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gistrates, upon the express understanding, at the magistrates while this address was being however, that their services should not be made, one of which struck the person who required except in case of actual necessity, was standing next to the Mayor, and knocked and the failure of the civil power to maintain off his hat. But the earnest desire of the the peace, the magistrates immediately tockmagistrates to abstain from using force until such measures as appeared to be necessary for increasing the constabulary force.

Upon application to the inhabitants of the several wards, their returns were insufficient for the number required, and such deficiency was immediately supplied by engaging hired Constables for the purpose; the whole, with the sheriffs' officers, amounted to about 300 men. On Thursday, the 27th, the magistrates issued and published the address contained in the Appendix, No. 1. On the 29th, the Sheriffs met the Recorder at 10 in the forenoon, (being mach earlier than the usual hour,) at the distance of about one mile from the Guildhall, and much nearer to it than the usual place of meeting.

the last possible moment, prevented them from having recourse to it until some time had elapsed. About 5 o'clock, however, upon the approach of evening, the number of people appearing to be considerably increased, and their conduct becoming greatly more violent, the doors and windows of the Mansionhouse having been attacked with stones, and several of the constables having been brought in severely wounded, the Riot Act was read, and this appearing to have no effect, an order was sent to the troops, who had been before directed to hold themselves in readiness, to come at once to the scene of action.

In the interval of more than half an hour, which took place before their arrival, the These precautions, which were adopted in Mayor, and those who were with him in the the hope that they might lessen the difficulties Mansion-house, were in the greatest personal of Sir Charles coming in, had not altogether danger. The people on the outside had the desired effect; the number of persons as-driven in the constables, torn up the ironsembled was much larger than upon former railing in front of the house, and with occasions, and considerable tumult and pres- stones aud large pieces of tin.ber battered sure took place. Sir Charles was assailed with violent groans, hisses, and other strong expressions of disapprobation, and occasionally by stones thrown at him, from the time of his being first received by the sheriffs to his arrival at the Guildhall, and again in pro-entered into the dining-room and another ceeding from thence to the Mansion-house, after having completed the usual formalities of reading the charter and adjourning the Court. In passing from one place to another, the constables experienced great pressure and annoyance, and were frequently struck with stones, and several of them were considerably Wounded.

in the windows and window-frames and the panels of the doors, and were with the greatest difficulty prevented from forcing a complete entrance, by having the windows and doors barricaded with beds and furniture; they had

room on the ground floor, and destroyed the contents, and had made such a breach in the large street-door, as enabled them to rake and sweep the hall with stones and large bars of wood; and they had, as it appears, provided and placed straw in the dining room for the apparent purpose of setting fire to the house. Upon the appearance of the soldiers, the peoThey, however, performed the duty assigned ple withdrew from the attack, but did not disto them, and Sir Charles reached the Mansion-perse; and directions were given to Colonel house in perfect safety, about noon. The Brereton, who came to the magistrates for crowd assembled in front of the Mansion-orders, to get the streets cleared; they, howhouse continued there for some hours, with out any indication of riot, except by expressing their disapprobation as they before had done, and by occasional skirmishes which took place when the constables endeavoured to apprehend persons in the act of throwing stones, or to disperse those who showed a disposition to be Bore forward than the others. This state of things having continued until nearly dusk, the numbers from time to time varying, and their behaviour being occasionally more or less tumultuous, and it appearing some of them lad, in the mean time, provided themselves with sticks, the Mayor, accompanied by the magistrates, went out in front of the Mansionhouse and addressed the people, remonstrating with them on the impropriety of their conduct, painting out to them the danger of persisting int, earnestly entreating them to disperse and go home quietly, and stating to them the pecessity of the magistrates using stronger measures unless this recommendation should have the desired effect. Stones were thrown

ever, still continued to occupy the courts of the adjoining houses and the corners of the square, near the Mansion-house, in considerable numbers, throwing stones at the windows and at the 14th Dragoons, two of whom were brought in wounded. Colonel Brereton came in from time to time to report to the magistrates, and it appeared, from his statement, that the people were in very good humour, that he had been shaking hands with them until his own arm was tired, that their number was lessening, and that he should disperse them by merely riding the troops about. It appeared, however, to the magistrates, that their number was rather increasing than diminishing, and that their conduct was tumultuous and violent, as they still continued to assail the house by throwing stones, and attempted to force their way into the kitchen and other parts of the building; and the magistrates considered it necessary to have the people dispersed. Colonel Brereton was asked if he had any directions which prevented him

