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quiry, and expressing a hope that the decree would be revoked; but hitherto no reply has been obtained, and the meetings for worship are suspended. M. C-, the victim of this arbitrary conduct, although by birth a Swiss, is of French ancestry, being descended from French refugees, who fled to Switzerland to escape the dragoonades. One of this family suffered martyrdom at Rouen for having circulated religious tracts! M. C has lived for twelve years in France, has obtained most honourable testimonials, has married a French woman, and is now the father of a family.

The Archives du Christianisme declares that this is the most outrageous violation of religious liberty that the Government has hitherto undertaken the responsibility of, in order to propitiate the Romish clergy. The meetings offended the bishop; therefore they were suppressed, and M. C-banished one month before the elections! Sixty-nine of the principal inhabitants request an inquiry, and the Minister remains silent. This is a foretaste," says the Archives, "of the regime with which we are threatened."-Continental Echo.

With no narrow, sectarian prejudices, obscuring Him who is light and life from the view of the faithful, with an enlightened discipline, regulated only by the word of God, and just adapted to maintain the flock in a Christian course-placed in a city, from its institutions, the most Romish in France, and in which Popish error has dug the deepest channels for bigotry and infidelity, the Evangelical Church of Lyons has a glorious career in prospect. The signal blessings with which it has been so abundantly favoured by the Lord are a pledge of still greater blessings. Doubtless, it has its troubles and its seasons of lukewarmness. Where is the church that has them not? Yet it would be difficult, I believe, to find in France a community in which the Holy Spirit has operated and operates still in so visible a manner. The Evangelical Church of Lyons is composed of upwards of 300 communicants, (almost all of whom have been rescued from the Church of Rome,) and is constantly increasing. The auditors are from 1,400 to 1,500, and the number would be still greater were not many prevented from attending by distance.”—Continental Echo.

EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF LYONS. We mentioned in our last that M. Descombez, one of the seceding pastors at Vaud, had entered into official connection with the Evangelical Church of Lyons. We have now lying before us extracts from this gentleman's journals for July and August. From those of his remarks, which we subjoin, it will be seen that the church of Lyons continues to advance in spiritual prosperity, and to hold forth the word of life amid surrounding darkness:


The following account of the remarkable movement in the city of Sens and its vicinity (department of Yonne) is contained in a letter from the French correspondent of the Presbyterian, who is one of the most distinguished Protestant ministers in France. How loudly do such facts as it contains call on all who read them to aid with all their

might in the good work. We will only add that Sens is a large city, an archiepiscopal see. It is on the road from Paris to Lyons, and less than one hundred miles from the former. M. de Pressense is the General Agent for France of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

"After a connection of about six weeks with the Evangelical Church of Lyons, I can only bless and magnify the Lord. Shall I avow it? More than once during a ministry of twenty-five years as a national pastor in the Canton de Vaud, I had formed an ideal of a Christian church-an ideal which I was indeed far from seeing realized in my native land; a church released from the bonds and fetters of the State, truly united in all its parts, and cordially extending the hand of fellowship to Christians of all denominations—a missionary church, animated by that expansive and loving spirit" which so eminently characterized the church of the first ages-a church of which each me.rber should be adequately impressed with his vocation as a Christian, and labour each in his spiere to bring souls to Christ -this was the ideal I longed to behold, and this I have, I believe, to a great extent realized in the Evangelical Church of Lyons.

Some months since, a young man, weakly in appearance, and of timid deportment, called on M. de Pressense, and begged him to admit him into the number of his colporteurs. Our brother represented to him the difficulties, the mortifications, the fatigues to which this work would expose him, and which appeared too great for his feebleness. I have weighed all that," replied he, but it has not moved me. The Lord will strengthen me. I must labour for his sake." At last, seeing that he was, at once, very decided and very calm, M. de P. yielded, fearing to go contrary to the will of God, and promised to employ him. It remained to determine on the field of operation. M. de P. proposed to send him into a field already occupied by others, in order that he


might profit by their directions, and only have to enter into their labours. "I ask nothing better than to be placed under the direction of a brother of greater experience than myself," said the young man, "but my heart would lead me to Sens. I cannot hinder myself from thinking that there is something to be effected in that city." To Sens, my friend? You do not consider. Nothing, as yet, has been done in that city. It is peopled only with Roman Catholics. It would be to commence with the greatest difficulties." "That is true, sir; but I have a notion that many of the inhabitants of Sens are sighing after something better, and that they will inquire after the word of God," &c. At last the young man still insisted so much on this point, that M. de P. yielded again from the same motive as before, but with little confidence. However, he committed to him a hundred and fifty New Testaments, and despatched him to Sens.

