Not to affect and receipt of the said mails, and the communication of the said steamers with the shore. 39. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be conNo. 10, 1878, strued so as to repeal in any wise the provisions of the "Towns, Police, and Public Health Ordinance, 1878," or the Lagos Pilotage and Harbour Ordinance, 1878." or No. 3, 1878. Repeal. 66 40. The "Quarantine Ordinance of 1873," and all rules and regulations now existing with respect to quarantine, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. R. K. BARROW, Clerk of Legislative Council. I assent to this Ordinance. H. T. USSHER, Governor. Title. Date. Preamble. Enactment. Indemnity of fifty francs to sender of registered HERBERT TAYLOR USSHER, Esquire, C.M.G., Governor. No. 9.-1880. AN ORDINANCE to indemnify the sender of a registered article Whereas by Clause VI., Article IV., of the Postal Union Convention, it is provided that an indemnity of fifty francs shall be paid to the sender in the event of a loss of any registered article while in transit by the country in which such loss shall occur, and it is necessary to make provision in this Colony for payment of that amount in such case; Be it enacted by the Governor of the Gold Coast Colony, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: 1. The Governor shall, on being satisfied that any loss has occurred within this Colony, of any registered article sent article lost in through the post, order that a sum equivalent to fifty franes be paid the sender thereof as an indemnity for such loss, and he is hereby authorized to draw by warrant or order on the Treasury for such amount. Colony. 2. This Ordinance shall come into operation immediately Date of on the passing thereof. This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill. I assent to this Ordinance. R. K. BARROW, Clerk of Legislative Council, H. T. USSHER, operation. WILLIAM BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Esquire, C.M.G., Lieutenant- No. 1.-1881. AN ORDINANCE to repeal an Ordinance intituled "An Ordinance Title, cases. Whereas an Ordinance was passed by the Colonial Legisla Preamble, ture of the Gold Coast Colony, bearing date the first day of September, One thousand eight hundred and eighty, and intituled "An Ordinance to amend the Lagos Pilotage and Harbour Ordinance, 1878," and whereas it is necessary to repeal the same : And whereas it is expedient to provide for payment for the treatment of patients received into the Colonial Hospital at Lagos in certain cases; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Gold Coast Enactment. Colony, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: 1. The Ordinance intituled "An Ordinance to amend the Repeal of "Ordinance Lagos Pilotage and Harbour Ordinance, 1878," is hereby to amend repealed. 2. When any Krooman shall have been received as a patient into the Colonial Hospital at Lagos from any factory or other place where he may have been employed, or when any person employed in domestic service shall have been received as a patient into the said hospital, there shall be payable in respect of each such Krooman or servant the sum of four shillings and two pence for each of the first five days of Lagos Ordinance." Kroomen and domestic servants reeived into hospital at Lagos. Sums payable under this Ordi nance to be payable by employer of patient to Assistant his residence in the said hospital, and the sum of one shilling and three pence for each subsequent day. 3. Such sums as may at any time become payable under this Ordinance shall be paid by the person or persons in whose service the patient in respect of whom they may be payable, was employed at, or up to the date of his reception into the said hospital, to the Assistant Collector and Treasurer, and shall Collector and be recoverable as simple contract debts at the suit of the Assistant Collector and Treasurer, in the District Commissioner's Court at Lagos. Treasurer. Short title. 4. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Lagos Hospital Ordinance, 1881." This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council, and found to be a true and correct copy of the said Bill, I assent to this Ordinance. H. BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Clerk of Legislative Council. W. BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Title. Preamble. Enactment. Powers of Governor in respect of WILLIAM BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Esq., C.M.G., Lieutenant Governor. No. 2.-1881. AN ORDINANCE to amend an Ordinance intituled "The Quaran- Whereas it is expedient to amend the "Quarantine Ordinance, 1880," by giving to the officer administering the Government of the Settlement of Lagos power to do certain administrative acts, which by the said Ordinance (hereinafter called the principal Ordinance), can be done only by the officer administering the Government of the Colony. Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Gold Coast Colony, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council, as follows: 1. All such acts as under the principal Ordinance may be done by the Governor or officer for the time being lawfully be exercised administering the Government of the Colony, may, within the quarantine to Settlement of Lagos, be done by the officer for the time being in Lagos by lawfully administering the Government of that Settlement. officer administering 2. This Ordinance shall not extend to such acts as under that the principal Ordinance are directed to be done by the settlement. Governor in Council. This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed the Legislative Council and found to be a true and correct copy of the said Bll. I assent to this Ordinance. H. BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Clerk of Legislative Council. W. BRANDFORD GRIFFITH, Sir SAMUEL ROWE, K.C.M.G., Governor-in-Chief. No. 3.-1881. AN ORDINANCE to confer upon the Governor of the Gold Coast Title. Colony the necessary powers for the detention and deportation of certain political prisoners. [11th May, 1881.] Date Whereas it is expedient that certain political prisoners, Preamble. that is to say, Chief Asafu Agay of Juabin, and *King Tackie of Accra, should be deported to, and detained during Her Majesty's pleasure, at such place or places, within the Gold Coast Colony, as the Governor shall appoint, or to, and at the Colony of Sierra Leone: And whereas the said Asafu Agay has been deported to, and is detained at Lagos, and the said *King Tackie has been deported to, and is detained at the Castle of St. George, at Elmina, without any legal warrant or authority, and it is expedient to legalise such deportation and detention; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of the Gold Coast Enactment. Colony, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: 1. It shall be lawful for the Governor to order the deten- The Governor tion of the said political prisoners, or either of them, during may authorise the detention of certain political prisoners. Warrant under Governor's hand sufficient for detention and deportation of such prisoners. Removal of the said political prisoners, Custody of prisoners. Penalty for of prisoners. Her Majesty's pleasure, in any suitable place within the Gold Coast Colony, or the deportation of the said political prisoners, or either of them, to the Colony of Sierra Leone. 2. A warrant under the hand of the Governor, addressed to any District Commissioner, or to any person having legal charge of any of Her Majesty's forts in the Gold Coast Colony, shall be a sufficient authority for the District Commissioner, or person named therein, to detain the said political prisoners, or either of them, and such warrant as aforesaid, addressed to the master of any ship, or any other person or persons, shall be a sufficient authority to the person or persons named therein, to convey the said political prisoners, or either of them, to the Colony of Sierra Leone, and to deliver them, or him, into such custody, as may be named in the said warrant. 3. The said political prisoners, or either of them, may at any time during their detention be removed from any one of the places of detention before mentioned to any other of the said places of detention by warrant, under the hand of the Governor, addressed to the master of any ship, or any other person, or persons, to whom such warrant is addressed, shall have power to convey the said prisoner, or prisoners, to such place, and to deliver him or them to such authority as may be respectively named in the said warrant. 4. The said political prisoners, or either of them, shall, if detained in any of Her Majesty's forts, be under the legal custody of the person having legal charge thereof, or if detained in any other place within the Gold Coast Colony, shall be under the legal custody of the District Commissioner of the District within which such place may be situate. 5. Any person aiding or attempting to aid the said aiding escape prisoners, or either of them, to escape, or attempt to escape, from any place where they may be so detained as aforesaid, shall be liable on conviction before the Supreme Court of the Gold Coast Colony to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding two years. No writ of habeas corpus to issue. Past acts of with respect 6. No writ of habeas corpus, or other process, calling in question the legality of, or other matter connected with, the detention of the said prisoners, or either of them, shall have any effect within the Gold Coast Colony. 7. All acts done, permitted to be done, or sanctioned, by the Governor of the Gold Coast Colony, with respect to the |