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Charges. 3d per ton reg., Id per ton on imports and exports, 1/ vessels taking shelter, 5 yearly fishing vessels. Official.-Harb. Master, John Gordon.


ANNAN, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Lat. 54° 57' N; long. 3° 16′ W. Seaport in Solway Firth, at mouth of Annan river. Pop. 4,000. Rys. Caledonian, Glasgow, and South Western, and Solway Junction. THW. f. and c. 11h 5m. Accn. A good harb., dry at LW., 15ft HWST. Auth. Annan Harb. Trust. Incorporated by Provisional Order, 1897. I. Grain, feeding stuffs, manures, slates, timber, general merchandise. E. Freestone, meal, groatine, potatoes, &c.

Charges.-Dues, 2d per reg. ton; goods 2d per ton. Officials.-Clerk to Trust, Murray Little; Coll. of Dues, William Wilson.

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Hotels." Queensbury Arms," Buck," Central," and "Blue


ANSTRUTHER UNION, Anstruther (Easter, Wester and Kilrenny), Fifeshire. Lat. 56° 13′ 16" N; long. 2° 41′ 53′′ W. Auth. Commissioners of Anstruther Union Harb., by special Act 23 and 24 Vict., c. 39, s. 5, and Anstruther Harbour Orders, 1880 and 1897. ST. 15ft at entrance, 12ft at inner harbour. W. prev. W., most dangerous SE. to NE. Ry. North British. THW. 2h 28m. Accn. New harb. has an D. 12ft at HWST. Old harb. has an area of 63 acres. E. pier (masonry), 1,200ft long; dry at LWST. W. pier is about 48oft long. Quayage about 1,720ft. Used by coastingsteamers and sailing vessels, and by fishing boats.

area of 7 acres.

Charges.-Harb. dues from 14d to 4d per reg. ton.

Pilotage. For vessels between 20 and 50 tons, 24d per ton. Officials.-Clerks, A. C. Mackintosh and H. Watson; Harbour Master, P. Murray; Coll. of Dues, John Dingwall.


APPLEDORE, Devonshire. A small port within Barnstaple Lat. 51° 5' N ; long. 4° 4' W. THW. 6h 15m. There is a stone pier at Instow, with 13ft to 15ft at HW.; dry at LW. Also two small dry docks and a patent slipway. No dues on cargoes or ships. Cran. and P. as per agreement. (See Barnstaple.) Lloyd's Agent, T. Fishwick.

ARBROATH, Forfarshire. Seaport. Lat. 56° 33′ N; long, 2° 35' W. Pop. 22,500. Auth. Harb. Trust.. under Acts 2 Vict., c. 16, and Acts of 1864, and Harb. Order, 1877, Arbroath Harbour Finance Act, 1897. P. C. THW. f. and c. 1h 35m; Sp. rise 14ft; N. rise 11ft; R. of N. 8ft. D. on bar LW. of OST. 3ft; NT. about 6ft. W. prev. W. are W. and SW.; most dangerous from SE. Rys. Cal. and N.B. Tr.-I. Flax, hemp, jute, coal, iron, guano, linseed-cake, salt, timber, grain, slates, &c.; E. Yarns, grain, potatoes, pit timber, stone, &c. LV. Steamer Petersburg, of Leith, with flax, of net ton. of 1,090. Outer harb.-W. of E. rooft. Dock 420ft x 265ft; dock area 2 acres; W. of E. 40ft. Depth on sill at HW. of Av.ST. 16ft to 17ft; quayage space of dock 1,350ft, and of basin 1,480ft, in length, and patent slipway 450ft long by 44ft wide. Two 2-ton cranes. H. of T., ST. 15ft; N. 11ft. A lifeboat station.

Charges.-Harb. dues 1d to 1/6 + 50%. Harb. lights and police ad reg. ton. Plankage / to 6/6 per vessel. Vessels inwards

from foreign ports charged half dues only. Unloading flax Ed to 10d per ton, coals free for merchant filling; loading grain 4d per ton.

Pilotage.-District. Pilots are licensed for the harb. only. Rates per ton.-Coasting sailing vessels, 4d per ton; coasting steamers, 3d per ton; foreign trade sailing vessels, 44d per ton; foreign trade steamers, 3d per ton. In addition to these, rates are levied (for the pilot master's salary), viz. :-Under 80 tons 1/; 80 and under 100 tons 1/6; 100 and under 120 tons 2/6; 120 and under 150 tons 3/; 150 and under 180 tons 4/; 180 and under 200 tons 5/: 200 tons and upwards 7/6. From foreign ports half dues upwards. Towage Rates included in pilotage rates.

