Sivut kuvina

Note to c and d-Coarse shoemakers' and trunkmakers' wares of grey Mark. Mark

packing cloth, sailcloth, unbleached cloth, unbleached canvas or ticking, or of common oil-cloth, not printed. are dutiable as coarse wares of leather; the same wares of fine oil-cloth, or of waxed muslin or taffetas, &c., are dutiable as fine wares of leather. Gloves. [Tare to No. 21 d and e: B. and C. 20; Bs. 13; Bl. 6]..100.0


No. 22. Linen yarn, Tissues and other manufactures of Flax.

Including yarn, tissues, hosiery of flax or other vegetable textile materials, with the exception of cotton-

a Yarn, neither dyed, printed or bleached, also the same yarn,

twisted, of jute or Manilla-hemp

1. Up to No. 8 English.......

Yarn of jute, single and twisted, neither dyed, printed nor
bleached, up to No. 8 English



2. Above No. 8 up to No. 20 English


Yarn of jute, single and twisted, neither dyed, printed nor
bleached, above No. 8 up to No. 20 English

[blocks in formation]

3. Above No. 20 up to No. 35 English.


4. Do. No. 35 English. [Tare to No. 22 a 3 and 4; C. 13; Bl. 2] 12.0 Note to a-Coir (fibre of the outer husk of the cocoanut), twisted, in hanks, for the manufacture of covers and other similar articles, on special permission and under control

[blocks in formation]


Yarn, dyed, printed and bleached, and similar yarn twisted of jute or Manilla-hemp

1. Up to No. 20 English


2. Above No. 20 up to No. 35 English

15.0 ..

3. Above No. 35 English. [Tare to No. 22 b; C. 13: Bl. 2.]

20.0 ..

c Sewing thread, prepared for retail sale; twisted thread not com

[blocks in formation]

1. Ropes, cables and cords, even bleached or tarred....
2. Ropemakers' wares of all kinds, with the exception of those

10.0 ..

mentioned in e, 1 [Tare to No. 22 : C. 13; Bs. 9; Bl. 4] 24.0

Tissues of linen, tickings and drills, neither dyed, printed, nor bleached

1. Having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. centimetres up to 40 threads; carpets of Manilla-hemp, coir, jute or similar fibres, not dyed

Packing cloth of jute or Manilla-hemp, as well as of similar fibres (with the exception of flax), neither dyed, printed nor bleached, having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. centimetres up to 40 threads..

2. Having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. centimetres from 41 to 80 threads; carpets of Manilla-hemp, coir, jute and other similar fibres, dyed.....

3. Having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. centimetres from 81 to 120 threads..

4. Having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. centimetres above 120 threads. [Tare to No. 22 f: C. 13; Bl. 6]

g Tissues of linen, tickings and drills, dyed, printed, or bleached: also woven with dyed, printed or bleached yarn-having in the warp and woof per 4 sq. ecntimetres

[blocks in formation]

Note to f and g-Table and bed linen, also towels, made up of tissues and comprised in g 2 and 3, also blouses of the same tissues


Tare to No. 22 g and to the note to No 22 fand g: C. 13: Bs. 9; Bl. 6.


h Ribbons, tapes, fringes, gauze, edgings, laces, hosiery; braids and
other articles mixed with metal threads
i Embroidery. [Tare to No. 22 handi: C. 18; Bs. 13; Bl. 6] ....150.0
Thread lace. [Tare: C. 23; Bl. 11]

No. 23. Candles. [Tare: C. 16].. 18.0


• Twine is distinguished from ordinary thread by its greater thickness, smoother surface, and greater torsion. Linen twine which, in order to give it greater strength, is combined with a metallic thread (such as string used in affixing lead seals), is classed as ordinary linen twine.

No 24. Works of Art and Literature.
Manuscripts and doenments; books in all languages; engravings Mark. Mark.

and prints (wood, copper, &c.); lithographs and photographs;
geographical maps and ch rts; music

Paintings and drawings; sta ues of marble and other stones;
statues of metal, not smaller tha life-size: medals.....



