Sivut kuvina

Ports marked * are on the Admiralty List.

HOME PORTS.-Aberdeen, Ayr, Ardrossan, Barry, Belfast, Birkenhead, Blyth, Bristol, Cardiff, Cork, Cowes, Dartmouth, Dublin, Dundee, Exeter, Falmouth, Glasgow, Grimsby, Hartlepool, Holyhead, Hull, Leith, Limerick, Liverpool, London, Londonderry, Milford Haven, Newcastle, Newport (Mon.), Oban, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Port Talbot, Scilly, Seaham, Shields (North), Shields (South), Southampton, Sunderland, Swansea, Stornoway, Troon, Tynemouth, Waterford, Wearmouth, Wexford, Whitby, Whitehaven, Wigton, Youghal.

EUROPEAN PORTS. - Åbo, Ajaccio, Alexandria, Algiers, Altona Amsterdam, Antwerp, Augusta, Barcelona, Bari, Batoum, Bergen, Beyrout, Bilboa, Bizerte, Bona, Boulogne, Bordeaux, Bourbon, BrættesnæsBremen, Brake, Bremerhaven, Brindisi, Caen, Cadiz, Cagliari (Sardinia), Calais, Constantinople, Copenhagen, Corcubion, Corfu, Corunna, Cronstadt, Dantzig, Carentan, Cette, Charente, Cherbourg, Christiania, Christiansund, Dieppe, Dordrecht, Dram, Dunkirk, Drontheim, Elsinore, Emden, Etaples, Fecamp, Fiume, Flushing, Galatz, Gallipoli, Geestemunde, Genoa, Gibraltar, Gravelines, Hamburg, Havre, Helsingborg, Honfleur, Huelva, Ibrail, Kiel, Kustendje, La Rochelle, Lisbon, Malmo, *Malta, Marseilles, Memel, Messina, Nantes, Naples, Narva, Nordenham, Odessa, Ostend, Oran, Palermo, Piræus, Port Said, Port Audemer, Pontreux, Revel, Riga, Rouen, Rotterdam, Salonica, Savona, St. Petersburg, St. Malo, Schiedam, Seville, Smyrna Stettin, Stockholm, Suez, Sulina, Syra, Tarifa, Toulon, Trieste, Trouville, Tunis, Valery, Varna, Venice, Vigo, Villafranca (Nice), Wilhelmshaven, Zaandam, Zea.

ATLANTIC PORTS (North and South).-Antigua, *Ascen sion, Bahia, Bahia Blanca, Baltimore, *Barbadoes, Beira, Belize, *Bermudas, Boston (U.S.), Buenos Ayres, Cape Coast Castle, *Cape Town, Cape Verdes (St. Vincent), Ceara, Charleston (S.C.), Chester (U.S.), Congo, Coosaw River, Curaçao, Dix Cove, Elmina, Falkland Islands, Fayal (Azores), *Fernando Po, Galveston, Gambia, Greenport, Gulfport, *Halifax, Havana, Horn Island, *Kingston (Jamaica), *Lagos, La Plata, Las Palmas Loanda, Louisberg (C.B.), Madeira, Maranham, Marcus Hook (U.S.), Martinique, Mobile, Monte Video, Mossamedes (West Coast, S. Africa). Nassau, Natal, Newport News, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk (V.), Para, Pernambuco, Pensacola, Philadelphia, Pictou, Portland (M.), *Port Stanley (F.I.), Punta Arenas, Punta Delgada, Quebec, Quetta, Rio Janeiro, Rosario, Santa Cruz (Teneriffe), St. John (N.B.), St. John's (N.F.), *St. Lucia, *St. Helena, St. Michael's (Azores), St. Paul de Loando, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Santos, Savannah, Ship Island, *Sierra Leone, *Simon's Town, Sydney (C.B.), Trinidad, Vera Cruz, Whydah, Yarmouth (N.S.).

