Sivut kuvina

to whom Mr. Howe was very ferviceable while he continued at Whitehall; and never


mentions one that does him the greatest honour, and is worthy of perpetual remembrance; which was his feasonable fervice to Dr. Seth Ward, who was afterwards bifhop of Exeter, and Sarum. The cafe was this.

"IN 1657, that gentleman, who had fucceeded "Mr. John Greaves fome time before, as Profeffor "of aftronomy in the univerfity of Oxford, stood "candidate for the Principalfhip of Jefus College in

the fame univerfity, upon the refignation of Dr. "Roberts. Dr. War had the majority of the Fel"lows for him; but Mr. Francis Howell of Exeter "College made an intereft in the Protector Crom"wel, and obtained his promife for the filling up "that vacancy. Dr. Ward not knowing that mat

ters had gone fo far, was for making an interest in "the Protector too; and in order to it applied to "Mr. Howe: who, without making great promises.


as to fuccefs, readily offered to introduce him to. "the Protector, and do him what service he was <able. Having obtained an audience, and they "three being together, Mr. Howe gave the Pro"tector a great character of Dr. Ward, with refpect "to his learning, and fignified how ill it would "found, if a man of his known merit fhould be "discountenanced; efpecially as he had the majɔ"rity of the Fellows on his fide. Cromwel replied, "that Dr. Roberts having refigned his Principalihip "into his hands, he had been informed that it was "his right to fill up the vacancy; and he had given.

his promife to Mr. Howell and could not draw "back. But immediately taking Mr. Howe afide, "and difcourfing him freely about Dr. Ward;

and he telling him that in his apprehenfion it "would be much for his honour to do fomething for the Docter, and that he would thereby inccurage men of merit and learning; he returned to "Dr. Ward, who continued waiting, and told him "that he found Mr. Howe to be much his friend,

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and, upon his report of him, was difpofed to give "him fome tokens of his regard and thereupon


was he known to be backward to affist any of the royalifts or epifcopalians in diftrefs, if they were perfons of real merit. He befriendedfeveral alfo with his advice and intereft, upon their being obliged to appear before the Triers; in order to the having: their approbation before they were allowed to officiate in public as minifters (F).


"he pleasantly asked him what he thought the Prin"cipalfhip of Jesus College might be worth? The "Doctor freely told him what was the value of it,.. "according to common computation. Upon which " he gave the Doctor a promise, that he would allow "him the fum he mentioned annually. This was at: "that time reckoned a seasonable kindness; and the "Doctor expreffed his grateful fense of it to Mr. "Howe, fome time after, when upon the change of "the times he became a greater man." p. 6, 7•. fol. & p. 18, 19, 20. oct.

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(F) AMONG the reft (fays Dr. Calamy) that ap-; "plied to him for advice upon that occafion, the ce"lebrated Dr. Thomas Fuller, who is fo well known "for his punning writings, was one. That Gentleman, "who was generally upon the merry pin, being to "take his turn before thofe Triers, of whom he had " a very formidable notion, thus accofted Mr. Howe,: "when he applied to him for advice. Sir, faid he, "you may obferve I am a pretty corpulent man, " and I am going through a paffage that is very "ftrait; I beg you would give me a fhove, and help "me through. Mr. Howe freely gave him his advice, "and he promised to follow it; and when he ap"peared before them, and they propofed to him "the ufual queftion, Whether he had ever had any "experience of a work of grace upon his heart? "he gave in this for answer, that he could appeal to "the Searcher of hearts, that he made confcience of "his very thoughts. With which answer they were, "fatisfied, as indeed they well might." p. 7. fol, edit. & p. 20, 21. oct

IN fhort fo generous was Mr. Howe in ufing his interest on the behalf of persons of any worth, who applied to him, that Crom-: wel, it is faid, once freely told him, that he had obtained many favours for others; but, fays he, I wonder when the time is to come that you will move for any thing for your felf, or your family. A plain argument that he took him for a very difinterested perfon; and as free from selfishness, as he was from partiality.

WHILST he continued in Cromwel's family, he was often put upon fecret services; but they were always honourable, and fuch. as according to the best of his judgement might be to the benefit of the public, or particular perfons, And when he was once ingaged, he ufed all the diligence, fecrecy, and dispatch he was able (G).

IN a word he behaved fo well in this ftation, that he had the ill-will of as few, as any man and also the particular friendship of the great and amiable Dr. Wilkins, who was afterwards bishop of Chester, and feve


(G) ONCE particularly (as Dr. Calamy was informed) he was fent by Oliver in hafte, upon a certain occafion to Oxford, to a meeting of minifters there; and he made fuch dispatch, that tho' he rode by St." Giles's Church at twelve a-clock, he arrived at Oxford by a quarter after five.

ral others; who were great fupports of real piety and goodness in those times, and afterwards eminent under the legal establishment. And though it is acknowledged that he he loft the favour of the Protector, in fome degree, yet that will redound to his honour rather than difgrace, when it is confidered, that it was owing to his firmnefs and integrity, in maintaining what he thought was for the honour of GOD, and the Christian religion; in oppofition to a certain kind of enthufiasm, which was become very fashionable at court: but which, notwithstanding his Highness's particular fondness for it, our Author honestly oppofed, as being of the most dangerous tendency (H).

ON September 3, 1658, Oliver died; and: was fucceeded by Richard his eldest fon, as Lord Protector. Mr. Howe stood in the fame relation to the fon, as he had done to the father; but meddled no more with state affairs. How long he continued as Chaplain at court is not certain; but, it is probable, it was not more than three months after Oliver's death. Our Author returned to his people at Torrington, and continued


(H) THE notion of a particular faith in prayer is what is here alluded to; an account of which, and of Mr. Howe's behaviour on that occafion, may be feen in Dr. Calamy's memoirs of his life, in page 7, 8. fol. edit. & pag. 21-24. oct.

his labours among them till the Restoration of Charles the fecond. This memorable event, it is well known, occafioned a general madness, as well as univerfal joy in the nation. The king being restored, made for fome time more use than was ufual of the Lords Lieutenants, and their deputies, to keep the several counties of the kingdom in awe. Many were made offenders for a word, and the most cautious preachers were accused and cenfured, if they were not intoxicated to the fame degree with their neighbours. Among the rest, Mr. Howe, tho' as cautious as most men of giving disturbance to any, yet met with fome trouble in the year 1660, a few months after the restoration; which appears to have been given him by perfons, that were defirous to do a pleasure to thofe, who then had the afcendant.

HE was informed against by two men as having delivered fomewhat that was feditious, and even treasonable, in two Sermons preached from Gal. vi. 7, 8. But Mr. Howe purged himself by no less than one and twenty witneffes, who were judicious men, and injoined upon oath, on his Majesty's behalf, to declare the truth of the matter; and they all cleared him from the

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