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vide effectually for this, the change must be for the worse; and the end must be something like what we have seen at Lyons, or a great deal worse. A majority of the working people would have accepted of the former bill; any bill that shall give them less power than that, they will reject with disdain; and they will either overpower those who are se

as they please; or they will burst out into acts of violence.

do not agree with him, that it would sion and sinecure and grant and deadleave the working people as they were weight list and the thundering standing before: knowing, as I do, that it would army would not have existed at this make their situation a great deal worse day; and they know too that those than it was before. whom Mr. Drummond justly calls deleThe Doctor does, it seems, "know gates from the middle class, would very "that fears are entertained that if the gladly suffer all the abuses to remain. "suffrage were extended to the working In short, unless there be real voting by people, they would exercise it injudi-a large portion of the working people ciously." Who is it? Who, I pray in the great towns; unless the bill proyou, Doctor, is it that entertains these fears? Not the Tories; for you tell us that their pretended fears are so much of base hypocrisy; you tell us, that they have got their hands in the people's purses, and that it is in vain to expect to produce any effect upon them by reasoning. It must be the WHIGS then; it must be those sincere creatures who have their fears, that the working lected to be voters, and make them vote people would make an injudicious choice of members!! That they would, for instance, be so very injudicious as not The bitter vituperations of Lords Grey and to elect Brougham's man, MACAULAY, Brougham, which pervade Mr. Drummond's for the town of Leeds; and that some Letter, reflect no honour on him. It is paintown or other might, in the excess of ful to hear a man who lays claim to a more, their injudiciousness, happen to elect than puritanical perfection asserting that "the me! This would be the Devil all Lords Grey and Brougham against the minispassions of all ranks have been excited by over; the very thought of this last in ters of religion and the hereditary councillors particular is enough in all conscience of the King who opposed them, in order that to fill the honest Whigs with fear. To the upholders of our ancient institutions might be intimidated into becoming accessories to be sure! They want to have bands of their new constitution." The ministers of relimonopolizers to surround them. They gion! Does religion teach that the people ought know well, that, if the working people to be plundered-that the souls of the poor had chosen any of the members of ought to be sacrificed by their becoming vile Parliament, Sturges Bourne's bills would and corrupt tools in the hands of the rich, in order that the latter may obtain the plunder never have been passed; that hired of this world as an equivalent for damnation overseers never would have existed; in the next? Ministers of religion supportthat justices of the peace never would ing boroughmongering! The religion of the Devil! We have no objection to Mr. Drumhave been authorised to transport men mond's prayers or psalms; but we cannot for poaching; that men never would understand the religion which would look with have been hanged, by clear law, for hit- complacency on the vile spectacle which a geting other men without doing them bo-neral election in England presents-a spectacle dily harm. Yes, the Whigs know well that a House of Commons, in which there had been only ten men chosen by common people, never would have passed a bill authorising the sale of the dead bodies of the poor, while the pensioners, and sinecure-people, and dead- I agree with the Doctor, that what weight people, are to have their bodies Mr. Drummond says about the ministers taken proper care of. The Whigs of religion is ridiculous enough; but, I know all this; and they know too, that do not believe that the working people if there had been only two men really are now more tools in the hands of the chosen for the working people, the pen- boroughmongers than the delegates

which no doubt suggested to Mr. Burke the phrase "swinish multitude?" And do not these ministers of religion, as well as Mr. Drummond, know, that boroughmongering can only effect its end by the degradation of that portion of the poor necessary to the working of their detestable machinery?


