Sivut kuvina

keep a true copy of such list, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first weeks after such list shall have been made; provided always, that every precinct or place, whether extra-parochial or otherwise, which shall have no overseers of the poor, shall, for the purpose of making out such list as aforesaid, be deemed to be within the parish or township adjoining thereto, such parish or township being situate within the same county, or the same riding, parts, or division of a county, as such precinct or place; and if such precinct or place shall adjoin two or more parishes or townships, so situate as aforesaid, it shall be deemed to be within the least populous of such parishes or townships, according to the last census for the time being; and the overseers of the poor of every such parish or township shall insert in the list for their respective parish or township the names of all persons who shall claim as aforesaid, to be inserted therein, as voters in the election of a knight or knights of the shire to serve for the county, or for the riding, parts, or division of the county in which such precinct or place as aforesaid lies, in respect of any lands or tenements situate wholly or in part within such precinct or place.

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And be it enacted, that every person who shall have claimed to be entitled to vote in the election of a knight or knights of the shirc for any county, or any riding, parts, or division of a county, may object to any person as not being entitled to have his name retained on any such list of voters for such county, riding, parts, or division to be made out as aforesaid; and every person so objecting (save aud except overseers objecting in the manner hereinbefore mentioned), shall, on or before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the twentyfifth day of August in every succeeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing according to the form numbered 4, in the said schedule H, or to the like effect, to the overseers who shall have made out such list; and such persons shall also, on or before the said day of in the said year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in every succeeding year, give to the person objected to, or leave at his place of abode as described in such list, or send by the post, directed to him at such place of abode, a notice in writing according to the form numbered 5, in the said schedule H or to the like effect; and the overseers shall include the names of all persons so objected to in a list according to the form numbered 6, in the said schedule H; and shall cause copies of such list to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, on the two Sundays next preceding the in the year one thousand eight hunday of dred and thirty-two, and the two Sundays next


preceding the fifteenth day of September in every succeeding year; and the overseers shall likewise keep a copy of the names of all the persons so objected to, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the ten days next preceding the said the said year one thousand eight hundred and day of thirty-two, and the said fifteenth day of September in every succeeding year. And be it enacted, that on the



of hundred and thirty two, and on the twentyin the year one thousand eight ninth day of August in every succeeding year, the overseers of every parish and township shall deliver the list of voters so made out as aferesaid, together with a written statement of the number of persons objected to by the overseers and by other persons, to the high constable or high constables of the hundred or other like district in which such parish or township is situate; and such high constable or high constables shall forthwith deliver all such lists, together with such statements as aforesaid, to the clerk of the peace of the county, riding, or parts, who shall forthwith make out an abstract of the number of persons sons in each parish and township, and transobjected to by the overseers and by other permit the same to the barrister or barristers appointed as hereinafter appointed to revise such lists, in order that the said barrister or barristers may fix proper times and places for holding his or their courts for the revision of the said lists.


tice of the Court of King's Bench for the And be it enacted, that the Lord Chief Justime being, immediately after the passing of this Act, and in each succeeding year, in the month of July or August, shall nominate and appoint for Middlesex, and the senior Judge for the time being in the last commission of Assize for every other county, immediately after the passing of this Act, and in each succeeding year the senior Judge for the time being in the commission of Assize for every such other county, when travelling the sumevery such county, or for each of the ridings, mer circuit, shall nominate and appoint for parts or divisions of such county (subject nevertheless to the approbation of the Lord High Chancellor, Lord Keeper, or Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal for the time being, a barrister or barristers, to revise the list of voters in the election of a knight or knights of the shire; and such barrister or barristers so appointed as aforesaid, shall give public notice, as well by advertisement in some of the newspapers circulating within the county, riding, parts or division, as also by a notice to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation at the principal place of election for the county, riding, parts, or division (such last-mentioned notice to be given three days at the least before the commencement of his circuit of the county, riding, parts, or division, or their circuit), that he or they will make a for which he or they shall be so appointed, and

