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which has been a very honest and zealous supporter of your Lordship and of the Reform Bill, has, until of late, spoken very confidently, not only of your intention to cause the bill to be carried, but › of your power to give effect to that in- * tention. Of all the fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen millions of his Majesty's Eu-→ ropean subjects, there is not one who is more completely a stranger to all the persons belonging to the Government, to all persons having any connexion or acquaintanceship with persons belongTO LORD GREY, ing to the Government; to all members" of Parliament of both Houses; in short, On his present difficulties, on the causes who is more completely shut out; veof them, and on the means of extricat-luntarily, certainly; but who is more ing himself from them.


Kensington, 16th November, 1831.


completely cut off from all means of in-" formation, direct or indirect, relative to matters of state and of public policy, My Lead, than I am. I absolutely know nothing" In my last letter (Register, 12th in--but that which I see in print, relative to stant), I addressed your Lordship on such matters; and, as to that, I am Lord BROUGHAM'S "readiness to recon- compelled to make up my opinion, not sider" the matter of the ten-pound suf- upon the statements I read, but frage; and warned you against any and the indications which I think them to every proposition for altering the suf- convey. These indications have, within frage in the large towns, in any way a few days, been of a character to leave whatever, so as to lessen the number of no doubt at all in my mind, that the obwaters in those towns. Fully confirmed stacle to the carrying of the Reform in the correctness of my opinions on that Bill, which obstacle I have seen from important subject, I now, supposing you the very beginning, is now about to be not to be without some anxiety for the made apparent to every-body.leiri duration of your power, address you on the subject, stated at the head of this letter.

The editor of the Morning Chronicle has direct communication with one or more of your Lordship's colleagues; he Every-body sees that you are in a state is not always right, and with regard to of great difficulty; but I have yet seen his abstract notions about the causes of no publication, in which the real causes the nation's distress, he is, like all other of your difficulties are frankly stated. I Scotchmen, always wrong; but long will presently state them with perfect observation on his conduct; long attenfrankness, and thereby prepare my tion, or, at any rate, perusal of his readers, at any rate, for what may pro- paper, which is worth more than all the bably be the ultimate consequences of other daily papers put together But I am convinced me that he is perfectly sicers. interrupted by the arrival of the MORN-in his wishes for parliamentary p ING CHRONICLE, which will spare me and that he would not, if he knew it, the trouble of describing the difficulties mistake any fact of public importance. themselves, which description is, how- With this preface, I will insert heticle ever, necessary, as a prelude to that of Monday last, and then his arrole of which is to follow. This newspaper, this day.

those difficulties....


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employed, workmen throughout the country."



"Were the people to see any display "of poiver by the present Ministers, "they might indulge in some hopes of "their ability to carry the measure of "A variety of reports of a change of "reform. But they cannot shut their Ministry were yesterday circulated. 66 eyes to the circumstances that Minis-" They must be bold men indeed, who, "ters are without power. The Tories on the resignation of Earl GREY, beare everywhere in the strong-holds of "cause he is not allowed the means of "the country-they are everywhere the carrying an efficient reform, would "delegates of the Royal authority, and "think of taking office. The resigna"the Government may be said to be in" tion of Earl GREY would be a signal "their hands. The removal of Earl" to the country of the triumph of the "Howe and Sir BYAM MARTIN are too" oligarchy; and if the people acqui"trifling to be taken into account. The "esced in the indignity offered to them, "conclusion at which the people have they would thereby prove themselves "arrived is, that Ministers have not the" vile sordid slaves, and the very name "power to do that which would enable of Englishman would stink in the nos"them to be of any use to the country "trils of the nations. "that they have been retained till "Heavy, indeed, would be the re"it suits the oligarchy to throw "sponsibility OF THOSE who, by "the mask. We do not believe the compelling Earl GREY to resign, "Ministers possess the power of" would thereby drive a nation to de"carrying reform, and it is of im- spair. We cannot believe that HIS "portance that the people should no "MAJESTY would expose the people "longer remain under the delusion that" of this country to the calamity of "they can carry it. He that is fore-"witnessing itself deceived in its fond"warned is fore-armed. Believing, "est hopes. HIS MAJESTY must "from a variety of circumstances, that" surely have believed reform indispen"the Reform Bill will be rejected a 66 sable, or he would not have be"second time, what will then be the "stowed his confidence on a Ministry "state of the country? We agree with "formed on the principle of reform. "the Scotsman, that the object of the" But whose wishes the end must wish "selfish faction of anti-reformers, is" the means. To propose reform, and "to make the Empire one universal" yet refuse to consent to the means for "scene of turbulence and desolation." effecting it, would be a mere mockery "The fearful scenes just acted in" of the nation.


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"Bristol are an image of what we "However, it is time that the nation "shall by-and-by witness in every "should know who interposes the obsta"corner of the three kingdoms, if more "cles to the passing of reform. If his "'effectual means are not provided in "MAJESTY is an anti-reformer, and

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time to preserve the public peace.'" prefers the welfare of the borough "In fact, the rejection of the Reform mongers to the welfare of the nation, "Bill, as was to have been expected, "LET IT BE KNOWN. The time "has led to a want of confidence in the" has arrived when there should be no "manufacturing districts, and conse-"longer any mystery or mystification on "quently to the dismissal of a number" the subject.

