Sivut kuvina

Auth. H. McGildowney, owner of pier. Accn. Iron pier, 400ft long, having 16ft water alongside LWOST. Springs rise 3ft, neaps 2ft. HW. at pier f. and c. 6h 42m. Steam crane on pier. Tr.I. Coal, slates, manure, &c.; E. Sand, gravel, limestone, kelp, &c. LV. SS. Gardenia, 544 tons. Pier open from March till November. W. Sheitered from E round by S to W.

Charges.-Use of pier by arrangement.

Officials.-H. A. McAlister, Shipping Agent; Lloyd's Agent, J. Byrne.

BÁLLYCOTTON, Co. Cork, Ireland. Lat. 51° 49' N; long. 7° 59′ W. Pop. 350. THW. f. and c.

5h 38m. D. at entrance, and berth, 5fms at HW. 2 fms LW.
Charges. On loading and discharging 3d per ton.
Auth. Thomas Nevill, Harb. Master.

BALLYCROVANE, Harb. in Kenmare Bay, Co. Kerry, Ireland. An anchorage in about 4 fms.

BALLYSHANNON, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Lat. 54° 31' N ; long. 8° 2' W. At the mouth of the Erne. Tr. I. Timber, coal, iron, salt, slates, maize, flour, fire clay, bricks, bran. E. Native timber. THW. 5h 18m. D. on bar 3ft LWST., and 6ft LWNT.; 13ft HWST., and 10ft HWNT. Channel is about 110 to 150 yds wide, with depth of about 12ft, except near the bar; and 18 to 20ft at wharves, LW. Auth.. Harb. Commrs., under Act, 1886. En. occasionally difficult, but undergoing improvements.

Charges. On vessels, 2d per ton reg. ; on cargo, 3d to 4d per ton. If cargo outwards 2d per ton on the reg. ton is also charged. If vessel takes ballast out (in limestone or sand), id per ton is charged on the number of tons she takes. If vessel proceeds to sea empty no charge. Cost of discharging cargo is from 2d to 24d. per ton. Pilotage. Coasters 2/6 in, 2/ out, per foot dft.; foreign 3/6 in, 3/ out, per foot dft.

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Official.-Sec. to Harb. Commrs., Edward Lynch. Hotels. The Imperial," "Temperance."


66 'Commercial,' Kailway," and

Ireland. Lat. 54° 18 N; long. 8° 25' W. A small port on the coast of

Connaught, with secure anchorage for two or three small vessels in Porthcurry Pool in 13ft LW. harb. authority.

BALMERINO, Fifeshire.

THW. f. and c. 6h 35m. No

River Tay. Lat. 56° 25' N ; long. 32' W. Pop. 800. Auth. Owner, Hon. Morton Gray Stuart, Kinfauns Castle. Rys. N.B. THW. f. and c. 2h 44m. There is a stone pier, 120ft long, connected with a timber jetty, with about 1oft at HWST. alongside. D. Dry at LW. BALTIMORE, Co. Cork, Ireland. Lat. 51° 27' N; long. 9° 16' W; about 5m NE. from Cape Clear. Pop. 150. Auth. Harbour Commrs., under Baltimore and Skibbereen Harbour Order, 1884. THW. f. and c. 4h 23m. anchorage for vessels drawing up to 18ft. In the reign of Charles I., 1631, this town was plundered by Algerine pirates, who carried above 200 of the inhabitants into slavery.

Official -Harb. Constable, J. Brown.


BAMBOROUGH, Northumberland, 15m SE. from Berwick-on-Tweed. Coastguard station.

BANDON QUAY (see Kinsale), Co. Cork, Ireland.


