long. 3° 20' W. Post-town, Aberdour. Pop. 1,900. Auth. Owner, the Earl of Morton. Agent, David Campbell, Edinburgh. THW. f. and c. 2h 34m. Accn. Wooden pier 250ft long, with jetty carried out to 4ft LWST.; 16ft water at HWST.; dry, LW.; Neaps rise Ioft. Charges.-Id per ton reg. on vessels; Id per ton on cargo. Bay of Cardigan. Lat. 52° 30' N; long. 4° 15' W. Pop. 1,500. Auth. Cam. Ry. Co., under lease from the Crown. THW. f. and c. 8h om. D. on bar 3ft 6in LWST., and 19ft HWST., but is subject to frequent alteration. Accn. Pier 367ft carried out to 12ft LWST., and a wharf 365ft long. Railway alongside. W. prev. NE. to SW., and most dangerous S. to E. Tr. Live stock, slates, lead-ore, grain, cement, fish, &c. LV. Steamers from the Baltic with cargoes of timber up to 1,200 tons. Steam crane power. A lifeboat station. Charges.-Moorage of vessels, ad per ton reg.; slates, coal, bricks, iron, 2d per ton; timber, grain, flour, cotton, wool, petroleum, and general merchandise, 3d per ton actual weight. Towage. As per arrangement. Officials. Secretary & Gen. Manager, Cam. Ry., Oswestry, C. S. Denniss; Lewis Edwards, Harb. Master; T. Lewis, Coll. of Customs, Aberystwith; E. Lewis, Lloyd's Agent. Hotel.--The "Dovey." ABERFFRAW, Anglesea. A creek of Beaumaris. A bay of refuge in E. or N. winds. D. 15fms. HWST. Wharfage free. W. Jones, Dep. Lloyd's Agent and Harb. Master. ABERLADY (PEFFER BURN), East Lothian. THW. at Official.-H. Welch, Merchant. ABERTHAW, Glamorganshire. In the Bristol Channel, between St. Donats and Porthkerry. Lat. 51° 22′ N; long. 3° 20′ W. No Harb. Auth. THW. 6h 48m. Tr. Aberthaw lime ABERYSTWITH, Cardiganshire, Wales. At the joint outlets of the rivers Rheidol and Yst with. f. and c. same as Leith. Very small trade. Lat. 52° 24' 30" N; long. 4° 5′ 30′′ W. Pop. 7,600. Auth. Corporation of Aberystwith (Act of Parliament, 1874). Railway along Rheidol Valley contemplated. P. NC. THW. f. and c. 7h 31m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise Ioft. D. on bar uncertain, as bar shifts. W. Most dangerous are SW. to W. by N. Rys. Cam. and Manch. and Milford. Tr.-I. Timber, coal, limestone, bricks, culm, hemp; E. Lead and copper ore, bark, corn, timber. LV. 367 reg. ton. The area of the harb. is 20 acres, dry at LWST. Quayage space for about 670ft is accessible to vessels of 500 tons. East Quay about 250ft long, with 14ft water HWST.; West Quay about 80oft long, with 12ft water HWST. There are two powerful capstans with ropes on each side of the harb. entrance, and a 3-ton crane. A lifeboat station. Charges.-Harb. dues vary from 2d coastwise to 6d foreign. Vessels exclusively employed in fishing are exempt from payment of harb. dues. Pilotage.-District not defined. Rates. As per agreement. Towage. As per agreement. Officials, Town Clerk, A. J. Hughes; Harb. Master, Capt. Henry Humphreys; Coll. of H.M. Cust., Mr. Mortimer; Lloyd's Agent, H. Humphreys. Hotels." Belle Vue," W. II. Palmer; “Gogerddan Arms," Reufus Williams; "Queen's," W. II. Palmer; "Talbot," Elizabeth Jones: "Cambria," F. Edens. ACARSAID, Island of Skye, Hebrides. Lat. 57° 10' N; long. 6° 2' W. Bar dries at LW., 13 ft at HWST., and roft at HWNT. THW. 6h. 28m. ACKERGILL, Caithness, 3 miles N. of Wick. Lat. 58° 26' Ν; long. 3° 8' W. Auth. Owner, G. Duff Dunbar, Esq., of Hempriggs. THW. Ioh. 58m. Accn. A pier of masonry about rooft long, used by fishing boats and by steamers loading into boats. D. Alongside 15st HWOST., and 8st at entrance of creek at LWST. There are no charges. W. prev. S., most dangerous NE. A lifeboat station. The harb. was destroyed by storms some years since. There is a good anchorage in the bay, with S. winds. Official.