Yarns of Linen, Hemp, and Ramie. Pure linen, not polished, unbleached, single thread, in skeins? 210 to Fes. Fcs. measuring up to 60,000 metres per kilog ..100 kilos. 3 910 } 160 to 70'0 Do., exceeding 60,000 metres 1300 .. 1000 Do., in balls or on cards or otherwise: same as in skeins, plus 32 per cent. in gen tar., and 25 per cent. in min. tar. Bleached or dyed, in skeins, up to 60,000 metres per kilog..100 Do., exceeding 60,000 metres 1700 .. 1300 Do., in balls or on cards, or otherwise: same as in skeins, plus 26 Do., in balls or on cards, or otherwise: same as in skeins, plus 26 per cent. in gen. tar., and 20 per cent. in min. ta Do., bleached or dyed, in skeins, up to 60,000 metres Do., exceeding 60,000 metres Do., in balls or on cards or otherwise: same as in skeins, plus 26 per cent. in gen. tar., and 20 per cent. in min. tar. Mixtures of linen, hemp, and ramie, ramie predominating: same as for pure yarns, according to kind and class. { Jute Yarns. 1540 2200 .. 350 to 27.05 to 118 30 1700 Pure, not glazed, single threads, unbleached, in skeins, up to 6,000 metres to the kilog. ..100 kilo. Do., more than 6,000 metres: same as linen yarns, according to class. Do., in balls or on cards, gen. tar. 26 per cent. more; min. tar. 20 per cent. more. Bleached or dyed, in skeins up to 6,000 ms. to the kilo., 100 kilos Do., of more than 6,000 metres: same as bleached or dyed linen yarns, according to category. Do., in balls or on cards, &c., gen. tar., 26 per cent. more; min. tar 20 per cent. more. Twisted, raw, bleached, or dyed, in skeins, gen. tar., same as corresponding single yarns, with 39 per cent. addition; min. tar. same as corresponding single yarns, with 30 per cent, addition. Do., in balls or on cards, &c., gen. tar. same as in skeins, plus 26 per cent.; min. tar., same as in skeins, plus 20 per cent. Mixed jute yarns, not glazed (jute predominating): same as pure do. Yarns of phormium tenax, abacus, and other filamentous plants, unbleached Glazed Threads, Twine, and Cords of Hemp, Linen, Unbleached, in skeins measuring up to 4.000 ms. to the kilo. kilos. 100 Do., of more than 4,000 ms.: same as twisted yarns. Bleached or dyed, in skeins: same as unbleached, plus 39 per cent. Do., in balls: same as unbleached in balls, plus 32 per cent. in gen. tar.; and same as unbleached in skeins, plus 25 per cent. in min. tar. Cords or threads, twisted, unbleached, 10 mms, or less same as unbleached twine in skeins, plus 45 per cent, in gen, tar., and 35 per cent. in min. tar. Do., bleached or dyed: same as twisted unbleached, plus 39 per cent. in gen. tar., and 30 per cent. in min. tar. More than 10 mms., unbleached. Do. bleached or dyed { 32'50 to 250 to 58.50 450 Pure cotton, single, unbleached, measuring up to 170.500 ms.) 19'50 to 150 to per kilo... roo kilos. Do., of more than 170,500 ms. 15 per cent. in min. tar. Dyed: same as unbleached, plus 0'40 per kilo. in gen. tar. and 0.30 in min. tar. Glazed: same as bleached or dyed, plus o'60 per kilo. in gen. tar. and 0'45 in min. tar. Twisted, unbleached: same as single, plus 36 per cent. in gen. tar., and 30 per cent. in min. tar. Do., bleached: same as twisted unbleached, plus 20 per cent. in gen. tar., and 15 per cent. in min. tar. Do., dyed: same as twisted unbleached, plus 0.40 kilo. in gen. tar., and 0.30 in min. tar. Do., glazed: same as bleached and dyed, plus o'60 kilo. in gen. tar., and 0'45 in min. tar. Warped cords of unbleached cotton yarn: same as unbleached yarn, plus 40 per cent. in gen. tar., and 30 per cent. in min. tar. Do., bleached: same as unbleached, plus 20 per cent. in gen. tar., and 15 per cent. in min. tar. Do., dyed, 0'40 per kilo. additional in gen. tar., and 0.30 in min. tar. Yarns of mixed cotton (cotton predominating): same as pure cotton yarns. 3380 260.0 4030.. 3100 Woollen Yarns. 430 to Pure, single, bleached or unbleached: Combed, measuring up to 100,500 ms, per kilog..... 100 kilos. 1180 Carded, up to 30,500 ms. Do., exceeding 30,500 ms. Twisted (for weaving), dyed or printed : Combed, measuring up to 100,500 ms. per kilog..... Do., exceeding 100,500 ms.... Carded, up to 30,500 ms. Do., exceeding 30,500 ms.. Woollen yarns for tapestry, single, twisted, whether combed, bleached, or not, measuring up to 100, 500 ms. per kilog. roo kilos. Exceeding 100,500 ms. Do., dyed or printed, up to 100,500 ms..... { 2080 1390 Exceeding 100,500 ms. 2170 1450 Woollen yarns mixed with other filaments (wool predominating): same as pure woollen yarns. Yarns of Alpaca, &c., of Silk and Floss-silk. Alpaca, llama, vicunia, yak, cashmere, goat, or camel, pure or Mohair goat's hair, pure or mixed, or mixed with wool Floss silk, twisted, measuring up to 80,500 ms. per kilog. in single Do., dyed, 75 per cent. addition in gen. tar., and 50 per cent. in min. tar. Tissues of Linen, Hemp, and Ramie (Pure, Plain, or Diapered). Unbleached, weighing up to 40 kilos. per 100 sq. ms., having in the warp and woof, in the space of 5 sq.mms., after division of the total by 2, up to 12 threads Exceeding 12 threads.. ..100 kilos. " Do weighing from 10 to 40 kilos., up to 23 threads .... " " { " 5200 400'0 6500..500.0 Bleached: same as unbleached, according to class, plus 52% in gen. tar., and 40% in min. tar. Printed, dyed, and wrought: same as bleached, plus 20% in gen. Do. creamed, bleached, or mixed with white or dyed threads Unbleached, containing in the warp per 5 sq. mms. up to 23 threads Exceeding 23 threads. .....100 kilos. Dyed, bleached, or mixed with white or coloured threads: same as unbleached, plus 52% in gen. tar., and 40% in min.tar. Tickings, unbleached.. 