51° 44' N; long 8° 43′ W. Situated 7 miles from the mouth of the Bandon River. Ry. Cork, Bandon & South Coast Ry. Auth. Kinsale Harb. Commissioners, by Kinsale Harb. Orders, 1870 and 1874. THW. f. and c. 5h 18m. D. alongside quay 8 HWST., on bar 13ft LWST.; Sp. rise 12ft. and N. roft. Vessels have often to wait many days to discharge and load at the above-named quay, but can discharge at the New Pier at Kinsale at all times. Tr.-I. Coal, corn. timber, and salt; E. Corn. timber, and pitwood. W. prev. SW. LV. 200 tons. Charges. On vessels id per ton reg. Officials. Sec., R. A. Hegarty; Harb. Master, E. Barrett. Hotel.-"Barrett's Restaurant.'

BANFF, Banffshire. Lat. 57° 42′ N; long. 2° 31′ W. Pop. about 4,co3. Auth. Harb Trust, under Act of Parliament, 3 and 4 Vict., c. 114, and Banff Harb. Order, 1895. P. NC. THW. f. and c. oh 28m ; Sp. rise 101⁄2ft ; N. 8ft ; R. of N. 55ft. W. prev. W., most dangerous from NW. to NE. Ry. G.N. (S.) Tr.-I. Coal, timber, iron, stones, and general goods; E. Timber, corn, herrings, &c. The outer entrance has a width of 45ft. LV. It is supposed the LV. that ever entered at any time of tide was a light steamer of about 500 tons gross reg. No vessel can enter at LW. of ST. except at times a few boats. The harb. consists of an inner and outer basin; the area within the walls is about 4 acres. There is entire safety in the inner basin, 500ft by 230ft, with 1,6coft of quayage; but in LT. loaded vessels can only enter outer basin, 290ft by 190ft, where they discharge part carge. At NT. vessels drawing not more than 10ft can enter outer basin, and at ST. 13 ft. or about, according to direction of W. and state of sand; and vessels can enter inner basin at NT.. drawing 84ft, and at ST. Iolft, varying as before mentioned. Morton's Patent Slipway is Soft long by 27ft wide. H. of T. ST. 12ft to 16ft; N. 10ft to 13ft. Crane, and other accommodation.

Charges.-Harb. dues inwards and outwards 14d reg ton each way. Water and pier lights about Id reg. ton. Berthing dues I/ to 2/6. Plankage 6d for each plank.

Pilotage. No recognised pilots, but men who act as such. Rates. 4d per ton in and out.

Towage.-Boat with kedge and warp 5/ per vessel.

Officials. Clerk to Harb. Trust., Geo. Shearer, F.S.A.A.; Harb. and Shore Master and Berthing Master, Captain James Dockar; Lloyd's Agent, J. W. Simpson.

BANGOR, Carnarvonshire. Lat. 53° 13' N; long. 4° 8' W. Pop. about 12,000. Ry. L. & N.W. THW. f. and c. 9h 38m. D. 17ft HWST., and 11ft HWNT. Accn. Tidal basin 320ft long by 5oft, with 690ft of quayage. There is about 500ft quayage outside tidal basin. Tr.-Exporting Penrhyn slates. Charges.-Under 50 tons burden or dead weight to 100 tons and upwards, 2/ per vessel.

Official. Lord Penrhyn's Agent, E. A. Young.

BANGOR, Co. Down, Ireland. Lat. 54° 39′ N; long. 5° 40′ W. Pop. 5,100. Ry. B.B.II. Auth. Owner, R. E. Ward, Bangor Castle, Co. Down. Tr.-I. Coals and limestone; E. Timber and bricks. THW. f. and c. 11h 8m. There is no bar. Accn. consisted of 7 berths for vessels up to 140

tons besides berths for smaller vessels. New promenade pier, length 920ft, berths for four steamers. D. at end HWST. 24ft, LWNT. 17ft. A pier has also been constructed and the old pier enlarged by J. Neill, with coal sheds and crane. Harb. dries at LW. D. 17ft HWST. The depth is being greatly increased. There is a pier and landing stage for steamers plying to Belfast, with crane, use 3d per ton.

Charges.-3d per ton on vessels, deals 1/ per standard, timber of all kinds, except deals, 3d per load; flour and meal 2d per 280lb, potatoes 3d per ton, coals 3d per ton, bricks 9d per 1,000; slates 3d per 1,000, iron 4d per ton, lead and all other ores 1 per ton, rock salt 3d per ton, tiles 6d per 1,000, light goods 2d per barrel bulk, heavy goods 8d per ton, oils 3d per 36 gals, machinery 2d per cwt. Passenger steamers d per ton or 100 a year. Pier lights, d. per ton reg.