-Harb. Master, Wm. Thain. Hotel. The nearest is at Wick. ALDEBURGH, Suffolk. Lat. 52° 6' N; long. 1° 30′ E. Pop. about 2,120. A small port 12 miles from the mouth of the river Alde, convenient for laying up yachts. There is no harb. authority. Tr.-Malt and grain. THW. 10h 45m. Sp. rise at sea 8ft.; N. 6ft. Wharfage 11ft HWST., on bar IIft HWST., 9ft HWNT. THW. Slaughden Quay (where vessels unload), full and change 12h 30m. A lifeboat station. Charges.-Coals, 4d per ton; timber, 3d per load; bricks, 9d per 1000; manure, 4d per ton. Officials.-J. O. Williams, Deputy Receiver of Wrecks; Chief Customs Officer, Lieut. Muir, Chief Boatman, Coast Guard, and Acting Customs Officer, T. Fry; Harb. Master, Henry Harling; Lloyd's Agent, W. H. Hall. Hotels. "White Lion," G. Garrett, merchant and maltster; "East Suffolk," "Brudenell," and "Wentworth Castle." ALDERNEY. - See Channel Islands. ALDRINGTON. -See Shoreham. ALLINGTON LOCK, Medway (Lower). Navigation : navigable to Maidstone, which is two miles beyond. Double lock: length 186ft, breadth 21ft 3in; depth over sill: HWST. 10ft, NT. 6ft. LW. Winter 2ft, summer Ift. Depth between locks and Maidstone about 8ft. Tugs from Rochester to locks; above, to Maidstone, horse towage. Vessels of 140 tons burden pass through. (See also Maidstone.) Official. Lock Master and Collector, John Rose. ALLOA, Clackmannanshire. On N. bank of Firth of Forth, 20 miles above Queensferry. Lat. 57° 7' N; long. 3° 44′ W. Pop. 10,600. Auth. North British Railway Company. P. NC. THW. f. and c. 3h 18m; Sp. rise 17 ft; N. rise 15ft; R. of N. Iofft. D. on bar, Sp. 22ft to 24ft; N. 16st. W. prev. from NW., not dangerous to shipping in the harb. Rys. Cal. and N.B. Tr.-I. Grain, timber, iron, dyewood, &c.; E. Pig-iron, coal, timber, dyewood, &c. No vessels can enter the harb. at LW. of ST. The harb. consists of a line of open quays and a wet dock; new entrance in 1895. Dock 630ft x 195ft, has an area of 3 imperial acres, depth ST. 194stand NT. 15 ft, and quayage 1,600ft, There are 400 yds of quayage space in tidal harb., also dry dock 210ft long, 37ft wide, 11ft deep at OHW. Cranes for lifting 20 tons of grain per hour, and two steam cranes for coals. Rates on entering Vessels entering in Charges.-Harb. dues 2d and 3d reg. ton. into or using any wet dock 3d to I/ reg. ton. ballast and loading out 3d per ton. Vessels entering to load from another vessel, overside, half dues. Rates on goods vary from Id to I/ and 2/6 per ton for gunpowder. Anchorage rates Id and 3d reg. ton. Pilotage. District. From St. Abb's Head to Alloa, and vice versa, Rates. Same as Leith. Towage. As per Leith tariff. Officials. Coll. Harb. Dues, John Melvin; Harb. Master, Capt. Lindsay; Graving Dock Mans., The Alloa Dry Dock and Engineering Co. Ld.; Coll. of H.M. Cust., Mr. Mackay; Lloyd's Agent, J. Bain. Hotel.-"Royal Oak." ALLONBY, Cumberland, 21 miles SW. from Carlisle. A few boats employed in the cod and herring fisheries. ALNMOUTH, Northumberland. At the mouth of the Aln. Lat. 55° 22′ N; long. 1° 33′ W. Auth. Owner, the Rt. Hon. Earl Percy. THW. f. and c. 2h 40m. D. on bar HWST. about 13ft 6in. W. prev. NE. Used by fishing boats and by timber-laden vessels of under 200 tons. Harb. dues; 1/ per vessel, if requiring ballast 6d per vessel. A lifeboat station. Officials. Agent, E. G. Wheler, Esq., Alnwick Castle; Harb. Master, Robt. Simpson; Pilot, G. Richardson; Lloyd's Agent, R. Taylor. Hotel." Ye Schooner," T. Binks. AMLWCH, Anglesea. Lat. 53° 25′ N; long. 4° 36′ W. Tr. I. Coal, sulphur, copper ore, ochre, and guano. Auth. Harb. Trustees, constituted by Statute 31 Geo. III. c. 125. Rys. The Anglesea Central and L. & N. W. Accn. A tidal harb. excavated from solid rock, can contain 20 vessels of about 200 tons each. THW. f. and c. Ioh 30m; 16ft HWST.; 9ft HWNT. W. prev. N. to W. and SW. Used by coasters of about 200 tons. Berths for about 6 vessels. Charges.