INDIAN OCEAN AND CHINA SEAS.-*Aden, Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, *Bombay, Bussorah, Bushire, Calcutta, Canton, Coconada, Colombo, Delagoa Bay, Galle, Hakodadi, *Hong Kong, Karatzu, Killindim, Kobi, Kurrachee, Labuan, Madras, Manila, *Mauritius, Moji, Mombasa, Moulmien, Muroran, Nagasaki, *Newcastle (N.S.W.), Otaru, Penang, *Perim, Rangoon, Saigon, Seychelles, Shanghai, *Singapore, Sourabaya, Suez, *Trincomalee, Yokohama, Zanzibar,

PACIFIC (North and South) and AUSTRALASIA. Adelaide, Acapulco, Astoria, Auckland, Brisbane, Caldera, Callao, Chiloe, Christchurch, Comox, Coquimbo, Coronel, Diego Garcia, *Esquimault, *Fri Islands, Guayaquil, Hobart Town, Honolulu, King George's Sound, Ladysmith, Leruka, Lota, Mazatlan, Melbourne, Nanaimo, *New Westminster, Otago, Portland (O.), Panama, Payta, Perth, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Sydney, Tacoma Tahiti, *Taboga, Tamsui Fechau, Tonkah, Union, Valparaiso, Vancouver, Victoria (V.I.), *Wellington.


THE rules adopted by the steamship companies with reference to the establishment of routes in the North Atlantic came into effect on January 15, 1899. The companies adopting the rules are: The American Line, Atlantic Transport Company, Ltd., Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, Cunard Line, Elder, Dempster & Co., Furness Line, Hamburg-America Line, HollandAmerica Line, W. Johnston & Co., Ltd., National Steamship Company, Ltd., Norddeutscher Lloyd, Red Star Line, Wilson Line, White Star Line. The following are the rules :


From January 15 to August 14, both days inclusive. Steer from Fastnet, or Bishop Rock, on Great Circle course, but nothing south, to cross the meridian of 47° west in latitude 42° north, thence by either rhumb line, or Great Circle (or even north of the Great Circle, if an easterly current is encountered), to a position south of Nantucket Light-vessel, thence to Fire Island Light-vessel, when bound for New York, or to Five Fathom Bank South Light-vessel, when bound for Philadelphia.

From August 15 to January 14, both days inclusive. Steer from Fastnet, or Bishop Rock, on Great Circle course, but nothing south, to cross the meridian of 49° west in latitude 46° north, thence by rhumb line to cross the meridian of 60° west, in latitude 43° north, thence also by rhumb line, to a position south of Nantucket Lightvessel, thence to Fire Island Light-vessel, when bound to New York, or Five Fathom Bank South Light-vessel, when bound for Philadelphia.


At all seasons of the year steer a course from Sandy Hook Lightvessel, or Five Fathom Bank South Light-vessel, to cross the meridian of 70° west, nothing to the northward of latitude 40° 10'.

From January 15 to August 23, both days inclusive. Steer from 40° 10' north, and 70° west, by rhumb line, to cross the meridian of 47° west in latitude 41° north, and from this last position nothing north of the Great Circle to Fastnet, when bound to the Irish Channel, or nothing north of the Great Circle to Bishop Rock, when bound to the English Channel.

From August 24 to January 14, both days inclusive. Steer from latitude 40° 10' north, and longitude 70° west, to cross the meridian of 60° west in latitude 42° 0' north, thence by rhumb line to cross the meridian of 45° west in latitude 46° 30' north, and from this last position nothing north of the Great Circle to Fastnet, when bound to the Irish Channel, and as near as possible to, but nothing north of, the Great Circle to Bishop Rock, always keeping south of the latitude of Bishop Rock, when bound to the English Channel.


When courses are changed at the intersections of meridians any time before or after noon, you will note in your logs both distances to and from the meridians that the ship has sailed from noon to noon, and not the distance from the position at noon the day before to the position at noon the day after the meridian is crossed.


For List of H.M.'s Consular Officers see p. 200.

For List of U.S. Consular Officers in the United Kingdom see p. 208.

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ABERAVON. - See Port Talbot.
ABERAYRON, Cardiganshire, Wales. Bay of Cardigan
Lat. 52° 14′ N; long. 4° 15′ W. Pop. about


Auth. Owner. Alban Gwynne, Esq., under Statute 47 Geo. III.THW. f. and c. 7h 25m. D. Dry at LW.; 12ft at HWST. Accn. Harb. of about 5 acres, with stone piers on N. and W. sides, each 396ft long, extending to half-tide mark. W. prev. NW. to NE. Tr.-I. Coal and limestone; E. Oats, pigs, butter, and timber. Harb. is used chiefly by locally owned vessels, drawing from 8ft to 14ft OST.

Charges.-2d per ton reg. on ships, I/ per ton on cargo. Officials. Harb. Master, Thomas Davies, Shipping Agent, Capt. Williams; Lloyd's Agent, Joseph Rees. Hotel." Feathers Royal," J. Davies. ABERBROTHWICK. - See Arbroath.

