.

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BRIDGWATER, Somerset. An inland port on the river Parret. Lat. 51° 7'N; long. 3° W.

Pop. 15,000. Auth. The Corporation. Tr. I. Wines, hemp, tallow, timber, coals, &c.; E. Chiefly brick-yard goods, bath brick, and agricultural produce. THW. on bar f. and c. 6h 50m; Sp. rise 17ft. D. on bar, springs 35ft, neaps 18ft; in floating dock, 15ft to 16ft; in harb. or tidal basin, springs 15ft, neaps 6ft. W. prev. WNW. Rys. G.W., L. & S.W., and M. LV. entered the dock 440 reg. ton. Acen. Bridgwater Dock is 700ft by 200ft; basin, 180ft by 100ft; quayage, about 1,100ft on the Parret; 11ft deep on sill OHW. H. of T., ST. 15ft; NT. 4ft. Great Western Dry Docks (owned by G.W.. Ry. Co.), 108ft. long, 24ft broad, and 8ft D. on sill. Gridiron for repairs 160ft long, ST. 8ft. Charges. Harb. dues coastwise, 1d per ton; foreign 3d per ton. Moorage, vessels under 100 tons, 1/; 100 tons and over, 2/6. Dock, dues, three classes, vary from id to 8d ton. Stolford, Pawlett, Highbridge, Burnham, Dunball and Coombwich are all under the Bridgwater Corporation. Pilotage. C. only from foreign parts. District. Parts of the Bristol Channel and adjacent rivers and creeks, on the south-east side of, and within an imagniary straight line drawn from Anchor Head, on the east to Watchet. Rates. From the extreme limits of the navigation, or from any point between such limits and the outer buoy of the Gore Sand, to the town or to any point between the Blackrock and the town, or vice versa. Sailing vessels not ex. 60 tons reg. 12/ vessel; and not ex. 80 tons 1/3 per foot; ex. So and not ex. 100 tons 2/; ex. 100 and not ex. 125 tons 3/ ; ex. 125 and not ex. 150 tons 4/; ex. 150 and not ex. 200 tons 5/; ex. 200 and not ex. 250 tons 6/6; ex. 250


ex. 60


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