Sivut kuvina

the truth of the assertions I have here Mr. PADDISON, of Louth, in the same made.

county, has sent me a fine sample of corn growed in that neighbourhood. He cannot speak to the amount of the crop, but says his corn is as fine as any that he ever saw of my growing, which indeed it appears to be, from the sample which he has sent. Seven other persons in his

But it is, first of all, necessary to prove that this corn will come to perfection in this country; and that I am now going to prove, in a manner which would close up the gainsaying jaws of any one upon earth, THE LIAR only excepted. In giving an account of the corn which I neighbourhood have growed the corn, and have received from the several counties, I shall begin at the NORTH, come on towards the SOUTH, and then go into the EAST; then go to the WEST; and then into the four SOUTHERN counties of SURREY, KENT, SUSSEX, and HAMPSHIRE, ending with a very particular account of what has been done in the parishes round about BATTLE, and in the little bunch of HARD PARISHES in the north of Hampshire.

have had very fine crops. DOCTOR SNAITH, at Boston, in the same county, tells me, that he himself has had a fine crop; that the ears are generally finer than those that he received from me; that he has received eight or ten samples from those to whom he gave the corn; that all who have cultivated it have had good crops, excepting one person; that the whole neighbourhood is delighted with it, and that several farmers have applied to him for information about it.

From Mr. DUNCAN ANDERSON of PAISLEY, I received two very fine ears of corn that were gathered in the month of From NORFOLK I have not received September: they were not ripe, nor any- any specific information, nor any samples; thing like ripe, nor was the season come but from SUFFOLK, I have received from for their being ripe even in the south of Mr. ROBERT CHILD, of Bungay, samEngland; but Mr. ANDERSON had a ples of very fine corn, growed this year in friend coming from PAISLEY to London; several parishes of the eastern part of and he gathered the ears a month before that county. From Mr. Clouting of the time in order not to lose that oppor- EYE, in Suffolk, I have received two ears tunity. Paisley is, I believe, four hun-of beautiful corn. He tells me that the dred miles to the north of London. I corn amounts to twenty coombs per acre; have received a large bunch of very fine that is to say, ten quarters per acre; and ears of corn; not so long nor quite so he tells me, that he has seen Mr. KENT, large as some others, but perfect in form, of Stanton, who tells him that he has and perfectly ripe, growed, this year, by growed, this year, full twenty coombs Mr. BLAKEY, at Morpeth, in NORTHUM- upon an acre, and that the shelled corn BERLAND, for which I am very much weighed 234 pounds the coomb, which is obliged to that gentleman. At Preston, fifty-eight and a half the bushel. This in LANCASHIRE, Mr. WILCOXSON, the falls a little short of my weight, which I editor of the Preston Chronicle, to whom shall have hereafter to state. From IpsI sent a bag of corn in the spring for dis-wich I received a very fine sample of tribution, informs me that several persons corn, and it was the first I received this to whom he gave the corn have had very year; but I mislaid the letter, and beg fine crops at and near that place, where pardon of the writer for not having anit seems eight or ten persons have culti-swered it. vated the corn.

I now go towards the WEST. In BERKIn LINCOLNSHIRE, at and near Great SHIRE I have only to speak of some samGrimsby, the corn has been growed with ples of very good corn raised by Mr. great success. Mr. JOSHUA PLASKITT, BUDD of Burghcleare, Mr. GRAY of of that place, has sent me twenty-one Newbury, and Mr. FORSBURY, who lives, samples of corn, growed in and near it, I believe, at Newtown. In WILTSHIRE all ripe, sound, and perfect, and marked some beautiful corn has been growed at with the names of the several growers, and near Malmesbury. I ought to have amongst which I have the pleasure to see accounts from Pewsey and that neighthat there are those of some labouring men.bourhood; but they have not arrived,

