Distilled drinks:- Do. not in bottles.. liquid hectolitre hectolitre of pure alcohol Liqueurs... ... liquid hectolitre *90'0 *80°0 Apples and pears, crushed.. 100 kilos. 2'0.. 1'50 Mineral waters (bottles included) Exempt. Marble, Stone, Earth, Mineral Combustibles, &c. Do., clocks, goblets, inkstands, playing marbles, and other turned articles Do. flags with one sawn face, milled or polished.. Alabaster, rough, squared, or sawn to a thickness of 16 cm. or more 'Precious stones (rough or cut), agates, and other similar stones 100 kilos. Rock crystal (rough or dressed), dressed stones (comprising dressed building stones), stones cut or sawn with level surfaces (of 16 cm. thickness or more) Stones, cut or Sawn. with level surfaces, from 4 up to 16 cm. in thickness. . ..100 kilos. 150 1950 6'0 100 kilos. 30.. 2'50 180.. 100 kilos. Stones, cut or sawn, with level surfaces, of less than 4 cm. in thickness 10 .. 0'40 Do., carved, for fire-places, modern statues, or otherwise, and playing marbles Do., spread on paper or tissues, or agglomerated in grindstones, Stones and earth for use in arts and industries, not denominated Do., slabs and tables, cut or sawn, rough or polished ..100 kilos. Exempt. Exempt. 40.. 3'0 40.. 1'0 Bricks, solid or hollow, of all shapes and dimensions, not glazed or enamelled, fine Do., naked or framed, specially designed for writing or drawing thereon Tiles, ordinary, not glazed or enamelled Do., mechanical, or for clamping, not glazed or enamelled. Common building pottery, without ornamentation........100 kilos. Paving stones, natural Stones (rough building), do, broken for road-making, plaster, and common lime 0*75.. 0'50 Flags in compressed cement, unicoloured.. Do., multicoloured... Do., do., mosaics... ....100 kilos, Marl, ice, sulphur (non-classified, comprising ore and pyrites).... Coal or coke. Cinders.. Graphite or plumbago, mineral tar (derived from the distillation of coal), bitumen Do., refined Wax, mineral, or ozokerite, crude Jet and yellow amber 30.. 2725 Oil of petroleum, or schist, and other mineral oils for lighting, crude .....100 kilos. (net) 180 Do., refined, and essences.. ...100 kilos. 250 Heavy oils, and residues of petroleum and other mineral oils Gold, crude, in lumps, ingots, bars, dust, and broken articles Gold-leaf 100 kilos. Drawn, or laminated, in bars 5 mm. at least in thickness, in bands 1 mm, at least in thickness, or in wire of at least 2 mm. in diameter Do. others.... Silver: Ore Crude, in lumps, ingots, bars, dust, and broken articles, 100 kilos. Drawn, or laminated, in bars at least 5 mm. in thickness, in Do., others Aluminium Cast iron, crude, containing less than 25 per cent. of manganese Crude iron in lumps, prisms or bars, containing 4 per cent, and upwards of dross. 100 kilos. 5'0 4'50 Do., other kinds 60.. 50 Wrought iron, drawn in bars, angles, and T-iron, axles, and rough bands 100 kilos. 60.. 5°0 Machine iron and steel 7'50.. 6750 Hoop iron and steel, in bands more than 1 mm, in thickness" 100 kilos. Do., 1 mm. thick or less... 7'50.. 6:50 7'0 Sheet iron, laminated or hammered, smooth, more than 1 mm. in thickness: Not cut. 100 kilos. Cut in any shape.. 7'50.. 7'0 80 .. 7'50 Thin and block sheets, smooth, from six tenths of a mm. up to 1 mm. in thickness, not cut 100 kilos. Do., cut in any shape. Do., of six-tenths of a mm, in thickness or less, not cut Do., cut in any shape... Iron, tinned, coppered, leaded, or zincked, more than six-tenths of 100 kilos. Iron or steel wire, whether or not tinned, coppered, zincked, or Pure, or alloyed with zinc or tin, in lumps, bars, scraps, or Do., rolled or beaten (in bars or slabs, in wire of all sizes, ..100 kilos. Gilded or silvered, in lumps or ingots, beaten, drawn, rolled, Filings and debris Lead: Ore and dross of all kinds In rough lumps, pigs, bars, or sheets, non-argentiferous, the product of countries where argentiferous lead is exempt from export duty Of other origin... Alloyed with antimony in lumps I'O.. 0'75 Exempt. Exempt. 130.. 100 1300 .. 100'0 Exempt. Exempt. Exempt. Ore, and tin in rough lumps, pigs, bars, and slabs.. Alloyed with antimony (Britannia metal), in ingots Filings and debris Zinc: 30.. ༣་༠ . . Exempt. Mineral kermes, liver of antimony, mineral saffron, and other oxides and salts of antimony Lactate of iron Do., double, of iron and of copper Do, of magnesia and of potash 3་༠ 2'0 30°0 30°0 750 .. 75.0 300.. 300 4'75 .. 3775 10'0.. 7'50 Do. of soda, pure, anhydrous containing in the natural state 25 per cent of salt or less Do. containing more than 25 per cent. of salt Do. of pure soda, crystallised or hydrated (Glauber salts) Do. of impure soda, anhydrous, containing in a natural state 25 Do., do., containing more than 25 per cent. of salt... Sulphite and bisulphite of soda and of lime, hyposulphite of soda Sulphure of arsenic 2'50.. 100 .. 1'50.. Tartrate of potash (including double tartrate of potash), crude Superphosphate of lime Chemical products obtained directly by the distillation of coal tar Chemical manures Celluloid, crude, in lumps, slabs, or leaves .100 kilos. Chemical products not denominated, on the alcoholic basis. Prepared Dyestuffs. Cochenille, animal kermes, lac-dye, indigo, indigo-blue, coarse pastel paste, cachou in mass, prepared annotto, maurelle, dye. wood extracts and other kinds of tinctorials, madder and extracts therefrom 36o..302 Exempt. Exempt. 20 ̊0 .. 150 Prohibited. Exempt. |