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"without such dissolution, the Reform [" gers, but in some formal document, "Bill cannot be carried! This, there-" signed with his name; and thus pre

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"fore, is now the business of the peo- "vent a repetition of the tricks that "ple. The King is legally endued with were played him in 1807. Then, ina power of dissolving Parliament at "deed, he was not the PRIME MINISTER; “this pleasure; this prerogative, like all "he was merely a member of the Mi" the rest which he possesses, has been "nistry, and, in fact, he was under the "given him for the good of his people; GRENVILLES, who, however provoked, "the good of his people demand the" had, amongst them, sinecures to the "exercise of it at this time; and it is" amount of thirty thousand pounds a "therefore the right as well as the duty year. This was the power that kept "of his people earnestly to implore him" him quiet under the load of obloquy, "to exercise that power. Hitherto it" cast on him by the transactions of that "has been sufficient to express grati-" period. He is now Prime Minister "tude to him for having given his "himself. He is weighed down by no "sanction to this great measure; but" Grenvilles nor by any-body else. The "now, when it is found that it is im-" people know that the bill is his, and possible to carry this measure with- solely his; and if the King will not "out a dissolution of the Parliament, "let him use the only means by which it ❝duty to themselves as well as to the" can be carried, it will be a duty to "King calls upon them to petition him" the country as well as to himself to "to dissolve the Parliament. state the fact, in the fullest and most "It is nonsense to talk of waiting to" authentic manner to the nation, quite "see what the House will do in the Com-" regardless of whom it may affect. The "mittee. We are apprized beforehand" nation must be told the truth now, "that there will be a great majority" and the whole truth, let the telling of « against the material parts of the bill" it affect what and whom it may." "in the committee. To go into the com- There, my Lord! Dr. BLACK nów «mittee at all, under such circum- tells your Lordship, to "let it be ❝stances, must be looked upon, in fact, known;" "that the time is arrived when, "as an abandonment of the bill on the" there should be no longer any mystery, “part of the Ministers. And, to aban-" or mystification on the subject." He "don it in this way would be a disgrace tells you that now; but I told it you on "not to be endured by any man with the 26th of March; and thus it is for a "English blood in his veins; and cer- man to have a head upon his shoulders,, "tainly not to be endured by Lord GREY, and not to be rendered buffle-headed by "who has passed a whole long life any interests, and not to be shackled by "amidst this turmoil of factions, and any communication whatever with any "never yet did a mean thing, never persons in power, or having communi"abased himself in one single instance. cation with any persons in power: thus "To be in place at all, he can, at his it is for a sound mind to be left to its "age and after all that has passed, have free operations. After reading the bloody. "no possible motive other than that of Times newspaper, and hearing the ever"the good of his country; he has pro-lasting backbitings of the contemptible "posed the good, and in the most spe- creatures that you have heard gabble "cific and full and clear manner; and, about me for the last twenty years, your “if the King shall not permit him to do Lordship was, I dare say, astonished to "the good, the only thing left for him see a thousand persons in the Court "to do is, to give up his post, and at the of King's Bench to witness my trial and ❝ same time to declare, in the most full to hear them cheer the evidence of my "and clear manner, THE CAUSE OF Lord RADNOR, and every heavy blow "HIS RESIGNATION OF THAT which I gave to your party. I dare say "POST! To do this, not in speech in you wondered what devil had raked Parliament, which may be disfigured them altogether; especially as they were "at the pleasure of the boroughinon-well-dressed people, too, who had been,