The corn has been growed at Fisherton, schoolmaster there; but it was small in near Salisbury, by Mr. BARLING, and quantity, and his land is exceedingly good. by others, to whom he gave some of the There is a part of that extensive parish corn sent by me. There is no better called the Bourne, which in some sort situation in the kingdom for the growth resembles the seat of the Benedictine of this corn; but the farms in WILT- Monks in the times of the ancient and SHIRE have always been large, from the desolating wars; it is a wild common, very nature of that fine and beautiful covered with heath, with here and there a county. The labourers have worse gardens green dip, lying between the innumerable than almost anywhere else; and they have little hills; at least, such was its state been brought down closer to the infernal when I was a little boy; and there I potato level. spent many a day, digging after rabbits'From GLOUCESTERSHIRE, I have re-nests, rolling down the sand-hills, and ceived a letter from Mr. DANIEL CROOME whipping the little efts that crept about of Berkeley, and twenty ears of his own in the heath. But this scene is quite crop of most excellent corn. This gen- changed; the land being generally too tleman distributed eighty-eight ears of poor to attract the rich, this common has the corn that I sent to him to an equal escaped enclosure bills; and every little number of persons in the parish and green dip is now become a cottager's neighbourhood. He tells me, that he finds garden or field, appropriated on the printhat the corn has been very productive, ciples of the law of nature; and, the and ripened well; and that he finds that Bishop being the Lord of the Manor, the leaves, and even the stems, of the while the herbage is hardly worth looking corn-plant, are very good food for horses, after by his tenants, these appropriators which I well knew before, and which have been suffered to go on, till they have I have amply experienced this last sum- formed a grand community of cottages, mer. From Mr.RICHARD ISLES, of Fair- each with its plat of ground and its pigsty. ford, I have the following account, Humble as are the dwellings of the which I am compelled to give in abridg-" Bourners," they have not, it seems, ment; namely, that he has had, on three wholly escaped the viper tongue of slander; quarters of an acre and nine rods, an ave- but, though I do not pretend that their rage of sixty-eight bushels of shelled corn community, like that of the ancient fato the acre. He having encountered many thers of Saint Benedict, is, to quote the disadvantages not to be expected to be beautiful description of Mr. Southey, absoexperienced in the ordinary course of lutely" a green OASIS amidst the desert;" things; but here, under all these disad- and that, "like stars in a moonless vantages, Mr. ISLES has eight quarters night, it shines upon the country round and a half of shelled corn to the acre, with a tranquil ray;" though I do not which is more than double the average pretend that the Bourners are equal to amount of a crop of wheat upon regular the Benedictines, either in learning or in wheat-land; and, observe, always when piety; though I do not pretend, that the the wheat is seven shillings and sixpence Pourne is that "Goshen of God, which a bushel, the corn will be worth six shil-" enjoys its own light amidst darkness and lings the bushel. From Mr. GOMME," storms;" I do pretend that this commubookseller, of Gloucester, to whom I sent nity of cottages, trespassers" as the a bag of the corn for distribution, I have a occupants are, is a good thing, seeing letter, in which he tells me that he gave that it gives bacon to hundreds who, the corn to fifty-seven persons, nearly all without it, would have to live upon the labourers; that they have all had excellent soul-debasing potatoes. And if I live till crops, and that next year, as he believes, next spring, and can possibly find the the planting of the corn will become very time, I will go down, and make all general. these Bourners cultivate my corn; and I hereby, to save postage (and not run the risk of losing a letter to Farnham, as I lost one from it), request my nephew to

I now return to the SOUTH. At Farnham, in SURREY, some very fine corn has been growed by my nephew, who is a

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rent for me twenty or thirty rods of I ever received; but it is right that I pretty good ground, in the Bourne, on the should give the bad as well as the good; side of the Bourne towards the town, or but here are eight quarters to the acre. on the flat; to give a good rent for it, From KENT I have received beautiful and to have it dug up deep, and laid samples of corn, raised by Mr. Fish, rough, as soon as he can. Standing upon brewer, at Maidstone; and from Tontheir pristine privileges; like the exem-bridge a very good account from Mr. plary mistress of the unfortunate ABE- KIPPING, who says that the crops are LARD, large and well ripened, and who sends me some very beautiful samples.

"Scorning all laws but those by nature made;"

In SUSSEX, I skip over Battle and its neighbourhood for the present, and go to Pevensey and its celebrated Level, whence Mr. Tuos. PLUMLEY writes to me, that he had destined forty rods of ground for the corn, which he planted in May, one part a little later than the other; that early in June, a flock of forty geese got in, and pulled up all that was out of the ground; so that he was obliged to transplant, and not having plants enough, he fell ten rods short; a part of his ground was planted on the 28th of May; and the plants were not out of the ground when the geese got in. He had therefore but thirty rods of ground in corn; and he says, that he shall have twenty bushels of shelled corn, notwithstanding the injury his

crop received. He says that his corn was neither topped nor bladed. He sends me six ears, which he says were taken from the plants planted on the 28th of May, and gathered about the 12th of November; so that this crop was upon the ground from the putting in of the seed to the gathering of the corn, only a hundred and sixty-eight days. Mr. Plum