No. 25.- Colonial Produce, Spices, Confectionery, and other

a Beer of all kinds and mea

& Brandies of all kinds, arrack, rum, French brandy, and mixed brandies, in casks and bottles


1. Liqueurs and brandies containing 3 p.c. or more of extract ....180.0 Tare: D. 11; in bottles, C. 24; Bs. 16.

3. All other brandies

a In casks [Tare: D. 11]...............

c Barm of all kinds, except wine yeast..


In bottles, jars, or other recipients [Tare: C. 24; Bs. 16] ..180.0

Tare; C. 24; D. 11; Bs. 7; for pressed yeast; C. 15;

d 1. Vinegar of all kinds, in casks


65.0 ..

B. 9.


Do. in bottles and jars [Tare to No. 25, d 2; C. 24: Bs, 16] 48.0 ..

e Wine and must, cider, artificially prepared beverages, n.o.p.1. In casks

Wine and must, in casks

Red wine and must of, for blending, under control, in casks and

[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]

f Butter (margarine, and all imitations of butter not exclusively

obtained from milk)

20.0 16.0

Tare: Pots, 16; tubs of hard wood, and B. 13; tubs of white wood, n; Bs. 7. For Finnish butter (imported by sea): tubs of white wood, if they are stronger than the ordinary tubs for butter, 15.

Note to f. Pats of butter to be consumed by the inhabitants of frontier districts..


g 1. Meat, fresh or prepared, extracts of meat and tablets for broth.. 20.0
Pork, fresh or prepared (with the exception of bacon).
Butchers' meat, fresh, with the exception of pork

Tare to No. 25, g 1: B. and C. 16; Bs. 9; Bl. 3. For extracts of meat B. and C

17.0 15.0

24 for smoked bacon, C. 11; for salt bacon, not smoked, C. 12. Note to g 1.-Fresh or prepared meat, cut in joints or pieces, in a quantity not exceeding two kilogs, in weight, imported otherwise than by post for the consumption of the inhabitants of frontier districts, with the right of suspension or local restriction of this favour in the event of abuse

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Salted (with the exception of herrings), imported in barrels ; dried, smoked, broiled or boiled...


Preserved in vinegar, oil, or marinated, imported in barrels.. 12.0

Tare to 25, g 2c: B. 20.

à Prepared, other; fish of all kinds, in hermetically closed recipients 60.0 Tare to No. 25, g 28: B. and C. 20; Bs. 13; Bl. 6. For fish of all kinds in

[blocks in formation]

Tare to No. 25g 3: B. and C. 16; Bs. 9; Bl. 3.

1. Oranges, citrons, lemons, bitter oranges, pomegranates and

analagous fruits, fresh


Tare: B. and C. 20; Bs. 13; Bl. 6; for oranges, citrons, lemons and bitte

oranges, fresh, C. 18.

Oranges, citrons, lemons, bitter oranges, pomegranates, dates

and almonds, fresh

.. 4.0

Note to h 1. Should the importer request that the fruits be counted, the duty will be 2 marks per 100. Damaged fruit exempt when thrown away in the presence of the Customs officers,

2. Figs, raisins and currants




Mark. Mark







..barrel 3.0

3. Dates, almonds, bitter oranges and analogous fruits, dried

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Notes to h.-1. Salt herrings packed in a manner other than that


employed in commerce are dutiable at 2 marks per

100 kilogs.