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many of them, obliged to pay money to and account of the matter which he get admission. You must have been takes in hand. There is no servant that astounded, indeed, when you heard that comes into a house, whether, butler, the anxiety of many of them kept them housekeeper, cook, or in any other cain the Court during the whole of the pacity, who does not take care that the night. But, when you have read the employer shall know the state of the above-quoted extract, and have duly several things put into the charge of the considered the esteem and respect that new comer : "This tureen is cracked, innu nerable writings, discovering the " Ma'am; here are half a dozen broken same extent of sagacity, penetration, glasses.' To be sure every one and foresight, which innumerable per- takes care not to be loaded with faults sons have read from the same pen; committed by others; but you took to when you duly consider the predictions the concern as if it had been all as it on important subjects, and the invariable verification of those predictions; when you duly reflect on the inevitable impression of these upon the minds of a very large part of the community, you will cease to wonder at the deep interest which was felt and demonstrated upon that occasion, and upon the contemptible figure which not only your great lawofficer, but which the whole of you, made upon that memorable occasion; nor would you be surprised that the Trial has already been re-published in New York and returned to England, the editor loading his publication with expressions of admiration of the man whom you thought you could crush with as little ceremony as one of your underlings in office crushes a poor creature charged with something or other against the customs or excise.

The extract which I have just quoted leaves me little to say about the great cause of all your difficulties; namely, the not having obtained a message from the King at the beginning; and, besides that, a written document in the King's own hand-writing, sanctioning the measure; or, at any rate, the measure should have contained some words describing the great principles of the bill. Your next error was, that you did not make and publish in the most authentic manner, by resolutions in Parliament; by an address to the King, or in some authentic shape or other, a full exposition of the state in which you found the country. There is not a man who takes a trusteeship, a stewardship, or who takes to the management of any concera who does not take care to be provided with an inventory or statement

ought to be; not a cracked tureen in the whole of the Wedgwood concern did you find out. You even boasted of the state of the finances; talked of national faith as boldly as any of your blundering predecessors, and would have made one believe that barracks, military and naval academies, pension and sinecure lists, dead-weight and retired allowances, a thundering standing army, and tithes held by pluralists and devoured by them, were all of them "institutions of the country," which no reform was to shake. In addition to this, which was quite enough of itself, you religiously refrained from any-thing like an attack upon your deadly, foes; and, on the contrary, seemed to caress them with more than fraternal affection, and seemed to care about offending nobody except them. Nay, so decided was your preference of them, that you could not even issue the special commissions without having WELLINGTON and STURGES BOURNE on the bench with the judges, and without bringing the Duke of NEWCASTLE'S steward from Nottinghamshire to be the official crownprosecutor in the counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, and Berks.

Another and most odious error was, your prosecution of the press. Say that the prosecution of CARLILE and TAYLOR was a mere paving of the way for shutting me up for the remainder of my life, their names having been, by the bloody Old Times, and by the speakers in Parliament, constantly coupled with mine; say this; it is but a poor apology; a very good apology to your foes; but a very poor piece of policy; for there is your Attorney-General as odious as any

of his predecessors; and be you assured," the strait, or narow gate; for wide that the name of Sir CHARLES WETHER" is the gate and broad is the way that ELL and of Sir JOHN COPLEY will be "leadeth to destruction; but strait is pronounced with honour whenever their" the gate and narrow is the which way conduct as Attorney-General is put in "leadeth unto life." March on, then, 'contrast with his. But the truth is, you my Lord, in the narrow way; get not had not the courage necessary to a into a way in which you can turn to the change of the system; and, there- right or to the left; if my forebodings fore, you were compelled to resort to of the 26th of March be now verified, the means to which your predecessors you have no other course to pursue, had resorted for carrying on that except that which is there recommendsystem. The mere name of reform ed; namely, to resign your post at was nothing; people wanted to see once, and to tell the nation, in the most proofs of sincerity in other acts. They distinct manner, in a paper signed by saw no such proofs: they saw you yourself and published by your authogoing on in just the same way that your rity, that you have resigned it because predecessors had gone on in. They the King will not give you the means saw, in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Deacle, necessary to carry the Reform Bill. It quite enough to convince them that it will not be sufficient that you make this had, in fact, been a mere change of men. statement in a speech in Parliament. They saw no change of intention as to Yoù did that in 1807; you got turned measures; the underlings in office were out of the county of Northumberland retained because they were necessary to for your pains; and if you had been the carrying on of the system. They sent back to some populous town, you have bred in the system, as mice breed would, like Mr. Roscoe, have got in a barley-mow. There are the grand- nearly knocked on the head in additior. father, the son, and the grandson, all To retire from office; to resign quietly; bred in the system. You had a choice, to go away home, and not to tell the between retaining the mice or tumbling real cause without any reserve, would down the mow; and the rich mow you be disgrace such as never yet befell any wished to uphold. man upon the face of this earth.