from acting under the orders of the magis- slaughter. The Colonel said it would be hettrates, and answered that his orders were to ter to keep the mob in temper until the next be under their directions; upon which he was morning, when a reinforcement of troops told that the magistrates required him to clear might be expected. Upon the arrival of the the streets. The people were soon after driven Mayor at the Guildhall, a notice was issued, from the square, without any cut or wound apprising the citizens that the Riot Act had being inflicted; and they retreated to the been read, as stated in the Appendix, No. 2, neighbouring streets, in one of which the and also a notice, Appendix, No. 3, requesting soldiers of the 14th Dragoons were exposed to a meeting of the citizens at the Guildhall, to great annoyance by being pelted with stones, assist in restoring the peace of the city. The and being unable to follow the people with ef- Mayor also gave notice that Sir Charles fect, as they retreated across the quay to the Wetherell had left the city, which circum ships, the lamps having been put out, and it stance took place soon after the first attack being quite dark. Upon one of the officers of upon the Mansion-house, Sir Charles having the 14th Dragoons coming in to complain of retired from it to a house at some distance, this, and stating that the troops would be use- and, by the advice of the magistrates, withlessly sacrificed, and asking for permission to drawn from the city. fire, one of the special constables offered to go About 11 o'clock intelligence was brought with a party of 23 men, if they could be sup-to the Guildhall, that the mob were proceedported by the soldiers, and dislodge them: but this was given up upon Colonel Brereton's suggesting that, in his opinion, they would soon become quiet, and go to their homes, if they were unmolested, and saying he would be answerable for the peace of the city, aud would patrol it during the night.

The magistrates recommended the sheriffs to call out the civil power of the county, and requested Captain Shute, of the Bedminster troop of North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry, to collect as many of his troops as he could in readiness by the next day.

ing in considerable force to the city Bridewell, with a declared purpose of setting at liberty some prisoners who had been taken into custody and committed thereto on the Saturday. At this time the special constables (being principally tradesmen of the city) who had been on duty from 8 o'clock on the Saturday morning, had returned to their houses, and only a few of the citizens had auswered the Mayor's request by coming to the Guildhall, and those who did attend expressed their readiness to act if they were supported by the troops, but at the same time their unwilling It appears that, during the night, there had ness to risk their lives unless they could be so been some further insult and violence towards supported. At this time Colonel Brereton apthe 14th Dragoons at some distance from the plied to the magistrates for their authority to square, which in the result led to a man being send the two troops of the 14th Dragoons out shot. Some few persons continued in the of town, stating that the mob were so exaspesquare all night: early in the morning they rated with them, in consequence of their began to collect rapidly, and by 7 o'clock there having fired, that the lives of every man of were many hundreds assembled. Colonel them would be sacrificed if they remained. Brereton called at the Mausion-house, and He was distinctly told by the magistrates ordered home the few soldiers who remained that they could not authorise or consent there; shortly after which, the people com- to this, and that if he sent them away, menced another attack upon the Mansion- he must be personally responsible. He also house, and tore down the barricades which had stated that those troops, as well as the 3d been fixed during the night, and entered in Dragoon Guards, were harassed and fatigued, full force into the house. The Mayor aud one as well men as horses, and could not render of the Sheriffs with difficulty escaped over the any assistance, or take any duty, for some roof, aud got to the Guildhall. The troops time. The magistrates remonstrated with him were recalled; and the people again with against this proposal, as the city would be left drew, but retained possession of the cellar, in a defenceless state; and as the Colonel still and drank the liquors. About half-past ten iusisted on the absolute necessity of the meathe 14th again returned to their quarters, be sure, he requested the magistrates to point out ing followed by the mob, aud pelted with quarters for the men, at the distance of two or stones, which they returned by firing several three miles from the city, which the magistrates shots in College-green; notwithstanding therefore did, informing him, at the same which the mob continued to pelt and insult time, they could not relieve him of his rethem up to their very quarters. The Riot Act spousibility in this respect, or be considered had been read three times by one of the alder- as sanctioning, in any manner, the proposed men, who remained on the spot, and addressed removal of the troops. He insisted also on the mob, and entreated them to return to the necessity of refreshing the 3d Dragoon their houses; and soon afterwards the alder- Guards, and it is believed ordered most of man, in a conversation with Colonel Brereton, them to quarters for that purpose. In a short requested the troops might fire; but the Co-time after this (the mob having carried Bridelouel said that the troops would not and should not fire, it would be of no avail, and the mob would be so infuriated that they might overcome the troops, and the city be given up to

