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of duty had dietated. What he said was, that the language of the noble Earl had a tendency to expose the Bishops to odium in the eyes of the people, and to instigate the people against them; and this was the echo of what others had suggested, for the very same language was held by the public journals, which had assailed the Bishops because they had done their duty. (Hear, hear.) The Bishops, at the time of the Revolution, had opposed an arbitary government, when they found them selves called upon to act in self defence. This was the first time since the Revolution that the Bench of Bishops, as a body, opposed a great measure of Government; and yet they were threatened and menaced for having done so in compliance with their own sense of duty.

Earl GREY: If any part of his speech on the first night of the debate on the Reform Bill had given offence to the right rev. Prelate, he ought to have commented on it at the time, and then he would have answered. But the right rev. Prelate's proof corresponded but very little with his assertions, for the right rev. Prelate had said, that Ministers had encouraged and instigated the mob to annoy them.

The Bishop of EXETER: No, he had not used such an expression. He did not recollect that he had said so.

Ear GaEY: He certainly did understand that the right rev. Prelate had said that the Ministers or some of them had encouraged and excited a mob against them. But certainly the right rev. Prelate did say, that they had assailed the Bishops in the language of outrage and insult, and bow did he make out this by proof? This right rev. Prelate had said, that he had on the first day of the debate on the Reform Bill addressed them in a tone of menace. He had certainly addressed them in a tone of warning, but not of menace. He had put it to them as he bad put it to other noble Lords, to consider the consequences of opposing a measure, upon the passing of which the pub lie mind was so much beut, not meaning to call on them to surrender their consciences, or to vote any otherwise than as their sense of duty prescribed. He did put it to the right rev. Bench to look at the state of the country carefully, and to consider well before they de cided how they should vote; but this he had done, not in the language of insult and outrage, but in terms of the greatest respect, and as a decided friend of the church. He abso Intely could not conceive what the right rev. Prelate meant when he said that he had addressed them in the language of insult. He had put it to them whether they ought not to rate for a great treasure of reform; and had expressed his joy at the circumstance that some of themselves had appreciated the times, and had introduced measures of reform and amend Best. If the right rev. Prelate had taken his ejection at the time, he would then have swered and explained; but instead of that, the right rev. Prelate had said nothing at the time, but came down afterwards with a general

charge, which was nothing better than a calumnious aspersion, for which there was not the slightest foundation in any-thing that he (Earl Grey) had ever said or done.

The Duke of WELLINGTON: The whole of this discussion had arisen on the question whether a petition against the payment of tithes should be laid on the table; and the clergy were censured by a noble Lord, because they asked for that which was justly due to them. Another noble Lord had assailed the Bishops, because they who had always voted for au arbitrary government, had now voted against a liberal one. He called on the noble Lord to say what he meant by an arbitrary government. He had been at the head of the late government; but he denied that that was an arbitrary Government, and he wished the noble Lord to state on what fact he rested his charge, that the Government was arbitrary: As to the charge against the Bishops, there was not a question for the last ten months, in which they had decided against the Government, till the question as to the measure of Reform had come to a division a few nights ago; and yet they were accused of voting against a liberal Government, because on that one occasion they had thought proper to judge for themselves. If they had opposed the Government, it was, of course, because they thought it their duty to do so. Nothing could be more unfair than to take every occasion even on presenting petitions, to throw out these charges against so respectable a body of men as the Bench of Bishops and the clergy in general.

The Duke of NEWCASTLE asked whether those who had voted against the bill were to have protection for their lives and their property? He himself had been assailed by a mob, and had applied at the office of the Home Department for protection, but found no one of authority at the office. He thought it the duty of the head of the Department to take care that some one high in the office shonld be always in attendance. He had then applied at the head police office, and there had received proper protection. But in reality, there was at preseut no Government, or ra ther they were under the Government of the mob. He had heard of collections of persons who had done him and others much mischief, but he only mentioned the circumstance for the general good.