of the several times and places at which he or such person from the lists; and he shall also they will hold Courts for that purpose, such expunge from the said lists the name of every times being between the day of person who shall be proved to him to be dead; inclusive, and the day of and shall correct any mistake or supply any inclusive, in the year one thousand eight hun- omission which shall be proved to him to have dred and thirty-two, and between the fifteenth been made in any of the said lists in respect day of September inclusive, and the twenty- of the name, or place of abode, or nature of fifth day of October inclusive, in every sub-the qualification, or local description of the sequent year; and he or they shall hold open property, of any person who shall be included courts for that purpose at the times and iu any such list: Provided always, that no places so to be announced; and where two or more barristers shall be appointed for the same county, riding, parts, or division, they shall attend at the same places together; but shall sit apart from each other, and hold separate courts at the same time for the dispatch of business: Provided always, that no barrister so appointed as aforesaid, shall be eligible to serve in Parliament for eighteen mouths from the time of such his appointment for the county, riding, parts or division for which he shall be so appointed.

person's name shall be expunged from any such list, except in case of his death, or in case of his being objected to on the margin of the list by the overseers as aforesaid, unless such notice as is herein before required in that behalf shall have been given to the overseers, nor unless such notice as is herein before required in that behalf shall have been given to such person, or left at or sent to his place of abode.

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And be it enacted, that the overseers of the poor of every parish and township either. And be it enacted, that the clerk of the wholly or in part situate within any city or peace shall at the opening of the first court to borough, or place sharing in the election for be held by every such barrister for auy county, any city or borough, which shall return a or for any riding, parts or division of a county, member or members to serve in any future produce or cause to be produced before him Parliament, shall, on or before the day the several lists of voters for such county, of in the year one thousand eight hunriding, parts or division, which shall have dred and thirty-two, and on or before the last been delivered to such clerk of the peace by day of July in each succeeding year, make out the high coustables as aforesaid; and the or cause to he made out, according to the form overseers of every parish and township who numbered 1, in the schedule marked 1 to shall bave made out the list of voters, shall this Act annexed, an alphabetical list of all attend the court to be held by every such bar-persons who may be entitled, by virtue of this rister, at the place appointed for revising the Act, to vote in the election of a member or lists relating to such parish or township re members to serve in any future Parliament spectively, and shall also deliver to such bar for such city or borough, in respect of the ocrister a copy of the list of the persons objected cupation of premises of the clear yearly value to, so made out by them as aforesaid; and the of not less thau Ten Pounds as herein-beforesaid overseer shall answer upon oath all such mentioned, situate wholly or in part within questions as such barrister may put to them or such parish or township, and another alphaany of them, touching any matter necessary betical list according to the form numbered 2 for revising the list of voters; and every such in the said schedule 1 of all other persons (exbarrister shall retain on the list of voters the cept freemen) who may be entitled to vote in names of all persons to whom no objection the election for such city or borough by virtue shall have been made by the overseers, or by of any other right whatsoever; and in each of any other person, in the mauner herein be- the said lists, the christian name and sur fore-mentioned; and he shall also retain on name of every porson shall be written at ful the list of voters the name of every person who length, together with the nature of his qualishall have been objected to by any person fication; and where any person shall be enother than the overseers, unless the party so titled to vote in respect of any property, then objecting shail appear by himself or by some the name of the street, lane, or other descripone in his behalf in support of such objection; tion of the place where such property may be and where the name of any person inserted situate shall be specified in the list; and in the list of voters shall have been objected to where any person shall be entitled to vote by the overseers, or by any other person, in otherwise than in respect of any property, then the manner herein before-mentioned, and the name of the street, lane, or other descripsuch person so objecting shall appear by him- tion of the place of such person's abode shall self or by some one on his behalf in support be specified in the list: and the overseers of such objection, every such barrister shall shall sign each of such lists, and shall cause a require the qualification of the person so ob- sufficient number of copies of such lists to he jected to, to be proved, and in case the quali-printed and to be fixed on or near the doors of fication of such person shall not be proved to the satisfaction of such barrister, or in case it shall be proved that such person is incapacitated by any law or statute for voting in the election of Members to serve in Parliament, such barrister shall expunge the name of every

all the churches and chapels in their several parishes and townships, or if there be no church or chapel therein then to be fixed up in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively on the two Sundays next after such lists shall have been made;

and the said overseers shall likewise keep true copies of such lists, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first weeks after such lists shall have been made.

