102 The Spirit, in our hearts 97 This is the day the Lord hath made Page. 61 The God of Abraham praise 65 The God of life, whose constant care 71 The Lord my pasture shall prepare The Lord will happiness divine 63 The mighty flood that rolls 75 The morning flowers display their sweets 102 The race that long in darkness pined 94 69 The Saviour, when to heaven he rose There is a land of pure delight 76 The spacious firmament on high 74 Thou art the way, to thee alone Salvation doth to God belong Songs of praise the angels sang The day past and gone 76 When I survey the wondrous cross61 When Jesus left his heavenly throne 61 When, Lord, to this our western land 69 When, rising from the bed of death 93 When, streaming from the eastern skies 92 76 When those we love are snatch'd away 68 · 100 When thro' the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming 101 When we are raised from deep distress 67 While angels thus, O Lord, rejoice While shepherds watch'd their flocks by 98 night While thee I seek, protecting Power 104 With joy shall I behold the day 85 Witness, ye men and angels; now 60 87 Ye faithful souls who Jesus know Ye fields of light, celestial plains Ye humble souls, approach your God 76 Youth, when devoted to the Lord ADDITIONAL HYMNS SET FORTH BY THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS, AT THE REQUEST OF THE HOUSE OF CLERICAL AND LAY DEPUTIES, IN GENERAL CONVENTION, OCTOBER, 1865; TO BE USED IN THE CONGREGATIONS OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, |