The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To which is Prefixed the Life of the AuthorCrissy & Markley, 1853 - 484 sivua |
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Sivu vii
... live a day ; and as a poet , he must have felt Pope's force of genius much more from many other parts of his works . The pain that Addison might feel it is not likely His attempt was justified by its success . The that he would confess ...
... live a day ; and as a poet , he must have felt Pope's force of genius much more from many other parts of his works . The pain that Addison might feel it is not likely His attempt was justified by its success . The that he would confess ...
Sivu viii
... live without it . Addison recommended caution and moderation , and advised him not to be content with the praise of half the nation , when he might be universally favoured . It appears that about this time Pope had a strong inclination ...
... live without it . Addison recommended caution and moderation , and advised him not to be content with the praise of half the nation , when he might be universally favoured . It appears that about this time Pope had a strong inclination ...
Sivu xiv
... live more by choice , having persuaded expected from the South Sea , when the contagion his father to sell their estate at Binfield , he pur - of avarice tainted every mind , and even poets chased , I think only for his life , that ...
... live more by choice , having persuaded expected from the South Sea , when the contagion his father to sell their estate at Binfield , he pur - of avarice tainted every mind , and even poets chased , I think only for his life , that ...
Sivu xxviii
... live in two reigns when the sensible of any excellence that has not some affinity Court paid little attention to poetry , he nursed in with their own , and confines their esteem and ap- his mind a foolish disesteem of Kings , and ...
... live in two reigns when the sensible of any excellence that has not some affinity Court paid little attention to poetry , he nursed in with their own , and confines their esteem and ap- his mind a foolish disesteem of Kings , and ...
Sivu xl
... live ! for heaven's eternal year is thine , Go , and exalt thy mortal to divine . And thou , blest maid ! attendant ... lives have The third couplet is more happy ; the value ex- been spent , which leave little materials for any ...
... live ! for heaven's eternal year is thine , Go , and exalt thy mortal to divine . And thou , blest maid ! attendant ... lives have The third couplet is more happy ; the value ex- been spent , which leave little materials for any ...
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