Lyricality in English LiteratureUniversity of Nebraska Press, 1985 - 276 sivua |
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Sivu 5
... poets are the last legislators in the world as well . Webbe takes so seriously the notion that the function of poetry is to civilize the beasts that he seems to value poetry in direct proportion to its sententiousness , to the amount of ...
... poets are the last legislators in the world as well . Webbe takes so seriously the notion that the function of poetry is to civilize the beasts that he seems to value poetry in direct proportion to its sententiousness , to the amount of ...
Sivu 14
... poet's own thoughts and sentiments . ( On Poetry and Poets , p . 105 ) Eliot then makes the usual refutation , pointing out that " Come unto these yellow sands " ( Ariel's song , The Tempest 1.2 ) and " Hark ! hark ! the lark " can ...
... poet's own thoughts and sentiments . ( On Poetry and Poets , p . 105 ) Eliot then makes the usual refutation , pointing out that " Come unto these yellow sands " ( Ariel's song , The Tempest 1.2 ) and " Hark ! hark ! the lark " can ...
Sivu 70
... poetry ; indeed , Gray seems to conceive modern poetry as more psychological , sympathetic , conducive to the community of suffering mankind than the poetry that delighted Jove and Venus . Gray's idea of poetry is almost exactly that of ...
... poetry ; indeed , Gray seems to conceive modern poetry as more psychological , sympathetic , conducive to the community of suffering mankind than the poetry that delighted Jove and Venus . Gray's idea of poetry is almost exactly that of ...
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Adonis aesthetic refuge Amergin Ariel attempt Auden bard beauty becomes Ben Jonson Caliban Canto character Circe's cloud Coleridge Coleridge's D. H. Lawrence dead poet death domain Donne Donne's Druid earth elegist elegy emotion English epitaph essay Ezra Pound Faerie Queene feeling flowers Garden genius genre grow heaven Hollow Men human imagination Jonson Keats kind King language Limbo lines Lippo Little Gidding living Lycidas lyric mode lyric poem lyrical society magic metamorphosis metaphor Milton's mind muse nature nonlyrical numbers object Palace of Art passage poet poet's poetical poetry Pope Pound Prose Proteus rhythm satire says seems sense sensibility Shakespeare shape Shelley Shelley's sing Skylark song sort soul speech Spenser spirit stanza statue sublime suggests T. S. Eliot theme things thou tion turn unlyrical verbal vision voice W. B. Yeats whole words Wordsworth Yeats Yeats's