Officials.-Hon. Somerset Ward, Bangor Estate Office, Downpatrick; Harb. Master, J. Tregaskis; Pier Master, H. Palfrey.

BANNOW, Co. Wexford, near the submerged town of Bannow. There is a little shipping business here in connection with the Land Reclamation works, but no harbour. D. 15ft HWST., 10ft HWNT.

BANTRY, Co. Cork, Ireland. Lat. 50° 40' N; long. 9° 45' W. E. coast of Bantry Bay. Ry. West Cork Ry. THW. f. and c. 3h 47m. There is no harb. authority. Bantry Bay, 21m long by 4m to 6m wide, includes Bantry and Glengariffe harbs., and Berehaven, and affords security and anchorage to the largest vessels. Other harbs. in this bay—Ádrigole and Castletown -offer suitable accommodation for smaller vessels. Rise of tide, 1oft ST., 7ft NT. Two piers--old pier and railway pier-12ft to 16ft ST. Old pier drys at low water NT.

Charges.- 3d per ton pier toll. No port charges.

Official.-Harb. Constable, Lewis W. Trust.

BARKING, Essex. On a creek of the Rothing, River Thames. Ry. L.T. & S. Small trade in timber and fish.


BARLOCHAN.-See Dumfries and Palnackie.

BARMOUTH, Merionethshire. Lat. 52° 40' N ; long. 4° 5' W; Ry. Cam. Pop. 3,000. Auth. Harb. Board, under Statute Geo. III., 1796. A small tidal harb., with about 410ft of quayage. D. 14ft HWST. At quay, NT. 8ft. THW. f.

and c. 7h 41m.

Officials.-Treasurer, Rhys Jones; Secretary, Owen Jones; Harb. Master, John Lewis.

BARNPOOL, Plymouth. Berthage for ships of the Royal Navy. BARNSTAPLE, Devonshire. On the river Taw, 34m NW. of Exeter. Lat. 51° 7' N; long 4° 4' W. Pop. 12,400. Auth. Town Council of Barnstaple, and Rollesquay, Hon. Mark Rolle. P. NC. THW. 6h 28m; Sp. rise 10ft; N. rise 5ft. D. on bar generally 4ft LWST. in harb., ST. 10ft to

14ft; NT. 5ft. W. prev. SW. to NW., chiefly the latter. Rys. G.W. (Devon and Som. and L. & S. W. Tr.-I. Coal, manure, oil-cake, grain, timber, &c. ; E. Clay, timber, pitwood, flour, &c. LV. 130 tons burthen (coaster). Accn. Barnstaple Quay, depth 1oft Av. ST. One crane. Area of great quay, for vessels, below bridge 1,800ft, and above bridge, for barges and boats, 2,000ft; dry docks at Appledore, the New Quay Dock, and Richmond Dock. A good patent slipway, and shipbuilding yard.

Pilotage.-District not defined. Rates. By agreement.
Towage.-4d reg. ton.

Officials. Town Clerk, J. Bosson; Agent to Rolle Estate, E. Chamier, Torrington, N. Devon; Harb. Master, Capt. Richard Bament; Coll. of H.M. Cust., A. McWilliams.

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Hotels.-"Royal and "Fortescue," Mrs. M. H. Toller; "Golden Lion,' Mr. Lindsley; "Imperial," C. A. Youngs; "Trevelyan" (Temperance), Mrs. J. S. Keirle; Arms," W. Tarr; "Victoria' (Temperance), Mr. Chanter. BARROW-IN-FURNESS, Lancashire. On the Walney Channel, 24m above Piel Harb.