The Marquis of LONDONDERRY; He was not much inclined to trouble the House with any thing personal to himself; but as the subject had been started, he would mention what had liappened to himself. The police stationed about the Houses of Parliament did not extend further up than George-street. As he was coming down Parliament-street, at Whitehall, a mob assailed him, and a strong fellow gave him a violent blow on the arm, and he and others attempted to pull him out of his cabriolet, and if they had succeeded, he believed they would have murdered him, but the cabriolet was driven on and he escaped. He

Lord WHARNCLIFFE gave great credit to the people for the peaceable manner in which they had conducted themselves, which, he owned, had caused him some surprise, considering the great excitement which was kept up by the Press of the Metropolis. The people had not done any-thing to disgrace themselves. Indeed he was surprised at their peaceable behaviour. If there were no persons employjug meaus to excite the people to treat their Lordships with disrespect, he believed that they would not have been disposed to do that in consequence of the discussion in which their Lordships had been engaged, but would her think that their Lordships had done duty, and had given their votes out of a

thought that the persons and the property of | those who voted against the bill ought to be more effectually protected. All the windows of his house, which had been spared by the mob on a former night, had been broken by a mob last night. He was indifferent, however, about that, but unless their persons were more effectually protected, noble lords would carry arms in their pockets to protect themselves; and if lives were lost, the Government who did not protect them would be answerable. For his part, he would protect himself, if he should not be protected by Government. He hoped Ministers would take more precautions; for, if the police had been extended up Parliament-street to Whitehall, he would not have suffered under the infliction of a das-desire to do justice and protect the liberties of tardly mob.


the people! The object of their Lordships was to do justice, and the ju habitants of the town would repeut of the excesses they had committed in the first heat of their disappointment.

Petition laid on the Table.

Lord MELBOURNE: It had been the endea vour of Ministers to afford every practical protection to person and property, and they had had particularly in view the protection of the persons and property of those who were Lord ELLENBOROUGH did not expect any most likely to be obnoxious to the people. He disturbance, and was not surprised that none deeply lamented the agitation which prevailed, had taken place. He did not attribute the and was very sorry that the noble Marquis excitement of the people to their Lordships and others had suffered by it, and he had di- decision, but to the labours of the Press. If the rected a strong body of police to be ready to Miuisters permilled the Press to go on excitafford protection wherever it was wanted. But ing the people to crime, it was impossible that their Lordships must be aware, that when crimes should not be committed. He had no very great bodies of people had assembled doubt that the Government would preserve the and separated, there was generally a rabble peace of the town; and had no doubt that, left behind who were inclined to do mischief. under the present circumstances, the MinisBut it was impossible for Ministers to guard ters would do their duty, which was required every house in town. He was sorry that the of them, both from their official character, noble Duke did not find any principal officer | aud as men of honour. in attendance when he called at the office of the Home Department; but every arrangement had been made by Government to afford protection, and the noble Duke had only to apply at the Head Police Office to get the requisite protection, and he had, in fact, found it. But outrages on persons were still worse than outrages on property, and he was truly sorry for the violence which had been offered to the noble Marquis. But here again the observation applied, that it was impossible for Government, at such times, to afford complete and efficient protection to all, but orders had been given to afford as much protection as possible; and the orders had been given in the spirit of attending particularly to the protection of those who were most obnoxious to the populace. But Government could not prevent all outrages, and he deeply lamented the one to which the noble Marquis had been exposed. He would be one of the last in the world to encourage such proceedings, and had used every means in his power to prevent them.

The Marquis of LONDONDERRY: Hegave the fullest credit to the noble Lord for every-thing that he had said; but what he complained of was, that the Police force had not been extended up the whole length of Parliamentstreet; and he suggested that they should still be extended from the entrance of the

house to Whitehall.

I shall have plenty of occasions hereafter to speak of the conduct of these bishops; and I must now hasten to the important occurrences of Wednesday; that is to say yesterday, for I amr now writing on the Thursday forenoon. I have described the uneasiness which had existed on account of the King keeping away at Windsor; but, it was announced on the Tuesday that he was coming to London on the Wednesday to hold a levee and to receive the addresses of the parishes, and particularly of the city of London, which, according to a very ancient custom, he The had to recieve upon the throne intimation of the time and place of doing this was not received in the city until a late hour on Tuesday night that there had manifestly been but a very short foreknowledge of the King's intention to be at St. James's on Wednesday. However, on Wednesday he came. My house at Kensington is close


