Sivut kuvina

Let sickness blast, and death devour,

If heaven shall recompense our pains; Perish the grass, and fade the flower, If firm the Word of God remains.


HYMN 206. C. M.

Isaiah xl. 27-31.

HY mournest thou, my anxious soul
Despairing of relief,

As if the Lord o'erlook'd thy cares,

Or pitied not thy grief?

2 Hast thou not known, hast thou not heard,
That firm remains on high,
The everlasting throne of Him
Who made the earth and sky?

3 Art thou afraid his power will fail
In sorrow's evil day?
Can the Creator's mighty armi
Grow weary or decay?

4 Supreme in wisdom as in power

The Rock of Ages stands;

Thou canst not search his mind, nor trace

The working of his hands.

He gives the conquest to the weak,

Supports the fainting heart; And courage in the evil hour His heavenly aids impart.

6 Mere human energy shall faint,

And youthful vigour cease;
But those who wait upon the Lord,
In strength shall still increase.

7 They, with unwearied step, shall tread
The path of life divine;
With growing ardour onward move,
With growing brightness shine.

8 On eagles' wings they mount, they soar
On wings of faith and love;

Till, past the sphere of earth and sin,
They rise to heaven above.

HYMN 207. C. M.

Isaiah lvii. 15.

THUS speaks the High and Lofty One:
My throne is fix'd on high;
There, through eternity, I hear
The praises of the sky:

2 Yet, looking down, I visit oft

The humble, hallow'd cell; And, with the penitent who mourn, 'Tis my delight to dwell

3 My presence heals the wounded heart The sad in spirit cheers;

My presence, from the bed of dust,
The contrite sinner rears.

4 I dwell with all my humble saints While they on earth remain ; And they, exalted, dwell with me, With me for ever reign.

HYMN 208. II. 1.

Habakkuk iii. 17-19.

ALTHOUGH the vine its fruit deny.

The budding fig-tree droop and die,
No oil the olive yield;

Yet will I trust me in my God,
Yea, bend rejoicing to his rod,

And by his grace be heal'd.

2 Though fields, in verdure once array'd, By whirlwinds desolate be laid,

Or parch'd by scorching beam; Still in the Lord shall be my trust, My joy; for, though his frown is just, His mercy is supreme.

3 Though from the fold the flock decay, Though herds lie famish'd o'er the lea, And round the empty stall;

My soul above the wreck shall rise,
Its better joys are in the skies;
There God is all in all.

4 In God my strength, howe'er distrest.
I yet will hope, and calmly rest,
Nay, triumph in his love:
My lingering soul, my tardy feet,
Free as the hind he makes, and fleet.
To speed my course above.

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HOU art the Way, to thee alone From sin and death we flee; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, by thee.

2 Thou art the Truth, thy word alone True wisdom can impart;

Thou only canst inform the mind
And purify the heart.

3 Thou art the Life, the rending tomb
Proclaims thy conquering arm,
And those who put their trust in thee
Nor death nor hell shall harm.

4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life Grant us that way to know,

That truth to keep, that life to win.
Whose joys eternal flow.

HYMN 210. S. M.

Philippians ii. 12, 13.
EIRS of unending life,


While you we sojourn here,

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N. B. The metre marks, affixed to the Psalms and Hymns, refer to a division of the Metres, founded or the nature of the verse, into four Classes, marked—I., II., III., IV.

CLASS I. includes Common, Long, and Short metres, marked C. M., L. M., S. M.

CLASS II. includes the other Iambic metres, eight in number, marked II. 1, II. 2, II. 3, II. 4, &c., which may be named Two, one; Two, two; Two, three, &c.

CLASS III. includes the Trochaic metres, being five in number, marked III. 1, III. 2, III. 3, &c., which may be named Three, one; Three, two, &c.

CLASS IV. includes the metres consisting chiefly of triplets, being five in number, marked IV. 1, IV. 2, IV. & &c., and may be named Four, one; Four, two, &c.


C. M.

TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God whom we adore,

Be glory, as it was, is now,

And shall be evermore.

L. M.

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God whom earth and heaven adore,

Be glory, as it was of old,

Is now, and shall be evermore.

S. M.

To God the Father, Son,

And Spirit, glory be,

As 'twas, and is, and shall be so

To all eternity.


