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instant, at the Shire-hall, Norwich, to
address his Majesty on the Reform Bill.
The meeting was convened pursuant to
a requisition, most numerously and re-
spectably signed. Amongst the signa-
tures were those of the Dukes of Nor-
folk, Grafton; Lords Albermarle, Suf-
field, Stafford, Clements; Mr. Coke,
Sir W. B. Folkes, Sir. J. Astley, Sir E.
Bacon, Admiral Windham, &c.

ally reduced in his circumstances-he saw him unable to give the same employment as heretofore; and the consequence was, the labourers were starving, or nearly approaching to that state. He saw trade gradually declining; that of Norwich had greatly declined. When he saw these things, he saw the necessity of reform; and he was convinced that the longer reform was delayed, the more would those evils be aggravated. (Applause.)

Amongst those present were Viscount Clements, Lords Stafford and Suffield, the Hon. and Rev. E. Keppell, Sir E. Mr. RUSH said, that the address Bacon, Sir J. Astley, Sir W. B. Proctor, stated that the meeting had the same Sir T. B. Beevor, Sir W. B. Folkes, confidence in his Majesty's Ministers M. P., the Rev. Archdeacons Glover now, as they had before the rejection of and Bathurst, the Rev. P. Gurdon, J. the late bill. (Cries of "So we have," Fisk, R. H. Gurney, M.P., T.T. Gurdon, and “Off, off.") He for one had no B. Gurdon, E. Lombe, A. Hammond, such confidence, because he found that W. Windham, Ridley Colborne, E. there was no ground for entertaining it. Bacon, J. Longe, R. Plumtre, T. (The disapprobation of the meeting was Havers, K. Harvey, A. Hudson, W. here so loudly and unequivocally expressFoster, W. Dalrymple, H. Holley, ed, that the speaker could not for some Esqrs., Dr. Yelloly, Messrs. J. Culley, time be heard.) What had Lord Leamon, H. Tuck, P. Bullock, J. S. Brougham said? He said, that careless Muskett, R. Muskett, Blomfield, Rich- of giving offence to any person, he adardson, Abbott, Shelly, T. Bignold, mitted that he was so far moved by Brightwell, and many others of the some parts of what he had heard, as to principal yeomanry of Norfolk. The be ready to reconsider that which he entrance of Mr. Coke, the senior member had before declared that he had made for the county, was hailed with loud and continued cheers.

In consequence of the indisposition of the High Sheriff, A. Hammond, Esq., took the chair.

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up his mind to. (Here the uproar was renewed, and the noise was so great that not a word could be heard.) Finding the attempt hopeless, he desisted, and concluded by moving that the folLord SUFFIELD addressed the free-lowing be added to the address: "May holders, and was received with loud" it please your Majesty, that this meetcheers. His Lordship attributed great" ing, in sending the above address, praise to the present Administration, "have put the very best construction and to his Majesty, after which he con- they can upon the declaration that claded thus:--I now beg to move an "has been made upon the subject of address to the Lord High Admiral, now "reform by your Majesty's Ministers, our gracious King, and that the meet- trusting that what they have said ing will not separate without a hearty I cannot, with propriety, hereafter be cheer for him and the gallant com- brought against them as words that mander he has appointed to the state" had a double meaning, and as such vessel. The address was then read." were intended to delude the people of (Loud and continued cheers followed" their rights-rights that they unthe conclusion of the address.) "doubtedly would have re-enjoyed if

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Mr. E. LOMBE seconded the address." the bill introduced by Lord Grey had He was a reformner, because he had an "been passed into a law." Opportunity of mixing with the people. The CHAIRMAN asked who seconded He saw the condition of the farmier, the amendment, but no one appeared, and the peasant, and the mechanic-he and the amendment fell to the ground, saw the farmer crawling along, gradu- amidst loud laughter.

