Laws of the State of New York, Nide 21930 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 86
Sivu 2178
... highways , bridges maintenance and repair sheriff and his subordinates , maintenance . tax sales , publication of ... highways , routes , § 122 , subd . 1 .. bridges not on improved or county highways , posting , weight of animals ...
... highways , bridges maintenance and repair sheriff and his subordinates , maintenance . tax sales , publication of ... highways , routes , § 122 , subd . 1 .. bridges not on improved or county highways , posting , weight of animals ...
Sivu 2179
... highways , 122 , subd . 46 county highways , § 122 , subd . 46 snow removal from state and county highways , § 53c added . state aid roads and highways , construction by counties , §§ 320b , subds . 1 , 2 , 4 , 5-11 ; § 320b , subd ...
... highways , 122 , subd . 46 county highways , § 122 , subd . 46 snow removal from state and county highways , § 53c added . state aid roads and highways , construction by counties , §§ 320b , subds . 1 , 2 , 4 , 5-11 ; § 320b , subd ...
Sivu 2180
... highways , highway law , § 160b added state aid roads and highways , construction by counties , highway law , § 320b , subds . 1 , 2 , 4 , 5-11 amended ; § 320b , subd . 12 repealed , subd . 12 added ; subds . 13-15 amended state aid to ...
... highways , highway law , § 160b added state aid roads and highways , construction by counties , highway law , § 320b , subds . 1 , 2 , 4 , 5-11 amended ; § 320b , subd . 12 repealed , subd . 12 added ; subds . 13-15 amended state aid to ...
VOLUME II | 1187 |
The sum of two thousand dollars 2000 or so much | 1207 |
thereof as may be needed is hereby appropriated from any money | 1259 |
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act shall take ACT to amend action added amended by chapter amended to read amount approval April 25 assessment Became a law board of supervisors bonds centum certificate claim clerk commissioner compensation CONSOLIDATED LAWS constituting chapter construction contract corporation County highways county treasurer deposit district election employees enact as follows entitled An act Estate tax filed Governor Grade crossing hereby amended hundred twenty-seven judgment lands law April LAW Continued laws of nineteen lien ment moneys Motor vehicles nineteen hundred twenty-nine open season payment person pocket billiard powers and duties private banker read as follows Real estate brokers real property renumbered repealed represented in Senate retirement system salaries section one hundred Section SUBJECT Chap Senate and Assembly sewer subd subdivision substituted for words superintendent take effect immediately thereof thousand dollars three-fifths being present tion town trustees village Westchester county York