The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To which is Prefixed the Life of the AuthorCrissy & Markley, 1853 - 484 sivua |
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Sivu x
... Goddess , what offended Power Enflamed their rage , in that ill - omen'd hour ; anger fatal , hapless Phœbus himself ... Goddess , sing , That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain ...
... Goddess , what offended Power Enflamed their rage , in that ill - omen'd hour ; anger fatal , hapless Phœbus himself ... Goddess , sing , That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reign The souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain ...
Sivu xi
... Goddesses ! immortal nine ! Since Earth's wide regions , Heaven's unmeasured height , And Hell's abyss , hide ... Goddess with her breath the flame supplies , Bright as the star whose fires in Autumn rise ; Her breath divine thick ...
... Goddesses ! immortal nine ! Since Earth's wide regions , Heaven's unmeasured height , And Hell's abyss , hide ... Goddess with her breath the flame supplies , Bright as the star whose fires in Autumn rise ; Her breath divine thick ...
Sivu 50
... goddess , and our grief no more ! LYCIDAS . How all things listen , while thy muse complains ! Such silence waits on Philomela's strains , In some still evening , when the whispering breeze Pants on the leaves , and dies upon the trees ...
... goddess , and our grief no more ! LYCIDAS . How all things listen , while thy muse complains ! Such silence waits on Philomela's strains , In some still evening , when the whispering breeze Pants on the leaves , and dies upon the trees ...
Sivu 53
... goddess , and as chaste a queen ; Whose care , like hers , protects the sylvan reign , The earth's fair light , and empress of the main . Here , too , ' tis sung , of old , Diana stray'd , And Cynthus ' top forsook for Windsor shade ...
... goddess , and as chaste a queen ; Whose care , like hers , protects the sylvan reign , The earth's fair light , and empress of the main . Here , too , ' tis sung , of old , Diana stray'd , And Cynthus ' top forsook for Windsor shade ...
Sivu 63
... goddess ! could compel enough to laugh not only at their sex's little unguard- A well - bred lord to assault a gentle belle ? ed follies , but at their own . But as it was commu - O say what stranger cause , yet unexplored , nicated ...
... goddess ! could compel enough to laugh not only at their sex's little unguard- A well - bred lord to assault a gentle belle ? ed follies , but at their own . But as it was commu - O say what stranger cause , yet unexplored , nicated ...
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Achilles Ajax Alcinous Antilochus arms Asius Atrides behold beneath bless'd blood bold brave breast breath chariot charms chief coursers cries crown'd dart dead death descends Diomed divine dreadful Dunciad E'en eyes fair falchion fall fame fate fear feast field fierce fight fire fix'd flames flies fury glory goddess gods grace Grecian Greece Greeks hand haste hear heart heaven Hector hero honours Idomeneus Iliad Ilion immortal javelin Jove king labours live lord Lycian maid Menelaus mighty mind monarch mortal night numbers nymph o'er Pallas Patroclus Peleus plain poem poet Pope praise press'd Priam pride prince proud Pylian queen race rage rise round sacred shade shining shore sire skies slain soul spear spoke steeds stood Swift tears Telemachus thee thine thou throne thunder toils trembling Trojan Troy Tydeus Ulysses verse walls warrior woes wound wretched youth