Steam and Sailing Ship Agents and Consignees. FORWARDING DEPT.: Custom House Brokers.-Delivery of maritime documents against acceptances or collections. INSURANCE DEPT.: Fire and Marine Insurance Companies' Agents and General Agents for "Minerva" Insurance Co., Rio COMMERCIAL DEPT. Representations. - Consignations.- Commissions. Agents for PIRELLI & Co., Milano & London. TRINIDAD, B.W.I. EDGAR TRIPP & CO., VICTORIA, Β.C. R. P. RITHET & Co. Ltd., Cable Address: "RITHET." Scott's (roth Edition). WELLINGTON. "THE SHIPPING WORLD" Weekly. Illustrated. Price 6d. Annual Subscription. Post Free, 288. abr ad Can be ordered through any Bookseller or Newsagent. See page xlix WELLINGTON. THE NEW ZEALAND EXPRESS CO., LTD. (ESTABLISHED 1867.) Shipping, Forwarding, and Offices at Wellington, Auckland, BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, LONDO Head Office at Dunedin. THOMAS F. WOOD, Inc. (Successors to Maffitt & Wood). Chandlery, Ship Stores, Hardware and Groceries. Fitting Out and Supplying Vessels a Specialty. GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Maffitt Marine Wireless Building. 102 NORTH WATER ST, and 1-3-5 PRINCESS ST. WILMINGTON, N.C. Cable Address, "WOOD," Wilmington, Carolina N.B.-Applications for space in the Marine Directory Walker's Ship-Logs. Used by the leading Navies and Shipping Companies "Cherub" II Ship-Log. The wheelwork can be oiled while the Log is at work. Also makers of the "TRIDENT" Electric and Non-Electric Ship-Logs for high speeds; the "ROCKET"; "EXCELSIOR YACHT for Motor-Boats; "HARPOON" and "ANCHOR" Ship-Logs, and the "HARPOON" SOUNDING MACHINE. Walker's Ship-Logs are known Sold by all Marine Opticians and Ship-Chandlers. |