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day or night, throughout the year. Vessels of 30ft dft, and of any tonnage can proceed from sea up to Kingroad anchorage within one mile from dock gates at any time of the day or tide. For despatch in discharging grain and general cargo at low rates this dock claims to have no equal in Great Britain. Warehouse Accn. The sheds have a floor space of about 17 acres ; two large granaries capable of storing 40,000 and 75,000 quarters of grain, respectively. Accommodation for 2,000 animals, and chill rooms capable of accommodating 210 carcases. Cold stores for provisions, &c., of 110,000 cub. ft capacity, capable of storing 40,000 packages.

Royal Edward Dock in course of construction of 30 acres water area, an entrance 850ft long by 100ft wide; and a graving dock 85oft long.

The Portishead Dock is 1,800ft long, 300ft wide, and has an area of 12 acres. It has a large granary, fitted with elevators, and capable of storing 60,000 quarters. Depth of water on sill 34ft at mean ST., and 24ft at mean NT. Length of wharfage 600yds. It is entered from Kingroad by a lock 444ft long and 66ft wide. The dock is well situated under the shelter of the Portishead Hills, and is accessible from Kingroad, where there is an excellent anchorage; steamers enter direct from the deep fairway without tugs. Extensive shed accn. alongside quay; storage capacity for grain about 180,000 quarters. A wharf and stacking ground has just been erected, fitted with the most modern appliances for handling timber.

Charges.-Dues on shipping entering the port vary from 1 to 1/14 at the Bristol Docks, and 1d to 1/4 at Avonmouth and Portishead Docks. Rates on goods imported. No dues on exports. Labour charges and rent on goods imported very moderate Stevedoring and all labourage on cargo undertaken by the Docks Committee at charges varying according to the nature of the cargo. Lying up dues. For every sea-going vessel which shall remain in the docks for any period exceeding one lunar month after entering the same, id per reg. ton per week to the expiration of the second Junar month, and 2d per reg. ton per week at Bristol and Avonmouth Docks, and id per reg. ton per week at Portishead Dock, for every week after the expiration of such second month, until further notice.

Towage.-Sailing Vessel, per ton reg. :-Holmes to Avonmouth Docks, 5d; to Portishead Docks, 5d; to Bristol Docks, 7d. Kingroad to Avonmouth Docks, 3d; to Portishead Docks, 3d; to Bristol Docks, 5d. Avonmouth to Kingroad or Portishead, 3d; to Cardiff, 6d; to Newport, 6d; to Penarth, 6d; to Holms, 5d. Portishead to Kingroad, 3d; to Cardiff, 6d; to Newport, 6d; to Tenarth, 6d; to Holms, 5d. Bristol to Avonmouth, 4d; to Portishead, 4d; to Kingroad, 4d; to Newport, 8d; to Penarth, 6d; to Cardiff, 8d; to Holms, 6d.

Sailing vessels over 700 tons and not exceeding 1,300 tons, to and from Bristol and Kingroad, are entitled to a second tug without extra charge, and if over 1,300 tons, to a third tug without extra charge. Sailing vessels over 800 tons register, to and from Avonmouth or Portishead Docks, are entitled to a second tug without extra charge. Steamers Kingroad to Avonmouth or Portishead when required, by agreement. Kingroad to Bristol when required, ad per ton; charge for one tug not to exceed £14. Bristol to Kingroad when required, 3d per ton; charge for one tug not to exceed 10. For each additional tug required, up or down the river, £5.

Pilotage.-District. Defined by the Wharfage

Act of Ist

August, 1807, 47 Geo. III. c. 33, to be to the East of Lundy Island ; and under Pilotage Provisional Orders (No. 1), 54 and 55 Vict. of 1890, Compulsory Pilotage District restricted to Eastward of Holmes.