Officials.-Clerk to Trust., W. K. Macdonald; Harb. Master and Collector, Capt. D. Petrie; Coll. of Customs, D. Graham ; Lloyd's Agent, W. Cargill; Ship Brokers, Peter Spankie, Wm. Cargill, and S. Renny.

Hotels."White Hart," "Imperial," and "Royal."
ARDBEAR, Galway.—See Clifden.

ARDGLASS, Royal Harbour, Co. Down, Ireland. Lat. 54° 15′ 10" N; long. 5° 36′ 50′′ W. Ry. Belfast & Co. Down THW. f. and c. 11h om. A seaport, the centre of the fishing stations on the NE. coast of Ireland, Auth. Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, under Acts 39 and 40 Vict., c. 236. Accn. Area about 60 acres at HW. and 17 acres at LW., with depth from 2ft to 15ft at LW. and 15ft additional at HWST; south quay, 1,200ft (caused by addition of new jetty). One 15cwt crane. D. at entrance 15ft to 17ft at LW. W. prev. SSW., most dangerous ESE. to SE, Used by coasters of up to 150 tons, carrying coal and country produce, and fishing boats. LV. 200 tons. Quayage, north quay 500ft, south quay 1,000ft. There is a small private dock adjoining the north quay, where vessels drawing 9ft can enter at HWST.

Charges.-6d per ton reg. on cargo vessels from United Kingdom or Channel Islands, and 9d on vessels from foreign ports, and an additional id per ton for each week, or portion of week, over first 21 days after arrival. Wharfage charge, 14d to 4d per ton. Hors:s and cattle 2d each; pigs or sheep d each. Fishing boats, 5/ to 10 a year, or 2/ each time sending fish to quay.

Officials.-Sec. to Commissioners of Public Works, Dublin, H. Williams, Esq.; Harb. Master, James Corce.

Hotels." St. Alban's Arms," and " Castle."

ARDRISHAIG, Argyllshire. Lat. 56° 0′ 45′′ N; long. 5° 26′ 30′′ W. Entrance to the Crinan Canal. Auth. Caledonian Canal Commissioners, by Act of Parliament. THW. oh 15m. D. in channel leading to canal from 4ft to 16ft, according to state of tide. D. at outside quay berths 9ft to 20ft. D. in canal and basins, 9ft 6in. Vessels 88ft by 20ft by 9ft can pass locks. Sp. rise 11ft; N. 9ft. W. prev. SE. to SW. Used by coasting vessels and passenger steamers.

Charges.-2d per ton on vessel and Id to 1/ per ton on goods. Official.-Resident Engineer and Manager, L. J. Groves, C. E. Hotel. Finlay's Royal."

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ARDROSSAN, Ayrshire. On the Firth of Clyde. Lat. 55° 38' 27" N.; long. 4° 49′ 28′′ W. Pop. 6,000. Auth. Ardrossan Harbour Company, under Act 1886. P. NC. THW. 11h 45m; Sp. rise 1oft; N. rise 8ft. Rys. Glasgow & South Western and Caledonian.

W. prev. SW.

Tr.-I. Iron

ore, limestone, pig-iron, &c.; E. Coal, pig-iron, &c. LV. The Lord Earn, 5,600 tons, dit 25ft. Vessels drawing 25ft can enter and leave at HWST, and they can enter or leave at IIWNT. drawing 23ft. Accn., an outer breakwater, in the inside of which there is a berth where a vessel 280ft in length can load to 21ft. The Eglinton wet dock, of over 9 acres in extent, entrance 54ft, with about 27ft at HW.; Eglinton Tidal Basin with 18ft at LWST.; Old Dock of 4 acres, entrance 38ft, with 18ft at HWST; and Old Dock Tidal Basin with 1oft at LWST.; 2 coaling hoists; 5 coaling cranes, and 15 discharging cranes to 25 tons. Coal hoists in Eglinton Dock 26ft above water level high water, 35ft low water.

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Charges.-Dues on vessels vary, 15 tons and over 3d reg. ton, 40 tons and upwards 44d per reg. ton, and boat's assistance Id reg. ton. Steamers bunkering only or entering graving dock only, 3d reg. ton; trimming, steamers 2d per ton, sailers 2d to 4d; bunkers 6d. Cranage 1 to 10 per ton according to lift; graving dock 1/2 per ton per tide to 120 tons, 1/4 per ton over in addition; use of steam and hydraulic cranes and hoists id to 4d per ton or 5/ per hour. Dues on goods 2d to 6d per ton of 20 cwt or 40 cubic ft.

