Sivut kuvina

cient herd, that being delivered from spiritual malady, which chain down the filly urchin with fears, dreads, remorfe, frights, with many dreadful calamities, which difmay, prevent free action and intercourfe of enjoyments, drowned and ingulphed in all fenfual and feeling pleafure. It is this infatiable and luftful guft we mutually are stretched forward to grasp, and bear away the prize. To conclude, we in body compact, your dutiful pigs and kids, in imitation of the fublime council of Athens (Areopagus) made ufe of the midnight to prefent our obedience, duty and fubmiffion, craving your acquiefcence to be Lord paramount of the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere. We farther intreat your parental indulgence to accept with clemency the title we here beg to instal you. Moft eminent Cardinal, chief, leader, head, centre, and grand LINK, that ties and couples the proteftants, the first-born kids, with us your ftye of fturdy pigs, and, fhould your Eminence think meet, for peace and good agreement betwixt your herds, kids, and pigs, to infert the few lines fet down, which your dutiful underlings have, with great humility, deigned to offer with themselves downcaft at your fublime feet,

That Spirituals may be done away,
And mutual harmony rest in clay.

Luther. That you may be freed and delivered from doubts or fcruples, that might by and by arife, touching the premifes, of appointing me

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Sire, Chief, and Head of the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere, Be it known to the Great World at large, and our northern hemifphere in particular, that your appointment, as aforefaid, proceeds not from you, but as inftruments made choice of by our great mother, fource and origin of our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, egged and pushed on, as it were, by an unknown hand; for observe, we are never to exprefs fpiritual influences, being new philofophers of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, whose whole and fole terminate and reft in materialism. I, therefore, repeat, by an unknown hand, to appoint this worthy fubject, our dearly beloved in God. I beg forgiveness for expreflions as heretofore, or the like of that, as the faying is, our fifter and help-mate, Mrs. Midnight, as if by a prophetic fpirit, another bye-word which I humbly crave pardon, or the like of that; but, fuppofing the cafe true, this our fifter, as I was faying, efpied two strange myfteries in the act of delivery, and this atteftation is affirmed and confirmed also by this our dearly and most beloved brother, Mr. Hoft, who are living and faithful witneffes to these great phenomenons, and, as by infpiration, another bye-word, I crave forgivenefs, or the like of that, as the faying is, do ye mungey, our fifter, as foon as the nature of the malady required difclofing and laying the lower face bare, the cried, as if in extafy, a prodigy! the crab! I hold it is impoffible that an illiterate old woman, unless inspired by fupernatural

influence, I am loft in fpirit. I heartily intreat your philosophy's pardon, of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere, our fifter is no philosopher, neither our Hoft, yet, in vifion, may cry out, the crab. Forgive, I be feech you, thefe fpiritual interpolations, they unauthorized escape, and flip from me, as I have often heard my poor father declare, who would not advance a falfity, that he was much hag-ridden, and being told when the hag was on him, to fay, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, which he faithfully complied with, the next night, when the hag fprung from him, but being upon the watch, he catched hold of her tail and it flipped from him like filk or cotton. At that inftant, his brother being awake, cried out, "Sam, a great cat has paffed through the window." This window was clofe lathed or wattled, left unplaiftered, for the light to pafs through the fpaces, fcarce an inch. My poor father, God reft his foul, or the like of that, as the faying is, was, until the last twenty years of his life, a rigid churchman; he would not for his life have neglected having the large family table. on all and every Sunday throughout the year, regularly placed in the middle or centre of the great hall, as I am now placed, and fixed by joint confent and appointment of the realm and church of England, and you, my dearly beloved in God, another fpiritual flip or escape, or the like of that, as the faying is, but then, and fuppofe, do ye mungey, as a strong Bright Link to reform, fettle and rivet you my herds


in one compact, uniform, firm body, like fträng fortrefs. But as I was faying, my poor father, God reft his foul, I crave pardon, intruding the fpirit, or the like of that, on your brightness, my poor father would have the table laid out all around, at equal diftances, a rich display of the most beautiful common-prayer books and the great Church Bible on a stand for himfelf as parfon, where all the family, under pain of a hearty drubbing were obliged to affemble and behave with great decorum, until the whole fervice, according to the church of England, by parliament established, was gone through. Some of our books were decorated with a number of cuts, greatly pleafed us children, and made great impreffions on our young minds, of love to Chrift and his commandments, which the others did not, mine, I fuppofe, having none, I found no relish, but diverted myfelf without being perceived, for fear of a stroke of the parfon's stick, under the table, I being but little was not noticed.

Club. Your eminence was pleased to observe, that the good old parfon, your father, God reft his foul, we beg your eminence's forgiveness on dur bended knees, for the fpiritual flip that efcaped, as the hag out of the good parfon's your father's hand; but these inftances will take place do what we well can to prevent them. You were pleased to mention a change the laft twenty years of the good parfon's life, we befeech you to indulge us.

Luther. You must know it is innate and our family complaint, the love of money. My father,

father, being Cuftus of the parish, decided a matter of theft against the offender or culprit, who brought an action against my father, and having been a fervant of one who influenced the affizes or court, my father was caft, and fined. The end was, the family religion, and prayer-books, &c. were difbanded and totally laid afide. My poor father, from that epoch, became a strong ftickler for the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere, changed the fpirit and religion into ridicule; but whenever he mentioned the affair of the hag, or heard it spoken, he recoiled and became fad, declaring, it was a matter of conviction in which himfelf was the principle, convinced by an experimental fact, a little before his death, which was upwards of seventy, blind, and no longer a relifh for life or money, he feemed to return and acknowledge his God. I will now refume the brightness of our illumination, and think it abfolutely neceffary to give its proper place of deftination on the journals of our new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemifphere. Mrs. Midnight and Hoft, will you draw near, and as my supporters, affift, expose, fhew, and explain, as you have been taught by an unknown hand or influence, this great mystery of the lower face, in which face is displayed the crab.

Midwife. How can you be fo plaguy nafty, you dirty pig, to expofe your filth? If this be your new philofophy of this your enlightened age and northern hemifphere, it is, I confefs, the most diabolical, imprudent, ignorant, and


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