Laws of the State of New York, Nide 21974 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 93
Sivu 1752
... act shall take effect January first , nineteen hundred seventy - five . CHAPTER 656 AN ACT to amend the correction law , in relation to removal of mentally ill prisoners from jail Became a law May 30 , 1974 , with the approval of the ...
... act shall take effect January first , nineteen hundred seventy - five . CHAPTER 656 AN ACT to amend the correction law , in relation to removal of mentally ill prisoners from jail Became a law May 30 , 1974 , with the approval of the ...
Sivu 2224
... rights , obligations or interests heretofore accrued , incurred or conferred prior to the effective date of this act . CHAPTER 928 AN ACT to amend the highway law , in relation to the age of majority Became a law June 15 , 1974 , with ...
... rights , obligations or interests heretofore accrued , incurred or conferred prior to the effective date of this act . CHAPTER 928 AN ACT to amend the highway law , in relation to the age of majority Became a law June 15 , 1974 , with ...
Sivu 2743
... law , the penal law , the public buildings law and the second class cities law , relating to public intoxication Became a law June 15 , 1974 , with the approval of the Governor . Passed by a majority vote , three - fifths being present ...
... law , the penal law , the public buildings law and the second class cities law , relating to public intoxication Became a law June 15 , 1974 , with the approval of the Governor . Passed by a majority vote , three - fifths being present ...
Certificate of Secretary of State | 1679 |
112 | 2054 |
Extraordinary Session of 1974 2789 | 2551 |
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act shall take ACT to amend added by chapter adding thereto age of majority agency amended by adding amended by chapter amended to read amount application appointed approval authority Became a law bonds centum certificate Columbia Memorial Hospital commissioner contract college corporation court enact as follows filed Governor hereby amended Hospital to provide hundredths feet income land law is hereby law June law May 30 laws of nineteen loan majority vote Medical Center ment municipality nineteen hundred seventy-four nineteen hundred seventy-three Onondaga County paragraph parcel payment person programs provide facilities purposes read as follows real property relation Rensselaer county represented in Senate school district section one hundred section three hundred section two hundred Senate and Assembly seven hundred subdivision three Suffolk county take effect immediately tax commission tax liens taxable thereof three-fifths being present tion town Westchester county York