-8d per ton reg. on vessels loading and unloading, and 6d per ton on all loading or unloading; other vessels 4d per ton, with a rebate of Id per ton on vessels leaving the harbour within 30 days after arrival, except in case of vessels to or from foreign ports. Officials. Harb. Master, James E. Williamson ; Lloyd's Agent, L. Thomas. Port Dues to be paid to National Provincial Bank. Hotels.-" Dinorben," " Bull Bay." ANCHMASTER, Caithness. A small fishery harb., near Clyth. ANNALONG, Co. Down, Ireland. Lat. 54° 10' N; long. 5° 50′ W. Tr.-I. Coal, meal, flour, general. E. Granite, potatoes. Auth. The Grand Jury of co. Down, under 16 and 17 Vict., c. 136, s. 7. THW. 11h 30m. Accn. Area of harb. about I rood 16 perches. Depth, HWST. 11ft; HWNT. 6 ft Dries at three-quarters ebb. Used by fishing boats of oft dft. and local vessels loading dressed granite. Quay frontage 609f1. LV. 230 tons. Charges.-3d per ton reg., Id per ton on imports and exports, 1/ vessels taking shelter, 5/ yearly fishing vessels. ANNAN, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Lat. 54° 57′ N; long. 3° 16' W. Seaport in Solway Firth, at mouth of Annan river. Pop. 4,000. Rys. Caledonian, Glasgow, and South Western, and Solway Junction. THW. f. and c. 11h 5m. Accn. A good harb., dry at LW., 15ft HWST. Auth. Annan Harb. Trust. Incorporated by Provisional Order, 1897. I. Grain, feeding stuffs, manures, slates, timber, general merchandise. E. Freestone, meal, groatine, potatoes, &c. Charges. Dues, 2d per reg. ton; goods 2d per ton. Officials. Clerk to Trust, Murray Little; Coll. of Dues, William Wilson. Hotels." Queensbury Arms," "Buck," "Central," and "Blue Bell." ANSTRUTHER UNION, Anstruther (Easter, Wester and Kilrenny), Fifeshire. Lat. 56° 13' 16" N; long. 2° 41′ 53′′ W. Auth. Commissioners of Anstruther Union Harb., by special Act 23 and 24 Vict., c. 39, s. 5, and Anstruther Harbour Orders, 1880 and 1897. ST. 15ft at entrance, 12ft at inner harbour. W. prev. W., most dangerous SE. to NE. Ry. North British. THW. 2h 28m. Accn. New harb. has an area of 7 acres. D. 12ft at HWST. Old harb. has an area of 6 acres. E. pier (masonry), 1,200ft long; dry at LWST. W. pier is about 480ft long. Quayage about 1,720ft. Used by coastingsteamers and sailing vessels, and by fishing boats. Charges.-Harb. dues from Ind to 4d per reg. ton. Pilotage. For vessels between 20 and 50 tons, 2d per ton. Officials. Clerks, A. C. Mackintosh and H. Watson; Harbour Master, P. Murray; Coll. of Dues, John Dingwall. APPLEDORE, Devonshire. A small port within Barnstaple Bar. Lat. 51°5′ N; long. 4° 4′ W. THW. 6h 15m. There is a stone pier at Instow, with 13ft to 15ft at HW.; dry at LW. Also two small dry docks and a patent slipway. No dues on cargoes or ships. Cran. and P. as per agreement. (See Barnstaple.) Lloyd's Agent, T. Fishwick. ARBROATH, Forfarshire. Seaport. Lat. 56° 33′ N; long, 2° 35' W. Pop. 22,500. Auth. Harb. Trust.. under Acts 2 Vict., c. 16, and Acts of 1864, and Harb. Order, 1877, Arbroath Harbour Finance Act, 1897. P. C. THW. f. and c. 1h 35m; Sp. rise 14ft; N. rise IIft; R. of N. 8ft. D. on bar LW. of OST. 3ft; NT. about 6ft. W. prev. W. are W. and SW.; most dangerous from SE. Rys. Cal. and N.B. Tr.-I. Flax, hemp, jute, coal, iron, guano, linseed-cake, salt, timber, grain, slates, &c.; E. Yarns, grain, potatoes, pit timber, stone, &c. LV. Steamer Petersburg, of Leith, with flax, of net ton. of 1,090. Outer harb.