The address was then put, and unanimously adopted, and

Sir J. ASTLEY proposed the next resolution, which was seconded by

Sir T. BEEVOR said, he did not feel | Bristol. (Hear.) In conclusion, the hon. unqualified confidence in his Majesty's Baronet again said, that he gave credit Ministers. In some of them he had the to many of the Ministers for their good greatest reliance. In Lord Grey, for intentions, but the people would not be instance, who was an upright, straight-satisfied with good intentions alone. He forward man, without trick or guile. had no doubt but that at length we There were others, too, in the adminis (should have the bill, the whole bill, and, tration, in whom he could repose confi- if it should be delayed much longer, dence; but he could not say the same perhaps a little more than the bill. of them all, when he saw amongst them (Hear.) such men as Lord Palmerston, Lord Goderich, who, as Mr. Robinson, in the panic of 1825, talked so much of dis- On the motion of Mr. Lolme, it was pensing prosperity to the country from resolved that Lord Grey and Lord Sufthe portals of an ancient constitution; field be requested to lay it before his when he saw such men as my Lord Mel-Majesty. bourne, who, when Mr. Lamb, in the House of Commons, was found in opposition even to the milk-and-water re- Mr. W. WINDHAM:-When they took solutions on reform, which were annually into account the arduous situation in brought forward by Lord John Russell; which Ministers had been placedwhen he saw such men as these forming when they reflected upon the events the Ministry, and when he found amongst of the last twelve months — when them that little Lord who was now they called to mind the lamentable looked upon as something more than state of Ireland at the period when the human, but who, when Mr. Canning's present administration came into office half-liberal administration was formed, and when they brought to their recolwithdrew his motion for reform-when lection the difficulties which it had to he saw men amongst the Ministers who encounter with respect to our foreign had supported all the acts of Castle- relations-when they called all these reagh, and who had opposed all reform things to mind, he was sure that there -he owned he was not inclined to re- was no one there who would say that pose much confidence in them, and he Ministers did not deserve a great share repeated, that though he had confidence of praise (cheers), and that they were in Lord Grey, and he believed that it was not entitled to the confidence of the his intention to act honourably and fairly country until they had succeeded in carby the people, still he did not like to rying the measure of reform. see him in such company. (Hear.) Another reason why he had not confidence in the present Ministry was, that they The Hon. and Rev. Mr. KEPPELL did not act as if they had any confidence proposed the next resolution, “That in the people. (Hear, and cries of "No.")" the thanks of this meeting be also They told the people that they must" given to the Bishops of Norwich and have patience, and wait until another" Chichester, and to those Peers conbill should be introduced which would "nected with this great county who be more acceptable to the "order."" have hitherto supported parliamentary (Cries of "No, no.") What he should" reform."

The resolution was carried unanimously.

like to see was, the country come to a The Rev. Mr. COLLYER Seconded the resolution that it would have confidence resolution, which was carried unaniin Ministers provided they had sufficient mously. confidence in the people. If this course were at first followed in different parts of the country, he had no doubt that we should not have had such scenes as had occurred at Derby, Nottingham, and

The Very Rev. Archdeacon BATHURST observed, that the Bishop of Norwich, at the advanced age of 87, had gone three times the journey between that and London, in the course of three suc

cessive weeks, to support the cause of Gentleman's own subsequent and comthe people, and he believed that there paratively recent conduct as connected had never been an instance before of a with that light-house. (Groans, hisses, Bishop of the Church of England bav- and much uproar.) The grant of the ing made so great an effort. (Several tolls of that light-house had been made voices: "Why did not the rest follow originally to Mr. Coke's ancestor for his example?") He wished with all what was called a valuable considerahis heart that they had done so. tion-namely, for supporting and main

Mr. CULLEY moved, "That this meet-taining a light-house there; and though “ing rejoices to offer its cordial thanks it might have turned out a profitable "to the representatives of this county, bargain to them and Mr. Coke, yet, up "for their steady and undeviating sup-to the expiration of the patent, he was "port in Parliament to the cause of re"form."

as much entitled to the profits of it as he was to the rents of Holkham estate, Mr. LEMON seconded the motion. or as he (Sir T. Beevor) was to the rents Sir T. BEEVOR hoped, that before the of his property. If, however, the statequestion was put, he might be allowed ment which had been published in the to say a few words. Circumstances newspapers on the subject was a correct had occurred which prevented him from one, it so appeared that in the year meeting the representatives of the 1826, two years before the expiration of county at the last two general elections, the patent, Mr. Coke-he who had been and he was now anxious to take this so repeatedly heard to declare that he opportunity of putting a few questions was the sworn enemy of taxation, and to one of them, Mr. Coke, on the sub-that no earthly consideration would inject of his connexion with the Dun-duce him to accept place, pension, or geness light-house. (Loud groans and favour, at the hands of the Government hisses here assailed the hon. Baronet-memorialized the Lords of the Treafrom all parts of the court, and it was sury for a renewal of that patent, and some time before he could proceed.) the patent was renewed to him-not, The CHAIRMAN said that the subject however, without some consideration, of the light-house was a private transaction (Cheers.)