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above 2,000.0 3 30 3 Officials.-Sec. and Gen. Man., F. B. Girdlestone; Assistant General Manager, A. Harvey; Engineer, W. W. Squire, C.E.; Chief Assistant Engineer, T. A. Peace, C.E. City Docks: Water Bailiff and Quay Warden, Capt. J. Turner; Traffic Man. and Supt. of Warehouses, J. Macnab; Dock Master (Cumberland Basin), Capt. C. F. Hart; Deputy do., Capt. W. Cooke; Dock Master (Bathurst Basin), G. W. Gilmore. Avonmouth Docks: Traffic Man., J. Robson; Dock Master, Capt. E. W. Harvey; Lloyd's Agent, Francis Barnard. Portishead Dock: Traffic Man., H. Barrington, Dock Master, Capt. A. Sendell; Coll. of H.M. Customs, H. C. Mannets; Lloyd's Agent, F. H. C. Barnard. "Clifton

30 2 60 3 00 4 00 560 6 6

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Hotels. Royal," College Green, Mrs. Rogers; Down," A. Mellor; "Grosvenor," Mrs. Stockham; "Colston,' The Manageress; and "St. Vincent Rocks," The Manageress; at Avonmouth, "Royal."

BRITON FERRY.-See Neath. BRIXHAM, Devonshire. Lat. 50° 24' N ; long. 3° 30′ W. On W. side of Torbay. Ry. Gt. Western. Auth. Brixham Urban Council under Act of 1896 THW. f. and c. 6h 14m. There are no docks, but a breakwater is in course of construction. When completed the harb. will have an area of 145 acres with D. from 6 to 24ft.

Officials.-Clerk, J. L. Arlidge; Harb. Master, J. W. Wheaton; Lloyd's Agents, W. G. Kendrick & Son.

BROADSTAIRS, Kent. Lat. 51° 21' N; long. 1° 22′ W. Isle of Thanet. Town and population

rapidly increasing. Pop. 5,266. Auth. Pier and Harb. Commrs., acting under Statutes 31 and 45 Geo. III. c. 86 and 102. THW. f. and c. 11h 38m. W. prev. N. Area of harb. about 1 acres. No vessels can enter at LW., but ships of 120 tons enter HW. D. HWST. 9ft to 11ft. Wooden pier. Has considerable trade in filtering sand. Cranage up to 2 tons.

Charge.-1/6 per ton on coal.

Pilotage.-Acccording to agreement.

Officials. Clerk, H. Bertram Langham; Harb. Mast., Jethro Pettit.

Hotels. -"Grand," " Albion,' ‚” “Balmoral,” and “Railway." BRORA, Sutherlandshire. Lat. 58 o' N; long. 4° 7′ W. N. of Dornoch Firth. Auth. Owner, the Duke of Sutherland. THW. f. and c. 11h 38m. Used by coasters of up to about 70 tons. There are no dues.

Official.-Factor, D. McLean, Esq., Goldspie.

BROUGHTY FERRY.-See Dundee. Pier with 10ft D. at end LW. A lifeboat station. Rys. Cal. and N. B. BRUCEHAVEN, Linlithgow. Sub-port of Grangemouth. D. HWST. 1oft; HWNT. 6ft. BRUCEHAVEN, Fifeshire. Slip for vessels to 350 tons. BRUCKLESS, Donegal, Ireland. A small pier belonging to the Grand Jury of Co. Donegal. HW. at pier head, 13ft. Dry at LW. Can only berth one smack at a time. Official.-F. Gahan, Esq., C. E., County Surveyor, Donegal. BRUICHLADDICH PIER, Argyllshire, Isle of Islay, Loch Indaal. Owner, C. Morrison, Islay. Time of HW. same as Bowmore. Range of S.T. 1oft to 16ft. Dues 1d. per ton.

Official. John Laughton, Factor, Eallabus, Islay.
BRYERS.-See Scilly.

BUCKHAVEN, Fifeshire. Lat. 56° 10' N ; long. 3° 1' 44" W. 5 miles from Dysart. No harb. auth.

f. and c. 2h 33m.


