Sivut kuvina

Bolt-court, Oct. 22, 1831.

them, telling him I wished to have out, or unless you be quite sure that copies, that I might procure their inser- there is no vanity within.-Yours, &c., tion in the Morning Chronicle, In the WM. COBBETT. evening, several gentlemen who had been on the deputation, met, but as To the Editor of the MORNING CHRONICLE. neither Mr. Potter nor his friend attendBolt-court, Oct. 21, 1831, ed, one of the deputation went to Craw- SIR, As there are so many persons: ford-street, saw Mr. Potter, and re- who in one form or another complain of,.. quested the papers, but he received for or censure, through your columns, my answer, that Mr. Potter, with two others efforts to convince the people that the of the deputation, intended calling on Ministers will, not keep their pledges me, at my house, at eleven o'clock the with regard to the Reform Bill, and that next morning, the 14th. I therefore the "confidence" placed in them, as to caused the whole of the seventeen to be this matter, is ill-founded, I hope it is summoned for that hour, but neither not too much if I beg room for these Mr. Potter nor any of the persons he very few words more upon the subject. alluded to came. In the afternoon, We have now done with dispute as to received the memorial and the resolu- the past, and are come to mere matter tions, and as no more time was to be of opinion as to what the Ministers will lost, I gave them to Mr. Black, and now do; and I will not deal, in vague read to him my account of the proceed-expressions: I say, that if nothing exings from the draught of a letter I wrote traneous, more than what we now beon the 13th, to a gentleman in the hold, happen, until the new bill be North, and this was the ground of his publication; it was necessarily brief, and not so well and correctly worded as it ought to have been,-Your obedient "FRANCIS PLACE.


"Charing-cross, Oct. 20, 1831.”


brought in, that bill will not contain
schedules A and B. Here is something
specific. This is my opinion: you seem
to hold an opposite opinion: time will
Soon decide between us; and, therefore,
to time let us refer the decision.

I am your most obedient Servant;

SIR,-Nothing can prevent, finally, As a sort of answer to this last letter, and in a year or so, a "radical reform the editor of the Chronicle, in the same of the Parliament" (Charles Fox's own paper, has these words :-" Of the inappellation) and consequent cheap Go- tentions of Ministers, we have already vernment; but there will be monstrous" said, we entertain no doubt; but we attempts to dupe the people along, and "cannot see our way as to the mode in to keep it from them. My decided" which effect can be given to their inopinion is, that schedules A and B will" tentions. We believe that a bill with be so altered in the new bill, as to leave" Schedules A and B will be PREa nice little sprinkling of boroughmon-" SENTED by Ministers, but beyond gering; and I know that it is intended" this we know nothing." Ah! "it was to take away the ten-pound suffrage in" just here that poor Philomel gave up the great towns. Mind, I say that I" the ghost!" Presented! Aye, l'il know that this is intended; and thus bet my life that these schedules will be goes all that made the bill worth any-" presented" by them; and, further, thing. It will fail; but it is intended. that they will boldly insist, that A and Political Unions are useful, until THE B shall still stand at the head of the THING gets hold of their leaders! Let schedules; but, as to their contents, it the people beware of this danger: it is will be our old baby-story :-A, apple; a very great one. Better not send "de-B bit it, C cut it, D divided it, and I puties to talk with THE THING, E eat it. It will still be "Schedule A," unless you first prove their hearts to be but that is all that it will have in com cased with something to keep flattery mon with the Schedule A of the bill.

Yet, how are these men to stop short!
How are they ever again to look the
nation, or to look one another, in the
face! "I have," says Lady Macbeth

I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me
I would, while it was smiling in my face,2
Have pluck'd my nipple from its boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, had I but sworn :
As you have done to this
(.21996 ))

Poor Lord John, will shudder batothe
thought of being pushed in this way;
and will, like a repentant reformer;
yield to the voice of the 199,1 and
so keep his place, and never more
repeat his rash pledges. He will not,
like the patriarch, require an angel from
heaven to step in to save the devoted
rotten boroughs from the fury of his
patriotism. I wonder whether HE will
bring in the new bill! abuse don graw

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Bagshot, skot, Tuesday Morning, Oct. 25, 1831. ON my way to Winchester, the Morning Chronicle overtook me here, last night,

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neighbourhood, held at Dee's Royal Hotel, and by adjournment, at Mr. Beardsworth's Repository, on Thursday, the 20th day of Oepurpose of taking into consideration the propriety of addressing his Majesty

to express their deep regret and bitter disappointment at the rejection of the Reform Bill in the upper House of Parliament," to declare their unabated confidence in his Majesty's enlightened patriotism, and in the zeal, wis dom and firmness of his confidential advisers, and to express their earnest hope that all constitutional measures will be employed for the speedy accomplishment of an object so essential to the peace and welfare of the country.