2. Salt herrings to be used as manure after denaturalisation Free


Tare for honey in combs: Hives, 20; C. 20 Bs. 13; tubs 11; for compressed honey in combs (raw honey), B. 10; for liquid honey (in bottles, boxes, &c.) C 20; Bs. 13; for liquid honey in tins, C. 9.

m 1. Coffee, in the bean, raw, and its substitutes (with the exception

of chicory)


Tare; C. of less than 200 kilogs., 17; C. of 200 kilogs, and above, 12; B. with staves of oak or other hard wood, 2; other B. 8; Bs. 9; Bl. 2; light packages of packing cloth, 1; for coffee, raw, C. of white wood of less than 200 kilogs. 16; D. of light construction and of a special shape, so-called patent barrels, manufactured wholly or in part of hard wood, 8; S. 1.5; light packages of packing cloth, 0,75.

2. Coffee, roasted [Tare: B. and C. 20; Bs. 13: Bl. 6]

[blocks in formation]

Tare to No. 25 m, 3 and 4: B. with staves of oak or other hard wood, and C. 13 other B. 10: Bs. 9; Bl. 3; for cocoa in the bean, S. 1; light packages o packing cloth, 1.

Caviar and its substitutes


Tare: B. with wooden hoops, of 5 kilogs, and less, 15; other B. and C. 20; Bs

13; Bl. 6.

• Cheese of all kinds


Hard cheese of a millstone shape, weighing at least 50 kilogs each, stracchino, gorgonzola, and parmesan cheeses

[blocks in formation]

Tare to No. 25 0: C. of 50 kilogs and above, 19; C. of less than 50 kilogs., 16 B. 11; tubs of 100 kilogs, and less, 13; tubs from 100 to 150 kilogs. inclusive 9; heavier tubs, 8; Bs.8; Bl. 6.

1. Preserves, sweetmeats, and cakes of all kinds; fruits, spices, vegetables, and other alimentary sabstances (such as mushrooms, truffles, poultry, shellfish, crustacea, and the like preserved in sugar, vinegar, oil, or otherwise, especially those in bottles and tins, &c.; prepared mustard, olives, capers, pastry, sauces, and other similar fine aliments

[blocks in formation]

Gherkins preserved in vinegar or brine (known as Znaimer Gurken) with the addition of the spices mentioned in No. 25 1, or with the addition of a small quantity of other vegetables, in barrels, jars, pots, and bocals


50.0 30.0


Tare to No. 25, p 1, provided that the articles are not subject to the duty of 4 marks: B. and C. 20; Bs. 13; Bl. 6; for candied peel, C. 14; small boxes of beech, 13; the same boxes, covered with packing cloth, 15; for alimentary flour for infants, C. 17.

2. Fruits, seeds, berries, leaves, flowers, mushrooms, and vegetables,
dried, roasted ground, boiled down or salted, when not
included in any other number of the tariff; juice of fruits,
berries, and of turnips, and similar roots, preserved without
sugar for the purpose of alimentation; peels of southern fruit,
fresh or dried; green bitter oranges, even preserved in brine;
nuts, chestnuts, carob-beans, pine-apple kernels, dried; chicory,
roasted or ground

Nuts, dried, chestnuts, ripe, and pineapple kernels
Lemon and orange peel, and peel of other southern fruits, fresh
or dried; carob-beans, even ground

[blocks in formation]

3. Cocoa in the mass, in powder, and chocolate and substitutes for chocolate

[blocks in formation]

Mark. Mark

Tare to No. 25/3: C. of hard wood and B. 20; C. of soft wood, 14: Bs. 13;

Bl. 6: for ground or powdered cocoa, B. of hard wood, 14; B. of soft wood, 10,

9 1. a Starch, powder, fecula, dextrin, gluten, arrowroot, sago and its substitutes, and tapioca [Tare: C. 14; B. 9]

Vermicilli and macaroni [Tare: C. 14]



2. Mill produce of grain and pulse, to wit, hulled or pearled grain, pearled barley, groats, grits, and flour; bakers common products 10.50.. 7.30

Tare: B. C. and Bs. 13; Bl. 6. Flour of cereals, S. 1.

1. Mussels, and other sea shellfish, with the exception of those

[blocks in formation]


Salt (rock or sea, kitchen salt), as well as all substances suitable for the manufacture of salt

Note to t. Salt imported by sea.