BUCKIE (Cluny Harb.). Lat. 57° 40' N; long. 3° 1 W. Auth. The Trustees of the late John Gordon, Esq., of Cluny. THW. f. and c. 12h 43m. W. of E. 37ft; most

dangerous NW. to NE. Area of harb. 7 acres. D. 15ft to 17ft at HWST., and 13ft to 15ft HWNT. D. of entrance at LWST. 7 ft. No tugs. Tr.-I. coals and salt. E. herrings, potatoes, and grain. Charges. Harbour dues, 8d per ton foreign, 6d England, 4d Scotland.

Officials. Harb, Master, Jas. Melville; Harb. Treasurer, John Macdonald.

Lat. 57

Hotel. The "Cluny." BUCKPOOL, Banffshire, about a quarter of a mile from Cluny Harb. Situated on the river Buckie. 40' N; long. 3° 0' W. Auth. Commissioners under Buckpool Harbour Order, 1893. THW. f. and c. 12h 43m. W. most dangerous NE. Area of harb. about 2 acres. D. 9 to 11ft at HWST., and 7 to 9ft at IWNT. Entrance nearly dry at LW. Used principally by fishing boats.

Charges.-Loading or discharging, 3d per reg. ton; herrings, 2d per 37 gallons.

Official.-A. B. Hendry, Solicitor, Clerk to Commrs., Buckie.

BUDE, Cornwall. Two miles NW. of Stratton. Lat. 50° 49′ N ; 4° 32' W. Auth. Stratton and Bude District Council. THW. f. and c. 6h 3m. Mean ST. 12ft below gauge, range ST. 23 to 24ft. D. at entrance 9ft 6in; at quays 8ft. Quayage in the canal of about 500ft frontage with D. 1oft HW. Crane. No entrance except at HW. A lifeboat station.

Officials.-Harb. Mast., Thos. Found; Clerk, R. A. Foster


BUDLE CREEK.-See Warrewater.

BUNAW HARBOUR (in Kilmakilogue Bay).—See Kenmare Bay. There is a pier at this place in 12ft at HW. BURGHEAD, Elgin, Scotland. Lat. 57° 43′ N; long. 3° 20' W. Auth. Owner, Hugh William Young, under the Burghead Harb. Act, 1858, and Burghead Harb. Order, 1881. THW. f. and c. 11h 45m. W. prev. W., most dangerous NE. Tr.I. Coals, grain, oilcake, manures, timber, pyrites of copper, and general merchandise. E. Grain, pitch, timber, stones and herrings. D. at entrance 7ft. Quay, &c.: LWST. 12 to 13ft; HWST. 14 to 15ft. There is a shifting sand bar. LV. steamer 817 tons. Burghead affords great facilities for despatching steamers, having railway accommodation all round the quays. Crane always lying at quays in readiness for discharging vessels.

Pilotage (compulsory).—3d per reg. ton under 100 tons, 2d over that on all steamers and sailing vessels loading or discharging or windbound.

Charges. 6d to 8d per ton reg. on vessels loading or discharging coastwise, 3d per ton reg. on windbound vessels.

Officials. Grigor and Young, Solicitors, Elgin; Harb. Mast., Capt. A. Taylor; Collector, John Graham.

Broker. William Adam.

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BURNHAM, Somerset. (See Bridgwater.) Lat. 51° 15' N long. 3° 0' W. A landing place, dry at LW., leased by the M. and L. and S. W. Ry. Comps. since 1875 under the Burnham Tidal Harbour Act. Harb. dues, see Bridgwater. Pier dues abolished; goods landed at Highbridge Wharf.

