Sivut kuvina

authority," "Conservancy authority," "lighthouse," "buoys and beacon," "the Trinity House," ," "the Commissioners of Irish Lights," and "lifeboat service."

Application of Act to Ships propelled by Electricity and to certain Fishing Vessels. Sections 743, 744. Ships engaged in the whale, seal, walrus, or Newfoundland fisheries are deemed foreigngoing ships for purposes of Act, with the exception of ships engaged in Newfoundland cod fisheries which belong to ports in Canada or Newfoundland. Act applies to ships propelled by electricity.

Repeal and Savings -Section 745. Acts mentioned in 22nd Schedule repealed to extent specified. Provisions and exceptions defined. Ships not measured or remeasured under Merchant Shipping Tonnage Act, 1889, to be estimated as if any deduction probibited by that Act had not been made.

Chinese Passenger Act, 1855, not affected by this Act.-Section 746. Savings for local Acts. Rating of Seamen who are rated at d served as "A.B." before August 2, 1880, not affected by this Act. Short Title and Commencement. Sections 747, 748. Act to be cited as the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894.


FIRST SCHEDULE. PART I.-Form A, Bill of Sale. Form B, Mortgage. Form C, Transfer of Mortgage.

PART 11.-DOCUMENTS of which the forms are to be prescribed by the Commissioners of Customs and sanctioned by the Board of Trade, re certificate of surveyor, declarations re ownerships, transfer registry, mortgage and sale.

SECOND SCHEDULE. - Rules for Measurement of Tonnage.RULE I.-For ships to be registered and other ships of which the hold is clear. Tables of method and computation. RULE IIFor ships requiring registry with cargo on board and ships which cannot be measured under Rule I. Method of computation. RULE III.-Measurement of allowance for engine-room space in steamships. Method of ascertaining. RULE IV. - Open ships, how



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FOURTH SCHEDULE. - TABLE OF MAXIMUM FEES TO BE PAID BY APPLICANTS FOR EXAMINATION. Certificate as master, £2; certificate as mate, £1; certificate as Ist class engineer, £2; cer tificate as 2nd class engineer, £1.

FIFTH SCHEDULE. - Regulations to be observed with respect to anti-scorbutics. Furnishing of anti-scorbutics. Serving out antiscorbutics. Regulations.

SIXTH SCHEDULE. -Regulations to be observed with respect to accommodation on board ships. Maximum fees for inspection.

SEVENTH SCHEDULE. - Constitution of Local Marine Boards. Establishment of Local Marine Boards. Election of members. Owners of foreign-going or home trade passenger ships have one vote for every 250 tons of shipping. Maximum number of votes to be ten for any one person. Voting powers of joint owners. List of voters to be kept by collector of Customs, and revised every three years. Persons entitled to vote are only entitled to election. Board of Trade may appoint nominees on Board. Registry and votes of electors. Application to corporations for voting purposes.

EIGHTH SCHEDULE -Defines particulars to be registered by master of a ship concerning a birth at sea.

NINTH SCHEDULE- PART I.-Maximum Fees to be Paid for Passenger Steamer's Certificate---For passenger steamers not exceeding 100 tons, £4; exceeding 100, and not exceeding 300 tons, £6; excerding 300, and not exceeding 600 tons, £8; and for every additional 300 tons above 600, an additional £2.

PART II.-Emigrant Ships-For an ordinary survey of the ship, and of her equipments, accommodation, stores, light, ventilation, sanitary arrangements, and medical stores, £10; for a special survey, £15.

TENTH SCHEDULE.-Sets forth regulations as to number of persons carried on emigrant ships.

ELEVENTH SCHEDULE. -Detailed regulations as to accommodation for steerage passengers, under heads of construction of passenger decks, berths, hospitals, privies, and light and ventilation.

TWELFTH SCHEDULE. - Water and Provisions. - Water and provisions scales to be issued to steerage passengers. Substitutions for dietary scales. Regulations as to lime juice. Regulations as to messes and issue of provisions.