Sir T. BEEVOR contended that it formed a portion of the public conduct of one of their representatives, and that as such he had a perfect right to bring it under their notice.

Mr. COKE here came forward amidst great applause. He wished to know, he said, whether the hon. Baronet had any other charges to make against him, for if not, he would be ready at once to reply to that which had reference to the Dungeness light-house. He was willing to give him any explanation he should demand on that point.

for it was agreed that one half of the profits of the light-house should be paid into the Treasury, and the other half should be received by him. He called for an explanation from Mr. Coke as to that point. He begged to ask him whether he had not memorialized the Lords of the Treasury for the renewal of this patent? Whether he had not received that renewal on the consideration which he (Sir T. Beevor) had mentioned? and whether he had not up to that time pocketed the proceeds of the Dungeness light-house? If the hon. Gentleman would not answer that question, he (Sir T. Beevor) should be Sir T. BEEVOR again rose amidst then compelled to adopt a harsher considerable confusion and uproar, and course towards him. The honourable having at length procured a hearing, Baronet sat down amidst great uproar. proceeded to observe, that as far as he Mr. COKE then came forward, and understood the question, it divided itself was received with loud cheers, waving into two parts-first, as regarded the of hats, and other demonstrations of aphonourable Gentleman's original con-plause. As such an ungentlemanly and nexion with the light-house (groans); unhandsome attack had been made upon and secondly, as to that honourable him, he was sure that in a very few

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words he should satisfactorily explain Sir T. BEEVOR again presented himthis matter to the meeting. He came self amidst immense uproar, and cries into the possession of the property of of" We want no Cobbett or Hunt here." this light-house, which had come to After something like order was restored, him like the property of a turnpike trust, the hon. Baronet attempted to address or any speculation of such a descrip- the meeting, but each attempt was as it tion; but he would show that he had were the signal for renewed confusion. asked for no favour from Government He held in his hand a slip of paper, in reference to it. He had been fifty-six containing the amendment which he said years and upwards in Parliament, and it was his intention to move, and after he had never asked a favour from Go-ineffectual efforts to obtain a hearing, vernment for himself or his family, or concluded by handing it to the Chairhis connexions, in the whole course of man. It was to this effect-"That the his life. (Cheers.) Under such circum-" thanks of this meeting are due to our stances he little expected such an un- representative, Sir W. Folkes, Bart., gentlemanlike attack as the present one; "for his general parliamentary conduct, and if the quarter from whence it had" and more particularly for his steady proceeded were at all worthy of his no- support of the late bill for amending tice, he would tell that individual that" the representation of the people." he had insulted him. All he had asked Mr. Rusи seconded the amendment. of the Lords of the Treasury with regard It was then put, and with the exception to the Dungeness light-house was, that of the mover and seconder, there were if the patent of that light-house, which only half a dozen hands held up for it had been so long in the hands of him- in the Court. The original question was self and his ancestor, was to be renewed, then put, and the whole meeting rose, he should get the preference before the and with loud cheering, and clapping, Trinity House. Was he not justified and waving of hats, it was carried by in making that request? This he would acclamation. say, that the Dungeness light-house was the best-conducted light-house in Great Britain. When he came into possession of it, it was not in a condition calculated to save the lives of British seamen; and he applied to the Trinity House for permission to build a new one; and having obtained that permission, he built a new one, at considerable expense, out of his own pocket. The result was, that he received the compliments of the Trinity House. Such was his answer to the unjustifiable attack that had been made upon him. (Cheers.) He was not as

