Sivut kuvina

Inner harb. 464 acres, depth 40ft maximum; outer harb. 1,400 acres, depth 60ft maximum. Length of quayage (with depth 20 to 26ft alongside) 8,865ft; new jetty (Quai K) 1,586ft (depth 224ft with pontoons 25ft) can be reached by vessels drawing up to 25ft; with depth of 12 to 15ft, 2,735ft, can be reached by vessels drawing up to 14ft. Depth in new channel (Boghas) at dead LW. 30ft; width 300ft. Three cranes to lift from 3 to 6 tons each; two floating shears to lift 5 and 20 tons respectively. A floating crane to lift 40 tons is under construction. Six coal dischargers capable of unloading from one ship 1,500 tons in ten hours. The anchorage is good in both inner and outer harbs. No tides. There is provision at the port for the storage of petroleum. The harb. is being extended. Charges. Tonnage dues: Cargo, entering or clearing, 14 piastre tariff (3·69d) per ton; in ballast 30 paras (1·85d) per ton; water, 1/ per ton in ship's casks; labour, 2/ per day; ballast, 2/6 per ton. Pilotage. The pilotage is fixed at 32/, a reduction of 1/6th being made in favour of the mail-boats. Towage. On a vessel of 338 reg. tons, coals in, drawing 15ft, cotton seed out, 14}ft: towage to berth 2. Officials. Controller-General of the Port, Admiral Blomfield, R.N.; H.B.M.'s Consul, E. B. Gould; Vice-Consul, F. G. Freeman.

ALEXANDRIA, U.S. Lat. 38° 49′ N; long. 77° 18′ W. Pop. about 16,000. Accn. Vessels of 20ft dft. can safely go into port. There are six wharves varying from 150ft to 200ft, with from 20 to 22ft of water alongside.

ALFAQUES, Spain. Lat. 10' 45' N.; long. o 37′ E. Tr.Export of silt. Accn. Fine natural port, with always sufficient water for vessels of 23-24ft draught. Charges. Total expenses of steamers loading salt, including dues, port charges, clearance, and loading, do not exceed 7d. per ton of salt loaded.

ALGHERO, Italy. Lat. 40° 32′ 47′′ N; long. 8° 15′ 49′′ E. Pop. 10, 100. Good anchorage in summer in 8 to 10 fms, about a mile from town. 4 fms about 5 cable-lengths off. Exposed to winds from S. and S. W. Tr.-E. Wine, butter. cheese, wool, skins, tobacco, rags, anchovies, coral, and bones. ALGIERS, Africa. Lat. 36° 47′ 20′′ N long. 3° 4′32′′ E. Pop. 97.460. Tr.-I. Wine, coal, lumber, machinery, breadstuffs, sugar, manufactured goods, &c.; E. Wine, hides, olive oil, fruit, vegetebles, wool, tobacco, tan-bark, &c. An important coaling station, Accn. Artificial harbour: water area, 235 acres; North Jetty (ENE.), 2,7coft; East Jetty (N. & S.), 1,650ft; South Jetty (SE.), 2,400ft; quays,_18,000 sq. yds; open quays, 9,000 sq. yds. Average D. at En., 72 to 108ft; depth in port, 36 to 66ft; depth at quayside, 18 to 21ft. 6 cranes on quay to lift up to 15 tons each; 3 floating derricks to lift 25 to 30 tons; numerous flat deck lighters. Port sheltered from all winds. A new port is being created in L'Agha Bay. A mole of 2,500ft is being projected S. E. from the Fort du Conde, enclosing an area of about 2,500ft square, with new entrance at South, as well as the old Northern one, Extensive quayage with 28ft min. depth. Two Government dry docks available for merchant vessels, one 455ft long, 86ft wide, depth on sill 27ft, the other 268ft by 73ft, on sill 18ft. Three 20-ton shears. Charges. Local dues, 20c per ton loaded or discharged; Health dues, IOC

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per reg. ton. when steamer comes from European port, 20c when from Extra-European port; Quay dues, when quantity discharged does not exceed one-teath of steamer's reg. ton., 5c; not exceeding one-fourth, 125c; not exceeding one-half, 25c; over one-half, 50c. This tax is levied on steamers loading only; 1/- per ton for discharging vessel in addition. Pilotage. 3c per ton net, except for ships calling for bunkers or provisions, which pay 2c. Brokers. Bergeret, Cherfils, Crispo. Officials. Harb. Master, La Salle ; Lloyd's Agent, F. M. Burke, with jurisdiction from Tenes to Philippeville, inclusive; H.B.M.'s Consul General, F. Hay Newton; ViceConsul, F. E. Drummond Hay.

