Sivut kuvina


weeks after they had taken office, and while
the country was yet agitated by the events of
the French revolution. (Hear, hear.)
must not be supposed, as I have stated, that I
was ready to support moderate reform-that I
have listened to any insinuations, and am
keeping back when I may find a time to bring
forward a moderate plan of reform, aud dis-
possess the Government. I may be obliged to
submit by necessity to a plan of reform I cannot
successfully oppose, but believing as I do that
the people of this country are grossly deceived

creasing revenue. (Hear, hear.) Did he there- | strengthen their own popularity, and enable fore say that the French were not right in re- them to command an extent of that proportion sisting tyranny? No such thing. But he said after the recess. I say nothing of the justice; that the effect of all such changes in Govern- but if it be intended ultimately to concede, Í ment were to suspend commerce, to derange say give way at once. (Cheers.) While yet industry, to put a stop to credit, aud injure giving way has the merit of concession, I almost to death, all the manufacturing and repeat, as I said before, that I am most delabouring classes. He said that to show that cidedly opposed to the principles of this bill. any change in the constitution of a coun- I expected that the Ministers would bring in a try exposed to hazard its dearest interests; Reform Bill on their acceptance of office; but and be said it because he was sure, if such a I believe, in my conscience, that the conceschange were made here, property would be sions made by the Government have been far unjustly attacked, and the destruction of this too large, and that it was most averse to bring country would be sealed the instant its pro-in so large a measure of reform within six perty was not secure. He was afraid that the 10. householders would not pay the same respect to those institutions on which property depended; he did not say that they would be guilty of confiscation, but from not respecting the institutions in the same degree, they would shake the public confidence, and lead to consequences as bad as confiscation. (Hear, hear.) I oppose the bill, said the right hon Baronet, because I repel all participation in the responsibility of such a measure; and I vote against the second reading, not that I expect to be successful in my opposition, but grossly deluded-in their expectations of the because I will enter my solenin protest against practical benefits they will derive from reform, incurring any responsibility in making one of I shall not be precluded from declaring my the greatest and most precipitate changes ever opinion, and opposing that reform as long as I made in a constitution, which was so good, can. The right hou. Baronet then adverted to that the change ought not to be made, because the sacrifice he was ready to make of office, that constitution was the best that ever existed and the impossibility that office could be of in the annals of history. (Cheers.) You any advantage to him, though he admitted to should well consider the ultimate and imme- seek it was an object of houourable ambition; diate effects of the change you are about to and then went on-I will continue my oppoaccomplish on the three parts of the empire. sition to the last, believing as I do that this Look well to the proportious that were estab- is the first step, not directly to revolution, but lished at the Union. Ireland may be disturbed to a series of changes which will affect the from other causes; but the Reform Bill in its property, and alter the mixed constitution, of principles, and the course pursued by the Go- the country-believing that it will be fatal to vernment in agitating, besides the question of the authority of the House of Lords, and will Concession, the question of relative proportions force on a series of further concessions. I will of the representation of the different parts of oppose it to the last, convinced that though my the empire, which was agitated by the Govern opposition will be unavailing, it will not be ment altogether unnecessarily-(hear, hear), fruitless, because the opposition now made -had disarranged-apart from the question will oppose a bar to further concessions hereof the nomination boroughs-all the relations after. If the whole of the House were now to of the empire, was pregnant with mischief, join in giving way, it will have less power to and calculated, more directly and immediately resist future changes. On this ground I stand, than any other cause, to produce extensive not opposed to any well-considered reform of dissatisfaction and discontent. It is not in the any of our institutions which the well-being spirit of hostility, but from the common inte- of the country demands, but opposed to this rest which I take with the Ministers in the reform in our constitution, because that shatwelfare of the country, that I implore the Goters the feelings of respect towards it which vernment not to suffer this House to separate are founded in prejudice perhaps, or in higher for the recess without proclaiming the course feelings of veneration for all our institutions. they mean to pursue-not with respect to the I believe that reform will do this, and I will deliberations on the Reform Bill, but with wield all the power I possess to oppose the respect to the proportions they mean to pre-gradual progress of that spirit of democracy to Serve as to the members for the different parts which the hon. and learned Gentleman thinks of the empire. I say nothing of the justice of we ought gradually to yield; for if we make the proceeding: but I do fear that the course those concessions, it will only lead to establish pursued by the Government-though its pro- the supremacy of that principle. We may, I positions may assume the semblance of justice, know, make it supreme; we may be enabled and though it may be perhaps resolved at to establish a republic, full, I have no doubt, length to concede-may place an instrument of energy, slender, I have no doubt, with in the hands of those who may use it to talent, but fatal to our mixed form of Govern

ment, and ultimately destructive of all those usages and practices which have long preserved to us a large share of peace and prosperity, and have made and preserved this the proudest kingdom in the annals of the world. [The right hon. Gentleman sat down amidst long and loud cheering.]