being stronger than I, and seeing the corn to be a good thing, the Bourners may perhaps come and exercise on it le droit du plus fort: in plain English, take it away; at which I shall not repine, if they observe but one condition; namely, not to take it till it be quite ripe! The mode in which I intend to proceed is this: to carry down a bag of corn, and to go to every Bourner that has got a pig or a fowl, show him an ear of the corn, and then toss it down to his pig or his fowl, letting him draw his information in at his eyes. They will all soon hear that I have planted a piece of that corn; and when they see the crop, the business is done, whether they see me take it away in a lump, or whether they themselves take it away in detail. Now, quitting the Bour ners till the spring, I go to Chilworth, in the same county, which lies on the south side of St Martha's-hill, near Guildford, where Mr. Rowland's son tells me that he gave some of the corn to a labouring man, who brought him, the other day, a sparib, weighing ten pounds and a half, from a hog fatted, as Mr. Rowland un-ley says, at the close of his letter, "I derstood, with the produce of the corn. have had one sack ground; it weighed At Redhill, near Reigate, in the same two hundred and forty-eight pounds, County, Mr. Clarence had twenty rods, which very much surprised me, not thinkwhich produced nine heaped bushels of ing it would weigh so much." The six corn in the ear, and from six to seven ears sent by Mr. Plumley are amongst the bushels of shelled corn; but he says that finest that I ever saw; and one of the a great part of his corn did not ripen; and ears is the very largest and heaviest that that he used part of it in the green state. I ever saw of the Cobbett-corn. Being He is of opinion, and so an I too, that it here, just upon the edge of the water, I will not answer to grow it in considerable will step over to GUERNSEY, whence I quantities, without the assistance of a have received a box of most beautiful kila; and that is what I am going to show corn. I thought it exceeded every-thing most clearly before I have concluded this till I saw that of Mr. Plumley; and Mr. paper. As Mr. Clarence says nothing Plumley surpasses it only in one single about the fodder, I suppose he did not ear. Some of my own is, I think, equal think of using the leaves and tops in that to the Guernsey-corn; but not quite equal way; this is the worst account of the corn to the corn of Mr. Plumley. It is truly

St. John's-street, Chichester,
Nov. 21, 1831.

surprising that this corn never should put to them, and accompanied with the before have been cultivated in Guernsey following letters. and Jersey, though it has for ages and ages been cultivated at Brittany, where it is still cultivated, but in a miserable way. The gentlemen who send me these samples of corn from Guernsey are full of expressions of gratitude for the good that I have done their country.

"Dear Sir,-With great pleasure I assisted Mr. Gray in the distribution of the Cobbettcorn, which you kindly sent to Chichester, in order to be plauted last spring.

"We now send you some samples of the corn. The ticketed ears are the growth of the respective growers; on which tickets a few remarks are made as to the quantity planted and as to the goodness of crop; the quality ticketed ears are mostly the growth of laof the corn will speak for itself. The unbourers living in different parishes in the neighbourhood of Chichester, who planted patches in their gardens, and who in most instances used a great part of it in its milky state, and the remainder of the corn has since been given to their pigs or poultry, but who in every instance have made a reserve of some of the corn to plant again; regretting they have not more ground to plant it in. Now, Sir, you the coru was planted, it more than realised the may rely on it that in every instance where expectations of the grower; and depend upon it that numbers of others will plant the corn next spring. I aspired to the honour of being on your tour from Lewes to the west, an your host had you reached Chichester when honour which I still hope to have. With sincere wishes for your health and happiness,

"I remain, dear Sir, Your obedient and humble servaut, "RICHARD COSINS."

Strange thing! The land is the same, the climate the same, that they always were; the corn has existed in the world always; its qualities have always been the same; and yet it never was cultivated even in these southern islands, until I put pen to paper on the subject. If the whole of the Whig Ministry were to live to the age of Methuselah, they would not do so much good in the world as I have done to these little islands alone. If this should reach the eye of any of those gentlemen who have corn to sell, this is to inform them, and everybody else indeed, that Mr. SAPSFORD, corner of Queen-Anne and Wimpole streets, will purchase any quantity at three shillings for a bushel of ears of sound and dry corn. Thus, we have the corn ripening to perfection from the island of Guernsey to Paisley in Scotland! Coming back now to Sussex, I have received, through Mr. GEORGE ROBINSON of Lewes, a sample of very fine corn, growed by JAMES COLLINS of "Chichester, Nov. 21, 1831. Isfield, which, Mr. ROBINSON tells me, "Dear Sir,-Immediately on the receipt of has been very much admired by many your parcel of corn last April, I took the whole farmers and gentlemen. From Lodge to our mutual friend Mr. R. Cosins, who being farm, in the parish of Worth, Mr. SA-a retired farmer, and having leisure, I thought MUEL BRAZIER sends me a very fine specimen of corn, and also a specimen of Swedish turnips, growed from my seed, one weighing nine and a half pounds and one seven pounds. Endless are the lashes which these letters lay upon the back of "Mr. Cosius has no objection to his name THE LIAR. It would be almost repeti-appearing in print, if you think proper. I think tion to insert the passages describing his if his letter appears in your publication, it may baseness; but I cannot help inserting the good, as he is much looked up to as an words of MR. BRAZIER, so truly rustic and apt are they. "I can say nothing "about Hunt, as he holds with the hounds "and runs with the hare!" BRAZIER knows the fellow of old, and he knows Brazier well! From Chichester, in the same county, I have received a great many samples of very fine corn, the ears all ticketed, and the names of the growers

would do the thing better than I could, to whose annexed account I refer you, which, together with the parcel of coru sent by the bearer, our friend, Mr. Adams, of our town, will be enough to make Hunt blush, if his skin is not too thick. Hunt did not send me

one of his circulars.

upright man, a consistent politician, a good farmer, and well known through west Sussex and east Hampshire. At any time you may command my services, I shall be proud to oblige you in any way.