II. 1.

TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God whom heaven's triumphant

And saints on earth adore;
Be glory as in ages past,
As now it is, and so shall last
When time shall be no more.
II. 2.

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God whom heaven's triumphant host,
And suffering saints on earth adore;
Be glory as in ages past,

As now it is, and so shall last
When time itself shall be no more.

II. 3.

To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Be glory in the highest given,
By all in earth, and all in heaven,
As was through ages heretofore,
Is now, and shall be evermore.

II. 4.

To God the Father, Son,

And Spirit, ever bless'd,
Eternal Three in One,

All worship be address'd,
As heretofore

It was, is now,
And shall be so

For evermore.

II. 5.

To God the Father, and to God the Son,

To God the Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Be praise from all on earth and all in heaven.
As was,
and is, and ever shall be given

II. 6.

ETERNAL praise be given,
And songs of highest worth,
By all the hosts of heaven,
And all the saints on earth,
To God, supreme confess'd,
To Christ, his only Son,
And to the Spirit bless'd,
Eternal Three in One.

II. 7.

To Father, Son, and Spirit bless'd,
Supreme o'er earth and heaven.
Eternal Three in One confess'd,

Be highest glory given,
As was through ages heretofore,
Is now, and shall be evermore,
By all in earth and heaven.

II. 8.
By all on earth and all in heaven
Be everlasting glory given,

To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit; equal Three
In undivided Unity,

Ere time had yet its course begun.
As was, and is, be highest praise,
As still shall be through endless days

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IV. 2.

ALL praise to the Father, the Son. And Spirit, thrice holy and bless'd, Th' eternal, supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be address'd.

IV. 3. ALL praise to the Father, all praise to the Sca All praise to the Spirit, thrice bless'd, The holy, eternal, supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be address'd.

IV. 4.

O FATHER Almighty, to thee be address'd, With Christ and the Spirit, one God ever bless'd,

All glory and worship from earth and from heaven,

As was, and is now, and shall ever be given

IV. 5.

ALL glory and praise to the Father be given The Son, and the Spirit, from earth and from heaven;

As was, and is now, be supreme adoration, And ever shall be, to the God of salvation

For Hymns 145 and 185.

To the Father, to the Son,

And Spirit ever bless'd,
Everlasting Three in One,
All worship be address'd:
Praise from all above, below,

As throughout the ages past,
Now is given, and shall be so
While endless ages last.

When used to Hymn 185, in line 6, read,
As was throughout the ages past.


HOME, let us adore Him; come, bow at his feet;

O give Him the glory, the praise that is meet; Let joyful hosannas unceasing arise,

And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies.

Whenever the Hymns are used at the celebration of Divine Service, a certain portion portions of the Psalms of David in metre shall also be sung.

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Inspirer and hearer of prayer

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Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth
Be still, my heart, these anxious cares -
Bless'd be thou, the God of Israel
Blest is the man whose softening heart -
Blest is the tie that binds

Behold the Saviour of mankind

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Children of the heavenly King
Christ from the dead is raised, and made 72
Christ the Lord is risen to-day
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove

Come let our voices join

Hear, gracious God, my humble moan

Hear what the voice from heaven declares 84
He dies, the Friend of sinners dies

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Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart 101 I would not live alway; I ask not to stay 98
Come, ye that love the Lord


Jesus, and shall it ever be

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Jesus, my strength, my hope


Jesus, Saviour of my soul

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Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

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Joy is a fruit that will not grow

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Father of mercies! in thy word


Like Noah's weary dove

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Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing

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Lord, for the just thou dost provide

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62 Lord, how delightful 'tis to see
91 Lord, my God, I long to know

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Father of all, whose love profound
Father of mercies, bow thine ear
Father, to thee my soul I lift -
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
Few are thy days, and full of woe
Fountain of mercy, God of love
From all that dwell below the skies
From Greenland's icy mountains -
From whence these direful omens round
Glory to thee, my God, this night
Glory to the Father give

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God moves in a mysterious way

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99 Lord of life, all praise excelling
75Lord, unafflicted, undismay'd


79 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee 8947. S. Key

80 Lo! what a cloud of witnesses

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Mercy, descending from above My God, and is thy table spread 81 My God, permit me not to be

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60 My God, since thou hast raised me up

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