The servants of Jehovah's will The spacious earth is all the Lord's Thy constant blessing, Lord, bestow Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my song Thy presence, Lord, hath me supplied Thy sacred word my joyful breast Thy wondrous power, Almighty Lord Thy word is to my feet a lamp To bless thy chosen race To celebrate thy praise, O Lord To God, in whom I trust To God, our never-failing strength To God, the mighty Lord To me, who am the workmanship To my complaint, O Lord, my God To my request and earnest cry To Sion's hill I lift my eyes xxix. 24 TABLE, 10 FIND THE PSALMS IN THE FOREGOING SELECTIONS SUITED TO PARTICULAR Adoration of God, Selec. 7, 50, 74, 75, 117. | Christ, his glorification in his human na- (See Praise.) Blood of Christ, cleansing from sin, pre- figured by the ceremonies of the Brotherly love, 107. Ture of God over his saints, 29. Charity to the poor. (See Almsgiving.) Charitable man, blessings promised to, 35, ver. 1, 2, 3. Children, instructed in God's law, 60, ver. 3, Christ, the true David, 68. (See David.) , covenant made with him typified by , divinity of, 39, ver. 6-8; 41, 89. his incarnation, 34, ver. 6, &c. David in the person of, describes his his death and sufferings set forth in the person of David, 17, 34, 45, 54. his resurrection predicted, 2, 13, 54, p. ii.; 96, ver. 11, &c. his ascension celebrated, 19, 41, 53. his exaltation in his human nature ture, 7. his love to his Church celebrated, 39. his kingdom among the Gentiles, 56, , a Priest and King, 89. , our strength and righteousness, 55. his first and second coming, 43, 75, Christmas-day, 39, 64, three last verses; Church, built on Jesus Christ, 96, ver. 11, , gathered and settled, 106. , its beauty, worship, and order, 42, 99. the birth-place of saints, 31. safety and joy in it, 22, 42, 63. destruction of its enemies, 59. Gentiles gathered into it, 39, 41. God defends it and fights for it, 16, 40, 101. Christ's love to it, 39. God's presence in it, and delight in it, 29, 106. its festivals joyfully attended, 99. to his mediatorial kingdom, 2, 7, 56, 68, 89, 96, 106. Comfort and support in God, 4, 13, 27, 29, of God's Spirit, prayed for, 37, 38, 44. Complaint of absence from public worship, 36, 37. of sickness, 6. of temptation and spiritual afflictions, of heavy afflictions in mind and body, Compassion of God, 81, 82, 117, from ver. 6. 27, 32, 44, 104, 115. Confirmation, psalms proper for, 15, p. ii., Conscience, its guilt relieved, 27, 104. of Consecration.) Consecration of a church, 106. (Sce Office , an act of, 20, 44. Converse with God, 49. Conversion of Jews and Gentiles, 66, 75, 86. ! Faithfulness of God, 68, 85, 90, 117, 118, Instruction, spiritual, 20, verse 3; 29, p. Portion, God our, 4, last three verses; 57. Corruption of manners, general, 11. Courage in death, 13. Counsel and support from God, 13, 97. Covenant made with Christ in the person of David, 68. Creation and Providence, 28, 84, 109, 110, 121, 148. Creatures, no trust in them, and God all-sufficient, 28, p. ii.; 48, 119. , praising God, 122. David, in his sufferings, deliverances, kingdom, &c., a type of Christ, 2, 14, 17, 34, 39, 45, 54, 56, 68, 89, 96, 106. (See Christ.) Death, courage in, 13, 18, ver. 4. , deliverance from, 26, 96. of Christ, 17, 54. , of saints and sinners, 31. , the effect of sin, 69. Defence and salvation in God, 3, 14, 98. Delaying sinners warned, 74, verse 7. Delight in God, 14, 36, 37, 49, 57, 63. Deliverance begun and perfected, 64. from despair, 14. from deep distress, 29, 34. from death, 26, 96. from oppression and falsehood, 46. from persecution, 5, 73. from slander, 5, 26. from shipwreck, 87, p. ii. by prayer, 29, 34. Desertion and distress of soul, 10, 32, 115. Desire of knowledge, 97, p. v. of holiness, 97, p. v. of comfort and succour, 97, p. v., ver. 6, &c. of quickening grace, 97, p. iv. Desolations, the Church safe in them, 40. Devotion, 108. , in sickness, 6, 33. Direction prayed for, 20. Distress relieved, 29, 34, 104. Divinity of Christ, 39, 89. Dominion of man, 7, verses 5, 6. Doubts and fears suppressed, 3, 26, 36, 37. Easter-eve, psalms proper for, 13, verse 3, &c.; 34, verses 1, 2. Easter, psalms proper for, 2, verse 2 to the end; 25, 47, 96. Education, religious, 29, p. ii.; 60, verses 3, &c.; 97, p. ii. End of righteous and wicked, 1, 31. Enemies of Christ and the Church, (typified by the enemies of David and Israel,) 14, 59. (See Christ, Church, David.) Envy and unbelief cured, 31. Epiphany, season of, psalms proper for, 17, p. iii., ver. 6, &c.; 39, 42, 52, 56, 66, 75, 77. (See Gentiles, Kingdom of Christ.) Equity and wisdom of Providence, 8. Examination, 113, last verse. Faith in divine power and mercy, 47, 48, 104. 