And be it enacted, that every preciuct or place, whether extra-parochial or otherwise, having no overseers of the poor, which now is or hereafter may be within any city or borough, or within any place sharing in the electiou for any city or borough, shall, for the purpose of making out the list of voters for such city or borough, be deemed to be within the parish or township adjoining thereto, and situate wholly or in part within such city or borough, or within such place sharing in the election therewith; and if such precinct or place shall adjoin two or more parishes or townships so situate as aforesaid, it shall be deemed to be within the least populous of such parishes or townships according to the last census for the time being; and the overseers of every such parish or township shall insert in the list for their respective parish or township the names of all persons who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any such city or borough in respect of any property occupied by such persons within such city or borough, or within any place sharing in the election therewith, such property being situate wholly or in part within such precinct or place as aforesaid.

quired to be done by and with regard to the town-clerk, shall be done by and with regard to the person executing duties similar to those of the town-clerk, and if there be no such person, then by and with regard to the chief civil officer of such city, borough, or place.

And be it enacted, that every person whose name shall have been omitted in any such list of voters for any city or borough, so to be made out as hereinbefore-mentioned, and who shall claim to have his name inserted therein, shall, on or before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, and on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in every succeeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing, according to the form numbered 4, in the said schedule 1, or to the like effect, to the overseers of that parish or township in the list whereof he shall claim to have his name in serted, or if he shall claim as a freeman of any city, or borough, or place sharing in the election therewith, then to the town clerk of such city, borough, or place; and every person whose name shall have been inserted in any list of voters for any city or borough, may ohject to any other person as not being entitled to have his name retained in any list of voters for the same city or borough, and every person so objecting shall, on or before the day of

in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in every suc ceeding year, give, or cause to be given, a notice in writing according to the form numbered 5 in the said schedule I, or to the like effect, to the overseers who shall have made out such list; or if the person objected to shall be inserted in the list of freemeu of any city, borough, or place, as aforesaid, then to the town clerk of such city, borough, or place; and the overseers shall include the names of all persons so claiming, as aforesaid, in a list according to the form numbered 6 in the said schedule 1, and the names of all persons so objected to as aforesaid in a list according to the form numbered 7 in the said schedule 1, and shall cause copies of such two lists to be fixed on or near the doors of all the churches and chapels within their parish or township, or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively, two Sundays next preceding the day of

And be it enacted, that the town-clerk of every city or borough shall, on or before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the last day of July in each ucceeding year, make out, or cause to be made out, according to the form numbered 3, in the said schedule 1, an alpbabetical list of all the freemen of such city or borough who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve iu any future Parliament for such city or borough, together with the respective places of their abode; and the town-clerk of every place sharing in the election for any city or borough shall, at the respective times aforesaid, make out, or cause to be made out, a like list of all the freemen of such place who may be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for such city or bo rough; and every such town-clerk shall cause a copy of every such list to be fixed on or near the door of the Town Hall, or in some public and conspicuous situation within such re-in the year one thousand eight hundred and spective city, borough, or place, as aforesaid, thirty-two, and on the two Sundays next preon the two Sundays next after such list shall ceding the fifteenth day of September in every have been made, and shall likewise keep a succeeding year; and every town-clerk shall true copy of such list to be perused by any include the names of all persons so claiming person without payment of any fee, at all rea-us freemen in a list according to the form sonable hours during the two first weeks after numbered 8, in the said schedule 1, and the such list shall have beru made; provided al names of all persons so objected to as freemen ways, that where there shall be no town-clerk in a list according to the form numbered 9, in for such city, borough, or place, as aforesaid, the said schedule 1, and shall cause copies of or where the town-clerk shall be dead, or in-two such lists to be fixed on or near the door capable of acting, all matters by this Act re- of the town-hall, or iu some public and conspi