"Your humbleservant,


I now go into HAMPSHIRE, beginning at Portsea, whence I have received, through Mr. BIG wooD of Queen-street,

fifteen samples of very beautiful corn He
executed my request very punctually, and
has taken great pains in rendering me
an account of the result. His indignation
against the LIAR is too great for him to
express. One of the samples of corn sent
by Mr. Bigwood was accompanied with
a letter, which is of so interesting a nature
that I cannot refrain from inserting it here.

Elm Cottage, near Kingston Cross,
Nov. 21, 1831.

Alresford, from a Mr. Roberts, who is I believe both a miller and a farmer, I have received a bunch of ears of corn as fine as ever grew from the earth; not quite so large, so long, nor so heavy, as some of mine, as the Guernsey-corn, and as Mr. Plumley's of Pevensey; but certainly rather exceeding all the other samples, except perhaps one which comes from SUFFOLK, in which county all the corn appears to have been exceedingly fine. From Mr. Blount of Up-Husband near "Sir,-This year I planted a piece of land with corn in open ground in rows three feet Andover, in the same county, I have a eight inches apart. On the 18th of April, little box of very fine corn. Mr. Blount when the corn came up, I found that some planted twenty-two rods of ground, and had failed. I then transplanted and made he says that he had twenty bushels of good the rows, and seeing they looked wide apart, I planted a row of York cabbage between each row; I cut the cabbage and hoed the corn, and then planted brocoli in the same rows, which is now growing. The ear I have sent you is a fair sample, there being from two to three on a stalk, and on some I had four, Now, Sir, I sowed at the same time a piece of land with barley equal in size to that the corn was on. The produce of the coru was half as much more in measure and weight than the barley. I had a loaf made of half corn and half wheat last year, and it was very good bread. But Mrs. King keeps the corn for poultry, finding they fatted quickly and firm, and laid much finer eggs than with barley feeding. I find it has the same effect with pigs as with poultry. I gathered several ears of corn, quite ripe, on the 2d of September, and all was gathered in by the middle of October. "I remain your humble servant, "WM. KING."

prime ears, which is at the rate of eighty bushels of shelled corn to the acre, or thereabouts; that this was not half the produce, the rest being brought in, stalks and all, and tossed down to the cows, pigs, and poultry. He says that his crop of corn was plundered by the boys, who found out that the ears were good to eat when green; just, I suppose, as the Disciples did, when they were going, up to Jerusalem on the Sabbath-day. This is a sort of instinctive taste, that will require LORD BROUGHAM'S " parish libraries" to correct; for Mr. BRAZIER, of Worth, tells me, that the hop-pickers' girls and boys took a good deal of his corn in the hop-picking time.

Here, at Up-Husband, I am within a I cannot sufficiently thank Mr. BIG- few miles of the bunch of little hard paWOOD for the pains he has taken; but he rishes; but I must skip over to BATTLE, is a really public-spirited man, and re-in Sussex, and come back to the hard quires no thanks; with him to do good parishes again. Always when we are to the country is to do good to himself, thinking about doing good to the country, and that is the case with every man who we, in spite of ourselves, have some parcommunicates with me on this most in- ticular part or parts of it more immeteresting subject. From Lymington, Mr. diately in our eye than the rest. When JOHN. TEMPLER writes me, that the corn I first contemplated the gratuitous distrihas succeeded everywhere. I have re-bution of the corn, I had just been in ceived ears from a lady living in the Hampshire, and I had gone from Winneighbourhood of Lymington. Mr. TEM-chester to Bullington, to see and console PLER adds, and "yet Hunt calls the corn the widowed mother of those two excellent "that you gave away a fraud! Why, I could not see "what an impudent brazen LIAR the that bunch of parishes without feeling a "fellow must be! And this is the use, desire to do good to the labourers there, "is it, that the fool makes of the power reflecting, as I could not help doing, on "of franking given to him by the people the proceedings of the recent SPECIAL "of Preston!" At Alton, in the same COMMISSION. I promised the widow, County, I saw some as fine corn as I ever that I would return in May, to plant for saw in my life, last summer. From Old her a piece of ground to fat a pig or two,

young men the MASONS.

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