The following résolutions were unanimously adopted by offe

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That this meeting views with disappoint-ment, indignation, and alarm, the rejection of the Reform Bill by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, who, in this exercise of legislative functions, held by them in trust for the people, have endangeredtis all the institutions of the State, and the whale, fabric of society.

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and declarations of his Majesty's Ministers,
2. That relying upon the public acts, pledges
this meeting reposes a firm confidence in their 2
integrity, and trusts that they will speedily
a measures as may allay the present,

adopt such

deed! butaining grandistracted and anxious state of t


Boss and news wanting confirmation, mind, and remove those elements of political, However, I must, before I come to that come to that commercial and financial derangemens which and to the very close connexion that must otherwise, ere long, prove fatal to the it appears to have with myo best interests of. tions of lasted my own opera3 That Society Parliamentary re

proceed with

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form, in which the great principles of dis history of the Reform Bill, and of the franchisement, enfranchisement, and right of

more restricted

effects which the rejection of it has had voting, are confineonized by the

form Bills, will satisfy the just claims and principles of the British Constitution. 35 9307 expectations of the people, or restore the true

upon the nation. Most of the e great towns limits than
in the North have met and expressed
their indignation against the rejecting
Peers, and especially against the Bi-
the people

shops, the latter of whom dence in the wisdom, patriotism, and firmness,

14. That this meeting, placing entire confi of Iris Majesty, is satisfied that he will exercise the Constitution on such manner as shall most the prerogatives with which lie is invested by effectually promote the success of a measure essential to the peace and happiness of bja

have, in several
plades, burn't
and the proper persons" of some of the
former they have roughly handled." At
BIRMINGHAM, which place, and pretty
close round it, there are a million of people.
people assembled, and which spot is
precisely in the middle of England, as
well breadthways"


leng meeting]


5 That in the opinion of this meeting systematic opposition of me nearly the whole Corporation of Lords Spiritual to the Consti tutional rights of the people of those who was, on the 2012 of October, voted against the bill and those who absented of the people, for the purpose of address themselves their rooted attachment to corrupt and corrupting institulens, and political ing the King or the rejection of the disregard of the first principles of that Holy bill, at which meeting the resolutions religion of which they be pre-emi which I am about to insert were agreed nently the ministers have justly deprived to.-9b isidoorsq/9df OF ZANO 103 them of the national respect and confidence, -9TO MON RESOLUTIONS. 9103 Destand wilbuktimately be the means of depriving them of their legislative functions,ut paenqur BIRMINGHAM AU a very numerous and highly respectable public meeting of the inha 1 An address to the King, consonant bitant householders of Birmingham and it with these resolutions, was, of course, Fot. Hiw you Jadi woy list yɔds sodw to visokem slömbiano) and 990b57 of


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townsmen ağat have cautioned his

