Sivut kuvina
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No 1. proceedings on a writ of right patent.

2. proceedings in an action of trespass in ejectment by original in the king's bench.
3. proceedings in an action of debt in the court of common pleas removed into the
king's bench on writ of error.

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punishments unreasonably severe are to be avoided,....
the certainty rather than the severity of punishments deters,
they should be graduated to the offence,....




2. where there is understanding and will, but not called forth at the time, as
in case of offences by chance or ignorance,.

3. where the act is constrained by outward force or violence,.

a vicious will may be wanting in cases of:

1. infancy; in certain cases of omission of duty, &c., one under 21 not being


but for breaches of the peace, &c., he is responsible at 14,...

under 7 one cannot be guilty of felony....

between 7 and 14 he is presumed incapable, but evidence of malice may

be given,.....

2. idiocy or lunacy,...

3. drunkenness; which does not generally excuse,..

but may in cases where intent is the gist of the offence,.

4. misfortune or chance, without design,.

5. ignorance or mistake of fact,......

but ignorance of law is no excuse,.

6. compulsion, or inevitable necessity,..

as in case of wife coerced by husband,....

who, however, is not excused in murder, manslaughter or treason,.
nor in case of keeping a brothel,.

nor where she offends alone,...

threats or menances, which induce a fear of death or other bodily harm

may also excuse,......

also the necessity of choosing between two evils, as in case of homicide
by an officer in some cases where his authority is resisted,....
want of food, &c., not a legal excuse,.....

7. in case of the king, who is legally incapable of committing a crime,


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persons are guilty of crimes either as principals or accessories,....

a principal is either,

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11. open and notorious lewdness or indecency,

including the having of bastard children,

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2. violating the king's companion, or eldest daughter unmarried, or wife of
king's eldest son and heir,.

3. levying war against the king in his realm,.

4. adhering to the king's enemies,..

5. counterfeiting the king's great or privy seal,..

6. formerly, counterfeiting the king's money, or importing counterfeit money,
was treason,...

7. slaying the chancellor, treasurer, or a judge, in their places, during their

subsequent statutory treasons relating to papists, coining, and the protestant


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