Towage. All vessels up to 250 reg. tons, per ton 2d; from 250 to 500, 24d; from 500 upwards 3d reg. ton (chargeable within the W. point of the Horse Isle on the Little Cumbrae). Beyond the limits as per agreement. Half rates when other than a harbour tug used.

Officials.-Manager of the Props. and Harb. Master, Capt. R. Shields; Coll. of Dues, H. J. Ritchie; Traffic Supt., J. Craig; Lloyd's Agents, R. L. Alpine & Co.

Hotels." Eglinton Arms" and " Railway."

ARINAGOUR, Island of Coll. Lat. 59° 10' N; long. 6° 30' W. TWH. 5h 41m. D. Dry at LW. Sp. rise 12ft; N. 9ft. There is a stone pier and slip at this place, and an anchorage for boats drawing 5ft or 6ft. A leading wind is required to enter from the E.

ARKLOW, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. On the Avoca. Lat. 52° 53′ N; long. 6° 10' W. Pop. 5,000. Ry. D.W. & W. THW. f. and c. 8h om. Tr. Granite sets and explosives. Auth. Trustees under Act of Parliament, 1882. Accn. A river 18oft wide, with D. from 6ft to 10ft. Tide flows very little on this coast. Crane power to 5 tons. W. prev. SW. by S. to SE. LV. 352 tons. Charges. On vessels with cargo, 4d per ton; on vessels windbound and those coming in for repairs, 2d per ton; sawing timber, 4d per ton; pit wood, 3d per ton; salt and artificial manure, 3d per ton. Officials.-Harb. Master, James Doyle; Lloyd's Agents, Kearon & Tyrrell.

AROS, Island of Mull, Argyleshire. Lat. 56° 40′ N; long. 6° o' W. In the Sound of Mull, 6 miles from Tobermorey. THW. 5h 58m. A small fishing station, having a pier for steamers. ARTHURSTOWN, Co. Wexford. A small fishery harbour on the river Suir, opposite Passage East. D.

at En. and at quay 11ft OST. Dock dries out at low water and vessel lies on soft mud. Tr.-I. Coal and artificial manure; E. Hay and straw. Charges. Harbour dues 3d per ton, coal and artificial manure 3d per ton, ballast on board 1/- per ton. Auth. Coastguards at Arthurstown Station. ARUNDEL.-See Littlehampton. THW. f. and c. 12 noon. ASKEATON, Ireland. A small harb. on the river Shannon, near Foynes.

AUBIN, ST.-See Jersey.

AVONMOUTH.-See Bristol.

AXMOUTH, Devonshire. At the mouth of the Axe. Lat. 50° 42′ N; long. 3° 2′ W. Auth. Owner, S. Sanders Stephens, of Stedcombe House, Axminster. Regulated by Act 11 Geo. IV., 1830. THW. f. and c. 6h 33m. D. on bar 4ft LWST., 12ft to 14ft HWST. Harb. dries at LW. W. prev. SE. and SW. Quayage about 440 yards.

Charges.-Over 10 tons 2d per ton, and 2d per month for laying up. Rates upon goods as per schedule to Act.

Hotel. Nearest at Seaton, half a mile distant.
AYMOUTH, Berwickshire. See Burnmouth.

AYR, Ayrshire, seaport. Lat. 55° 28′ 10" N ; long. 4° 38' 10" W. Pop. 24,800. Auth. Harbour Trust. P. C. THW. 11h 50m; Sp. rise 8ft; N. rise 74ft. D. on bar 20ft and 12ft at entrance. New dock sills ST. 21ft., N. 18ft. Ry. G. & SW. Tr.-Large import and export of minerals. The harb. is formed by the river Ayr, which falls into the sea between piers, having the entrance sheltered by a breakwater with an opening 320ft wide, facing NW. by W. The banks of the river are quayed on each side from the bridge seaward, and afford about 1,200 yards of wharfage. There is a wet dock to the N. of the harb., with an area of 8 acres. W. at E. 60 ft; also a basin 300 ft long, 250 ft broad. Depth at ONT. 18 ft, OST. 21 ft. Steam cranes to 30 tons, and every facility. Special appliances for the shipment of coals and bunkering large steamers. There is also a patent slipway, 80oft long × 60ft wide,

Charges. Harb. rates, 2d to 4d reg. ton. Anchorage from 1/ for vessels of 20 reg. tons to 10/ for vessels of 500 reg. tons and upwards. Rates for planks and shutes, for 100, 2/, and 1/ for each additional 100 tons. Rates on goods, shipped, unshipped, or transhipped, from Id to 1/, and 5/ for gunpowder.