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agreed to. The main topies of interest their opponents Would they not here are, the confidence expresed in the be emboldened by their impunity? Ministers and the sentiments relative" Would they not again combine and to the Bishops. The former is guarded intrigue when Parliament again asvery much by coupling it with a refer- sembled. Would not the bill be ence to the pledges given by the Minis- again thrown out, or more probably ters; and, in fact, founding the confi-be smothered or torn in pieces, and dence upon the supposition, that those" rendered useless in Committee? pledges will be adhered to. It is, in (Cheers.) He again repeated that he fact, a conditional confidence but it is" would not délude the people. There quite confidence enough! The meeting" were but two modes of carrying this was not, however, content to leave the "measure—by constitutional means, or King to suppose that they were content by means not, strictly constitutional; with a bill "quite as efficiently in other words, he told them it could say, "No measure in which the great “only be carried by more peers or fewer. "principles of disfranchisement, en-"(Loud cheers.) He repeated, that he "franchisement, and right of voting," ""conscientiously believed that they. do not remain the same will satisfy "would do the like again, unless their them. This is very material; and it is“ numbers were increased. If new peers worthy of the imitation of every other were not made, he soferinly warned meeting However, as to confidence" the House of Lords that that it was 'the in the Ministers, Mr. PARNES, in his last time of asking. He solemnly speech, seems to warned the Government, if it had not being deceived. These the energy to make the change in the were his words, and they are well worthy representation required by the people of attention He would not,' shers said," be a party to delusion; he would This is sense. It is evident that there "not longer conceal his real fears that is no other way of carrying the bill. "the country and the Reform Bill la. There must be a change made in the "boured under almost insurmountable persons are to vole; or it is it is impos"difficulties. The House of Lords sible to carry the same bill; and, we “consisted of 421 peers, and 199 voted clearly see, that this gentleman is suc against the second reading of the bill; picious, that no such change will be “158 voted in favour; 64 peers did not made; and well he may; for if it be vote at all of the latter number 20 intended now, why was not the change “might be absentees, insane, and mi- made on the 10th or 12th of October, Therefore, there were 40, cer- and all this turmoil prevented? I ask, tainly, disaffected to the bill, who did why the change was not made then? "not vote. Now it was notorious that, And if I be told, that the Ministers “of the minority, many peers voted for hearts were good, but that they wanted "the second reading who were inimical the power; that they found at Windsor "to the principle of the bill, and who people too strong for them; what reason "would have opposed its details in is there to suppose that they possess the "Committee. Thus, in fact, only about power now? Mr. PARKES was, there"one-fourth of the peerage was sin-fore, very right in cautioning the people "cerely in our favour. Deny this gloomy against being deluded into confidence in "fact who may, deceive the people in the Ministers, until they know that they “biding it who might, he (Mr. Parkes) not only can, but will, make a new crea“would not be a party to the delusion, tion of Peers. And the people know "How was such a critical situation to that Lord GREY told the parochial de"be overcome? Would intrigue, corputies that there would be no new crearuption, fear, conviction would any tion of Peers. There is no getting out “other causes or motives operate in the of this: and it is delusion to talk of "short interregnum of the prorogation, confiding in men for the doing of a thing, "to reduce this formidable majority of when they tell you that they will not



make use of the only means by which dangers to property and to life, which that thing can be done. now alarm the country; that all these The 5th resolution (relating to the are to be ascribed wholly to the bishops, Bishops) is the echo that fills the to those who have vowed upon the altar country. They cannot now stand as that they will be ever watchful to prothey are. One thing, at any rate, the mote godliness and peace! Therefore, bill would have done: it would have put for them now to expect forbearance on an end to a greater mass of drunkenness, the part of a people driven to half madlying, fraud, bribery, corruption, and ness by their sufferings and by their false-swearing, than ever existed before despair, would be presumption equal to in the whole world; and these men voted any other part of their conduct and against, and actually prevented, the characteristics. Expect, or expect not, adoption of this measure! That is however, no forbearance will they reenough: we need go no further with receive; so that to that they may make up gard to their conduct. They had no- their minds. thing to do with the policy of the meaBasingstoke, Tuesday noon, 25th October. sure it was the mass of sin that the bill I now come to the grand news in the would have, and must have, put an end Chronicle, which I mentioned in my to, that they ought to have had in their article of this morning; and here it is, eye. They might think, and think taken from the Chronicle of yesterday, rightly, that the bill would take away a (Monday, 24th October.) "It is with large part of their worldly wealth; make the greatest satisfaction that we now them live in modest mansions instead of " state, on the best authority, that there palaces; make them drive a gig instead" is no foundation for the belief in the of a coach and six; but what was that postponement of the meeting of Par to men who had vowed at the altar, that" liament to January. It will meet, at they believed themselves called by the" the very latest, on the 1st of DecemHoly Ghost to take upon them the care of ber; and the bill will then be brought souls, and who had also vowed to cast If the Ministers were to make aside all love of worldly lucre? In short, any change, it would be to make it their case is now desperate: the conduct" more democratical. But they will of the clergy in the case of MOTHER" bring in THE bill." Indeed! Mind, CLARKE AND THE DUKE OF YORK, and this is the whole of the paragraph, in the case of poor QUEEN CAROLINE; which paragraph is placed in the most these were two heavy blows; but this conspicuous part of the paper, and in last blow is the finisher. They will that sort of type which is used when never recover this blow which they have the editor is desirous that the writing given to themselves. The REFORM BILL should attract particular and great atwould, to a certainty, have, in a short tention; when he is desirous that it time, reduced them to something like should be read by every-body, and that moderate incomes; but now there will it should produce effect on the mind of be no ceremony with them. Here was every reader: and effect this paragraph a proposition to put an end to a mass of will produce! Here is a change all of a wickedness such as the world never saw sudden! I will not refer to the report of before; and here were 44 Bishops, the the Parochial Deputies of the conversawhole of whom all but two, either tion of Lord GREY with them on the voted against it or abstained from voting night of the 12th of October; I will for it; and if there ever were a case in not refer to Mr. MABERLY'S statement which to apply the maxim, that "he at the Surrey Meeting, that the proro who is not for us is against us," this is gation would be till the middle of that case. In short, we are all satisfied, January; but I will refer to the speech that the loss of this bill, and all the tur-of Lord GREY, himself, made in the moil which now exists, all the injury to business, all the breaches of the peace, all the fearful combinations, all the