un the

day of

day of


cuous situation, within his respective city, form numbered 2, in the said schedule K, and borough, or place as aforesaid, on the two shall cause such last-mentioned list to be fixed Sundays hereinbefore last mentioned in the in the Guildhall and the Royal Exchange of year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- the said city on the two Sundays next precedtwo, and in every succeciling year respectively;ing the in the year and the overseers and town-clerks shall like- one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and wise keep a copy of the names of all the per-on the two Sundays next preceding the fifsons so claiming as aforesaid, and also a copy teenth day of September in every succeeding of the names of all persons so objected to, as year; and the said returning officer or officers, aforesaid, to be perused by any persons with- and clerks of the said companies, sbali likeout payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours wise keep a copy of the names of all persons so during the ten days next preceding the said claiming as aforesaid, to be perused by any day of in the year one thou-person without payment of any fee, at all reasund eight hundred and thirty-two, and the sonable hours during the ten days next prefifteenth day of September in every succeeding ceding the said year, and shall deliver a copy of each of such the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtylists to any person requiring the same on pay-two, and the said fifteenth day of September in every succeeding year; and every person who shall object to any other person as not being entitled to have his name retained on any such livery list, shall, on or before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the twenty fifth day of August in every succeeding year, give to such person, or leave at his in the year one thou-usual place of abode, a notice in writing, according to the form numbered 3, in the said schedule K, or to the like effect; and in the city of London the returning officer or officers shall take the poll or votes of such freemen of the said city, being liverymen of the several companies, as are entitled to vote at such election, in the Guildhall of the said city; and the said returning officer or officers shall not be required to provide any booth or compartments, but shall appoint or take one poll for the whole number of such liverymen at the same place.

ment of one shilling for each copy.
Aud he is enacted, that for providing a list
of such of the freemen of the city of London
as are liverymen of the several companies en-
titled to vote in the election of a member or
members to serve in any future Parliament for
the city of Loudon, the returning officer or
officers of the said city shall, on or before the
day of

sand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the last day of July in each succeeding year, issue precepts to the clerks of the said livery companies, requiring them forthwith to make out or cause to be made out, at the expense of the respective companies, an alphabetical list according to the form in schedule K, to this Act annexed, of the freemen of London, being liverymen of the said respective companies, and entitled to vote at such election; and every such clerk shall sign such list, and transmit the same, with two printed copies thereof, to such returning officer or And be it enacted, that the Lord Chief officers, who shall forthwith fix oue such copy Justice of the Court of King's Bench for the in the Guildhall, and one in the Roval Ex-tine being, immediately after the passing of change of the said city, there to remain fourteen days, in the year one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-two, and in every subsequent year; and the clerks of the said livery companies shall cause a sufficient number of such lists of freemen and liverymen of their respective companies to be printed at the expense of the respective companies, and shall keep the same, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during the two first weeks after such lists shall have been printed; and every person whose name shall have been omitted in any such list of freemen and liverymen, and who shall claim to have his name inserted therein, shall, on or before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and on or before the twenty-fifth day of August in every succeeding year, give or cause to be given a notice in writing, according to the form numbered 1, in the said schedule K, or to the like effect, to the returning officer or officers, and to the clerk of that company in the list whereof he shall claim to have his name userted; and the returning officer or officers shall include the names of all persons so claiming as aforesaid in a list according to the

this Act, and in each succeeding year in the mouth of July or August, shall dominate and appoint (subject nevertheless to the approba tion of the Lord High Chaucellor, Lord Keeper, or Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal for the time being) so many barristers as the said Lord Chief Justice shall deem necessary to revise the respective lists of voters for the City of London, and for the City of Westminster, and for the several boroughs in the county of Middlesex; aud that the senior Judge for the time being in the last Commission of Assize for every other county immediately after the passing of this Act, and in each succeeding year, the senior Judge for the time being in the Commission of Assize for every such other county, when travelling the Summer Circuit, shall nominate and appoint (subject nevertheless to such approbation as aforesaid) so many barristers as the said Judge shall deen necessary, to revise the respective lists of voters, as well for the several cities and boroughs in every such county as for every city and town, and county of a city and town, next adjoining to any such county; and the town and county of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull shall for this purpose be con