well by force, and liberated the prisoners, and set it on fire, and being about, as was alleged, to proceed to the city Jail for the like purpose), several citizens having by this time assembled


at the Guildhall in pursuance of the Mayor's re-culty passed through them: and the consta quisition, and being called upon to give their bles, who had attempted to secure some of assistance, stated in Colonel Brereton's pre- the mob, on looking to the place where the sence, that they would not act unless supported soldiers had been posted, in the hope of findby the military. Colonel Brereton was again ing support, observed that the soldiers were peremptorily desired to call out the troops im- gone, and finding themselves deserted, got mediately, aud again gave for an answer that away as they could, declaring that they would he could not do it, as their lives would be not again venture their lives. The Palace acrificed, without being able to do any good. was immediately set on fire and consumed. The mob proceeded as was expected, and This was followed by the firing of two com‐ succeeded in getting possession of that prison: plete sides of Queen-square, containing two of the magistrates having gone down with nearly forty houses, including the Mansuch civil force as they could collect, were sion-house, the Custom-house, and the driven back, the particulars of which, and the Excise-office. During all this time, it will conduct of such of the troops as were brought be seen that the magistrates were wholly out on that occasion, are detailed in the without any sufficient means of protection or account furnished by the Sheriffs in the state- defence, the mob appearing to have had comment which forms the Appendix, marked plete possession of the city. There was no No. 4. interval during which the Mayor aud magis It appears that, with reference to sending trates were not at their post, except for a short the 14th Dragoons out of the city, the officers time after their being driven from the Bishop's and men were very unwilling to go-that they Palace, and retiring to a private house in were by no means in a state which made them Berkeley-square, of which notice was almost quite unfit for service, and were anxious to be immediately given to Colonel Brereton, as actively employed but Colonel Brereton in- stated in the Appendix, Nos. 5 aud 6. About formed them that it was the order of the ma- 4 o'clock, one of the magistrates went to the gistrates they should go, and go they must. quarters of the 3d Dragoon Guards, and stated The mob having succeeded in liberating all to the officer in command the situation of the the prisoners from the jail, proceeded for the square, saying, that the whole of it would be same purpose, and with the same object, to consumed unless military assistance was inthe prison of Lawford's gate, situated in the stantly afforded. He expressed his readiness County of Gloucester, but in the immediate to attend, but said he could only furnish 24 vicinity of Bristol, where they effected the men. He mentioned, that a letter had been same work of demolition and liberation. received from the Mayor; this appeared to be The magistrates, by this time had established the letter No. 6, in the Appendix. The officer themselves as well as they could in the Coun- at the desire of the magistrates, went with him cil-house, the Sheriff and a party of the citi to Colonel Brereton's lodgings, the door of the tens remaining at the Guildhall, between both military office having been before tried in which places a coustaut communication was vain. The Colouel, upon being called up, maintained, but no sufficient force either of and the circumstance stated, said it was of no citizens and special constables could be ob-use to take out those jaded troops, they could, tained to enable the magistrates to engage in do no good-what could they do against such, further couflict after the result of the endea- a mob? He was, however, strongly and reYour to relieve the jail. About this time au peatedly urged, and consented to order out the attempt was made to set fire to the back of troops: in about ten minutes they were out, the Mansion-house, and there being six sol- and ou proceeding to the square, having found diers in the square at the front, the circum-in Prince's street, a warehouse in flames, and stance was communicated to them, with the a mob of about 600 or 700 persons in front of request that they would show themselves at it, which the troops dispersed by charging up the back in order to prevent it, which they the street. On arriving in the square, the refused, alleging that their orders were con- mob, consisting of about 660 more, were just fard to keeping the front of the Mansion commencing an attack upon the first two house clear, From Lawford's-gate the mob houses on the third side of the square, two, proceeded, in two divisious, to the Bishop's entire sides being in flames. The mob had Palace, and the Mayor, with several persons entered the corner house with fire, and were who had with him during the day, and follow-battering the windows and door of the next to, ed by as many citizens as could be collected, it. The troops formed in front of the two went down to the scene of action, having given orders for all the troops which could be brought out to be there. The first division of the mob having entered, were followed by many of the special constables and the soldiers, ho formed inside the court, and it was hoped the ringleaders might be secured; but just as the citizens came in contact with them, the main body of the mob were heard advancing The Mayor, and the few persons who were with lith between the two bodies, with diffi

houses. The mob did not disperse, but continued round the soldiers. The fire in the corner house was extinguished and cleared, and from the arrival of the troops in the square, no attempt was made to attack or set fire to any house.

