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the body, adjusting the hair of her head and her clothes. A considerable quantity of wood was now put over the two bodies, when a tremendous shout of applause rent the air, with a clapping of hands, and other tokens of satisfaction. About a quarter of an hour was now spent in making the requisite preparations, when torches were applied to different parts of the pile. No sooner did the flame arise, than the unfortunate victim, unable to endure the suffocation and pain, struggled vigorously to extricate herself from the pile, and as the flames waxed more fierce, her exertions became still more violent; till, at last, with a tremendous spring, she landed on her feet, about ten paces from the pile, and entreated the bystanders to save her from what she felt was too great a trial. The brahmins, however, insisted on her re-mounting the pile, and undergoing what was her own choice. She refused, and was instantly cut down with a sword, and thrown upon the flaming pile. It so happened, that several Mussulmen were present, who, abhorring the inhuman acts of the brahmins, commenced upbraiding them: words and abuse ensued, till the Moslems, enraged, drew their swords, cut down one, and wounded several. The multitude of spectators soon dispersed; and thus was finished a ceremony at which every feeling mind must revolt with disgust."

Mary. That is, indeed, a most terrible

account; and so they killed the poor woman because she would not be burned to death.

Mr. F. They did. But now let us apply this to your undertaking of learning to act. What a kind act it would have been, had any one taught that poor Hindoo woman to believe that deeds of love to those around her, done out of love for the Saviour, would be more acceptable to God, than burning herself alive.

M. Yes, that would have been kind!

Mr. F. And would not you have done that kind act, had it been in your power?

M. That I would, papa; I would have walked ten miles to have persuaded her not to be burned. But we can do nothing in such cases, they are so far off.

Mr. F. There you are wrong, Mary; for Christian love has a long arm, that reaches the uttermost parts of the earth. You, children, cannot cross the wide ocean; but you may give your pence to the missionary who goes forth to instruct the heathen; and thus you may speak louder and more persuasively to the poor Hindoo, than if you could talk to them in their own abode.

M. Well, this is teaching us, indeed, to act! This is showing us how we may do acts of love to the whole world. I shall not forget that "Christian love has a long arm.'


Mr. F. It will be well to remember it, for

this may lead you to do what otherwise you would not think of performing. As I said before, acts of love and affection generally take place between relatives, and those dear to each other; but still, Christian love should lead us on to do kind acts to all, whenever and wherever we have the opportunity.

A kindly heart would joy impart

To all that joyless be;

And love has an arm both long and strong,

That reaches o'er the sea.




"WE shall have no spider's thread to prevent us from going in here, as we had the last time but one when we met to learn to act," said Thomas, as he passed the doorway into his papa's study, where the children had been summoned by Mr. Franklin. "And if we

do find one," said his sister Mary, "after what papa said at that meeting, we shall soon sweep it away." There was, however, no obstruction to the free entrance of the young party; and Mr. Franklin being seated, proceeded at once in his remarks.

"You have not forgotten," said he, "what I related to you of the friendship of Damon and Pythias. In common friendships there is only common-place attachment, and thus almost every one has his friends. When a man gives an entertainment, and invites a score of his acquaintance, he calls them his friends; but among them all he must not expect to find a Damon or a Pythias.

Edward. I should like a friend who would go through fire and water for me.

Mr. Franklin. No doubt you would.


Mary. And I should like one that would always behave kindly to me, and never forsake me, happen what would.

Peter. Robert Martin is my friend; for he let me have a ride on his pony.


Thomas. And William Lamb is mine; for he taught me how to spin my peg-top overhand; and made me a boat; and climbed up a tree to set my kite at liberty, when the tail was tangled in the boughs.

Mr. F. True friendship, though much talked, of, is seldom found. I will tell you what a certain author likens friendship to. E. Do, papa! What is it?

Mr. F. You shall have his very words:

"What shall I liken friendship to?

It puzzles me I trow
To find a simile-but stop!
Methinks I have it now.

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