Mr. Drummond, who accuses

would be tools in the hands of the Whigs, by the phantom of reform." Why, if the "nisters, while the people have been cajoled JOHN WOOD voted for the dead body Anti-Reformers would not allow Ministers any bill; and a man that would do that, intermission-if they warred with Ministers to would stick at nothing. No, Doctor: the knife, as it were, from the first proposal of it was not the spectacle of bribed drunk-reform to this day, how, in God's name, could en voters at elections that suggested to they propose with advantage any-thing beneThe labourers have BURK the phrase "swinish multitude." ficial to the labourers? been materially injured by the reform agitaThe pensioned hack meant thereby to tion; but the criminality of the injury rests characterise the whole of the working with those who endeavour to defeat a measure people, knowing that it would please calculated to benefit the nation, and not with his base Whig patrons. It has always Ministers, is one of the causes of the distress been a characteristic of that faction to of the labourers. Let us have an honest Parencourage those whom you call the liament, and we shall be able to deal honestly accumulators, at the expense of those with the labourers. The sooner reform is diswho do the work; and they are now posed of, the sooner may we hope to grapple to advantage with the evils afflicting the poor. at their old game arming the accumu- If Mr. Drummond deems the Corn Laws one lators against the working people as a of the great causes of the distress of the lapreparatory step to giving to them ex-bourers, does he suppose that the allowing clusively the right of voting. Their political power to remain with the aristocracy will tend to facilitate their repeal? When fears that you talk of, are fears for the were the midd'ing classes found advocating the pension and sinecure lists and the like; Corn Laws? When were the middling classes their fears for Daddy Coke's lighthouse, found adverse to Poor Laws in Ireland? We their fears for the Duke of Devonshire's wish we could attribute the defects of this tithes of the twenty parishes in Ireland. but we fear there is more in it than mere production solely to the head of the writer; These make them fear that the work-mental obliquity. Out of the fulness of the ing people would make an injudicious heart the mouth speaketh; and we think the choice. Why are not such fears enter- disease lies lower than the head. tained in the United States of America? Doctor, you ask, "When were the Why are not fears entertained of the" middle classes found advocating the injudiciousness of the Irish carmen and" corn-laws?" Always, Doctor, unless other labourers, whose voice decides you exclude all the farmers and all the the elections in New York? Why because tradesmen in the country towns and in there are no pensions, sinecures, grants, the villages from the middle class. So retired allowances, unattached military that this question, or rather the assercommanders, military academies, dead-tion that it implies, is not true, and weight revenues, of crown lands, Duchies therefore is no answer to Mr. Drumof Cornwall and of Lancaster; no ex-mond. You also ask, "When were cise-board, and no guttling corporations," the middle class found adverse to in the United States of America. The" poor-laws in Ireland?" If you parties strive most furiously each to mean the middle class in Ireland, carry its man; but nobody has ever the they are decidedly adverse to such audacity to say, that the people, that law. If you mean the middle the working people, are incapable of class in England, and if you are to making a "judicious choice;" nor did judge by their conduct here, what an any one ever propose to send for a ship-uninformed or what a hardened man load of Scotch schoolmasters to "in-you must be, to say that this middle struct the poor" how to make a judicious choice. In short, they know well what sort of men will answer their purpose if they be suffered to have their choice, all will be well; if they be not, let those who refuse them the right, abide by the consequences.

"Not one measure of relief to the suffering "labourers has yet been proposed by the Mi

class are friendly to poor-laws, when you have seen with what eagerness they avail themselves of Sturges Bourne's bills, and with what unrelenting cruelty they have treated the poor! My opinion is, that if the Whigs were to be suffered to get together a band of the middle class to make the laws, the lot of the labourers would be a thousand times

worse than it is now, if that were possible.

caused Mrs. Deacle to be handcuffed; but not a moment's time have the savage "Let us," says the Doctor, "have an Tories left them for proposing any mea"honest parliament, and we shall be sure for the relief of the working peo"able to deal honestly with the labour-ple; and, even the accomplished descend"ers:" so say I, Doctor; but that will ant of "John with the bright sword" not be an honest parliament which shall has been so worried by these cruel suffer the dead-weight man, the pen-Tories, that he has not had time to sioners, and the rest of the tax-eaters, think about the 113 Privy Councillors, to have votes, and which shall deny the who he, before he became a Minister, right of voting to those who work to complained were in the receipt of six raise the taxes on which they live; such hundred and fifty thousand pounds a would not be an honest parliament, and year. But if the cruel Tories left them such would not deal honestly with the no time to propose any-thing, they labourers and the working people in surely left them time to adopt that general.

fires are blazing all over England, though you are so studious to keep a sight of them from the eyes of your readers. If Lord TAYNHAM's bill had been passed, not one of these fires would ever have been heard of. Lord TAYNHAM is one of their friends; he voted for their Reform Bill; he has supported them in every way. It could not be the Tories that prevented him from persevering with this wise and just measure it must have been the Ministers they threw their wet blanket over it, they stifled it to death; therefore, however Doctor Black may sneer at Mr. Drummond, that gentleman's main complaint against the Ministers is perfectly just: and I believe him to have as much goodness in one single joint of his little-finger, as the whole of them have in their whole bodies.