A week had passed away since the arrival of the new colporteur at Sens, when M. de Pressense received a letter from him. He had sold the one hundred and fifty New Testaments, and requested immediately, and by the quickest way, an additional supply of two hundred. M. de Pressense asked himself what this could mean, but yet forwarded to him the two hundred Testaments. Another week passed, and the colporteur wrote: "I have sold the two hundred Testaments also. Please forward to me, without delay, three hundred copies more." This time M. de Pressense hesitated. He was so much astonished at so rapid a sale, that he suspected some trap had been laid for the inexperienced colporteur; perhaps the priests had caused the books to be purchased, in order to burn them, &c. Some days again had passed, when another letter from the colporteur had arrived. At this time, he no longer asked for books merely, but for a minister of the gospel. He wrote, that he, was not sufficient to satisfy the numerous inquiries which were addressed to him, that a lively attention was awakened, and that it was absolutely necessary that a minister should come, to meet the felt need of spiritual nourishment. M. de P. convoked the committee, and read this letter to them. The rev. pastor Audebez, who was present at the meeting, arose and said: "I am ready to go to Sens. I will set out this evening, or to-morrow;" and he kept his word.

When he arrived at Sens, he found that all the colporteur had written was accurately true. He had sold eight hundred New Testaments in three weeks, and many persons were desirous of having a meeting opened for evangelical worship. He repaired to the mayor's, and inquired if he would

make any objections to the execution of this project. This magistrate showed the most favourable disposition, and of his own accord, indicated to M. Audebez several localities in the city, which might be thought of, as proper for holding meetings. One of these only appeared to be suitable; but M. A. observed to the mayor, that it presented but one inconvenience, namely, that it was so wedged in between the archbishop's palace and the houses inhabited by the priests, that, in choosing it, there might be an appearance of purposing a defiance of the Roman clergy, which M. A. was very far from intending. "But, sir," replied the mayor, you do not choose it. You take it, because you have no other place; and it would be placing too much stress on a scruple, to abstain from holding your worship there on that account." M. A. then opened the place for worship without delay. The place, which is capable of containing several hundred persons, was more than full. The people were squeezed together; the passages, stairs, every corner was crowded. The mayor gave M. A. two agents of the police to preserve order. One of these agents received good impressions from the word of God, and under the pretext of maintaining order, he employed himself at the following meetings, in showing those who came in to seats; discharging the functions of a sexton rather than those of a police-agent; his heart was evidently interested. The place having become wholly insufficient, the mayor placed at the disposal of our friend, a room in the townhall, capable of containing, easily, five hundred persons, and more, by crowding close together. The prefect, however, obliged the mayor to withdraw the grant of this public room to M. A.

In consequence of this, M. Audebez hired another room; but it proved altogether insufficient. He then took it into his head to build a chapel. But for this, twenty-five thousand francs were necessary; fifteen thousand for a building lot, and ten thousand for the edifice; and the society, at that moment, was already about eighteen thousand francs in debt. In the meanwhile, M. E-, a Genevese, well known for his wealth, his liberality, and also his piety, arrived at Sens. He saw what was passing there, and was delighted with it. He said to M. Audebez, " You must build a church." "Yes; but the money." "I will give fifteen thousand francs towards it," With this generous donation, M. Aude bez commenced immediately to build; being persuaded that the Lord would send him, with the same faithfulness, the balance of the sum which he needed. The zeal with which his hearers attended his instructions was well calculated to encourage him. One day, while holding

a meeting, he was interrupted by a man say. ing suddenly, "It is a pity!" without adding anything more. At the end of the service, M. Audebez asked him what he meant by this exclamation. "Ah, sir, I meant that it is a great pity that you cannot always remain with us, to tell us things so profitable." This saying, so simply ingenuous (naif,) reminds me of one which fell from some of M. Roussel's hearers in Upper Vienne. They were accustomed, in the winter evenings, to meet in stables, to converse about Divine things, because itwas warm there. One time, M. Roussel, who had been hurrying hither and thither all day, preaching the gospel, was overcome in the evening with fatigue. "My friends," said he, "sleep is getting the better of me; I must retire." "Very well, reverend pastor," these good peasants replied, "we can wait; sleep awhile, and you will begin and talk to us again." But to return to M. Audebez; I will give you an instance here, which will show you with what ardour his instructions are sought after. A Christian friend, skilful in sacred music, happened to visit him at Sens. They agreed to organize a meeting for singing on the same evening. They notified to a few persons that they intended to have singing exercises; and scarcely more than these twenty or thirty persons were expected at the meeting. Two hundred and fifty came! and when the singing was closed, and they were about to separate, some of them said to M. Audebez, "Reverend pastor, we must not separate until you have prayed."