About 6 o'clock the mob had separated into small parties of 20 or 30, in different parts of the square, which the soldiers were occasion ally employed in dispersing. Upon one of those occasions a soldier was wounded by a

shot fired by the mob; and by a little activity on the part of the soldiers, the streets were ultimately cleared. In the mean time, having sent to Gloucester and other places for assist ance, and the two troops of the 14th, having been brought into the city from their country quarters, and Major Beckwith having arrived from Gloucester and taken the command of them, and received directions from the magis- | trates to disperse the mob wherever they were found to be assembled in force, they were vigorously attacked. By these measures, and the arrival of a considerable number of troops and yeomanry from different parts of the country, the city was soon restored to a state of comparative peace and security.

I have laid before your Lordship, as simply and shortly as possible, an outline of the principal transactions which have taken place in this city, wishing to avoid comment or observation upon them. I believe every fact detailed can be fully verified. If any part of the statement should appear to require explanation, I shall be most happy to afford it, as I also shall be to continue the detail at any subsequent period.

I have the honour to he, my Lord, your Lordship's obedient humble servant,

CHARLES PINNEY, Mayor. To the Rt. Hon. Lord Visct. Melbourne.


Council-House, Bristol, Oct. 27, 1831. It being apprehended, from information received through various channels, that some indiscreet persons may be inclined to promote feelings of irritation and excitement on the arrival of the Recorder in this city, the Mayor and Aldermen most earnestly hope that all classes of their fellow-citizens, however they may differ on political subjects, will see the propriety of cordially co operating to maintain peace and good order; and that they will abstain from manifesting any declaration of their opinions on so solemn and importaut an occasion as the delivery of his Majesty's jail, in cases affecting the lives of the persons to be tried for offences against the laws of their country. The magistrates confidently trust that they may rely on the good sense and discretion of the inhabitants not to depart from that orderly conduct which has hitherto prevailed in the city; but should any disposition be shown, tending to create disturbance, they feel it will become their imperative duty to use all lawful means for the apprehending and bringing to punishment all persons who may be found committing any breach of the peace or other illegal act.

By order of the Mayor and Aldermen, LUDLOW, Town Clerk.

[blocks in formation]

No. 3.

The Magistrates most earnestly entreat the assistance of their fellow-citizens to restore the peace of the city, by assembling immedi ately at the Guildhall. past 10.

Guildhall, Sunday Morning,

No. 4.

The Sheriffs of Bristol having been called on by the magistrates to report upon the cir cumstances of attack upon the jail, have instituted an inquiry into those circumstances, and find that the governor having received infor mation on Sunday afternoon, about 1 o'clock, that the mob had attacked Bridewell, immediately resorted to the Mansion-house, to inform the magistrates of the circumstances of the case, and to require assistance, when be found that the mob had obtained possession of the house, and that the magistrates were gone up to the Guildhall. On his arrival there, two of the Aldermen, Mr. Hilhouse and Mr. Savage, offered to accompany him back, and having collected about thirty of the citizens and constables, they proceeded to the jail, which is a building surrounded by a wall of very considerable circumference, and although high, exposed to be scaled in every direction. The party, on arrival, found upwards of 15,000 persons surrounding the jail, and in front of the portal or entrance, aud, on coming round towards the portal, they were attacked by stones and missiles of every description; several of the party severely hurt; Mr. Little, the Under-Sheriff's partner, dangerously wounded with a sledge-hammer; and the whole division scattered; and an entrance was thereon effected at the portal by the mob, who were provided with tools they had obtained on their way to the jail, by breaking open an ironmonger and anchor-smith's shop. That immediately after the mob entered, about twenty-four of the 3d Dragoon Guards came towards the spot, at a slow pace, and, as the troops approached, the mob fled in all direc tions. The troops moved to the front of the jail; but, as they took no offensive measures, the populace again drew near to it, there being then about 100 persons of the mob within the walls.

The governor, who had taken shelter from the attack of the mob, at a house immediately close to the jail wall, saw the guards ap proach, and went towards them, when he saw them returning, without stopping at all, or interfering with the mob, and the people cheering them, and some of the soldiery waving their gloves in returu. The mob then obtained complete possession of the jail, liberated the prisouers, set fire to the governor's house, which is consumed, and retained possession of the remainder of the jail until Monday moruing, when the cavalry having dispersed the people in the adjoining square, the possession of the building was recovered. The sheriff's have also to report that the damage done to the jail itself is inconsiderable, with the exception of the destruction of the governor's house.

No. 5.