"of workmen. This process has been "That there is a hitch somewhere is going on for some time, and has now" beyond a doubt. If the course were "attained to such a height as to inspire" clear, there could be no hesitation as "thinking men with much alarm. Now" to the instantly removing the apprehen"let us suppose the bill rejected a se- sions of the people." "cond time, with the existence of a "number of discontented, because un

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This was a pretty good breaking of the ice. The word "Oligarchy" only

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that extract my readers, at any rate, will see that I knew a little more about the matter even than your Lordship yourself appears to have known. After having stated that a dissolution of Parliament was absolutely necessary to carry the Reform Bill, and that it was your duty to carry, the dissolution, I proceeded thus


serves the writer as a cover; it is clear that when he wrote this in his paper of Monday, he knew all that he said in the paper of to-day (Wednesday). Now, my Lord, please to look at the last paragraph of this article of Wednesday The writer says that if the course were clear, there could be no hesitation as to instantly removing the apprehensions of the people. This is what I have "But, CAN he dissolve the Parliaalways said. You promised us a good “ment? He can, if it be true that bill; but you would not tell us what it "the King wishes that this bill should was to be; and therefore I would not "be passed. To dissolve the Parliaexpress my confidence in you. It is ment, there must be the consent of impossible to read this article of the" the King; and will the King refuse Chronicle without perceiving clearly "to give that consent? This is the that this writer is firmly persuaded that" question; it is, indeed, the only questhe King will not consent to give you tion at present; and it is perhaps the the means of carrying the Reform Bill." It is possible that this may be an error, but this is clearly the belief of a very prudent man who has pretty constant communication with some of your colleagues, and who has manfully done his duty in communicating that belief to his readers. In short, this is what he says in substance, that the King refuses you the means of carrying the bill, and that you are kept in office until it" suits those who advised the King to turn you out of office.

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most important question, a question of "the most fearful magnitude, that one Englishman ever put to another, in any period of the history of our country! But, I may be asked, how I can "doubt of the King's readiness to give "his consent to the dissolution of the "Parliament, that being so obviously necessary to the success of this measure. I may be asked how I can doubt of this, seeing that all the newspapers have assured us, over and over again, that the King was full as To this we are come, then, at last; "inuch in favour of the thing as his and, now, is it too much for me to ask" Ministers. I should rather disbelieve your Lordship to look back at some" than believe the fact, if we had no passage in the Register, published since" better authority than that; but, the you brought in this bill, and pointing to" Ministers themselves have declared in this very result? I am not to suppose" Parliament, that they have brought that you are a reader of the Register ; "forward the measure with the entire but it would not be too much to expect "sanction of the King. This is a great that now, in this second season of your "deal; there is no question of their difficulties as a statesman, to ask you having spoken truth as to this matter; jast to read one passage in the Register "there is no question of their having, of the 26th of March last. At that "had the complete sanction of the King time, it was doubted whether the King "for the bringing forward of this meawould give his consent to a dissolution sure. But, alas, kings, though kings, of the Parliament. I very much doubt-" are still but men; and men can ed whether he would; or, rather, I" change their minds, whether they be firmly believed that he would not; and," kings or shepherds.



in order that my readers, at any rate, "It would be curious indeed, if this should not be duped, I published on the very LORD GREY should (which I subject an address to them, dated at "trust will not be the case) twice in his Kensington, on the 23rd of March, and "life-time, have had to experience a inserted in the Register of the 26th of" change of this sort in the mind of a March; an extract from which Register" King. By turning to page 419 of I am about to insert here? and from" this present volume of the Register,'

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"where will be found No. 3 of the" he had given his sanction, but in order "History of George IV., the reader" to defeat the measure to which he had "will find, in paragraphs from 74 to " given his sanction; he dissolved it, ແ 82 inclusive, the whole history of the " however, when the senseless and hy"change of the mind of George III. in "pocritical cry of no popery had "1807. He will there find that EARL" placed at his back the unreflecting "GREY, then LORD HOWICK, brought" millions of England and Wales and "in the Catholic Bill with the King's "Scotland, led on by the parsons and "approbation and sanction; that it was "the corporate bodies. In this latter "brought in and read a first time with- " respect, great indeed is the difierence "out a division; that it was afterwards" in the two cases. Then it was the "withdrawn by the Ministers them-" millions who wished the measure to "selves, without opposition; and that" be defeated: now it is the millions "the Ministry were turned out there-" who wished the measure not to be upon, and the Parliament dissolved." defeated: now it is the millions who "Upon that occasion LORD GREY de- wish the measure to be carried. Dis"clared in the House of Commons, that," solution was then necessary to defeat: "before he attempted to submit the the measure; dissolution is now ne"consideration of the measure to the "cessary to carry the measure. "House, he laid before his Majesty all "the particulars with regard to it, and "obtained his Majesty's approbation "' of it'!

