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ance to a person afflicted with that awful malady, whom no other neighbour would venture to approach. During his short and fatal affliction, the Lord in answer to earnest prayer again lifted up the light of his countenance upon him. He left a wife with one infant son to mourn his loss. The reader will learn from the sequel that his son some years after visited his grandfather, and spent two years in this country.

In November, Mr. E. was suddenly seized with dizziness, attended with considerable pain in the temples and the back of his head, while presiding at the Leaders' Meeting. He was standing at the time, but obliged instantly to sit down, and had nearly fallen. "I am at a loss," he says, "whether the symptoms are such as indicate a tendency to apoplexy, or whether they arise from a bad state of the stomach. However, I am in the Lord's hands. It leads me to think seriously concerning death, and sudden death. On my own account there is nothing terrific in it: I believe that whenever I depart hence, I shall go to Christ my Lord. Astonishing mercy! But for the sake of my dear wife, children, and friends, I do most sincerely pray, 'From sudden death, good Lord deliver us.' I see it my duty, however, to 'set my house in order, to have every thing temporal, with all my accounts, books, &c. in perfect order, and to have my lamp burning, and to be always ready for the coming of my Lord. O Lord, may I obtain mercy of thee in that day."

From this attack he soon recovered. It was not such as to require the suspension of his labours: a mercy for which he was unfeignedly thankful; for he loved his Master and his work, and had begun to reap the fruit of his labours in Birmingham. The chapels had become too small to accommodate the increasing congregations; sinners were converted, the society enlarged, and it became necessary to make room for a much greater number of hearers.

In a letter dated Nov. 10, he says, "We have got possession of a piece of ground at Islington, and have contracted for the erection of a chapel there. Our friends at the Hockley end of the town also are in treaty for a plot of land for a chapel to the front of Great Hampton street, to be ready for building upon when deemed con

venient. It is not yet determined to build forthwith. However, I think it probably will take place in a year or two; perhaps sooner. I doubt if there be one sitting to let at Cherry street; last Sunday evening, great numbers went away; the other chapels also were filled. 'The best of all is, God is with us.'

Again, in a letter dated Dec. 27th, he writes:-"We are still going on very comfortably in this town. Unity and love seem to increase; and such interested attention in our large congregations I have seldom witnessed. The zeal of our people to enlarge and extend the work requires a steady hand to prevent extremes. I now allude to the erection of chapels."

1825. The new year was entered upon as usual with renewed acts of self-consecration to the service of God and his church, and with brightening prospects as it regarded the state of religion in the town.

To his daughter, Mrs. Dalby, of Bradford, whose toils and cares were multiplying as her family increased, he gives the following seasonable advices in a letter written about this time. "Consider yourself as placed by Divine Providence where you are: do and suffer every thing as in the divine order: make your family cares occasions of prayer: cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you. If duties, whether those purely religious or domestic, or any other, be performed in the spirit of devotion, they are means of grace. I tell all our sisters who have large families, Wash and iron, clean and nurse, and indeed do every thing for God.' Be not discouraged; God will help you. I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in the truth; nor do I forget to pray for the grandchildren. God Almighty bless you. So prays your affectionate father, J. E."

In a letter to Mr. Edmondson, written a few days later, he says:-"We are doing well here, upon the whole; and, I do hope, this town will rise higher in the scale in our Connexion. Our borders are enlarging, our congregations are large and attentive; and if we can only get the leading friends fully to unite in promoting religion, we shall see good days.

"The concerns of our Connexion are now become very extensive and complex, including our great Missionary establishment. I sometimes tremble, while I survey

the vast apparatus. But then I recollect, hitherto the Lord has directed and helped us; and we may with truth adopt the saying of Mr. Wesley, The best of all is, God is with us.' May He never leave us nor forsake us. Mr. Watson appears to me to be in a very poor state of health. Should he drop, we shonld sustain a heavy loss indeed. I am afraid, too, Mr. Bunting is not likely to be an old man: so he thinks. In January he was dangerously affected, and he is not now very well. I pray that his life may be prolonged; for I do not think any individual is of more consequence to our Connexion, nor indeed so much, as he. Mr. James Wood, Mr. Atmore and others are likely to retire soon. Mr. Griffith is gone to rest. I could be gloomy sometimes, were I to give way to my own feelings; but I recollect the cause is God's, and he can and will carry it on."

In the latter end of April this year, my father paid a visit to Mr. Moore, then stationed at City Road, and took a part in the interesting services connected with the annual meetings of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and other kindred institutions.