119. and reverence of God, 28, p. i., last Fears and doubts suppressed, 3, 26, 29, 36, Frailty of man, 33, 69, 116. Funeral, psalms proper for, 33, 69, 116, verse 2. God, present in his Church, 40, 63. , our Shepherd, 18. , our support and comfort, 73, p. ii. , supreme governor, 74. his vengeance and compassion, 53, 75. , unchangeable, 68, 90. , worthy of all praise, 117, 118, 119, 120, 124. Good Friday, psalms proper for, 17, 34, 45, 54. (See Christ, his sufferings and death.) Good Works, 4, 12, 86, verse 3, &c.; 91, 97. Goodness of God celebrated, 81, 82, 121. (See God.) without merit, 27. of Christ, 39, 56. and providence, 28, 30, 109, 110. preserving ard restoring, 27, 31, p. ii.; 101, 112. and glory, 63, two last verses; 97, three last verses. , pardoning, quickening, and sanctifying, 97, p. iii. v. viii. x. Greatness of God, and his goodness, 53, 116. 117, 118, 120, 121. Guilt of conscience removed, 27, 44, 104. Harvest, 50, p. ii.; 121, verse 6, &c. Health, sickness, and recovery, 6, 25, 32, 33, 69, 80, p. i.; 94. Hearing of prayer, 4, 50, p. i.; 51, p. ii.; 3, &c.; 91, 97. Holy Spirit, supplication for, 36, 37, 44, verse 9, &c. (See Grace.) Hope and trust in God, 3, 13, 14, 22, 26, 40, 46, 48, 55, 65, 93, verse 3, &c.; 101. Humiliation, day of, psalms proper for. (See Penitential Psalms.) Humility, profession of, 105. Law of God, its excellence, consolations, delight in it, &c., 15, 97, p. i., p. v., p. xiii., p. xvi. Lent, psalms proper for. (See Penitential Psalms.) Liberality to the poor, 35, three first verses; 91, verse 3, &c. Life, its shortness and frailty, 33, 69. , uncertainty of, 33. Longing after God, 36, 37, 49. Lord's day, 49, first three stanzas; 74, 75, 79, 96, verse 12 to the end. Love to our neighbour, 12. , brotherly, 107. Majesty of God, 53. (See God.) Man, his dominion, 7, verse 5, &c. his mortality, 33, 69, p. i.; 80, p. 1. Nation's safety is the Church, 42. desolations, the Church and people Obedience, sincere, 27, last two verses; 113, last verse. Old Age, 69, p. i., verse 9, 10. lowing. (See God.) Omniscience of God, 113. (See God.) Pardon, mercy, and grace prayed for, 6, 20, 27, 44, 64, 104, 107. (See Penitential Psalms, Repentance.) Passion-week, psalms proper for, 17, 45, 54. (See Christ, his sufferings and death.) Patience under afflictions and persecutions, 31, 33, 104. Peace and holiness, urged, 29, p. ii. , return of, after war, 77, 96. Penitential psalms, 6, 27, 32, 44, 80, p. i.; 104, 115. Perfections of God extolled, 30, 90, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121. (See God.) Persecution, prayer in the time of, 55, 115 , , courage in time of, 40, 73, p. ii. deliverance from, 8, 73, p. ii. Pestilence, preservation in it. 70. Poor, charity to. (See Almsgiving.) ii.; 97. Institution of a minister, 99, 106, 107. Instructive psalms, displaying the different characters and ends of good and bad men, 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, 31, 43, 57, 63, 70, 71, 73, 91, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 107. Intercession, psalms of, 16, 52, 99, last four verses; 106. Judgment, day of, 1, last three verses; 43, Justice of God. (See God, his perfections.) 104. Kingdom of Christ, 2, 56, 66, 68, 89, 106. &c.; p. v., p. xvii., &c. Power of Christ, 39. of God, 53, 68. (See God.) Praise, psalms of, 51, 79, 81, 82, 90, 112, 117, 118, 119, 120. for creation and providence, 28, 83. our redemption, 77. for health restored, 25, 94. for hearing prayer, 51, last three verses. to the Messiah, 39. from all nations, 95. for protection, grace, and truth, 47 for rain, 50, p. ii. Prayer, 4, 50. in time of war, 16. |