-W. of E. rooft. Dock 420ft x 265ft; dock area 2 acres; W. of E. 40ft. Depth on sill at HW. of Av.ST. 16ft to 17ft; quayage space of dock 1,350ft, and of basin 1,480ft, in length, and patent slipway 45oft long by 44ft wide. Two 2-ton H. of T., ST. 15ft; N. 11ft. A lifeboat station. Charges.-Harb. dues Ind to 1/6 + 50%. Harb. lights and police id reg. ton. Plankage 1/ to 6/6 per vessel. Vessels inwards cranes. from foreign ports charged half dues only. Unloading flax 8d to rod per ton, coals free for merchant filling; loading grain 4d per ton. Pilotage. District. Pilots are licensed for the harb. only. Rates per ton. Coasting sailing vessels, 4d per ton; coasting steamers, 3d per ton; foreign trade sailing vessels, 4ad per ton; foreign trade steamers, 3d per ton. In addition to these, rates are levied (for the pilot master's salary), viz.:-Under 80 tons 1/; 80 and under 100 tons 1/6; 100 and under 120 tons 2/6; 120 and under 150 tons 3/; 150 and under 180 tons 4/; 180 and under 200 tons 5/: 200 tons and upwards 7/6. From foreign ports half dues upwards. Towage Rates included in pilotage rates. Officials. Clerk to Trust., W. K. Macdonald; Harb. Master and Collector, Capt. D. Petrie; Coll. of Customs, D. Graham; Lloyd's Agent, W. Cargill; Ship Brokers, Peter Spankie, Wm. Cargill, and S. Renny. Hotels." White Hart," "Imperial,” and “Royal." ARDGLASS, Royal Harbour, Co. Down, Ireland. Lat. 54° 15′ 10" N; long. 5° 36′ 50′′ W. Ry. Belfast & Co. Down THW. f. and c. Ith om. A seaport, the centre of the fishing stations on the NE. coast of Ireland, Auth. Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, under Acts 39 and 40 Vict., c. 236. Accn. Area about 60 acres at HW. and 17 acres at LW., with depth from 2ft to 15st at LW. and 15ft additional at HWST; south quay, 1,200ft (caused by addition of new jetty). One 15cwt crane. D. at entrance 15ft to 17ft at LW. W. prev. SSW., most dangerous ESE. to SE, Used by coasters of up to 150 tons, carrying coal and country produce, and fishing boats. LV. 200 tons. Quayage, north quay 500ft, south quay 1,000ft. There is a small private dock adjoining the north quay, where vessels drawing 9ft can enter at HWST. Charges.-6d per ton reg. on cargo vessels from United Kingdom or Channel Islands, and gd on vessels from foreign ports, and an additional ad per ton for each week, or portion of week, over first 21 days after arrival. Wharfage charge, Id to 4d per ton. Horses and cattle 2d each; pigs or sheep ad each. Fishing boats, 5/ to 10/ a year, or 2/ each time sending fish to quay. Officials. Sec. to Commissioners of Public Works, Dublin, H. Williams, Esq.; Harb. Master, James Coree. Hotels."St. Alban's Arms," and "Castle." ARDRISHAIG, Argyllshire. Lat. 56° 0′ 45′′ N; long. 5° 26' 30" W. Entrance to the Crinan Canal. Auth. Caledonian Canal Commissioners, by Act of Parliament. THW. oh 15m. D. in channel leading to canal from 4ft to 16ft, according to state of tide. D. at outside quay berths 9ft to 20ft. D. in canal and basins, 9ft 6in. Vessels 88ft by 20ft by 9ft can pass locks. Sp. rise Ift; N. 9ft. W. prev. SE. to SW. Used by coasting vessels and passenger steamers. Charges.-2d per ton on vessel and Id to I/ per ton on goods. Official. Resident Engineer and Manager, L. J. Groves, C.E. Hotel. Finlay's "Royal." ARDROSSAN, Ayrshire. On the Firth of Clyde. Lat. 55° 38′ 27" N.; long. 4° 49′ 28′′ W. Pop. 6,000. Auth. Ardrossan Harbour Company, under Act 1886. P. NC. THW. 11h 45m; Sp. rise toft; N. rise Sft. W. prev. Sw. Rys. Glasgow & South Western and Caledonian. Tr.-I. Iron |