and let THE LIAR and the bloody old Times, and let the Greys and the Lambs and the Russells and the "Broughams," chew the cud upon it, too; only taking along with you the facts, that this report is copied by me from The United States Gazette, published at PHILADEL PHIA, and dated Oct 20, 1831; that

TO THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. that Gazette (as large a sheet as that of


Bolt-court, December 12, 1831.

the bloody old Times) contains, in this
three advertisements; and that the price
single number of it, four hundred and
of the Gazette is thirty-six shillings a
year, or three half-pence for a single
paper! Such, DENMAN, are the effects
from him whom you attempted to de-
no inore, at this present writing,

“Labourer, of the parish of

St. Dunstan in the West."


In my last I told you that I would send you a present, for you and your rightworthy brother WILDE, to comfort you on your way down to Bristol; and I now fulfil my promise. The moment I was apprised of that dirty Bill of Indictment which you caused to be presented at the Old Bailey, amongst a usual arm-full of bills against thieves, robbers, and murderers; the moment I saw that dirty bill, in which you called me a LABOURER of the parish of Samt Dunstan in the West, though you knew me to be the author, publisher, and proprietor, of a periodical political work of thirty years standing, and that, too, the most celebrated work in the world; and of the liberty of the press, was held at the though, at the very least, you knew me to be, and to have long been, a freeman, a liveryman, and a bookseller, in the city of London; and though you also sq. was called to the Chair, and CLAUDIUS knew me to reside in a large private appointed Secretaries. After the meeting was house, with extensive gardens, in the village of Kensington; the moment organized, Mr. Fisher presented an address, this low, premeditated, and Whig-in-the circumstances which had called it together. setting forth the objects of the meeting, and sult met my eye, I told you, that you and your masters had chosen to light "the candle, and that I would take care "that it should not be put under a "bushel."

A meeting of the friends of Mr. Cobbett,

15th of October, 1831, when THOMAS HULME, County Court House, Philadelphia, on the


The following resolutions were then submitted to the meeting, and were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, that this meeting has, for years The following report of the proceed-the able and determined opposition evinced by past, seen with feelings of great satisfaction, ings of a public meeting, held, in pur- William Cobbett against the acts of suance of public notice, on the 15th of October, in the county-court house of the city of Philadelphia, will show you and your liberal masters," that your candle has sent its light to a great distance! There, then; take it, read it, you and your renowned brother chew the cud upon it; and let the curate of Crowhurst, the REVEREND RUSH, and let your Sussex magistrates, SCAWEN, BLUNT, and TREADCROFT, and BLANDFORD, TREVOR, SLAPP and WYNNE, let

of England, by that band of oligarchs, justly exercised towards the people denominated boroughmongers; a band which has waged war against the liberties and rights of man in almost every corner of the world, and has sought the ruin of every man who dared to raise his voice in opposition to their *

we are

past conduct of
That when we revert to the history of the
merous cases, even unto death, of great num-
reminded of their persecutions, and, in nu-

bers of men, whose only crime was asserting | dering the consequences of goading a brave, their undoubted rights of electing the meinbers virtuous, and industrious people to madness,

of the House of Commons; and we consider
the late prosecution of William Cobbett as a
continuation of the series of cruelties by which
and degraded the

character of Englishmen.

That being sensible of the advantage of the freedom of the press, this meeting has heard with pleasure of the defeat aud disgrace of


of the boroughmongers, in the English Court of King's Bench, on the trial of William Cobbett, for the publication of what they called a "false, scandalous, and malicious libel;" and resolve, that the thauks of this meeting, and an address expressive of those feelings, be presented to him for his able, manly, and convincing defence of himself and of the liberty of the press.

Resolved, That a committee, consisting of three persons be appointed to draft an address to William Cobbett, Esq., agreeably to the third resolution: when Messrs. Wood, Brothers, and Heywood, were unanimously appointed of the said committee.