Tare to No. 25 t and to the note thereto: S. 1; light packages of packing cloth, 0.5. n Syrups, see No. 25 x.

v Tobacco

1. Tobacco leaves, not manufactured, tobacco stalks and juices.... 85.0

Tare for unmanufactured tobacco leaves and stalks: C. of 175 kilogs. and less, 26; C. exceeding 175 kilogs., 22; B. of 700 kilogs, and less, 11; B. exceeding 700 kilogs., 8; Bs, of otiers, 18; Bs. of osiers and covered with canvas, 22; Bs, of osiers, without lid, and covered with canvas, 21; Bs, of plaited reeds, lined with leaves, fastened with bast cord, 10 packages of animal hides, 8: packages of bark or large palm leaves, secured by bast cord, even covered with packing cloth. 13 packages of plaited reeds, lined with bark or palm leaves, heavy, secured with hempen ropes, even with a covering of canvas, 12; packages of plaited reeds, secured with rope, covered with thick jute tissue or with double canvas, 7; packages of plaited thick bast, secured with rope, covered with jute tissue or light canvas, 7; packages of double-plaited reeds, sewn with thread, secured with rope, 6; packages of reed mats, secured with bast rope, even covered with canvas, 5: packages of canvas or jute, lined with fine bast or palm leaves, 5; packages of plaited reeds or horsehair, sometimes combined with canvas, 5: packages of fine plaited bast, lined with thin bast matting or fine matting of reeds, secured with rattans, such packages weighing 100 kilogs, and less, 5; weighing more than 100 kilogs., 4; packages of fine plaited hard bast or fine rattan or of matting of the same or heavier materials, 5: packages of light matting, 2; single packages of heavy packing cloth, 2; single packages of light packing cloth, 1.

2. Manufactured tobacco

A Cigars and cigarettes..


в Other...


Tare to No. 25 0 2: B. 16; Bs. 13: hampers, 12: Bl. 6; animal hides (for seasoned tobacco leaves), 8. Additional tare for cigars and cigarettes: C. small, 24; Bs. small, or cardt oard boxes, 12,

Tea [Tare: C. 23]....


Note to w. Tea for the manufacture of theine, denaturalised by the

Administration, under control and by special permission.
Sugar. Cane, beet and other sugars of the same chemical composition as cane


sugers (saccharose):

1. Raw sugar:

A So far as Article 3 of the Brussels sugar Convention applies, during the period of the Convention and subject to proof of origin (No. 25 x of Tariff)

[blocks in formation]

B Otherwise, except in so far as special provisions apply to raw
sugar from countries granting bounties on ma ufacture or
exportation of such sugar; condensed juice (fuilmasse)
(No. 25 x of Tariff)...

[blocks in formation]

Sugars ready for consumption (refined sugar and sugars assimilated to refined sugar):

A So far as Article 3 of the Brussels sugar Convention appli s, during the period of the Convention and subject to proof of origin (No. 25 x of Tariff)..

too kil.

B Otherwise, except in so far as special provisions apply to
consumable sngar from countries granting bounties on menu-
facture or exportation of such sugar (No. 25 x of Tariff)

too kil.


... 40.80

Note to x.-Counteracting duty on sugar varies for different countries. Tare for syrup and molasses: B. 11; for loaf sugar, candy, and lump sugar, B. with staves of oak or other hard wood, 14: B. other, 10 but only 8 for loaf sugar and 7 for candy; C. 13, but only 9 far candy; Bs. 7. For raw, powdered, or crushed sugar: B. with staves of oak or other hard wood, 13; B. other, 10; C. 13; non-European plaited reed packages (canisters, "kranjans ), 8; Bs other, 7; Bl. 4; single packages of light canvas, I,

Mark. Mark

No. 26. Oils, not elsewhere mentioned, and Greases.