He remarks on this visit: "The hurry and bustle of this metropolis are unfavourable to piety. I fear there are many members of society, that are only outwardcourt worshippers. The stream grows wider. I doubt whether it does not lose in depth what it gains in width. O may I enter more and more into the spirit of entire devotion to God."

On Monday, May 9, he was highly gratified by an interview with Dr. Tholuck, Professor of Theology in the University at Berlin, who breakfasted with him at Mr. Moore's. He remarks, "Dr. Tholuck appears to be a holy man; his heart is given to God. He gave us an account of a great work of God in Berlin, Pomerania, and Weimar, which originated in the reading of Mr. Wesley's Sermons, copies of which were presented to two Prussian clergymen at our Conference in London, in 1816. These sermons have been read with avidity, and many have been brought to God in consequence. The work appears to be carried on much in the same way as among the Methodists. The Professor has a commission to procure all our standard works. I hope these will be presented to him by the Book Committee."

On Wednesday, July 27, the Conference assembled at Bristol; when, by a large majority, he was a second time elected President. He remarks on the occasion, "I esteem the kindness of my brethren next to the approbation of conscience and of God. Yet my mind is impressed with the awful duties and responsibilities of the office. May I discharge them faithfully. I shall regard it as of divine appointment, and confidently look to God for help.”

On Sunday 31st, he preached at King Street in the evening, on 2 Cor. vi. 2. He observes :-" My mind was led-chiefly for the sake of the young preachers,to dwell on a present salvation. It was indeed a gracious season. To God be glory!

"On Monday, Aug. 1, thirty-six young men were examined in the Conference previous to admission. On Tues. 2, they were formally admitted. Mr. Bunting prayed with uncommon unction: it seemed as if heaven were opened. It was a time much to be remembered. God was remarkably present: my soul was melted before the Lord. Glory be to God.


Frid. 5.—At half-past five o'clock this day I signed once more the Journal at the close of the Conference. At six in the evening, we had the Lord's Supper. Many pious friends united with us. At the close Mr. Moore aud Mr. Bunting prayed. A blessed season!"

On his return to Birmingham, upon reviewing his proceedings at the Conference, he remarks:-" When I was elected to the chair, I felt that God endued me with a fresh supply of his Spirit, and his power rested upon me the whole time of the Conference. I am conscious of it now; and I do believe, I need not be deprived of it. O may my eye be single."

His conduct in the chair gave great and general satisfaction: a cheering fact, of which he received the most unqualified assurances from his brethren; none of which were more gratifying than that which he received from Dr. Clarke, whose position, during certain discussions on the Eternal Sonship of Christ, which took place during this Conference, must have been peculiarly painful. In a letter to Mr. E. dated Aug. 3, in which he alludes to these discussions, and speaks freely of his own views and feelings, the Doctor says:— "Let me

also add, that I feel the highest approbation of your conduct in the chair. It has been wise, discreet, moderate, and pious. * * * May God ever

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bless you."


In consequence of the great accumulation of public business devolving upon the President, it was agreed at this Conference, "that a junior preacher should, from year to year, be stationed with the President for the time being, to assist him in his official correspondence, &c. and to supply his place in his circuit, during his official journies, or other unavoidable public engagement. It was highly gratifying to Mr. Entwisle to have his own son, the compiler of this Memoir, appointed to this office; and it was a still further addition to his comfort, that his other son, the Rev. W. Entwisle, who had just been happily married, was appointed to the Dudley Circuit, to reside at Stourbridge, fifteen miles from Birmingham. This gave him the opportunity of frequent intercourse with the one, and of daily converse with the other; which, while it was a source of great comfort to an affectionate father, was felt by the sons to be a privilege of inestimable value: his bright example and judicious counsels furnishing some of the highest means of improvement, with which junior ministers could possibly be favoured.

It may not be improper here to mention to the honour of the Birmingham Circuit, that though this appointment was made by the Conference, with the intention that the expenses of the President's Assistant should be a charge upon the Contingent Fund; yet at the first Quarterly Meeting, it was proposed by the Circuit Stewards, that they should be defrayed by the circuit. The proposal was most kindly entertained, and would have been immediately adopted, had not Mr. E. who was unwilling that the circuit should precipitately, and without due consideration, pledge itself to so serious an amount of expense, requested that their decision might be deferred until the Christmas Quarterly Meeting, which was generally much more numerously attended than that of September. At Christmas, the proposal was renewed by the Circuit Stewards in a full meeting, and passed by acclamation. An example, which might with great advantage to the Connexion be followed by most of the

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