BOMBAY PORT TRUST DOCKS DRY DOCKS HUGHES DRY DOCK. Length 1,000 feet; width of entrance 100 feet. Depth of water on Block at entrance H.W.O.S.T., 35 feet 3 inches. The inner portion of the Hughes Dry Dock is available for vessels requiring extensive repairs. Its length can be regulated by a caisson at 560.6 feet, 485.6 feet or 410.6 feet. The Dry Dock is entered from the Alexandra Dock. MEREWETHER DRY DOCK. Extreme length available, 557 feet 10 inches; width of Entrance, 65 feet 6 inches; depth of water on Block at entrance H.W.O.S.T., 26 feet 2 inches. The Dry Dock is entered from the Prince's and Victoria Docks. RATES. The charge for the first 24 hours will be according to a scale which varies with every 50 tons, the tonnage being the gross registered tonnage of the vessel, or when more than one are docked at the same time, the aggregate gross tonnage of the vessels. The minimum charge for a vessel is Rs. 400. For a vessel of 3,000 tons the charge is ... For every succeeding 6 hours or part thereof, RS. A. 937 8 1,037 8 ... ... 1,137 8 up to 8 days For every succeeding 6 hours or part thereof, For docking or undocking on a Sunday or other general holiday an extra charge will be made. The above charges include all expenses in connection with docking from the time the vessel reaches the Dry Dock entrance; all pumping, shoring and undocking, also the use of blocks, shores, stages, stage ropes and poles. No commission or fee is levied on stores or materials brought into the Dock for cleaning, painting or repairing vessels. The Trustees do not undertake the work of cleaning, painting and repairing vessels themselves. but they issue licences to approved persons to carry on such work in the Dock, and the large Engineering firms in Bombay are competent to execute almost any repairs that may be required to hull and machinery. J. A. CHERRY, MANAGER. 1 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY COMPANY. GRANGEMOUTH HARBOUR & DOCKS. SITUATION. - On the South Shore of the Firth of Forth, 25 miles North-East of Glasgow, 26 miles West of Edinburgh. Average distance from Lanarkshire Coalfield, 30 miles; from Stirlingshire Coalfield, 8 miles; from Light Castings District, 4 miles; from Steelmaking and Iron Manufacturing Districts 20 miles; and from Fire Clay Manufacturing District, 12 miles. APPROACH. - Well lighted, buoyed and protected, ensuring safe and easy navigation. Good Anchorage within a short distance of entrance to Docks. AREA.-Docks, 58 acres; Basin, 10 acres; Timber Ponds, 45 acres. Total water area 160 acres. MACHINERY and APPLIANCES. -The Docks are equipped with the most modern appliances, including Hydraulic Coal Hoists, Hydraulic Cranes and Hydraulic Capstans. The Hydraulic Hoists have a lift of 45 and 50 ft., and are capable of shipping 50 wagons each per hour. They are so arranged that two or three Hoists can work into one ship simultaneously. The lifting capacity of the Hoists is 32 tons each, and of the Cranes 2 to 5 tons each. There is also a 12-ton Hydraulic Crane and a 20-ton Steam Crane, The Docks, Storage Ground, Sidings, &c., are lighted throughout by electricity. WAREHOUSES and TRANSIT SHEDS.-Commodious Shed Accommodation has been provided, with Crane and Rail facilities, which will be extended as required. WHARF SPACE and STORAGE GROUND. -Large provision, with Rail connections to all parts, has been made for the Storing of Timber, Deals, Iron Ore, Oil and other Merchandise not requiring cover, also Ponds for storing Timber afloat. No such extent of accommodation exists at any other Port in Scotland. LAND FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Within the Dock property and immediately adjoining it land is available and can be got on reasonable terms for Engineering Works, Saw Mills, Oil Storage Tanks, Creosoting and other Works, &c., in connection with the Shipping and Trade of the Port. RAILWAY and CANAL CONNECTIONS.-The Dock Rails (of which there are many miles) are connected with the System of the Caledonian Railway Company, thus ensuring direct communication from the Ship's side, Warehouses, Storage Ground, Timber Ponds, &c., to all parts of the United Kingdom. The Forth and Clyde Canal extends from the Docks to Glasgow, the River Clyde and the heart of Lanarkshire, and affords cheap transit between the Docks and the Manufacturing Districts along its routes. DEPTH OF WATER.--At High Water Ordinary Spring Tides, there is a depth of 26 ft. over the caisson at entrance to Grange Dock, and 30 ft. of water on the sill of the Sea Lock, which gives access to all the Docks. The Lock leads directly to the Firth of Forth; there is no river to navigate; Ships get from the Docks at once into deep water. PILOTAGE. -The Caledonian Company are the Pilotage Authority within Harbour Limits. Pilotage non-compulsory. DOCK and OTHER CHARGES. -On vessels to or from places in Great Britain and Ireland, 2d. per reg. ton; to or from other places, 3d. per reg. ton. Vessels entering the Docks to load Bunker Coal only, whether Foreign or coastwise, 2d. per register ton. Harbour Lights: For each 50 tons register, 6d. On Goods: Coal, Pig Iron, Iron Ore, Id. per ton; Timber, 4d. per ton; Pit Props, 2 d. per ton: Wood Pulp, 3d. per ton; General Merchandise, 4d. per ton. Hoist Dues: 2d. per ton. Crane Dues: Under 30 cwt., per lift, 2d. per ton. Trimming Charges: Coal, Gum or Duff, Fire-clay, Mill Scale and Slag, Id. to 3d. per ton; Coke, Gas Cinders, Pitch and Manure, in Bulk, all vessels, 3d. per ton; Bunkers (ordinary), 6d. per ton; (self-trimming), 3d. per ton; Cargo or Bunker Coal may be weighed at the hoists, for which the charge is d. per ton, inclusive of the taring of empty wagons. Water: For Ships' use, 8d. per 100 gallons; for Ships' boilers, 4d. per 100 gallons; minimum charge, Is. 8d. Full information on all matters relating to the Docks can be obtained from Mr. JOHN NEWLANDS, Canals and Docks Superintendent, Grangemouth. DONALD A. MATHESON 302 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. January, 1917 General Manager. NORTH SIDE OF THE FIRTH OF FORTH. Owned and Worked by The North British Railway Company. THE PORT OF METHIL. The most important Coaling Port on the East of Scotland. The nearest Port to the rich Coalfields in Fifeshire. Equipped with the most improved Hoists for the rapid and economical Shipment of Coal. Unrivalled facilities for dealing with General Cargoes. The Docks have Direct Rail Connection with the North British Railway, and are in communication with all parts of Scotland and England. For full particulars apply to MR. WM. ANDREW, Chief Goods Manager, N.B. Rly., Glasgow, or to MR. J. STRACHAN, District Traffic Superintendent, N.B. Rly., Burntisland. Edinburgh. W. F. JACKSON, General Manager. Tandjong Priok, Batavia, Weltevreden, Macassar, Calcutta. Shipbrokers & Forwarding Agents AGENTS FOR STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, " NEDERLAND." Fortnightly Mail and Intermediate Cargo Line between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Sahang, Colombo, Suez, Genoa, and French Ports. JAVA-CHINA-JAPAN LINE. Regular passenger service between Java and China and Japan. JAVA-BENGAL LINE. Regular cargo line between Calcutta, Rangoon and Java. HANSA LINE. JAVA-PACIFIC LINE. Between Java, San Francisco and Puget Sound Ports. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (JAPAN MAIL S.S. CO.). Coaling Agents at Emniahaven, where OMBILIEN COALS can be supplied at Government's Selling Price. |