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" ... not only on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs executors administrators and successors, but also for and on behalf of every person entitled in reversion remainder or expectancy after them or in defeasance of the estates of such parties... "
Ordinances of the Settlements on the Gold Coast and of the Gold Coast Colony ... - Sivu 243
tekijä(t) Gold Coast - 1887 - 777 sivua
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1851 - 670 sivua
...manner hereinafter mentioned, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, executors, and successors, but also for and on behalf of every...reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeazance of the estate of such parties, and as to such married women, whether they be of full age...

The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1845 - 922 sivua
...for life, or for lives and years, or for years, or for any less interest, not '•tly on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, executors,...administrators, and successors, but also for and on behalf of ei«y person entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeasance of the estates...

The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1848 - 728 sivua
...not only on behalf of themselves, and their respective heirs, executors, and administrators, but also on behalf of every person entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeazance of the estate of such parties, to compromise their conflicting claims to any such advowson...

The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1844 - 740 sivua
...to sell and convey as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such parties, not only on behalf of themselves, and their respective heirs, executors,...administrators, and successors, but also for and on bekalf of every person entitled or who may become entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after...

The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1836 - 896 sivua
...and all Trustees and other Persons whomsoever, not only for and on behalf of themselves and their own respective Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Successors,...every Person entitled in Reversion, Remainder, or Contingency after them, if incapacitated, and as to such Husbands and Guardians also for and on behalf...

Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1844 - 1174 sivua
...to sell and convey as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such Parties, not only on behalf of themselves, and their respective Heirs, Executors,...but also for and on behalf of every Person entitled or who may become entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, if incapacitated, unborn,...

Anno octavo Victoriae Reginae. Cap. XX. An act for consolidating in one act ...

Great Britain - 1845 - 146 sivua
...Lessees for Life, or for Lives and Years, or for Years, or for any less Interest, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective Heirs, Executors,...in defeasance of the Estates of such Parties, and as to such married Women, whether they be of full Age or not, as if they were sole and of full Age,...

A Collection of the Public General Statutes Passed in the ... Year of the ...

Great Britain - 1845 - 1274 sivua
...convey, and dispose of as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such Parties, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective Heirs, Executors,...and on behalf of every Person entitled in reversion or expectancy after them, and as to such married Women as if they were sole, and as to such Tutors,...

Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1845 - 1386 sivua
...Lessees for Life, or for Lives and Years, or for Years, or for any less Interest, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective Heirs, Executors,...Administrators, and Successors, but also for and on behalf o£ every Person entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after Purchase of Lands by Agreement....

Jurist: Containing Reports of All Cases Determined in Law and ..., Nide 9,Osa 2

1846 - 810 sivua
...essees for life, or for lives and years, or for years, or for any ess interest, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, executors,...in defeasance of the estates of such parties, and as to such married women, whe ther they be of full age or not, as if they were sole and of full age,...

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