ALGOA BAY (Port Elizabeth), Africa. Lat. 33° 57′ 44′′ S; long. 25° 37′ 16′′ E. Pop. 25,000. Auth. Port Elizabeth Harb. Board. Tr.-I. General; E. Wool, skins, hides, mohair, cotton, linseed, diamonds, gold, horns, ivory, feathers, aloes, maize. Accn. Anchorage (open to SE.) in from 6 to 8 fms, good holding ground, sand over clay. Cargoes principally landed by lighters. Steamers drawing not more than 15ft 6in and not exceeding 300ft in length, and sailing vessels not exceeding 800 reg. tons are sometimes brought alongside the North and South Jetties to be discharged. These two jetties are 1,150 and 1,160ft long respectively, and are equipped with hydraulic cranes of from 2 to 7 tons, and also a 20-ton crane. There is also a shird jetty 840ft long, equipped with hydraulic cranes and ballast hute. This jetty is now being extended a further length of 640ft. There is a patent slip to take vessels up to 400 tons d.w. W. From March to October NW. and W.; from October to March SE. Charges. No shipping dues whatever. Loading or unloading, 2/6 to 4/ per ton at jetty; in roadstead 4/ to 5/ per The higher rates include delivery to or collection from merchants' warehouses in town. Pilotage. N.C. Per tariff.


Brokers. E. Searle & Co.

ALICANTE, Spain. Lat. 38° 21' N ; long. 0° 26' W. Pop. About 48,000. Tr.-I. Coal, iron goods, cercals, manures, petroleum (crude), dried codfish, tobacco, staves, timber, corn, sugar, jute, &c.; E. Wine, lead, esparto, almonds, liquorice root, aniseed, saffron, old railway iron, wine lees, oranges, &c. Accn. Area 526,000 cub. metres. D. at En. 26ft. Vessels drawing 19ft can discharge broadside alongside mole end on 22ft. Cranes 20 tons. Improvements progressing. Charges. Traffic dues per 1,000 kilog. according to class of goods: from Europe, o'50 to 5 pes; to Europe, o'10 to 2'50 pes; from other Continents, 0'50 to 7 pes; to other Continents, o 20 to 5 pes; and an additional 25 per cent. for harbour works. Pilotage. C. In and out 20 to 80 pes, mooring 4 to 15 pes, foreign 2 to 10 pes extra. Officials. H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, Jasper W. Cumming; Captain of Port, Gabriel Leserme. Brokers. Raymundo & Co.

ALKMAAR, Netherlands. Lat. 52° 38' N; long. 4° 45 E. Pop. 14,900. This port is situated on the North Holland Canal, and has a depth of water of 16ft. I. and E. chiefly goods in passage. A special cheese is made here. Much frequented by English pleasure steamers and yachts. Official and Port Auth. H. T. Bolhast.

ALLEPPY, India. Lat. 9° 30' N; long. 76° 20' E. Pop. 30,000. Tr.-I. Salt, kerosine, grain, metals, piece goods; E. Cocoanut oil, matting, timber, turmeric, mats,

copra, coir, ginger, fish, cocoa nuts, flour, coffee, pepper, arrowroot, croton seed, wood, &c. Accn. The anchorage is from 3 to 4 fms, soft mud bottom. There is an iron pier 750ft. long. There are four cranes, two small and two large. Charges. Port dues d ton. Vessels entering and leaving within 7 days without discharging or loading cargo passengers pay only half port dues; those entering in ballast pay three-fourths. Official. The Commercial Agent to the 1 ravancore Government, who is also the Master Attendant of the Port.


ALMERIA, Spain. Lat. 36° 51′ N; long, 2° 32′ W. Pop. About 50,000. Tr.-I. Coal, coke and machinery from England, staves from America, timber from Norway, &c.; E. Minerals (especially iron ores), esparto, and grapes packed in barrels, of which 1,000,000 barrels are exported annually. Accn. The western mole extends already over 2,000 yds, making a safe port, where vessels of all sizes can enter and load. There are 440yds of quayage available for vessels drawing 25ft. D. 8 fms. at entrance. E. mole now completed. In September, October and November discharging is done by lighters. Charges. Loading and discharging, now called transport dues, per ton: Vessels of any nationality, from European, Mediterranean and Atlantic ports (to Mogador), loading or discharging iron ore, slag, or pyrites. o 50 pes, discharging, 10 pes, other minerals, 150 pes each; coals and coke, 0'50 pes; lime, cement, stone, &c. o'50 pes; pig iron, o ̊50, discharging, 20 p s; other goods generally, I'o pes to 50 pes, according to scale. From other ports, non-Spanish, some what more; Spanish coasters, separate scale. Vessels from ports in Europe, &c., as above, o'625 pes per ton of 1,000 kgs; other ports, not Spanish, 125 pes. These are charged when 50 per cent. of the transport dues exceed the mole dues; if it does not, 50 per cent. of the transport dues is charged as mo'e dues. Iron ore pays only 12'50 c. for the mole dues. Rly. to Madrid direct. Pilotage. C, inwards and outwards, each, for vessels over 50 tons; 51 to 100 tons, 9 pes; 101 to 500, 16 pes; 501 to 1,000, 26 pes; 1,001 to 1,500, 35 pes; 1,501 to 2,000, 43 pes; 2,001 to 2,500, 50 pes; 2,501 tons upwards 5 pes for each 500 tons or fraction thereof. Mooring-51 to 100 tons, 5 pes; 101 to 500, 10 pes; 501 to 1,000, 12 pes; 1,001 to 2,000, 15 pes; 2,001 tons upwards 5 pes for each 500 tons or fraction thereof. Officials. Captain of the Port, Don Gabriel R Merban, Commander Spanish Navy; British Vice-Consul, W. M. Lindsay; Health Officer, Don Modesto Lafuente.


