6 Lord, bid the clouds depart, The winds and waters cease, And sweetly o'er my gladdened heart Expand Thy bow of peace. HYMN 271. C. M. ERUSALEM, my happy home! JE Name ever dear to me! When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, and Thee! 2 Thy walls are made of precious stones, 3 0 my sweet home, Jerusalem! 4 Thy gardens, and Thy goodly walks, Where grow such sweet and pleasant flow ers As nowhere else are seen. 5 Right through Thy streets, with pleasing sound, The living waters flow, And on the banks on either side, The trees of life do grow. 6 Those trees each month yield ripened fruit; For evermore they spring, And all the nations of the earth 7 Oh, mother dear; Jerusalem, When shall I come to Thee? HYMN 272. C. M. ON Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, 2 Oh, the transporting, rapturous scene, Sweet fields arrayed in living green, 3 O'er all those wide, extended plains There God the Son forever reigns, 4 No chilling winds, nor poisonous breath, Can reach that healthful shore; Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, Are felt and feared no more. 5 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in His bosom rest? 6 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Can here no longer stay; . DAY HYMN 273. P. M. AY of wrath! that day of mourning! See fulfilled the prophet's warning, Heaven and earth in ashes burning! 2 Oh, what fear man's bosom rendeth, When from heaven the Judge descendeth, On whose sentence all dependeth! 3 Lo! the trumpet's wondrous swelling Peals through each sepulchral dwelling, All before the Throne compelling. 4 Death is struck, and nature quaking, All creation is awaking, To its Judge an answer making. 5 Lo, the book, exactly worded, Wherein all hath been recorded; 6 When the Judge His seat attaineth, 7 What shall I, frail man, be pleading? 9 Think, kind Jesus, my salvation 10 Faint and weary Thou hast sought me, On the cross of suffering bought me; Shall such grace in vain be brought me? 11 Righteous Judge! for sin's pollution Grant Thy gift of absolution, Ere that day of retribution. 12 Guilty, now I pour my moaning, All my shame with anguish owning; Spare, O God, Thy suppliant groaning¡ 13 Thou the harlot gav'st remission, Heard'st the dying thief's petition; Hopeless else were my condition. 14 Worthless are my prayers and sighing, Yet, good Lord, in grace complying, Rescue me from fires undying! 15 With Thy favoured sheep, oh, place me! Doomed to flames of woe unbounded, 18 Day of sorrows, day of weeping, When in dust no longer sleeping, 19 To the rest Thou didst prepare him ETERNITY. HYMN 274. ET me not, Thou King Eternal, Where is grieving, where is sadness, Where the shameless are astounded, 2 Me, may Zion welcome, saved; Living rock the walls that bound it, 3 With what joyous gratulations Throng Thy gates the festive nations! B HYMN 275. RIEF life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short-lived care; 2 And now we fight the battle, But then shall wear the crown Of full and everlasting And passionless renown. 3 Oh, sweet and blessed country! That eager hearts expect! To that dear land of rest; JER HYMN 276. ERUSALEM, the golden! Sink heart and voice opprest. What joys await me there; What bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion, And there, from toil released, 3 And they, who with their Leader, Have conquered in the fight; Forever, and forever, Are clad in robes of white. Oh, state that fear'st no strife! Oh, realm and home of life! 4 Oh, sweet and blessed country! The home of God's elect!" 2 Oh one, oh only mansion! 3 Oh, sweet and blessed country, That eager bearts expect! To that dear land of rest; Who art, with God the Father, TABLE OF FIRST LINES, SHOWING WHERE TO FIND EACH HYMN BY THE BEGINNING. Far from the world, O Lord, I'd flee Glorious things of thee are spoken Bakewell. 229 Xavier. 254 Nearer, my God, to Thee.. Adams. 207 Oh! for a heart to praise my God Bp. Doane. 221 Keble. 268 The atoning work is done.... Unknown. 232 East. 261 There is a fountain filled with blood Where high the heavenly temple stands The Order how the rest of the Holy Scripture is appointed to be read.... VII. Prayer throughout the Year. VIII. The Calendar X Tables and Rules for the Moveable and Immoveable Feasts, together with XIV The Litany, or General Sapplication, to be used after Morning Service on 23 Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions, to be used before the two 29 37 The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the Year................... 204 209 The Ministration of Baptism to such as are of Riper years, and able to an- 212 A Catechism; that is to say, an Instruction to be learned by every person 217 The Order of Confirmation, or Laying on of Hands upon those that are bap- The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth, commonly called, The 237 Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.. 238 A Form of Prayer for the Visitation of Prisoners. 245 A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Fruits of the 251 Forms of Prayer to be used in Families.. 253 Selections of Psalms, to be used instead of the Psalms of the Day, at the dis. 257 The Psalter, or Psalms of David. 281 Articles of Religion.... 422 The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Bishops, 430 The Litany and Suffrages. 447 The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion. 450 458 An Office of Institution of Ministers into Parishes or Churches. |