Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less, 2008 - 184 sivua Every idea in this book is focused on increasing your overall levels of productivity, performance, and output and on making you more valuable in whatever you do. You can apply many of these ideas to your personal life as well. Each of these twenty-one methods and techniques is complete in itself. All are necessary. One strategy might be effectiv... |
Set the Table | 1 |
Plan Every Day in Advance | 7 |
Apply the 8020 Rule to Everything | 14 |
Practice Creative Procrastination | 29 |
Focus on Key Result Areas | 39 |
Apply the Law of Three | 46 |
Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin | 56 |
Upgrade Your Key Skills | 65 |
Identify Your Key Constraints | 74 |
Put the Pressure on Yourself | 80 |
Motivate Yourself into | 90 |
Slice and Dice | 104 |
Develop a Sense | 112 |
Putting It | 123 |
Brian Tracy University of Sales and Entrepreneurship | 132 |
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
20 percent 30 lessons ABCDE Method ability accomplish activities amazed answer audio programs average person become begin better biggest Brian Tracy career coaching concentrate constraint continually contribution creative procrastination day long deadline delegate determine develop the habit discipline e-mails easier EAT THAT FROG eat your frog efficient endorphins energy exercise feel focus focused getting goals right high performance identify immediately important goals important task keep going key result areas key skills levels limiting factor long-term potential mental Microsoft Outlook minutes motivated NAPOLEON HILL never Organize ORISON SWETT MARDEN overcome procrastination personal digital assistants Peter Drucker priorities question quickly Resolve today Rule salami slice says self-esteem sets the speed single Solana Beach specific spend started step stop success Swiss cheese take action technique Think on paper three most important tion valuable zones of silence