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treacherous riches, but to hope in God, the Giver of good things. Much spake Jesus and grievously concerning the rich; but he again comforted them, thus kindly inciting : "Give your overplus in alms-deeds, and lo, all things shall be purified for you. What doth it profit any man, though he bend all the world to his power, if he alone perish?"

To merchants it is fitting that they hold truth, and give not their souls through deceptive oaths, but praise their things without hateful perjury. Verily God will fordo the cheats and liars.

We shall all stand after this life before the judgement-seat of Christ, that each may there receive whatsoever he may have transacted in the body, either good or evil. The same apostle exhorted also those of middling condition to be frugal in their diet and clothing. The poor he taught to be patient in the indigence of life, and ever to rejoice. They will be happy, if they love truth, and without hypocrisy pray to him for sustenance. If any one despises the poor, he calumniates his Creator. Of sick men the Almighty said, "I chastise and scourge those whom I love." Paul the apostle said also of these, "Be not heedless, my child, of thy Lord's correction, nor be thou vexed when he chastiseth thee: whom the Lord loveth, him he chastiseth, and verily scourgeth every son that he receiveth." If we are sick, let us be patient, as the blessed Job has given an example to us all, of which it is now longsome in this little discourse to recount to you; but we will read this afterwards. If misfortunes betide us in our possessions, then should we take patience after Job, who lost all his possessions in one day; but he had patience, thus saying forthwith, "God gave the possessions, and God hath taken them away: be his name blessed." And thus suffered easily.

Manifold are the Lord Creator's terrors and scourges over guilty men, that the short punishments of this painful life may prevent those to come, which will never fail. The

Se Elmihtiga God cyð his godnysse ús, and hwílon us geolæhð, and hwilon eac beswingð. Nære nan tihting, gif hé ús ne olæhte; nære nan rihting, gif he ús ne dreade. Se de God herian wille on his healicum wel-dædum, herige eac hine on edleane and on egeslicum swinglum. Manega tacna and micele yrmða becumað on middanearde ofer manna bearnum, maran and maran oð þam gemænan ende. Se de æfre ðurhwunað on ânrædum geleafan, se bið gehealden, swa swa se Hælend sæde. He het ús eac beon on gebedum wacole, gelomlice ús biddende mid bealdum geleafan, þæt we moton forfleón da toweardan frecednysse, and standan on gesihðe his soðan menniscnysse. Micel magon gebedu mannum fremian, be dam spræc se pistol æt dyssere mæssan : Pæt we sceolon andettan ure synna gelome, and ælc for oðerne gebiddan, þæt we beon gehealdene. Helias se witega wæs ús mannum gelíc, drowiendlic swa swa we, and he swa-deah abad þæt ren was forwyrned dam widerweardum folce to Oreora geara fyrste, and syx monða fæce. He abæd eft siddan æt dam sodan Gode, pæt he renas forgeaf, and eor lice wæstmas. Gif hwile man gebígð oðerne fram gedwylde, hế alyst his sawle soðlice fram deade, and fela synna adylegað purh das gedwolan rihtinge. pis is sceortlice gesæd: uton secgan word gyt.

Se deoda lareow sæde mancynne, þæt dyrne forlígeras oððe deofolgyldan, sceaðan and reaferas, oðde rede manslagan, gytseras and drinceras, pe dollice lybbað, nabbað Godes ríce on rodorlicere heofonan. Eac swylce drýmen, þe mid dydrunge farað, and feondlice wiccan and oðre wigeleras, beod to helle bescofene for heora scíncræftum. Oft ús men secgað þæt hí unsynnige beon, deah de hí leohtlice mettas him on múð bestingon, on swilcum fæsten-dagum mid fræcere gyfernysse, and nellað understandan hú Adám ús forpærde ðurh anes æpples digene pe hé æt forboden. Nis nan man fæstende pe underfehð mid mude æniges gesceaftes se odde eordan, ac da beod scyldige de da gesetnysse tobrecað þære halgan gela