which was proposed by others, and Mr. Drummond complains that no their supporters too. Well, then, Docone measure of relief to the suffering tor, during the last session Lord TAYNlabourers has yet been proposed by the HAM proposed a measure of effectual Ministers, while the people have been relief and protection to the labourers. cajoled by the phantom of reform. And He did not merely talk about it; but what is the Doctor's answer to this he brought in the bill, and the bill was Why, that the Tories (cruel men) have printed. It was a bill replete with given the Ministers no intermission; humanity, justice, and wisdom. The that they have warred with them to the knife; and then he asks, "How, in God's name, could they propose any thing beneficial to the labourers?" Do not swear, Doctor. To swear profanely is, to take God's name in vain ; and never was that name taken more decidedly in vain than you have taken it here; for, if you were to take as many caths to the fact as there are are words upon your paper, you would not make one single sensible man in the kingdom believe, that the Ministers HAVE NOT HAD TIME to propose any measure of relief to the labourers. They have had the Parliament sitting for pretty near a whole year. They have found time a plenty for passing all the measures necessary to take money out of the pockets of the people; time a plenty for emigration-projects enough to craze one to think of; time a plenty to augment the standing army in time of peace, and to irritate the labourers by the embodying of corps of yeomanry cavalry; time a plenty for Special Commissions; time in great abundance for bringing in a bill to license farmers, to set man-traps and spring-guns; time a plenty for rejecting the motion for a committee for inquiring into the conduct of those who



A NEW edition of Mr. EGLE'S PAMPHLET upon this subject will be published immediately, with an address to Lord LYNDHURST prefixed, in which his Lordship's strange notions relative to the matter are discussed.


lodge our " Chairman of the Committee CHOLERA MORBUS, &"CHARLEY." of Health" shows, outside and inside, marks of that cleanliness which our

SINCE the publication of my last Re-discerning and patriotic Lord Mayor has gister, I have received extraordinarily fine found to be an essential in a Chairsamples of the corn from the neighbour-man of this description. Nevertheless, hood of NOTTINGHAM, and also from the though "Charley's" HOUSE may be ISLE OF WIGHT, for which I am very constantly in a state of neatness, justimuch obliged to the senders; and my fying the old comparison of the bancorrespondent in the Isle of Wight, who box; though his person may undergo as invites me to his house, is hereby in- frequent and as efficacious ablutions as formed, that as soon as I can get away those of the nymphs of Diana; though from this truly infernal wen, where it every-thing without tells the beholders is NO CRIME to buy the dead bodies that, with him, all within is the paragon of the people, I shall, in all probability, of purity; still I must insist that he have the pleasure of seeing him, owing, send no more messengers (for whose as I do, a lecturing debt to that part of services I dare say I shall have to pay) Hampshire. I want, too, to prepare to inquire into the state of my rooms, that county for the next election, if we kitchen, cellar, dust-hole, and watershould ever see another, which is, how-courses; and, more, especially, I insist ever, with me, matter of great doubt. that he send me no paper enjoining me I was thinking about going to the North; to be cleanly in my person, to lead but I had forgotten" Charley" Pearson's a sober life, to keep good hours, and proclamation about the dreadful CHO- to abstain from the use of ardent LERA MORBUS, which is travelling spirits! If I were so notorious a drunksouthward it seems; and therefore I ard as to make it unsafe to place a bottle shall most likely bend my steps away within my reach; if it had been the from it. Say what they will of the habit of my well-known life to roll CHOLERA MORBUS," it has done good, down, with my clothes on, under bulks, and great good too." It has exhibited or in stinking brothels; if my person to the world the Whig Privy exhibited to the disgusted beholder Councillors in correspondence with every mark of crapulous and beastly Charley ;" and all that seems to be debauchery; if my beard, well manured wanting to make us complete, is, for us with soot of the WEN, and duly watered to see" Charley" a Privy Councillor by almost hourly supplies from the ginhimself! However, Privy Councillor, shop and the pot-house, were constantly or Privy Councillor not, I beg him to crying aloud for that razor which was desist from his correspondence with me, refused to it by the barber, from the fear and, at the peril of the bones of his mes- of his being defrauded of remuneration sengers, not to let ME receive any ex-for his toil; if my habiliments gave hortations from "Charley" to keep my evident tokens of having come to my house clean, and to lead a SOBER and body in line direct from Rosemary-lane; an ORDERLY LIFE! I beg that I if, like a sheep, I carried my whole may have no messengers from wardrobe upon my back, and constantly Charley" to deliver his exhortations seemed to have recently been three of this or of any other description: but parts sheared; if my shirt, hidden by of this description especially. "Charley" all possible means, now-and-then peeped is, doubtless, heir to "celestial man- out, and seemed to proclaim the sad sions;" and though neither I, nor any tidings that soap and water were no citizens that I am acquainted with, longer in the world; if my hair, for happen to know any-thing of his want of clipping, hanged down like a earthly domicile, the wise and decent dirty half-worn mop over its staff; if, freemen of Bishopsgate ward, doubtless, in short, my very look were a puke, and must; and we must believe, of course, my smell were poison; then, indeed, that the place which has the honour to there might be some reason for this