Oil of all kinds, in bottles and jars

Olive oil (table oil), in bottles and jars



Tare: C. 20; Bs. 16.

Alimentary oils, such as olive, poppy, sesame, cartinut, beechnut

and sunflower seed oil, in casks

Olive oil (table oil), in casks

Earthnut oil, in casks, denaturalised by the Administration

c Linseed and cotton seed oil, in casks; oleic acid (olcin)

Olcic acid..

d Olive and castor oil, in casks, denaturalised by the Administration

Olive oil, in casks, denaturalised by the Administration.

e Palm and cocoanut oil, and other vegetable tallow

Oil, other, in casks....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]



Castor oil, in casks or in tin recipients of at least 15 kilogs. Tare for cocoa oil (cocoa butter), and nutmeg oil (nutmeg butter), in solid form

(cakes, tablets, &c.): C. 16; Bs. 9; Bl. 2.

g Residues, solid, from the manufacture of oils, even ground........ Free ..
Lard and goose grease, and other fatty substances, melted, such as
oleomargarine, economic grease (Sparfett), (a mixture of tallow-
like greases and oil), beef marrow.


Tare for lard and goose grease: B. of more than 150 kilogs. 16; B. of 150 kilogs. and less, 12; C. tubs and buckets, 12. For other melted greases: B. and C, 13,

Note to h.-Lard and melted greases for the manufacture of soap or

candles, with permission and under control..

i Stearic and palmetic acid, paraffin, spermaceti, and other similar substances not elsewhere mentioned for the manufacture of candles [Tare: B. and C. 13]

Blubber and train oil

1 Tallow, beef and mutton; bone fats, and other animal greases not
elsewhere mentioned

m Beeswax, including other insect wax vegetable wax (of palms,
palm leaves, &c.); mineral wax, refined
Mineral wax, refined ['Tare to No. 26 m: B. and C. 13]........

No. 27.-Paper and Pasteboard.

a Unbleached or bleached half-manufactured paste of rags

b Half-manufactured paste, bleached or not, for paper-making, of
wood, straw, esparto, or other fibres; grey blotting paper, rough
yellow straw paper; pasteboard, with the exception of card
leather and glaxed pasteboard; slate paper and tablets made
thereof, not combined with other materials; polishing and emery
paper; fly-paper and anti-rheumatic paper

c Packing paper not included in letters b and d, unsized
d Sized packing paper; card leather and glazed pasteboard, and

press boards.

Sized packing paper...

[blocks in formation]

e Printing, writing, blotting and tissue paper of all kinds: lithographed,
printed, or ruled paper, for accounts, labels, way-bills, &c.; gilt
and silvered paper; paper with gilt or silvered patterns; perfor
ated paper; as well as bands ands of such papers; artists' cardboard 10.0

Printing, writing, blotting and tissue paper of all kinds, and printed

paper for accounts, labels, way-bills, &c...




Tare to No. 27 e, provided that the goods be subject to a duty of to marks: C. 14 Bs. 13; Bl. 8. For printing paper: in bales with wooden frames at the end and pasteboard on the sides, secured with ropc, 7; in bales with wooden lath or frames at the ends, and with matting, cloth, pasteboard, or pasteboard combined with cloth, even waxed, on the sides, secured with iron hoops or wire, 7; in bales with wooden laths at the ends and pasteboard on the sides secured with rope, 4. For other kinds of paper: bales with wooden frames or laths at the ends, and cloth, pasteboard, packing paper, or pasteboard combined with cloth, even waxed, on the sides, secured with iron hoops, wire, or ropes, 6. 1. Moulded wares of carton pierre, asphalt or similar materials, combined or not with wood or iron, but neiteer painted nor varnished

2. Wares of paper, pasteboard or papier-mâché; moulded wares of carton pierre, asphalt or similar materials, not comprised in/1 or/3 [Tare to No. 27 f: C. 16; Bs. 13; Bl. 6]

[blocks in formation]


12,0 .. MM

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