Almighty God manifests his goodness to us, and sometimes caresses us, and sometimes also scourges. There would be no excitement, if he caressed us not; there would be no correction, if he chastised us not. He who will praise God for his noble benefits, let him also praise him in retribution and in terrific chastisements. Many signs and many miseries will come in the world over the children of men, greater and greater until the general end. He who ever continues in steadfast belief shall be saved, as Jesus said. He commanded us also to be watchful in prayers, frequently praying with bold faith, that we may escape from future peril, and stand in sight of his true humanity. Much can prayers profit men, of which the epistle at this mass spake: That we should frequently confess our sins, and each pray for other, that we may be saved. Elijah the prophet was like to us men, passible as we, and he, nevertheless, obtained by prayer that rain was denied to the perverse people for a space of three years and six months. He obtained afterwards by prayer from the true God, that he gave rains and earthly fruits. If any man turn another from error, he truly redeems his soul from death, and blots out many sins by the correction of the heretic. This is shortly said: let us say a word yet.

The teacher of the gentiles said to mankind, that adulterers or idolaters, thieves and robbers, or cruel murderers, covetous men and drunkards, who foolishly live, shall not possess God's kingdom in the ethereal heaven. In like manner wizards, who go about with illusion, and odious witches and other sorcerers, shall be thrust into hell for their magic arts. Men often say to us that they are sinless, though they lightly put meats into their mouth on such fast-days with shameless greediness, and will not understand how Adam ruined us by the eating of one apple, which he ate forbidden. No man is fasting who receives in his mouth any creature of sea or of earth, but they are guilty who break the institute of the holy

Junge mid unalyfedre digene, and fyllað heora wambe fracodlice ær timan.

Uton we geearnian þæt ece líf mid Gode, ðurh geswicenysse yfeles, and ðurh fremminge godes: þæs us getiðige se Ælmihtiga Wealdend, sede á rixað on ecnysse. Amen.



MEN da leofostan, Paulus se Apostol, ealra deoda láreow, awrất be him sylfum þæt he wære gelædd up to heofonum, oðþæt he becom to dære riddan heofonan; and he was gelæd to neorxna-wânge, and þær da gastlican dygelnysse gehyrde and geseah; ac he ne cydde na eorðlicum mannum, daða he ongean com, hwæt he gehyrde oððe gesawe, disum wordum writende be him sylfum: "Scio hominem in Christo, ante annos quatuordecem, raptum usque ad tertium cœlum; et iterum quomodo raptus est in paradisum, et audiuit archana uerba, quæ non licet homini loqui." pæt is on Englisc, "Ic wat done mann on Criste, pe was gegripen nu for feowertyne gearum, and gelæd oð ða þriddan heofenan; and eft he was gelæd to neorxna-wange, and dær gehyrde da digelan word pe nan eorðlic mann sprecan ne một.”

Humeta rædað sume men da leasan gesetnysse, de hî hatað Paulus gesihče, nu he sylfe sæde pæt hé da digelan word gehyrde, pe nan eorÖlic mann sprecan ne một

We wyllað nu eow gereccan oðres mannes gesihde, de unleas is, nu se apostol Paulus his gesihde mannum ameldian

ne moste.

Sum Scyttisc preost wæs, gehâten Furseus, æðelboren for worulde, arwurdes lífes, and gelyfed swide. He was fram cildháde gelæred, on clænnysse wunigende, estful on mõde,

church by unallowed eating, and wickedly fill their belly before the time.

Let us merit the everlasting life with God, by cessation from evil and by performance of good: may the Almighty Ruler grant us this who ever reigneth to eternity. Amen.



MEN most beloved, Paul the Apostle, the teacher of all the gentiles, wrote concerning himself that he was led up to the heavens, until he came to the third heaven; and he was led to paradise, and there heard and saw the ghostly secrets; but he did not make known to earthly men, when he came back, what he had heard or seen, writing of himself in these words: "Scio hominem in Christo, ante annos quatuordecim, raptum usque ad tertium cœlum ; et iterum quomodo raptus est in paradisum, et audivit arcana verba, quæ non licet homini loqui." That is in English, "I know a man in Christ, who was snatched fourteen years since, and led unto the third heaven; and again he was led to paradise, and there heard the secret words, which no earthly man may speak."

How do some men read the false composition, which they call the vision of Paul, when he himself said, that he heard the secret words, which no earthly man may speak?

We will now recount to you the vision of another man, which is true, since the apostle Paul might not announce his vision to men.

There was a Scottish priest named Furseus, noble-born in the world's estimation, of honourable life, and great faith. He was learned from childhood, living in chastity, devout in

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