House of Lords, on Monday, the 17th instant, and the report of which was inserted in the last Register, p. 204.

we should have the words constantly before us, for some time to

Nay, I will not refer to it, but I will will do us the justice to believe we insert it here; for it for it is proper that "have adopted the course most con"ducive to the public welfare, and in to come, It" our judgment most likely to promote is his explanation of what took place the object we have before us." Between him and the PAROCHIAL Well, now! Here we have his own DEPUTIES; and here it is "I said confession that he told the DEPUTIES "nothing of any period of adjournment. that the prorogation would be till "I said nothing of a prorogation of "AFTER Christmas"; here we have. "Parliament to the end of January his own confession, that he told them, is (till after Christmas was the state- that there was no question" that "ment)-I said nothing of time-I re- SOME ALTERATIONS in the bill. "served to myself the power to exer- would be necessary." But now the "cise my discretion on the he advice 1 editor of the Chronicle tells us, that he "should give on that subject, and I has "the best authority" for asserting "think I have a right to claim from that, at the latest, the Parliament will the public, for my colleagues and my meet again on the first of December! "self, whether that time form a long or Here is a change. "Oh! infirm of pur"a short one, whether it prove of the pose!" The first of December is not till usual length or less-that we have after Christmas; and, observe, it is only taken that course which we think eight days after the 224 of November, most conducive to the accomplish-to which day the Parliament stands "ment of that object which we, as well prorogued; and the ministerial paper, as the public, most anxiously desire. the Courier, told us, on the evening of "With respect to the Reform measure the prorogation, that after the 22d of itself, I said there could be no ques-November, there would be a further tion that some alterations were neces-prorogation of fourteen days at the least! "sary-that it would be our duty to Again, who will believe that Mr. Ma"consider what those alterations were BERLY did not go to the Surrey meeting, "to be; but I repeated what I had said not only authorized, but requested, to "before, that I never would be a party prepare the country for a long proroga"to the recommendation of tion? Who will believe that? I ask any mea"sure not founded on the same printhe reader whether he can believe that "ciples as that which had been re- Mr. MABERLY would have named the “jected, and as effectual for the ac- middle of January, if he had not been "complishment of the objects which requested to do it, and requested, too, "it was declared to have in view. (Hear, by the Ministers themselves, What, then, "hear.) These were the expressions can have been the cause of this sudden "I used, except that when the Depu-change?

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"ties intimated in strong terms their But there is something still more im"fears for the continuance of the public portant in the news thus communicated "tranquillity, I told them the Govern- to us by DR. BLACK; namely, that we "ment expected that they, and every are again to have" THE Bill!" That "one should use their utmost efforts to is to say, the same bill, and none of your "repress disturbance and enforce obe-"quite as efficients." Very different is "dience to the laws; and that I trusted this from what the Doctor (as we have "their exertions would be effectual, and seen above) said on Saturday; for then, "that the Government would not be he "believed, that the ministers had "driven to the painful necessity of" good intentions, and that they would "using the powers with which they" present a bill with schedules A and B were entrusted to preserve the tran- "in it; but that beyond that he would "quillity by force, These were the say nothing." Now, then, as to the sentiments I uttered, and I trust, as I authenticity of the Doctor's grand news. #said before, that whatever may be the The Doctor is an honest fellow and a "length of the prorogation, the people sincere reformer, and his diploma is,

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