| 1856 - 532 sivua
...at other times a statement inconsistent with his present testimony ; but before such last-mentioned proof can be given, the circumstances of the supposed...occasion, must be mentioned to the witness, and he roust be asked whether or not he has made such statement. 26. [Sect 23.] If a witness, upon cross-examination... | |
 | Canada - 1856 - 620 sivua
...at other times a statement inconsistent with his present testimony ; but b«fore such last mentioned proof can be given, the circumstances of the supposed...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. CLX. If a witness upon cross examination as to a former Proof of constatement made by him relative... | |
 | John Thompson (Barrister-at-law) - 1854 - 214 sivua
...not distinctly admit that he has made such statement, proof may be given that he did in fact make it; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. 24. A witness may be cross-examined as to cross-examprevious statements made by him in writing, or... | |
 | Robert Malcolm Kerr - 1854 - 270 sivua
...distinctly admit that he has made ness. such statement, proof may be given that he did in fact make it ; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. This section removes the doubt hitherto entertained! whether when a witness on being asked as to a... | |
 | 1854 - 836 sivua
...distinctly admit that he has made such stntement, proof may be given that he did in fact make it ; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. 25. A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing, or reduced into... | |
 | Henry Thurstan Holland, Thomas Chandler, Charles Edward Pollock - 1854 - 380 sivua
...distinctly admit that he has made such statement, proof may be given that he did in fact make it ; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. If a witness, when asked as to a former contradictory verbal statement relative to the subject, neither... | |
 | 1854 - 532 sivua
...distinctly admit that he has made such statement, proof may be given that he did in fact make it ; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...mentioned to the witness, and he must be asked whether or nut he has made such statement; e. 21. A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made... | |
 | 1855 - 552 sivua
...distinctly admit that he has made such statement, proof miy be given that he did in fact make it ; but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...be asked whether or not he has made such statement. 24. A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing, or reduced into... | |
 | William Francis Finlason - 1855 - 668 sivua
...he does not remember it, and such witness is not asked on his cross-examination whether he has or B3 but before such proof can be given, the circumstances...particular occasion, must be mentioned to the witness (a), and he must be asked whether or not he has made such statement. Cross-ex- XXIV. A witness may... | |
 | 1855 - 566 sivua
...his present testimony; but before socb last- mentioned proof can be given, the circumstances of lit supposed statement, sufficient to designate the particular...occasion, must be mentioned to the witness, and he must be aiked whether or not he has made such statement. 23. If a witness, upon cross-examination as to г... | |
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