The Atlantic Monthly, Nide 148Atlantic Monthly Company, 1931 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 76
Sivu 28
... young when confronted with the facts of life . ' In Nova Zembla , individual experience begins almost with infancy . Young children are wit- nesses of the midwife's ministrations . They watch the preparation of the dead for burial ...
... young when confronted with the facts of life . ' In Nova Zembla , individual experience begins almost with infancy . Young children are wit- nesses of the midwife's ministrations . They watch the preparation of the dead for burial ...
Sivu 74
... young toward any degree of content- ment with things as they are is often an embarrassment and a bewilderment to their parents and older friends . Any attempt to defend the world as it is , any complacent or thoughtless re- mark which ...
... young toward any degree of content- ment with things as they are is often an embarrassment and a bewilderment to their parents and older friends . Any attempt to defend the world as it is , any complacent or thoughtless re- mark which ...
Sivu 366
... young man , or a discreet elder brother plays his part . Never are the two alone . Yet they see much of each other , and if that much leads to a taste for more , the young man makes the first move in the intricate game . He asks whether ...
... young man , or a discreet elder brother plays his part . Never are the two alone . Yet they see much of each other , and if that much leads to a taste for more , the young man makes the first move in the intricate game . He asks whether ...
The Rediscovery of Jones SIMEON STRUNSKY | 9 |
PAGE | 14 |
A Vanishing Profession JACOB A FLEXNER | 16 |
Tekijänoikeudet | |
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Alayne American Anti-Saloon League asked Askhabad ATLANTIC MONTHLY BLAIR ACADEMY Boston called Catalog cent child City College Preparation College Preparatory Company cost course Dawes Plan DEAR ATLANTIC direct primary drink economic eyes face feel Fels-Naptha Finch give hand head horse human individual industry interest Jalna Junior College Lebraux living look machine Mass mate mediæval ment Miss modern Mooey mother Mother's Day Music nations never night novel OJAI VALLEY SCHOOL perhaps Pheasant Piers political prison PRIZE NOVEL Rendel Renny Russia Sails School for Girls ship SIMEON STRUNSKY social story Street things thought tion to-day told turned unemployment United wage Where-To-Go wild ass Willa Cather women words write X-rays York York City young