After a short absence, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Wood, reported the following



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by plundering them of their earnings, and by a system of ill-treatment such as never was heard of in the world before. You have for a long time waged war with this monstrous 'thing," and in a manner surprising even to those who know you; and you have, if we may judge by its writhings, pierced it in the vital part. Would to God that it had perished before so many villages had been made wretched, so many wives had been made widows, and so many children had been made fatherless, before poor Cook had been put to death, for a blow given without bodily harm to that most impudent fellow Baring; who, it appears, in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Deacle, dares to

with impunity, and then takes his

seat in the honourable House.
We cannot find words to express our indig-
nation at these things, but we console our-
selves under the idea that they cannot last,
and that you are destined to restore your noble
country to its ancient rights and liberties, and
above all things to a
"" cheap Government;"
the good effects of which are so obvious to us,
in this most happy Republic.

We see that the people are no longer deSIR,—We, who admire your firm, undaunt-luded by the foolish nonsense of Whig and ed, and consistent conduct, in advocating the Tory, but are inclined to manage their own cause of the poor, the oppressed, and the help-affairs themselves; that they are fast adopting less, have just received the report of your late trial in the Court of King's Bench, and of your glorious victory over your country's enemies, the "false, scandalous, and malicious Whigs." They have ploited, contrived, and meditated your destruction, and have attempted to deprive England, at this momentous crisis, of the services of the only man who appears capable of saving the ill-managed vessel of state from the rocks that she is evidently approaching.

For this victory, Sir, we beg to tender you our most grateful thanks.-We know that Lothing but talents of the highest order can save your country from anarchy and bloodshed, and in you we place the strongest hopes and reliance. Your all-powerful pen has enlightened the whole nation, and prepared it

for the grand forthcoming struggle for the

rights of man. The errors and the

your opinions, which we hope and trust will soon become general. Then we shall hear no more of "rural wars," but of the restoration of that rural contentment for which your un happy country was once famed all over the world.

It gives us pleasure to hear of your excellent hea'th; and that you may continue to be thus blessed for many years to come is the sincere wish of, Sir,

your devoted friend, THOS. HULME.

It was then unanimously Resolved, That the said address be signed by the officers of the meeting.

Resolved unanimously, That Messrs. Bro

thers, Heywood, and Jeffery, be a committee to forward the same to Mr. Cobbett.

典 Dr. John M. Burrell then offered the fol

of that blind and perverse boroughmongering lowing, which was unanimously adopted :—

oligarchy have produced the effects which you

have so long since foretold. They sought their own individual interest, without consi

Resolved, That, as Americans, we embrace

this opportunity for expressing the high opinions we entertain of the character of William

Cobbett, and would congratulate the old world | be obtained: other matters press it

on the possession of so worthy and patriotic a citizen.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the editors of the papers in which the call for this meeting was inserted.—The Mechanics' Free Press did not publish it, though the editors were applied to first. They had not an opportunity of seeing what others would do, or they would have been free enough to have done the same.-We will not censure them for this, being aware that they have neither talents nor courage to manage their little skiff, and it is therefore better to make it fast to (in order that it may follow in the wake) something more substantial.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the officers of the same. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Philadelphia papers.-Adjourned. (Signed)

Tпos. HULME, Chairman.



aside for the present; but it must be revived, and be justly settled.

FRENCH FINANCES. (Concluded from p. 766, last Register.)

THE CONSEQUENCES OF ARRESTING THE REVOLUTION OF JULY are now be coming apparent, even to the men of the juste-milieu system: an individual afflicted with a malady may be apparently cured by the sudden application of violent remedies; but if the disease be not rooted out of the system, it will be sure to show itself very shortly in another and a more dangerous form. So it is with France. Instead of marching towards the natural results, and, therefore, the natural termination of her revolution, she has been checked, arrested, and despoiled. What is the consequence? We have had what has been called "a rebellion" at Lyons: My answer to this shall go in MA- at another city the Carlists are triumNUSCRIPT; for that which suits the phant; at a third the taxes are not climate of the United States, might not paid; at a fourth the National Guards be too high-relished for the climate of are dissolved; at a fifth the orders of England just yet. The reader, and the Government are not obeyed by the particularly in Hampshire, will laugh civic troops. The Press is labouring to at perceiving that THE DEACLES and overthrow the Government. The triTHE BARINGS have been thus brought bunals acquit political offenders of all face to face again within a few hundred parties as fast as they are brought up for yards of the very spot where the real trial; and there is no harmony, no hap ORIGINAL SUPERCARGO-BINGHAM piness, no satisfaction in France. formerly resided, and on which Mrs. predicted all this. I foretold that all Alexander Baring and Mrs. Henry this would and must happen. And now Baring were born; and where their hus- the nation is beginning to rise to shake bands first saw them; and very beauti-off this night-mare, which is oppressing ful girls they were: but neither more it in the form of a Casimir Perrier Admibeautiful nor more delicate than that nistration.