ABERDEEN, Aberdeenshire. On the Dee. Lat. 57° 8' 20" N; long. 2° 3′ 55" W. Pop. 153,000. Auth. Harb. Commission, incorporated under Act of Parliament, 58 and 59 Vict., C. 136. P. NC. THW. I hour f. and c. Sp. rise 13st; N. rise Ioft; D. on bar at LWST. 14ft. W. prev. are from SW., and most dangerous gales on coast are from SSE. to ESE. Rys. Cal. and G.N. (S.) Tr.-I. Coal, lime, iron, cement, salt, granite, timber, bones, esparto, fibre, slates, manures, grain, &c.; E. Cattle, oats, granite, pit props, paper, fish, oats, wheat, herrings, &c. At HW. of ST. vessels of 25ft dft. enter the harb., and at LW. vessels drawing 12ft enter. The navigation channel, the entrance to the harb. and docks is formed by the N. pier, extending 2,00oft into the German Ocean, and S. breakwater running out about 1,000ft from the shore. W. of E. 600ft. En. to Victoria Dock, one 7oft wide, with a HWD. of 26ft.; lock 250ft x 60ft wide, over which there is a HWD. of 22ft. Accn.:

Areas. H.W.O.S.T.

Average Depth. Average Depth.


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Extensive warehouses and cranage accommodation up to 10 tons;

shears to lift 75 tons. Particulars of Patent Slipways:

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Charges. Rates on vessels vary from Ind to 1/3 reg. ton.

Lights, flags, or signals ad reg. ton for all vessels.

Pilotage. District. The harb., the rivers Dee and Don, the coast between these rivers, and the coast southward from the mouth



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of the Dee to the extremity of the city's precincts or boundary on

the Torry or south side of the Dee.

Rates. Inwards pilotage rates :

Sailing Vessels.

For Vessels under 50 tons

50 and under 75

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For each additional 100 tons or part thereof 5s.

Outward pilotage rates-one half the inward rate, but not in any case less than 5/. For any vessel arriving in the lower basin or tidal harbour after the dock gates are shut :-For vessels under 150 tons 3/; for vessels 150 tons and upwards 5/. For each tide's work in the harb. each man in boat 2/. For any vessel calling in the bay for orders, and not entering the harb., requiring the services of a pilot boat, 20/, which shall include taking off orders. If after the expiry of 12 hours any pilot is detained on board, he shall be paid 2/6 for each tide during which he is detained; and if, after the expiry of such time, the pilot boat is required, 1/ for each man in boat for each passage between the harb. and vessel. Vessels paying pilotage rates may have use of boat and crew for mooring and unmooring at:-under 400 tons 2s. 6d.; under 1,000 tons 5s.;

over IOS.

Towage-Ordinary Sea Towage (by one or more tugs). From the docks or tidal harb. to the bay, or from the bay or outside Abercrombie's jetty, or vice versa, with cargo, reg. ton 2d.; with ballast 2d. Harb. Towage. Between Abercrombie's jetty and the docks: If 200 tons or under 6/; above 200 and not ex. 500 tons10/; above 500 tons and not exceeding 800 tons 20/; 800 and not exceeeing 1,200 tons 30/; 1,200 tons and upwards 40/. From one part of the harb. or docks to another: If 200 tons or under 10/; above 200 tons and not exceeding 500 tons 15/; above 500 tons and not exceeding 800 tons 20/; above 800 tons and not exceeding 1,200 tons 25/ for each additional 100 tons 2/6; a second tug if required, half rates. In the event of any vessel being towed into the tidal harb. after the dock gates are shut, the tugboat shall, if required, continue the towage of such vessel into the dock the following tide without any additional charge. Minimum towage outwards or inwards 5/. Steam vessels requiring the service of a steam tug or tugs, while entering or leaving the harb., Id. per ton of their register tonnage for the first or only tug required, and I for each addtional tug.

Officials. Sec., W. Gordon; Treas. and Coll. of Harb. and Shore dues, James A. Ross; Dock and Harb. Master, Capt. W. A. Crombie; Engineer, R. Gordon Nicol; Supt. of Works, Hugh Munro; Gen. Man. of G. N. (S.) Ry., W. Moffatt; Lloyd's Agent, W. R. Aiken; Coll. of H.M. Cust., W. M. Callander.

Hotels. Palace, Grand, Imperial, Douglas.

ABERDOUR, Fifeshire. N. side of Firth of Forth, about 8 miles NW. of Edinburgh. Lat. 56° 10' N;

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