54° 3′ 30′′ N; long. 3° 10' W. Pop. 60,000. Auth. Furness Ry. Co., under Furness Co.'s Acts of Parliament. P. C. From foreign ports. THW. Bar, f. and c. 10h 54m; Sp. rise 284ft; Neap 14ft. D. on bar OST. 314ft, and 40ft in cut deepened through bar; NT. 24ft and 24ft 9in. W. prev. W. and SW. Ry. F. Tr.-I. General merchandise, iron ore, grain, timber, petroleum, &c.; E. Iron ore, pig iron, steel rails and general merchandise. LV. at any time, H.M.S. Powerful, 14,200 tons displacement, City of Rome, 8,450 tons, Docks -Devonshire, Buccleuch, and Ramsden. A depth of 24ft is maintained in Ramsden Dock, falling sometimes to 22ft on NT. Ramsden Dock lock has an area of 2 acres, and the tidal basin 8 acres, with entrances 100ft wide in each case. D. on sill 314ft HWOST. and 24ft NT. Accn. Excellent warehouse and every requisite for a large trade. Foreign animals wharf, chill rooms, and quayage space about 5m in length. Cranes from 1 to 120 tons. Parts of graving docks, &c. :

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The Depositing Dock is capable of lifting ships of 3,000 tons weight in about 30 minutes, and is provided with two gridirons for the depositing of vessels, available for 16ft draft. By means of this dock a ship can be raised, cleaned, painted, and lowered again into the water in 24 hours.

Charges.-Dock dues from 3d to 1/ reg. ton. Harb. dues (payable by vessels entering within the limits of the harb. but not going into dock) from 11⁄2d to 1/ reg. ton. For every vessel entering or leaving the harb. or docks without delivering or loading a cargo, half of the above rates are charged. Tolls on passengers Id.

each. Dock rates on goods and cattle Id to 1/. Rates for loading cargoes 24d to 1/6. Rates for discharging cargoes 6d to 1/6. Wharfage on quays.

Pilotage.—District. From sea (that is, Morecambe Bay Lightship) into and out of the harb. and along the coast from Formby Point to Haverigg Point of Duddon. Rates on vessels employed in the oversea trade :

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From within lines from Morecambe Bay Lightship to Formby Point and Haverigg Point respectively! to the Docks at Barrow, and vice verså

From within lines from Morecambe Bay Lightship to Formby Point and Haverigg Point respectively to the Anchorage at Piel or the Wyre Lighthouse, and vice versa. From within a line with Black Comb, bearing NNE., and outside Hilpsford Buoy to the Docks at Barrow, and vice versa

From within a line with Black Comb, bearing NNE., and outside Hilpsford Buoy to the Anchorage at Piel or the Wyre Lighthouse, and vice versa

From Hilpsford Buoy, or within the same, to the Docks at Barrow, and vice versa

From Hilpsford Buoy, or within the
same, to the Anchorage at Piel,
and vice verså

From within Piel Anchorage to the
Docks at Barrow, and vice versâ..
From Wyre Lighthouse to the Docks
at Barrow, and vice versa..
From Wyre Lighthouse to the An-
chorage at Piel, and vice verså

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And for every additional 500 tons or part thereof, 5 per cent. of the rates for 1,000 tons. On vessels employed in the coasting trade one-half of these rates. Additional rate, for intermediate portions of a foot dft., as follows, viz.:-For 3 inches and under, no addition; for more than 3 inches and under 9 inches, the medium between the two rates; for 9 inches and upwards, the rate for the next foot. For transporting ships from one berth to another within harb. 10/6, which is the minimum rate. If a master employ a pilot whilst at anchor, the lay days to be 7/6 per day. NOTE. The several pilotage rates herein specified are subject to a reduction of one-fourth part, in respect of vessels propelled by steam and vessels towed by steam vessels, provided that if any such vessel shall be propelled by steam, or towed by a steam vessel for a part only of the distance for which any such rate may be payable, the reduction of one-fourth shall be made on such part only of the said rate as shall be proportionate to the distance so propelled or towed. If a Barrow pilot be taken to Wyre Light or Fleetwood, he shall be entitled to receive in addition to his pilotage 21 shillings, 21/ for travelling expenses home.

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