203-85..156.80 1210 to 93'o to 5140 3950 689.0..530.0 100 kilos. 1560 ..1200 bleached, or 100 kilos. 218 40..168'0 1940 ..149°0 Lace-work and guipure: same as cotton do. linen, hemp, or ramie: same as embroideries on tissues of all kinds. Tissues of linen, hemp, or ramie, mixed, in which linen, hemp, or ramie predominate: same as linen, hemp, or ramie tissues, according to category. " 100 kilos. 9385.. 650 113 35. 930 Tissues of Jute. Linen velvet or plush, for furniture, unbleached } Pure, unbleached, containing in warp and woof per 5 sq. cm. after division of the total by 2, up to 35 threads ...100 kilos. S Exceeding 35 threads: same as linen tissues, according to class. Do., bleached or dyed, up to 35 threads: same as unbleached, plus 7'50 per 100 kilos, in gen. tar., and 6 f. in min. tar. Exceeding 35 threads: same as bleached and dyed linen tissues, according to class. Do., printed, up to 35 threads: same as bleached or dyed, plus 9 f. per 100 kilos. in gen, tar., and 6 f. in min. tar. Exceeding 35 threads: same as printed linen tissues, according to class. 170 to 120 to 300 200 Mixed, jute predominating: same as pure jute tissues. Plaits of jute yarn measuring less than 100 metres per kilo, 100 kilos. Velvet and plush for furniture, unbleached Do., bleached, dyed or printed Tissues of phormium tenax, abacus, and other filamentous plants; .. .. 26°0 200 340.. 26°0 420.. 32°0 850.. 350 same as jute tissues. Cotton Tissues. Pure, plain, twilled, and ticks: Unbleached, weighing 13 kilos. and more per 100 sq. metres, having in the warp and woof, in the space of 5 sq. mm., up to 43 threads 100 kilos. Do., weighing less than 3 kilos. per 100 sq. metres.. Bleached: same as unbleached, plus 20% in gen, tar., and 20% in min, tar, Dyed: same as unbleached, plus 40f. per 100 kilos. in gen. tar. and 30f. in min. tar. Printed, 100 metres of length, width not exceeding 1 metre, (when the width exceeds I metre, duty increased proportionately): One and two colours: same as unbleached, according to category, plus 4'60 per 100 metres in gen, tar, and 375 in min. tar. Three to six colours: ditto, plus 8'10 in gen, tar, and 6.25 in min. tar. Seven and more colours: ditto, plus 13f. in gen. tar. and rof. Glazed cloth for bookbinding, &c., not goffered........ 100 kilos. 170'0 130'0 Do., dyed or printed Pure or mixed cotton tissues of all kinds, made in whole or in part with dyed, bleached, or glazed threads: same as unbleached tissues, plus 65 per cent, and the duty on dyeing, bleaching, or glazing in gen. tar., and 50 per cent. in min. tar. Brilliants or figured, unbleached: same as plain, plus 39 per cent. raetres.. Do., weighing 18 kilos. and less, do. ing 14 kilos. and more, do. in gen. tar., and 30 per cent. in min. tar. Quilts, counterpanes, and foot-coverlets in piqué reps, unbleached, weighing more than 18 kilos. per 100 sq. Damasked dimities and table linen, unbleached, weigh Bobbin tulles, unbleached, common, that is with straight warp and 5 1600 to 1200 to a single woof, with warp 25 millimetres wide, up to 12 threads (2800 Exceeding 12 threads. 2200 100 kilos. 4000.. 300.0 Other tulles: same as the corresponding class, plus 39 per cent. in gen. tar., and 30 per cent. in min. tar. Framed articles: same as corresponding class, plus 20 per cent. in gen. tar., and 15 per cent. in min. tar. Other tissues, in pieces weighing up to 150 grammes per 5000 to 4000 to sq. metre ... 100 kilos. 2500 2000 Lace, machine-made, weighing up to 30 kilos. per 100 sq. 6500 to 5000 to imetres 100 kilos. 3500 280.0 Weighing 30 kilos or more 2500 2000 " Lace-work (passementerie), unbleached Lace, hand-made: same as machine-made; plus 75 per cent. Muslins, figured or embroidered crochet, unbleached.... 400.0 .. 320.0 and 20 per cent. in min. tar. Cotton tissues, various, bleached, dyed, or printed, not specified: same as unbleached, plus the surtaxes charged in the various classes. Silk plush, mixed with cotton, black, for men's silk hats Cashmere and other stuffs for furniture, weighing more than Tissues for clothing and drapery, &c., weighing up to 25.0 Other hosiery, in pieces, measuring up to 700 grammes per sq. Other articles (not gloves) of hosiery stitch, embroidered ornamented with lace... |