election of a member or members of Parlia ment to serve for such city or borough; and such barristers shall retain on the lists of voters for such city or borough the names of all persons to whom no objection shall have beeu made in the manner hereinbefore-inentioned; and he shall also retain on the said lists the name of every person who shall have been objected to by auy person, unless the party so objecting shall appear by himself, or by some one on his behalf, in support of such

sidered as next adjoining to the county of York, and the town and county of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne as next adjoining to the county of Northumberland, and the city and county of the city of Bristol as next adjoining to the county of Somerset; and the said Lord Chief Justice and Judge respectively shall have power to nominate and appoint one or more barristers to revise the lists for the same city or borough or other place as aforesaid, or one barrister only, to revise the lists for several cities, boroughs, and other places, as afore-objection; and where the name of any person said: provided always, that no barrister so appointed as aforesaid shall be eligible to serve in Parliament for eighteen months from the time of his appointment for any city, borough, or other place as aforesaid, for which he shall be so appointed: provided also, that nothing herein coutaiued shall prevent the same barrister from being appointed to revise the lists for two or more counties, ridings, parts or divisions, or for any county, riding, part or division, and any one or more of the cities or boroughs therein.

And be it enacted, that the barrister or barristers so appointed to revise the lists of voters for any city or borough shall hold an open court or courts for that purpose, within such city or borough, and also within every place sharing in the election for such city or borough, at some time between the

day of


inclusive, and the

day inclusive, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and between the fifteenth day of September inclusive, and the twenty-fifth day of ́October inclusive in every succeeding year, having first given three clear days' notice of the holding of such court or courts, to be fixed on the doors of all the churches and chapels within such city, borough, or place, respectively; or if there be no church or chapel therein, then to be fixed in some public and conspicuous situation within the same respectively; and the overseers or town-clerks who shall have made out the lists of voters as aforesaid, and in the case of the city of London, the returning officer or officers of the said city shall, at the opening of the first court to be held by every such barrister for revising such lists, produce their respective lists before him; and the said overseers and town-clerk shall also deliver to such barrister a copy of the list of the persons objected to, so made out by them as aforesaid; and the clerks of the several livery companies of the city o London, and the town-clerk of every other city or borough, or place, sharing in the election therewith, and the several overseers within every city, borough, or place, as aforesaid, shall attend the court to be held by every such barrister for any such city, borough, or place, as aforesaid, and shall answer upon oath all such questions as such barrister may put to them or any of them, touching any matter necessary for revising the lists of voters; and every such barrister shall insert in such lists the name of every person who shall be proved to his satisfaction to be entitled to vote in the

inserted in the list of voters for such city or borough shall have been objected to in the manner hereinbefore-mentioned, and the person so objecting shall appear by himself, or by some one on his behalf, in support of such objection, every such barrister shall require the qualification of the person so objected to to be proved; and in case the qualification of such person shall not be proved to the satisfaction of such barrister, or in case it shall be proved that such person is iucapacitated by any law or statute from voting in the election of members to serve in Parliament, such barrister shall expunge the name of every such person from the said lists; and he shall also expunge from the said lists the name of every person who shall be proved to him to be dead; and shall correct any mistake, or supply any omission which shall be proved to him to have been made in any of the said lists in respect of the name or place of abode, or nature of the qualification, or local description of the property of any person who shall be included in any such list; provided always, that no person's name shall be inserted by such barrister in any such list for any city or borough, or shall be expunged therefrom, except in the case of death, unless such notice shall have been given as is herein before required in each of the said cases.

And be it enacted, that the overseers of every parish or township shall, for their assistance in making out the lists in pursuance of this Act (upon request made by them, or any of them, at any reasonable time between the day of day of

and the

in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and between the first day of June and the last day of July in any succeeding year, to any assessor or collector of taxes, or to any other officer having the custody of any duplicate or tax assessment for such parish or township), have free liberty to inspect any such duplicate or tax assessment, and to extract from theuce such particulars as may appear to such overseer or overseers to be necessary; and every barrister appointed under this Act shall have power to require any assessor, collector of taxes, or other offcer having the custody of any duplicate or tax assessment, or any overseer or overseers having the custody of any poor-rate, to produce the same respectively before him at any court to be held by him, for the purpose of assisting him in revising the lists to be by him revised iu pursuance of this Act.

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