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to the side of the road on which he swer:-" I receive with satisfaction the
passes; and, when I saw him go by," expression of your loyalty and attach-
and heard the shouts of the people, "ment to my person and government,
could not help thinking of that salutary" and of your confidence in my constitu-
journey that the King and Queen of
France took from Versailles to Paris,
in the year of the demolition of the
Bastile which journey, had it been fol-
Jowed, as I trust this journey of our
King will, by a resolution to accede with
sincerity to the just wishes of the peo-to further the adoption of such mea-
ple, that bloody Revolution, which after
wards took place in France, would have
been prevented. When the King, ac-
companied by the Queen, anrived at the
palace, they were received by the cheers
of, probably, a fundred thousand peo-
ple. Soon after their arrival came the
Lard Mayor, some of the Aldermen and
Common Council of the City of Lon-with your fellow-citizens, for the pur-
don, with their address, passing along pose of preserving the public peace
about two miles distance from the Guild- from any interruption by acts of vio-
hallto the palace of St. James, amidst the lence and commotion."

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miration with every candid man in the world, that so little violence should have been committed in such a state of things, amongst such swarms of people all assembled upon the same spot.

In the country the acts of violence have been of a more serious character. I insert as a specimen the following intelligence from Nottingham and Derby, two of the finest towns in the whole kingdom.

NOTTINGHAM, Tuesday (Three o'Clock). We are here in the most dreadful state of insubordination and riot. After the meeting in the Market-place, notwithstanding every exhortation to peace, the multitudes went away with lowering brows, and a gentleman of long experience observed that he never less liked

oak and cedar, and the tapestry hangings, of Queen Aune, with every-thing it contained, are consumed. This morning the mobs have again assembled; their first exploit was to force a way into the Castle-yard, to gloat over the complete devastation-noue, but the external walls being left standing. The mail was expected by them to bring some intelligence from the metropolis; but they expressed their conviction that the reports, that all was quiet there, were delusive. The return of night is dreaded. An hour ago I saw from the park hills a vast volume of smoke and fire arising at Beeston, three miles distant, said to mob have never come into direct collision with be the factory of Mr. Lowe, of this town. The the military, and have continued to disperse on their approach; but it has always happened that the mischief has been done. Several gentlemen's seats, and some large manufac tories, have been threatened.

the people's looks. The windows of many principally young men The rioters are

boys from the country, to the number of 3,000 or 4,000. It is said that many of the Derby mobare have commenced to-day, are postponed. All amongst them. The races, which should the shops are closed.

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NOTTINGHAM. (Extract of a Private Letter.) "It appears by the papers you have sent me that London is not so turbulent, and I sincerely hope it will be tranquil, and set an example to the kingdom. Mr. G. bas just told me Mrs. Musters died from excessive fright. How it will end, God only knows. No lives have as yet been lost. All business is suspended; all the shops in the market-place have their shutters up, and many are totally closed. Mr. Lowe's mill, at Beeston, is on fire at the present moment (two o'clock, P.M.); what violent acts further the mob may dʊ cannot be foretold, and how they are to be put a stop to I know not.”