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"With regard to the King having " given his sanction to this measure, "there can be no doubt; that must be "so; for, if that had not been the case,

Yet, as I have observed before, the" it would at once have been contraKing changed his mind, and turned" dicted in both Houses of Parliament; "out LORD GREY and his colleagues. "but, with regard to the King still con"Therefore, though the Ministers have "tinuing in the same mind, we have no "brought forward the present measure "such authority to rest on. And now, "in like manner, with the approbation "let me stop here just to indulge my "of the King, you see, my friends, that" vanity for a moment. PEEL's father "that does not make it amount to a "had a presentiment, you know, and "positive certainty that the King will" why should not I? In talking, many dissolve the Parliament for the sake" times, with friends, about the way "of carrying a measure to which he that I would go to work in making a "had given his sanction. I do not " parliamentary reform, if I were Prime "doubt myself; I do not suspect; I do" Minister, I have, on such occasions, "not fear; but in truth I know nothing" always said, that I never would accept "of the matter, except, as I said before," of the office, unless the King would that kings are men, and that all men "first put into my hand, signed by himare liable to change their minds; and "self, a MESSAGE to both Houses of "that Lord GREY'S twenty-four years" Parliament, recommending them to "exile from that political power of" make a parliamentary reform, and "which nature formed him for always containing some words describing the "having a large share, is a striking in-"great principle of such reform. "stance of the effects of the change" always said that Put not your trust in the mind of a King. Upon the "in princes' was a precept that never "occasion here referred to, the King" should be disobeyed by me; a precept was ready enough to dissolve the Par-implanted in my mind by that which liament, and did dissolve it, when it occurred to LORD GREY in 1807. was only four months old; but, ob- How much better would it have been Сс serve, he dissolved it to keep in his "if Lord Grey had proceeded by message new Minister, and to keep out the one" in this case! Then all would have "that had brought in the bill; he dis-"been straightforward work; then there "solved it, not for the purpose of caus- "would have been no idle rumours, no ing to be carried the measure to which" suspicious among the people, no ia-.

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trigues at court, no cabals of any sort." against the second reading, the King "In short, the measure would have" would not dissolve the Parliament. "been carried long ago; and the nation, "Now, my friends, I do not say that "all the people being in perfect har-" the thing is so because they believed mony and good humour, would have" it to be so; but, at the same time, "been preparing for the election of a "here are three hundred and one men "reformed parliament. "all acting upon this one and same "But to what does all this tend? Do" belief; and there are amongst them a "I suspect that the King has changed" considerable number who know very "his mind? I suspect nothing; but, at" well what is passing at the court and "the same time, I know nothing. I can" amongst all those who are likely to "only judge from appearances and cir-" possess interest with the King. Pray "cumstances; and I cannot help put- "observe, too, that in 1807, the King "ting to myself this question: Is it "was defended against his Ministers by "possible that the three hundred and an assertion that, though they had his one men, who voted against the second" sanction to a bill in favour of the Ca"reading of the bill, could believe that" lics, they had not clearly explained to "the King would dissolve the Parlia-" him the full extent of that bill! This "ment unless this bill were carried by " was a very ugly assertion, because it "this Parliament? This is the question" did not admit of disproof: there was "which I put to myself; and I beg you, no calling upon the King to give evi "my friends, to put the same question"dence in the case: the Ministers, there"to yourselves, in a very serious and fore, had no defence against this; and, "deliberate maner. If these three" if the King should listen to advice such "hundred and one men believed that" as would prevent his consent to a disso"the Parliament would be dissolved, "lution of Parliament, Lord GREY Would




and they sent to face the people if" find himself, as far as relates to this "they voted against this bill, would" point, just in the situation in which "they have voted against it? Would he found himself in 1807. Remark, I "they have voted against it if they had " pray you, that the opposers of the bill "believed that such vote would have" have already laid the ground for this "sent them packing? Look well at the accusation against him. They have "matter, my friends; take time to con- "repeatedly said, that the bill, in its sider, and then answer that question" present shape, was not agreed upon "to yourselves. These men are, to be" by the cabinet until the eleventh sure, neither Solomons nor Solons; "hour they have repeatedly insinuated but they are not madmen; they are "that the King's name ought not to "so far from being regardless of their" have been mentioned as connected "own interests and safety, that these" with the bill; and you can see that "are objects which always appear to be "they have been constantly endeavouruppermost in their minds. Woulding to cause it to be believed that the "they, then, have voted thus, purely "King has not been given clearly to "for the pleasure and honour attend-understand the extent and drift of the "ing the publication of their names "bill. This is a very ugly circumstance; › throughout the country; they knew" and, though I repeat that these men "to a certainly that, if the King dis" are neither Solomons nor Solons, they solved the Parliament after that vote," are not downright fools or idiots. "scarcely a man of them would ever "These observations, my friends, enter the House again. They could" would be useless if they pointed at no have no hope in out-voting the Mi-" practical result; if they afforded no "uistry; because a dissolution of the "lesson to the people to teach them "Parliament would render their vote of" how to act. The question is not, now, "no use. It is, therefore, CERTAIN whether this Reform Bill ought to be "that these three hundred and one men "carried; but whether the Parliament · "believed that, if there were a majority" ought to be dissolved, seeing that,


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