Officials. -William Clower (M. R., Derby), G. Knight (L. & S.W.R., Waterloo Station, London), Joint Secretaries; Geo. H. Eyre, Traffic Superintendent, Ba'h; J. Jobson, Harb. Master. BURNHAM OVERY, Norfolk. A creek of port of Wells. D. on bar 12ft HWST., 6ft HWNT. BURNMOUTH, Berwickshire. About 5 miles N. of Berwick. Auth. Harbour Trustees under the Burn

mouth Harbour Order, 1894. BURNTISLAND, Firth of Forth. Lat. 56° 3' N ; long. 3°14′ W. Póp. 5,000. Auth. Harbour Commissioners, under Acts, 1881 and 1895, appointed three by the Town Council and six by the N.B. Ry. Co. THW. 2h 24m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise 12 ft. W. prev. SW. and W.; most dangerous SE. and S. P. NC. Ry. N.B. Tr.-I. General; E. principally coal. Vessels cannot enter harb. or dock at LWST. Accn. The harb. is easy of access, and has a good roadstead in front of the tidal harbour; has an area of 20 acres, enclosed by piers, with an entrance between outer piers of 250ft wide; and between inner piers of 125ft wide, facing south. D. between outer entrance piers 15ft, between inner entrance 8ft. LWST., and over rest of harb. dry. There is a wet

dock of 5 acres (opened in 1875); entrance 39ft 6in wide; depth 22ft 6in over sill at ST; about 1,900ft of quayage. Appliances for shipment of coal-three hydraulic hoists, and two 2-ton lifting cranes. East Dock, opened 1901, 11 acres, entrance 60ft wide. D. HWOST. 28 ft. Appliances for shipment of coal. Hydraulic hoists with a lift of 40ft; also hydraulie crane for imports. Electric light in both docks. LV. 2,237 tons. Ample accommodation has been provided for vessels up to between 5,000 and 6,000 tons burthen. Charges. Harb. rates from Id to 4d per ton. Light dues d per ton. Ballast 1/ per ton in dock, 9d in tidal harbour. Rates on vessels using dock: Coastwise 4d, foreign 4d to 6d per ton reg. Steamers -coastwise 5d, foreign 6d per ton reg. Pilotage. NC.-Rates (inwards and outwards) :

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2000 tons and upwards 2

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Towage.-Inwards, roads to dock, 2d per reg ton; outwards, dock to roads, 1d. From Leith to Burntisland, 60 tons and under £1 15s, and 5s for every additional 20 tons.

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Officials.-Town Clerk and Clerk to Harbour Commrs., T. A. Wallace; Harb. Eng., James Bell; Harb. Master, Thomas L. Galloway; Coll. of H.M. Cust., C. L. Lord; Harb. Dues Coll., J. Isles; Lloyd's Agent, W. Erskine; Stevedore, H. Addison. Hotels. Forth," "George," BURRY PORT, Carmarthenshire. Lat. 51° 40' N; long. 4° 15' W. Auth. Burry Port & Gwendreath Valley Ry., under Acts of Parliament. THW. f. and c. 6h 8m. Accn. Tidal harb. 15 acres in area. En. 220ft wide. D. on sill 22ft HWST., and 14ft at HWNT. Dock 392lt by 153ft, with entrance 45ft wide, and quayage of about 250ft. There are ballast cranes delivering 30 tons per hour, and staiths, each capable of lifting 150 tons of coal per hour. Cranes up to 3 tons. A life-boat station.

Floating Docks.-Gates 45ft; D. on sill 22ft at HWST. and 14ft at HWNT.

Charges. -Vessels seeking shelter or freight in outer harb. free, in inner harb. 2d per ton. Vessels discharging and loading 3d per ton, or discharging or loading only 2d per ton.

Towage. From port to sea, or from sea to port:-Under 150 tons register 40 per ton, 150 and under 200 44d, 200 and under 250 5d, 250 and under 300 54d, 300 and upwards 6d. If under 125 tons, pilotage reduced 10 per cent.

Officials.-Harb. Master and General Manager, Arthur Morgan; Coll. of Harb. Dues, Edward Evans; P.C.O., W. Creech. Hotels." Neptune,' Gwendraeth,' 'Cambrian,' "Harbour

View," &c.

79 66


BURTONPORT, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Lat. 55° N; long. 8° 45' W. Auth. Grand Jury, Co. Donegal. Accn. Area 12,000 sq yds. D. Dry at LWOST., 15ft at HWOST.

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