THIRTEENTH SCHEDULE.-Sets out conditions for carriage of horses and cattle in emigrant ships.

FOURTEENTH SCHEDULE.-Forms under Part III. (Passenger and Emigrant Ships). - Form I.- Form of master's bond. Form II.-Form of passengers' list. Form III. - Form of Governor's or Consular officer's certificate of expenditure in the case of passengers wrecked or injured. Form IV.-Form of passagebroker's bond. Form V. - Form of passage-broker's licence. Form VI.-Form of notice to be given to Board of Trade by licensing authority granting a licence as passage-broker. Form VII.Form of notice to be given to Board of Trade by an applicant for a passage-broker's licence. Form VIII. - Form of notice of forfeiture of a passage-broker's licence to be given by the Court by which it is forfeited to the Board of Trade. Form IX.-Form of appointment of passage-broker's agent. Form X.-Form of emigrant-runner's annual licence.

FIFTEENTH SCHEDULE.-Tabular Form of Number and Dimensions of Boats for Fishing-boats entered in the Fishing-boat Register.

SIXTEENTH SCHEDULE.-Maximum Fees for Inspection of Lights and Fog-signals. For each visit made on application, or where lights or fittings found defective, Ios. Aggregate fees, whatever the number of visits, shall not exceed £1.

SEVENTEENTH SCHEDULE-Life-saving Appliances. Constitution of the Committee.-(1) Three shipowners selected by Council of Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom. (2) One shipowner selected by the Shipowner's Association of Glasgow, and one shipowner selected by the Liverpool Steamship Owners' Association and the Liverpool Shipowners' Association conjointly. (3) Two shipowners selected by the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects. (4) Three persons practically acquainted with the navigation of vessels, selected by the shipmasters' societies recognised by the Board of Trade for this purpose. (5) Three persons being, or having been able-bodied seamen, selected by seamen's societies recognised by the Board of Trade for this purpose. (6) Two persons selected conjointly by the Committee of L'oyd's, the Committee of Lloyd's Register Society, and the Committee of the Institute of London Underwriters.

EIGHTEENTH SCHEDULE-Precautions as to Grain Cargo.General obligation to prevent cargo shifting. Precautions against shifting of grain. Carriage between decks prevented except for quantity for feeding cargo in the hold. Exemption where feeders are provided. Where grain carried in bulk without feeders onefourth to be in bags laid upon gain in bulk. Oats or cotton seed no: included in this provision, nor sailing ships of less than 400 reg. tons not engaged in Atlantic trade; nor ships laden in Mediterranean or Black Seas provided with compartments in holds and with longitudinal bulkheads or shifting boards; nor to ships in which grain does not exceed one-half of whole cargo, and the rest cotton, wool, flax, or flour, or other suitable cargo properly s.owed. General provisions for proper bulkheads or shifting boards and safe stowage.

NINETEENTH SCHEDULE -Part I.-Statements in the case of salvage by Her Majesty's ships. Certain particulars to be stated by the salvor and by master or other person in charge of vessel, cargo or property saved. Part II.-Form of salvage bond.

TWENTIETH SCHEDULE.-Table of Maximum Fees and Remuneration of Receivers of Wreck.

TWENTY-FIRST SCHEDULE.-Table showing Maximum Rates of Pilotage to be Demanded and Received by Qualified Pilots for Piloting Ships within the limits mentioned therein.

N.B.-The Rates which can be actually taken may, by virtue of an order of the Trinity House, be less than those mentioned in the Schedule.

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Moorings or London Docks

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The Sea, Orford-Gravesend, Chatham, Standgate Creek, or

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Long Reach
Woolwich or Blackwall

Moorings or London Docks

Gravesend, Standgate Creek, or Blackstakes..

Warps, and vice Long Reach or Chatham..

Gravesend Reach,


ness, the Downs,
Hoseley Bay, and

vice versa..


and vice versa..

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Blackwall, and vice versa......

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