sort of sumptuary interference; but being, I hope, precisely the contrary of all this, such interference with me is ground of just complaint and resent


the right of the freemen of the ward; what does our "Charley" do? not like a vulgar grubbing attorney, go and make a voluntary offer of gratuitous services to Mr. SCALES, but goes at once and offers to fling his own body into the breach! that is to say, to be elected Alderman himself in place of Mr. SCALES!

to surrender his gown whenever the law should have determined that Mr. Scales was, in despite of the Court of Aldermen, qualified to wear it. Mr. Scales having been bred a farmer, and having been since both grazier and butcher, had often seen the skin of a dead lamb put over a live one, in order to make the mother of the

While, however, as intrusive monitor, I complain of this self-assumed power of interference on the part of "Charley;" while as chairman of the committee of and to enter into a solemn engagement health I express my determination to make the hides of his intrusive messengers responsible for the offensiveness of their errand ; as "patriot," I, in common with all who really know him, am ready to acknowledge his value, and am about to bestow on it ungrudgingly all the praise that is its due; or, at any rate, all that can be ex-dead lamb take to the live one, a propressed by any words which I have at ceeding which is actually going on at my command. As "patriot," our my farm at Kensington at this moment; "Charley" has seldom seen an equal: but whether Mr. SCALES thought that his industry, his activity, his zeal, his the freemen of Portsoken ward were not devotedness, and, above all, his disinte- so docile as a Somersetshire ewe; or restedness, are themes which defy beg- whether he did not choose voluntarily to garly prose to do them justice, and undergo this operation of skinning; be which challenge the loftiest flights of the reason what it might, Mr. SCALES, poetical panegyric. DRYDEN is, alas! with due expressions of gratitude, of no more, and without a DRYDEN how course, declined the generous tender of is justice to be done to our "Charley!" services. But this deducts nothing from This Register! not ten such Registers the merit of the offer, which offer was would contain even a bare and bald accompanied with the observation that statement of the proofs which I could" Charley" would condescend to take produce of his devotion to that country, the Alderman's gown, only as a steppingwhich has the happiness and honour to stone to a seat in Parliament for the claim him for her son. I shall content city! myself with the mention of two only; but, few as they are in number, they will give the reader a pretty fair view of the nature and extent of his self devotion. All the world has heard of the rejection of Mr. SCALES by that assemblage of all that is pure and spotless, the Aldermen of London. In short, it is well known that some little time ago, a new precept had been issued to elect an Alderman for the ward of PORTSOKEN, and that Mr. Scales, who has a law suit going on, with the hope of being able to defeat the Court of Aldermen, has again offered bimself, and will, doubtless, be again elected under this new precept; and, in all probability, will be again (rejected. In this state of desperate struggle, and of enormous expense on the part of Mr. SCALES; in this state of suspension of

The other instance of self-devoted

ness, to which I have to call the reader's attention, and of which 1 have to bespeak his admiration, is; that, some weeks ago, Charley," seeing that the Ministers stood in need of a man of industry, application to business, talent, and weight of character, wrote to them to say that he was ready to take a seat in Parliament; and (hear it, Heaven and earth!) these proud and insolent Whigs have not (at least they had not the other day) deigned even to answer his letter! And thus, after all, the fond hope of my heart, that of seeing "Charley" a Privy Councillor, is likely to be defeated!.

In return from this digression, into which I have been led by the enthusiastic feelings naturally inspired by con

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