persons in all parts of the town were broken, and a windmill on the Forest nearly demolished. Towards dusk an immense mob went through Suenton; at Notintone-place they tore down an immense range of iron palisades, and armed with these, they marched to Col. wick-hall, the seat of John Musters, Esq., about two miles distant, demolished all the windows, broke and tore to pieces the furniture, and set fire to the house in two places; it was afterwards extinguished without much injury. The speed with which a mob separated, met again in a fixed place, committed the outrages, and again dispersed, showed that some cool heads had the command. They returned at night-fall into Nottingham, many hundreds armed with immense pieces of wood, from Colwick, and not a few with concealed fire-arms. A vast number of special constables were sworn in, and called together by the ringing of the great bell. About seven o'clock an attack was made on the town-house DERBY, OCT. 9. (Half-past Six o'clock, P.M.) of correction, which contains a vast number "The town still continues in a dreadful of prisoners; the outer door was forced, when, state of excitement. An immense body of on the arrival of the 15th Hussars, and the people have proceeded to Little Chester, and civil force, the mob instantly dispersed by the have entirely destroyed the front of Mr. John numerous streets which there unite. In half Harrison's house; returning back, almost an hour the Royal Castle of Nottingham, every house was attacked, and scarcely a now the property of the Duke of Newcastle, window remained whole; but the anti-rewas discovered to be on fire, and before aid formers shared much the worst fate. could arrive, was so completely in flames, that disturbances continued the whole of the night, all attempts to save it were in vain; indeed, and the greatest excesses were committed. from its vast height above the reach of water, The banking-house of Messrs. Crompton the whole population could scarcely have-been suffered dreadfully; every window was forced effectual in checking its progress. It blazed in. Mr. Haden's, surgeon, shared the same away in awful grandeur till near eleven fate; and I am sorry to say, Mr. Haden's son, o'clock, when it began to abate, but continued Henry, was killed by the mob. The night to flare and smoke throughout the night. It was very dark; every lamp was broken. The must have been a terrible beacon to the sur- soldiers paraded the streets the whole of the rounding country, being situated on a rock of night, but owing to the darkness were of little forty-five perpendicular yards' height above use. Many shots were fired, and, I fear, the meadows. A heavy shower of rain, of many wounded; one man was shot in Kingvery long continuance, prevented further mis-street, who is not expected to live. chief that night. This beautiful edifice was OCT. 10, (Two o'clock, P.M.)-An immense more than a hundred yards from any other body of people are now assembled, and the building; it was not recently inhabited. Its worst consequence is to be feared; business is magnificent stair-cases and floorings of black quite at a stand, the shops all shut, manu


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horts the people to be quiet as lambs, lest they should defeat the Reform Bill, of which he, four days before, expressed his readiness to enter into a reconsideration. Why, the people see that the Reform Bill is defeated, and they see no revival of it, and no positive pledge that there these circumstances do the Ministers shall be a revival of it; and under expect the people to be quiet? I hope that they will be quiet and that they will wait patiently to see what is to be done; but the question is, can the Mi, nisters, consistent with their own declarations a thousand times made, expect the people to be quiet in this state of things? Let us see how this matter stands: let us see what reason they have for such expectation.

It is probable, and I most anxiously hope it, that the apparent resolution of the King to cause the bill to be carried through, will quiet the people in the country, not only in the great towns, but in the villages, where the danger is still greater than in the towns; but it is very foolish for men to flatter them Nobody will dispute the truth of any selves with the hope that there will ever one of the following facts; namely, be tranquillity in England again or in that the Duke could neither walk nor Scotland either, until this bill, or rather ride the streets in safety, on account of another bill, shall have passed into a his declared hostility to Parliamentary law. To exhort the people not to com- Reform; that he quitted his office bemit violences; to exhort them to sub-cause he could not carry on the Governmit to the laws; to exhort them to ment without Reform; that Lord GREY withhold their violent hands from the came into office upon the express ground property and the persons of their neigh- of making a parliamentary reform; that bours: this is the duty of every man the bill, when brought in, was grounded who has any influence over the minds upon the necessity of it to restore peace of the people; but to expect that his and harmony to the country; that the exhortations will have any effect unless ministers have all along insisted that, to accompanied with a statement of rea-pass the bill was absolutely necessary to sonable grounds for believing that the preserve the peace of the country, and bill will speedily pass, is foolishness of to prevent the people from taking the the higher order; is foolishness sublime work into their own hands; that during and supreme; except that it may, pos- the late debates in the House of Lords, sibly, not surpass the foolishness of a great argument with those who urged telling the people that their violence the passing of the bill was, that the will prevent the bill from passing. Why, country would be convulsed, that upwe have church prayers for rain, in dry roar and violence would immediately seasons; but do we pray, at the same succeed if the bill were rejected; that time, not to be wet through? We desire the opponents of the bill called this inthe rain to fall upon the earth; but do timidation and menace, but that the we desire that the rain shall not fall ministers answered that it was merely upon our heads when we are standing foretelling the natural consequences of upon that earth? To see the rejection the rejection. No one can deny any one of the Reform Bill, and to expect no of these facts. The ministers were acviolence in consequence, is to belie all cused of inciting to violence by these that the people have been told by the foretellings, as their Attorney-General Ministers, and by all the supporters of accused me; but they answered, that the bill for six months past. I like the they were only giving a salutary warnpretty song of the Lord Chancellor of ing of the danger, while, at the same Wednesday night, very much: he ex-time, they pointed out the remedy. The

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