Sivut kuvina

No. 2.-1868.

His Excellency H. T. USSHER, Administrator.

AN ORDINANCE to make better provision for securing the Peace of the Town of Cape Coast, and to regulate the Celebration of the Annual and other native Customs in the Settlements on the Gold Coast.

WHEREAS the discharging of firearms within the limits of the town of Cape Coast is attended with grievous annoyance, terror, and danger to the peaceful inhabitants thereof: And whereas such firing has been at various times prohibited by this Government: And whereas the celebration of certain native customs, to wit, the "Black Christmas" or "Yam Custom," and others, has been attended in many cases with disastrous results, entailing loss of life, and general danger and inconvenience to the community :

Be it therefore enacted by the Administrator and Legislative Council of the Settlement on the Gold Coast as follows:



1. No person shall fire or discharge a gun or firearm within The firing of the limits of the town of Cape Coast under a penalty of ten the limits of shillings or ten days imprisonment for a first offence, and the town forof forty shillings or fourteen days imprisonment with hard Penalties. labour for each and every subsequent offence.



2. Any two or more persons assembled together, and The like by continuously discharging firearms within the limits of the town persons of Cape Coast, shall each be liable to a penalty of three pounds together. for each offence, or in default to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.

3. In case any person or persons shall be proved to have discharged firearms within any house or tenement within the limits of the town of Cape Coast, and he or they shall not have been identified, the owner or occupant of such house or tenement, in the event of such failure of identification, if within the premises at the time the offence was committed, shall be liable for each offence to a penalty of forty shillings, and in default to imprisonment not exceeding one month with hard labour, as the sitting magistrate may direct.


The owner or occupier of firing liable in Penalties.

house wherein

certain cases.


for the

4. The captain or captains, chiefs or heads of companies Captains of of the town of Cape Coast shall be held responsible for the responsible due observance by their followers of the foregoing rules during conduct of the period of any native customs, and if it shall be proved that their any two or more persons belonging to any of the aforesaid Penalties.


The public

"Yam Custom" is prohibited


bodies shall have violated during the said period any of the rules laid down in this Ordinance, the said chiefs, heads, or captains of the company, by whom or by whose followers such rules shall have been violated, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five pounds and not exceeding twenty pounds for any such infraction, the said penalty being recoverable at common law in the Civil Courts at Cape Coast.

5. The public celebration of the "Yam Custom," and of celebration of other native customs entailing firing of guns, drumming, processions, and other offensive noises and acts, within the limits of the said town of Cape Coast, is hereby forbidden and prohibited, and any person or persons convicted of having joined in any such custom, or taken any part therein, shall be liable to a penalty of forty shillings or one month's imprisonment, in addition to any forfeiture to which they may be liable for specific offences under this Act.


6. Any prosecutions under this Act may be heard and before whom determined by the chief magistrate, or by any sitting magistrate in the Court of Cape Coast.

to be heard.

Administrator may grant permission for

7. It shall be competent to the officer administering the Government for the time being to grant permission in writing celebration of for the celebration of any harmless native custom or observance, anything to the contrary contained in this Act notwithstanding.

any harmless


Limits of

town one mile

from Castle


Power to extend provisions of Ordinance.

Short title.

8. For all purposes of this Ordinance the limits of the town of Cape Coast shall be taken to mean and include any place or spot within a radius of one mile from the gates of Cape Coast Castle.

9.* It shall be lawful for the officer administering the Government to extend the provisions of this Act to any town or towns within the limits of British jurisdiction.

10. This Ordinance may be entitled as the "Native Customs Regulation Ordinance, 1868."



Passed in the Legislative Council of the Gold Coast this 23rd day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.


* Extended to Accra and Christiansborg September 8th, 1880. See Appendix.

CHARLES SPENCER SALMON, Acting Administrator.

No. 2.-1871.

AN ORDINANCE to establish fees to be received by the Chief Officer of Customs acting as Registrar of British Shipping and Shipping Master, and by Officers of Customs attending at extra hours, and for the Remuneration of the Superintendent of the Survey and Admeasurement of Vessels in the Settlement on the Gold Coast.

[6th October, 1871.]

Be it enacted by the Acting Administrator and Legislative Council of the Settlement on the Gold Coast as follows:

1. That it shall be lawful for the Chief and other Officers of Customs to demand and receive the fees mentioned in the Schedules A, B and C annexed.

2. That it shall be lawful for the Superintendent of the Survey and admeasurement of Ships in this Settlement to demand and receive from the Owner, Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel admeasured by him the fees mentioned in the Schedule D.

3. That all Laws or Ordinances now in force in the said Settlement repugnant to or in anywise inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and the same are to the extent of such repugnancy or inconsistency hereby repealed.


Acting Administrator.

Passed in the Legislative Council this sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

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For registering a ship and granting a Certificate of Registry
For each form of bill of sale or mortgage issued...
For each form of declaration issued




For endorsing the names of owners upon Certificate of Registry }

on change of owners


For endorsing the names of Masters upon Certificate of Registry }

on change of Masters


For each entry in the Registry Book relating to transfer by Bill of sale


For each entry in relating to mortgage


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For transmitting particulars on application to transfer Registry
to another port
For granting a certificate of mortgage or sale
For sales or mortgages made before Registrar under certi-
ficate of sale or mortgage, each
For each certified copy of documents under 107th Section
Merchant Shipping Act





For inspection of the Registry Book





[blocks in formation]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

5. Certificate of deposit of any document
6. Sanction in writing to discharge of any Seaman or Apprentice
7. Rendering account of wages, &c., of Seamen deceased or left
behind ...

[blocks in formation]

Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 to be paid by Master of vessel.
In case No. 1, the Master may deduct for partial repayment from
the wages of any Mate, Purser, Engineer, Surgeon, Carpenter
or Steward, One Shilling and Sixpence, from all other except
Apprentices, One Shilling.

In case No. 2, the Master may deduct in each case from wages,
One Shilling.

No. 3 and 10, by Seaman.

£ s. d.


0 7 0 15



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5 0

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0 10




2 202

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When required to attend on Sundays or Holidays for the convenience of
Merchants or Masters of Vessels.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

An Officer acting in a superior capacity to be allowed the rate of
remuneration assigned to the office in which he is acting.
Attendance of an Officer at the transhipment of goods for the
convenience of Merchant per day or any part of a day...
Attendance of an Officer landing Goods for the convenience of
Merchants elsewhere than the Public Wharf
These sums to be paid by the Merchants and to be carried to account
in the Colonial Revenue to defray the expense of the Officer so

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For each measured transverse section



£ s. d.
0 10 0


For each certificate of Survey in addition to the above

1 1 0

For each certificate or of identity } 1 1 0

where measurement of tonnage is not required

JOHN POPE HENNESSY, Administrator-in-Chief of the West
African Settlements.

No. 5.-1872.

AN ORDINANCE to extend the Gold Coast Ordinances through- Title. out the territories on the Coast of Guinea recently transferred by the King of the Netherlands to Her [12th April, 1872.]

Majesty. WHEREAS on the sixth day of April, One thousand eight Preamble. hundred and seventy-two, Governor Pope Hennessy, Administrator-in-Chief of the West African Settlements, assumed in the Queen's name, and by Her Majesty's command, the government of the united Territories on the Coast of Guinea, including those which had been under the sovereignty of the King of the Netherlands, and all such Territories constitute Her Majesty's Possessions on the Gold Coast:

And whereas doubts may arise as to the laws in force in the former Dutch Possessions :

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