Pilotage.-Rates. Vessels engaged in the coasting and foreign trade 14d ton. Vessels engaged in the foreign trade 14d ton.

Towage. -40 reg. tons to 250 id per ton, 250 and under 500 1d, 500 and upwards 1d. into or out of the harb.; from or to half a mile beyond the present pierhead of the harb. Id reg. ton; from one berth in the harb. to another ad reg. ton.

Officials.-Secs. to Trust., William Pollock and William J. Pollock; Harb. Master, Alexander Mackenzie; Coll. of Harb. Dues, D. J. Lockhart; Coll. of H.M. Cust., J. O'Sullivan; Lloyd's Agent, James Hamilton.

Brokers. A. & J. Guthrie.

Hotels." The Station," "King's Arms," "Hotel Dalblair," "Queen's," and "Ayr Arms."

BADACHRO HARBOUR, Loch Gairloch, Rosshire. Lat. 57° 40' N; long. 5° 42′ W. A

fish-curing station, having a sheltered little basin, much frequented by small craft. Has telegraph communication. D, at entrance 5 fms. No charge loading or unloading. Authority, A. Mackenzie, Dry Island, Gairloch.

BAGILLT, Flintshire (see Chester). Lat. 53° 17′ N; long. 3° 12' W. Ry. L. & N. W. Auth. Owners, Walkers, Parker &Co. Ld. THW. f. and c. 11h 58m. W. prev. SW. and NE. There is about 2ft at LW., and 13ft 3in at HWST. Used principally by Messrs. Walker's vessels; steam cranes and goods wharves.

Charges. Various, from 4d per ton. BALBRIGGAN, Co. Dublin (see Dublin). Lat. 53° 36′ 45′′ N ; long. 6° 10' 40" W. Ry. G.N. (I.) Auth. Dublin Port and Docks Board, under Act 30, Vict., c. 23, and the Piers and Harbours Confirmation Act, 1867. THW. f. and c. 10h 40m. Harbour dries at LW. D. at HWST. 1oft. Used principally by vessels drawing up to 8ft. Quayage 684yds. Tr.Muslin, embroidery, and hosiery, fisheries, &c.


Charges.-6d per ton on vessels. Ballast 1/ per ton, gas light per ton.

Officials.-Sec., N. Proud; Harb. Master, Thos. Knight; Lloyd's Agent, T. Neill.

BALCARRY (Auchencairn). A sheltered anchorage and lifeboat station on the Solway Firth.

mouth of bay. Auth. W. McEwen, Hon. Sec.

D. ST. 22ft

BALLANTRAE, Ayrshire, at the mouth of the Stinchar. Lat. 55° 7' N; long. 5° 2' W. Pop. 600. Posttown, Girvan. A small harb., dry at LW., with stone pier, having D. of 8ft HWST. THW. f. and c. 11h 28m.

BALLINA, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Situated at the mouth of the Moy, Killala Bay. Lat. 54° 10' N ; long. 9° 15' W; Pop., with its suburb Ardnaree, 5,800. Auth. River Moy Com. missioners, by Statute, 1860. Ry. M.G.W. THW. f. and c. 5h 15m. D. 5ft LWST., and 16ft HWST L.V. 750 tons.

Charges.-Harb. dues. On vessels to or from home ports, a sum not exceeding 6d per ton; on vessels to or from foreign ports, a sum not exceeding 8d per ton.

Pilotage.-2/ per foot in dft for vessels from or for home ports; 3 per foot in dft for vessels from or for foreign ports. Half pilotage for vessels towing outwards.

Officials.-Sec., R. W. Joynt ; Harb. Master, G. H. Hately. BALLINACURRA.-See Cork.


BALLINTOY, Co. Antrim, Ireland. Between Coleraine and Rathlin Island. Lat. 55° 7' N ; long. 6° 30′ W. Nearest Railway Station, Ballycastle. Auth. F. Herdman, Esq., of Lisburn. THW. f. and c. 6h 28m1. Accn. Area about 2,380 sq. yds. Quayage 300ft frontage. LV. Steam lighters of 100 tons. D. on Bar 6ft LWST. and 10ft HWST. Crane power to 2 tons. Charges.-6d per ton on vessels.

Officials.-Gen. Man. and Sec., W. A. Donald; Harb. Master, John MacHendry.

Hotels." Boyd Arms," Ballycastle; "Commercial," Bushmills. BALLYCASTLE, Co. Antrim, Ireland, W. of Fair Head. Lat. 55° 12' N ; long. 6° 15′ W. Pop. 1,500.

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