This is not all. M. Audebez has received deputations from several other important towns in the department of Yonne; they requested him to establish Protestant worship at Joigny, Villeneuve, and Auxerre, the capital of the department. Beholding all this movement, M. Audebez repaired to Paris, to consult the committee of the society; and there, with tears in his eyes, he said to his colleagues, “Give me pastors immediately; strip other posts, if it must be so, but give me pastors." He declared that if they could put at his disposal forty ministers, he would, on the spot, place them in the department of Yonne; and he did not doubt, that in a short time he would have places ready for the settlement of a hundred there. He added, that if they could actively meet the demands of the Roman Catholic population, he would not be surprised if, out of four hundred thousand souls, of which the population of this department consists, three-fourths should come over to Protestantisin. Admitting that this impression may be exaggerated,

yet how powerful a movement does this impression itself suppose! One of my friends, a minister, who has just visited that part of the west, where a like movement is going forward, (Haut Vienne and Lower Charente,) received, while there, similar impressions. He is of opinion that entire Roman Catholic populations would be brought over to the Protestant communion, if we only had labourers to send into the field which is so unexpectedly open for us.


(From the Free Church Magazine.)

The news from Madeira is somewhat startling. They present us with Popery in its true colours-the same hater of the Bible, the same persecutor of truth as of old. The outrages are no longer confined to the poor Portuguese converts; they have extended to the British residents and visitors. The Misses Rutherford,-three young ladies, the daughters of Mr. Oliver Rutherford, of Edgerston, one of them a very great invalid, living alone and unprotected,-were the first sufferers. And of what offence had they been guilty? Simply the allowing a few of the poor hunted Portuguese to meet in their house for the purpose of reading the Scriptures together, and engaging in devotional exercises. For this, their windows were smashed in, and their door burst open at midnight, their house ransacked by a savage mob, instigated by a Romish priest, and themselves at length forced to take refuge on board a vessel in the harbour. This took place on Sabbath, the 2nd of August. Then, on the following Sabbath, we have an attempt on the life of Dr. Kalley, and the sacking of his house. This was done with all deliberation and premonition; so that when the Popish assailants arrived at the scene of their intended operations, they were met by the governor of the island, the chief of the police, and the British consul. In the presence of these functionaries, they broke into Dr. Kalley's house, searched every corner of it for their victim, tumbled out his books and papers on the street, and made a bonfire of them, and set up yells of triumph as they tore the Bibles and cast them into the flames. Meanwhile Dr. Kalley, disguised in a female dress, had made his escape on board the British West Indian steamer, which had just arrived in the Bay, and being joined by Mrs. Kalley, they sailed with the steamer that evening, leaving his property in Madeira in the hands of the mob.

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OUR readers, who are desirous of enlarging their knowledge of the moral condition of the Chinese-their customs, vices, and superstitions-the progress of the Gospel amongst them-and the means best adapted for its wider diffusion; will find in the succeeding passages, from the recent correspondence of our Missionary brethren at Amoy, a large amount of interesting information. An attentive consideration of the facts and observations included in this statement will not fail to produce a deeper spiritual concern on behalf of the human myriads who crowd this dark land; combined with a more powerful and solemn impression of the importance of the Missionary Enterprise in that country, and of the obligations of the churches of Christ to employ with a more liberal hand their abundant resources for its extension and triumph :

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(From Messrs. J. Stronach and W. Young, Amoy, June 29, 1846.)

The power of grace in saving the aged.

It will afford you pleasure to hear that Mr. Pohlman, of the American Board, has had the gratification of introducing into the Christian Church, by baptism, two aged Chinese Converts. They began to attend the preaching of the word soon after Dr. Abeel commenced service at Amoy, and have continued to do so ever since. In spite of much opposition, they have given up their idols, and displayed an amount of Christian knowledge and a state of heart and conduct which inspire the hope that they have been "born from above." They are both about seventy years of age, and their renunciation of idolatry and reception of Christianity have excited much bitterness and enmity on the part of their nearest relatives; but they have counted the cost, and been enabled to persevere. We each bore a share in the baptismal and communion services; and, in common with the other brethren, felt it was an interesting season. At our monthly communions these old men sit down regularly with us: the service is conducted partly in Chinese and partly in English; a number of Chinese attending as spectators. Thus a beginning has been made-a small one, it is true, but still a beginning; and we trust that God will yet add to his church in this place many of the saved.

Extensive diffusion of divine truth.

During the last three or four months, we have made excursions to upwards of twenty towns and villages in the neighbourhood; some of them situated on the island of Amoy, and others on the neighbouring continent. As usual, we found the inhabitants very friendly and disposed to listen to our addresses and receive our books. In this way the attention of multitudes is directed, temporarily at least, to the only true revelation, and a considerable amount of saving truth is communicated. Large market towns and villages have been thus visited, some of them containing as many as 10,000 inhabitants; and the communication, between them and Amoy, is so close and constant, that, were an interest in Christianity excited in the minds of any thus instructed, they could have no difficulty in obtaining more abundant information.

Defective education of the people.

In the course of these excursions, we have opportunities of becoming acquainted with interesting facts regarding the mental and moral condition of this teeming population. In regard to the former, we have ascertained that the educational acquirements of the vast majority are very small. There are great numbers who do not know one character from another. There are many who can give the names of the characters

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