The Mayor of Bristol desires Colonel Brereton to consider himself fully authorised to take whatever steps, and give whatever orders, be, as the military commander of the troops in this city, may think fit to restore and preserve, as far as possible, the public peace. The Riot Act has been read three times to-day. Col. Brereton will have the goodness to consider this order to apply not only to the troops at present under his command, but to any which may subsequently arrive in the city.

Mr. Daniel Fripp's, No. 30, Berkeley-quare,
Sunday night, 12 o'clock, 30th Oct., 1831.

The Mayor of Bristol begs to inform Col. Brereton, that if he should have occasion for the orders of a magistrate, either the Mayor or some other magistrate will be found at No. 30, Berkeley-square, Mr. Daniel Fripp's, the second house on the right hand on turning into the square from Park street.

Berkeley-square, 12 o'clock, Sunday night. This communication is made to Colonel Brereton in consequence of Lieutenant Macclesfield calling at the Council-house and requesting to see a magistrate. Colonel Brereton was gone out when a call was made at the staff-station to inform him as above.

No. 6.

which had accompanied Sir Charles having continued in front of the Mansion-house, and occasionally thrown stones at the windows, and having been in other respects noisy and violent. About 5 o'clock, the constables having gone to the assistance of a man who was in danger at the distance of a few doors, two of them being brought in considerably wounded, and being ultimately driven into the Mansion-house, a violent attack was made by the mob, upon the building; the iron railing in front was torn up, the panels of the doors were forced, and the window frames broken in. The constables being unable to maintain possession of the hall, in consequence of the brick-bats, stones, and pieces of timber by which it was raked, the mob effected an entrance, destroyed all the furniture in the rooms an the ground floor, and, as it appears, had provided and placed a quantity of straw in one of the rooms. Three dispatches were sent for the troops, who arrived about forty minutes after they had been sent for, and relieved the persons in the Mansion-house from their critical situation. On the arrival of the troops, the mob retired from the door, but continued to occupy the ground in front in great numbers, at a very short distance; and as soon as the troops had passed the street, the mob returned again close under the windows of the Mansion-house, but without renewing any attempt to force an entrance. Colonel Brereton was directed by the magistrates to clear the streets, disperse the mob, and preserve the peace of the city. The troops under his direction continued at a slow trot to march round the square, in which the Mansion-house is situate, and the communicating streets. The mob cheered the soldiers, and sung "God save the King"; and it appears that Colonel Brereton addressed them, and shook hands with many of them. The mob I continued at intervals to throw stones at the I windows of the Mansion-house in different directions; and in a short time, two soldiers of the 14th Dragoons were brought in wounded, one of them considerably. The Riot Act, Council-house, Bristol, Nov. 4. had been read at least two hours before; and My Lord, I feel it to be my duty, as Mayor upon these acts of violence continuing, the and Chief Magistrate of the city of Bristol, to magistrates urged Colonel Brereton to proceed lay before your Lordship a statement of a few with more effect in getting peace restored. He facts relating to the unhappy transactions dissuaded the magistrates from directing a which have lately taken place in this city. greater degree of force to be used, expressing Three troops of cavalry had been, upon the his opinion that the men appeared to be very application of the magistrates, sent to the good humoured, and that he hoped and exneighbourhood, before the 29th of October, in pected very shortly to get them away. In order to assist in maintaining the public consequence of the disinclination he manipeace, on the occasion of Sir Chas. Wetherell fested, he was asked if he had any directions (as Recorder) coming here to hold the jail from your Lordship which prevented him from delivery on that day. The public entry of acting under the magistrates' orders. To Sir Charles into the city, the reading of the which he answered, "My orders are to take the charter at the Guildhall, and Sir Charles's directions of the magistrates." And, in reply to, arrival at the Mansion-house, had been effected this, it was stated to him that the magistrates' by about 12 o'clock without having had re-directions were to clear the streets, and to get Course to the troops; and Colonel Brereton, the city into a state of quiet. Upon his application soon afterwards for A charge in the interior of the square was rder, was told to keep them in readiness for made, which in a few minutes dispersed the, immediate service when called upon; the mob mob, and they retreated to a place called the

Bristol, 3 o'clock, Monday morning, Oct. 31. Sir,-1 direct you, as commanding-officer of his Majesty's troops, to take the most vigorous, effective, and decisive means in your power to quell the existing riot, and to prevent further destruction of property. I am, &c.,


To Col. Brereton, or the Commanding

officer of his Majesty's troops. Mr. Goldney.

Mr. W. Harris, jun,'

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