The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To which is Prefixed the Life of the AuthorCrissy & Markley, 1853 - 484 sivua |
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Sivu xi
... fame , Or urged by wrongs , to Troy's destruction came ! To count them all , demands a thousand tongues , A throat of brass and adamantine lungs . Now , Virgin Goddesses , immortal Nine ! That round Olympus ' heavenly summit shine , Who ...
... fame , Or urged by wrongs , to Troy's destruction came ! To count them all , demands a thousand tongues , A throat of brass and adamantine lungs . Now , Virgin Goddesses , immortal Nine ! That round Olympus ' heavenly summit shine , Who ...
Sivu xviii
... fame , were by him printed and Oxford's , and that the copy thence stolen was sen * sold . This volume containing some Letters from to the press . The story was doubtless received noblemen , Pope incited a prosecution against him with ...
... fame , were by him printed and Oxford's , and that the copy thence stolen was sen * sold . This volume containing some Letters from to the press . The story was doubtless received noblemen , Pope incited a prosecution against him with ...
Sivu xxviii
... fame , when he speaks of riches kind sometimes with gay indifference , as on emmets and poverty , of success and disappointment , with of a hillock , below his serious attention ; and some - negligent indifference , he certainly does ...
... fame , when he speaks of riches kind sometimes with gay indifference , as on emmets and poverty , of success and disappointment , with of a hillock , below his serious attention ; and some - negligent indifference , he certainly does ...
Sivu 43
... fame or pleasure as each affords the other . spent too much of their time to apply to any profes- sion which might better fit their talents , and till such talents as they have are so far discredited as to be of but small service to ...
... fame or pleasure as each affords the other . spent too much of their time to apply to any profes- sion which might better fit their talents , and till such talents as they have are so far discredited as to be of but small service to ...
Sivu 61
... fame ( our second life ) is lost , And bare threescore is all e'en that can boast ; Our sons their fathers ' failing language see , And such as Chaucer is , shall Dryden be . So when the faithful pencil has design'd Some bright idea of ...
... fame ( our second life ) is lost , And bare threescore is all e'en that can boast ; Our sons their fathers ' failing language see , And such as Chaucer is , shall Dryden be . So when the faithful pencil has design'd Some bright idea of ...
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Achilles Ajax Alcinous Antilochus arms Asius Atrides behold beneath bless'd blood bold brave breast breath chariot charms chief coursers cries crown'd dart dead death descends Diomed divine dreadful Dunciad E'en eyes fair falchion fall fame fate fear feast field fierce fight fire fix'd flames flies fury glory goddess gods grace Grecian Greece Greeks hand haste hear heart heaven Hector hero honours Idomeneus Iliad Ilion immortal javelin Jove king labours live lord Lycian maid Menelaus mighty mind monarch mortal night numbers nymph o'er Pallas Patroclus Peleus plain poem poet Pope praise press'd Priam pride prince proud Pylian queen race rage rise round sacred shade shining shore sire skies slain soul spear spoke steeds stood Swift tears Telemachus thee thine thou throne thunder toils trembling Trojan Troy Tydeus Ulysses verse walls warrior woes wound wretched youth