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But there was one capital blunder ; When, on Monday the 10th of Octothat was your taking of BROUGHAM for ber, your Lordship went to Windsor, a colleague. He was your rival for and had, as I thought, prevailed upon what is called popularity. He was the King to make a short prorogation, sure to beat you with the dirty thing and to make such an addition to the called "the public press; for he would peers as would have seemed a carrying descend to what you would not. I saw of the bill, I expressed with regard to how he forced himself upon you, and I your conduct the highest admiration foresaw and foretold the consequences; that the words which I had at my and there he is, now, ready to reconsider command would enable me to express. that bill by which you have pledged I always thought, from the very outset, yourself to stand or fall. Great, how- that the King was opposed to the bill, ever, as are the difficulties in which you and always recognised his right to be are involved, he is involved in still opposed to it, and by no means call that greater. How he is to retain place, and right in question now; but then I get the bill not to pass, is, I think, a wanted the nation to know this, as I something that will puzzle even him; want it to know all truth which is inteand yet, retain place he will, or the resting to it. I thought that he was world is at an end with him, at any rate. opposed to the bill; every-thing that I Such, my Lord, hastily sketched, are saw convinced me that he was opposed the causes which have led to your pre- to it; and if I could have doubted. sent difficulties, the way out of which before, could I possibly doubt after is better described by the Bible than it seeing all the bishops but two vote can be by my pen. "Enter ye in at against it? Every man with two grains

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of sense in his head must, the moment | most amply. I say that you acted be saw that vote, have been quite sure weakly too with regard to the good of that the King was opposed to the bill; the country, and particularly with rc-, or, at the very least, that his Majesty gard to the ultimate success of the meahad expressed his determination not to sure. If you had resigned at that time, make the necessary addition to the or told the real cause, as you must do at House of Peers. There was quite last, the King would have seen the great, enough in the circumstance of the King's instant impression produced upon the visiting and receiving some of the most whole kingdom; and I have not the, conspicuous opponents of the bill; but, smallest doubt that a successor to you, to have doubted, after this vote of the would never have been appointed; and bishops, would have been to give proofs that at this day the Reform Bill would of downright idiotcy. When, there have been passed; that we never should fore, your Lordship came back from have heard of combinations to refuse to Windsor on the Monday, the 10th of pay taxes, nor of any of those combinaOctober, after the vote of Saturday, the tions for taking up arms, for arming the Sth of October, and when we were rich against the working people, which assured on the Wednesday following seem likely to end in the most sanguinary that you meant to retain your place, conflicts. However, you are now fairly and that the King was, to make use of tied to the stake; you have but one, the expression of the Duke of Sussex to way out of the difficulty and disgrace; the deputation of which Mr. FEARON you are just going to exhibit to the was one, as" firm as a rock,” I thought world a memorable instance of the sucthat you had gone to Windsor, and had, cess which is the reward of resolution, instead of resigning, and thereby throw-in a righteous cause; or of the failure ing the responsibility upon the King, had and, indeed, the disgrace which seldom the real loyalty, the true patriotism, the fail to attend a want of resolution in astonishing self-command and magna- trying circumstances. That it may be nimity, to patiently argue the matter the former, I, for the sake of my country, with the King, and had prevailed upon most sincerely wish. him to make the addition to the House of Peers, or, in other words, to give you the only means that existed of carrying the bill. Therefore it was that I so lauded your conduct; but it now appears, if these opinions of Dr. POSTSCRIPT. Thursday Morning. BLACK be correct, that you did not so Since writing the above, I perceive the prevail. I do not say that you acted following article in the Morning Chro wickedly or dishonourably in not resign-nicle of this morning. I also am sure ing your place at once. So far from it, I think you would have been perfectly justified in resigning; and I go further, for I say, that it is what I myself would have done, and that, too, without any expostulation at all; for I should have looked upon myself as abandoned by the "We have authority for contradicting, King, and should have at once acted" in the most positive terms the rumour upon that feeling. Nor do I say that of Lord Grey's resignation. We are you acted wickedly or dishonourably in "assured that the rumour is wholly, retaining your post after you found that" false; that such a resignation has you could not prevail; but I am fully convinced that you acted weakly; that you exposed yourself to all the suspicions that have been afloat from that day to this, and in which I have participated