Mr. Coкs then rose amidst renewed cheers, and said that, with the exception of Sir Thomas Beevor, he felt greatly indebted to all present for the expres sion of their kind feelings towards him. Standing in the proud situation of representative of the first agricultural county in England, he could not but congratu late them on the decisive proof which that meeting afforded, that in the county. of Norfolk there had been no re-action on the subject of reform. It was well known that the principal agricultural landholders throughout the kingdom tonished at such an attack from such a were in favour of the bill. He had had quarter. He was not surprised at meet- the honour of representing that county ing with the censure of such an indi- in Parliament fifty-six years, and, look. vidual. He would not inquire of what ing back at the long course of his pos kidney he was, whose sentiments helitical life, he could safely say that he echoed, and what company he kept. had never given one vote against (Cheers.) But of this he was sure, that interest of the people, no attack of the hon. Baronet could alter that system which had brought the the opinion which the county that he country to its present terrible situation. had so long represented had so often ex-On these grounds he thought he had pressed of his public conduct. (Loud cheers, and cries of "Ah, Sir Thomas, take that to your friend Cobbett."


or in favour of

some claim to the thanks of the county (Cheers.) When the hon. Baronet (Sit T. Beevor) had made such an unhand


some attack upon him, he had forgot to | fine myself to the subject of the Daddy's mention that he had voted for every grant. He often repeats to us the fact, motion made by Mr Hume for the re-that he has been half a century in Parduction of the light-house dues. (Cheers.) liament; but he never tells us that he He had been accused of being hostile has been, all that time, pocketing about to the Established Church; he was a 4,000l. a year of the public money; or friend to that Church; and, as sincerely 200,000l. The fact is, there is a lightattached to it, he would declare that the house, called Dungeness Light-house, to greatest enemies of that Church were which all vessels going in and out of the the bishops themselves, who, combined waters, in that part of England, pay a with the high Tories, had done more duty. This duty goes into the pocket mischief to that Church than any other of the DADDY COKE, he paying thereout class of men. (Cheers.) He had the whatever is necessary to keep the house greatest confidence in Earl Grey, and lighted, and to keep up the building. those were not the friends of reform The clear profit to the Daddy, the “inwho endeavoured to sow dissension dependent" Daddy, was more than amongst the people. (Cheers.) 4,000l. a year, until about three years Sir W. B. FOLKES also returned ago; when the Government took onethanks, and moved a vote of thanks to half of the profits from him, and when the Chairman, which was seconded by he had the meanness to ask for the Mr. N. R. Colborne, and agreed to. whole, and take a half of it! This A gentleman proposed a vote of cen-grant was made by patent, just as sure on Sir T. Beevor, for his conduct all other sinecure grants are made. This on this occasion. This was received was made for a term of years, and the with loud cheers and some few dis-term expired in the year 1828. Well, sentient hisses, but there was no doubt that if pressed it would have been carried by an overwhelming majority. Some gentlemen near the proposer, amongst whom we believe was Mr. Coke himself, urged him not to press it, and he did not persevere.

A fellow in the crowd, however, anxious that some unequivocal mark of the opinion of the meeting should be given to the hon. Baronet before he went, shouted out, "Three groans for Sir Thomas." This was eagerly caught up by the meeting, and three tremendous groans followed, mixed with some hisses from a few friends of the Baronet at the lower end of the hall.

Lord SUFFIELD proposed four times four cheers for the King, which were given with great ardour.

Cheers for the Ministers followed. Three groans were then proposed for the bishops, after which the meeting separated.

On the Daddy's insolence to Sir THOMAS BEEVOR, and on the baseness of the tax-eating and Bull-frog crew, who backed the mean Old Daddy, I shall waste no time; and shall merely con

the Daddy got it from his Whig ancestor : the Daddy did not ask for it: he could not, for, perhaps, he was not born then. But what did he do when the term expired? Why, then he asked for it! 200,000l. sacked by him was not enough to satisfy him it was too good a thing to lose and, therefore, he asked for it. His account of the matter is, that he asked to have a preference to the Trinityhouse; that is to say, a preference to the public; that is to say, he asked still to have the four thousand pounds a year sinccure; that is to say, as much public money yearly as would maintain 160 labourers' families at 25. a year each, which is more than his bull-frog farmers allow them. So here was this WhigPatriot; here was this "live-and-letlive" man asking, and asking the Tories too, for as much public money every year, for another fifty years, as is given to

maintain 800 men, women, and children, allowing five to a family.

The Tories, however, were not villains enough to grant the whole of his request: they granted half of it; and now he pockets one half of the profits, the other half going into the Treasury; that is to say, to the use of the public,

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