Mrs. DEACLE, on whose wrists the The King of England's Speech has

sons, or son, of one of them ordered the iron handcuffs to be put: let that be borne in mind. For acts of violence committed on men, fear, anger, passion, may form an apology (though, as the Barings should recollect, they formed none in the case of poor Cook of Micheldever); but they form no apology for violences committed on the person of a woman, and by men too. This affair never can be dropped until justice



not attracted much attention!
wish well to Lord Grey, well to Reform,
well to Great Britain, and well to the
working classes. We desire a good
understanding between France and
England, and we hope that the Bo-
roughmongers will be triumphantly de-
feated. But we look upon Reform as
certain, and we consider that it is at this
moment a mere question of time. We
regret that the Speech was silent as to

O. P. Q.


Bolt-Court, 12th Dec. 1831.


Poland; we cannot forgive the British | burning, and who can entertain a scheme Government for its inattention to this for restoring prosperity to the country subject; and the last Proclamation by sending the working people out of which we have received from Warsawe it and keeping the idlers in it, I have which requires the Poles to wear th, no hope. But that shall not prevent Russian cockade! has filled us with in- me from addressing to you my essay on dignation and horror. Something must the Two CABBAGES. These cabbages be done for Poland, or Europe will not are the richest of all the cabbage kind; rejoice at the triumph of the British and, if you calculate, you will find, that, Government. thus bought of the retailer, the price of them is 31s. for a ton, or 2240 pounds weight. The market-gardener must have sold his ton for less than 20s., and, to bring the ton to the market (only from Fulham), must have cost him for man, horse, cart, and turnpike, 8s. 6d. at the very least; leaving the gardener, for seed, raising plants, digging ground, manure, after-cultivation, rent of land BEING, like ADDINGTON, “in every (10l. a statute acre), taxes and rates, thing equally wise," and having your and interest of capital, 11s. 6d. Is it mind filled with schemes for getting the any wonder that the gardeners are working people out of the country, or, ruined? Every article of garden-stuff for catching them by the legs, together is low, perhaps, in proportion; but, with deep-laid plans relating to gen- cauliflowers last June, were sold at twodarmerie, and for causing the parsons pence each, which used to sell for 9d. or in Ireland to be better paid, and thereby 1s. at the same time of the year. No making the tithe-payers better satisfied; wonder that we see, all round London, having your great mind filled, absolutely market-garden land covered with dark crammed, with schemes so sublime, you thistles and couch-grass. will, I dare say, turn up your nose at the very sound of the words" Two Cabbages," supposing it to be some fable. You will find them, however, to constitute a very serious matter; and if you attend to what I have to say on the subject, you will acquire more knowledge appertaining to the duties that you have now to perform, you will see deeper into the true causes of all the difficulties that surround you, and which are daily increasing, than you ever before possessed and ever before


To-day, my man having forgotten to bring in cabbages from Kensington, the maid servant went out to buy some, and she brought in two SAVOYS, for which, to a woman who retailed them, she gave three half-pence. They weighed nine pounds. Then, as Solomon says, "I looked upon and considered it well"; and I had, for a moment, the vain hope, that you might be induced to consider it too. No! of him who can propose a man-trap law to prevent rick and barn

Take another view of the matter. A milch-cow will eat about 60 pounds of these white-loaved cabbages in a day; then her cost will be 10 d. a day,or 6s.11⁄2d. a week; and, in return for that, she will give, on an average, 10 quarts of milk, making 5lb. of butter per week, all the year round. The butter is worth 6s., and the skim milk is worth a penny a quart for pigs; making 11s. 10d. a week at the lowest rate of valuing. These cabbages may now be bought from the green-stalls by retail as most profitable feed for cows. If bought of the gardeners, they are only half the price. Meat and bread are necessaries of life; butter and milk are nearly so; but leguminous substances are not; and, therefore, they are depressed first; and nothing can more clearly show the sinking state of the people in this Wen, than this falling down of the price of garden-stuff.

I have, for the last ten years past, been warning the gardeners (many of

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