I am, my Lord,
Your most obedient

humble servant,

that the people can place reliance safely only on themselves. Here is a total change of tone since yesterday: the Ministry appear to be tossed to and fro with every blast; but before I go further, let me insert the article.

never been contemplated; that the "cabinet are firmly united, and most friendly in all their intercourse with one another.

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"While, however, we give this un

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qualified contradiction, we must own "be disposed to do. But of one thing "that we are not surprised that the ex- we are sure, that the people can safely traordinary silence of Ministers on the" place reliance only on themselves. Let subjects respecting which the people "them prepare, that if danger comes, have so much reason for feeling an they may not be taken by surprise." "anxiety, should have given rise to ru- There is no doubt that Dr. BLACK "mours of changes and resignations. has good authority; or, at any rate, "Ministers, we know, express the most that he has been assured by some one σε confident assurance of their ability to in office that Lord GREY has never incarry the bill; their language is, if tended to resign. He may intend to be any-thing, more confident than ever; put out, or turned out; and that would. "but they cannot expect that the people, be as good as resigning, provided that "who do not possess the means of he published an explicit declaration of "knowing on what their confidence is the cause of his being turned out, and founded, should share it with them. called by his name the person who was The people hear the same anti-re- the cause of it. It is enough for Dr. formers who rejected the former bill BLACK to tell us that the Ministers are threaten as loudly as ever the rejection confident of carrying the bill; and, in"of the next. They hear of intrigues deed, he does not appear himself to be -they know that the powers of Go- satisfied with their expressing such convernment have, for half a century and fidence; the people have no confidence, more, been in the hands of the Tories at present; and hence the troubles that "that their creatures are in all offices, exist all over the country. The people and wield all the power of the nation; want, as the Doctor says, some indica"they see Ministers more anxious to tions of the mode in which the bill is to have the good opinion of these Tories be carried. They see no such indicathan of the reformers—and, under such tions; and I, for my part, do not rely "circumstances, is it wonderful that on the authority on which Dr. BLACK "they should feel alarm? Do they ask founds his contradiction of the report. "too much when they wish to see some As very closely connected with this sub"indications of the mode in which the ject, I insert an account of the proceed"bill is to be carried? We have heard, ings at a meeting of the council of the "on good authority, of one great bo- Metropolitan Political Union. I beg roughmonger of the North having my readers to pay attention to the whole "declared, not that he has changed his of the report of these proceedings, par"opinion respecting the bill, but that it ticularly to what is contained in the can no longer be resisted. Lord speech of Mr. PLACE. He there tells Wharncliffe, on the other hand, has us that he hears from good authority been travelling into the country in (and I believe his authority to be good), stage-coaches, to obtain evidence of that Parliament will not assemble very re-action, and he proclaims that he speedily, and that he was sorry to say "has every-where found the strongest evidence of it. There is really no convincing some men. It would not surprise us if Lord Tankerville, who had such a narrow escape at Doncaster, and who was obliged to travel "all night with the ladies of his family in a coach greatly shattered and open "to the rain, were not, after a few days' "intermission, also to proclaim that the "re-action had commenced. But these are the animals, who have to decide the fate of England. It would be ab"surd to calculate on what they may

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that the Ministers were uncommonly anxious for its meeting at a distant day. Now, I believe Mr. PLACE to speak the truth here; and, if he do speak the truth, this wish of the Ministers. indicates one of two things; insincerity, or want of power. Insincerity in being determined to propose a bill not so good for the people as the last; or want of power to carry the bill that they intend to propose: fear to face the people, or fear to face the boroughmongers. I defy any man living, who is at once sensible and sincere, to come to any

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