Mole aues :

ALTONA, Germany. Lat. 53° 33′ N; long. 9° 58′ E. Pop. 166,536. Accn. Vessels of 24ft dft. can reach the town at all times, and those of 26ft at ST. There are 26 steam cranes and a floating dry dock, capable of lifting vessels of 800 Altona has a free port, and enjoys most of the privileges of Hamburg. Pilotage and Towage. Same as Hamburg. ALVARADO, Mexico. Lat 18° 41′ N; long. 95° 40′ W. Pop. 6,000. Tr.-E. Cedar, mahogany, ustic, and cattle. Accn. Depth at bar at mouth of river Papoalapam 1 miles from town, from 10 to 12ft. Large ships anchor outside bar. Charges. On a vessel of 200 tons, drawing 11ft, £71 os 10d. AMBOINA, Molucca Islands, East Indies. Lat. 3° 41' 10" S; long. 128° 10' 18" E. Pop. 9,000. Tr.Clove harvest in November and December. Accn. A


good and safe anchorage in about 20fms water, about 2 cable-lengths from the shore ; and a pier with 18ft of water at the extremity. An inner harb. almost land-locked, but not considered healthy.

AMOY, China. Lat. 24° 40' N ; long. 118° E. Pop. Amoy City, 100,000. Auth. Harb. Master, under Imperial Maritime Customs. Tr.--I. Cotton and woollen manufactures, metals, opium, stockfish, woods, mangrove, bark, bean cake beans, flour, kerosene oil, rice, wheat, peas, Straits produce, &c.; E. Crockeryware, tea, sugar, sugar-candy, paper, tobacco, grass cloth, alum, gold-leaf, native produce. Frequent and regular communication with Hong-Kong, chiefly for re-export of Formosa tea to America. Accn. The harb. is well sheltered, and can receive vessels of the largest dft. Anchorage on south side in 14 fms, north side in 7 to 8 fms. There is one dry dock, 330ft by 40ft, 1 15-ton and 1 5-ton crane. Amoy is about 16 hours steam from Formosa, and there is frequent and regular com. munication between the ports of Tamsui and Tainan (Anping) and Amoy. Loading and discharging by boats. Charges. Tonnage dues: under 150 tons, I mace (Haiknan tael) per reg. ton; over 150 tons, 4 mace (Haiknan tael). Special charges made by I.M. Customs for working cargo after hours (6 p.m.), and on holidays. Pilotage. Sailers, under 400 tons, any pilotage operations; $10; over, 2cts per reg. ton. Steamers, under 650 tons, $10. over 1c per reg. ton. Steamers not under steam, same as sailers, Officials. H.B.M.'s Consul, R. W. Mansfield, C.M.G; Lloyd's Agents, Boyd & Co.

AMSTERDAM, Holland. Lat. 52° 22′ 17′′ N ; long. 4° 53. 15" E. Pop. 500,000. THW. f. and c. 3h. Tr.-I. Sugar, coffee, petroleum, spices, tobacco, cotton, tea, indigc, cochineal, liquors, wool, grain, rice, seeds, timber, naval stores, hides, coal, manufactured goods, &c. ; E. Produce of Holland and part of her possessions in the East and West Indies, butter, margarine, cheese, liqueurs, moss litter. Accn. A spacious and secure harb. ; the largest ships come close up to the quays and warehouses. Ent. to harb. by North Sea Canal from Ymuiden, the depth of canal and of larger docks being 29ft. The new lock at the entrance to the North Sea Canal at Ymuiden is 738ft in length by 82ft in breadth, with a depth on sill of 31ft. The docks belong to the Municipality. Ample repairing facilities, there being 3 floating dry docks 201ft and 164ft 10in by 62ft 8in by 13ft 2in; also the Koning's Dock, 402ft by 56ft by 18ft; the Koningiune, 401ft 10in by 63ft by 17ft 2in; and the Wilhelmina, 424ft by 95ft by 20ft, Cranes to lift 80 tons and under. Charges. On a sailing ship of 1,000 reg. tons, loaded inward and ballast outward, £90 in summer, 107 in winter; steamer of 1,000 reg. tons do., £41 in summer, £43 in winter. Pilotage. On sailing vessel of 1,000 tons net reg. Inward, loaded, from Dungeness or North Sea 191t, summer £7 12s, ditto winter (October to March) 9 16s 3d. Outwards from Amsterdam to sea, 14ft, summer in ballast £1 158 7d, winter loaded 2 Is, ditto 19ft in ballast, summer £5 10s 8d, winter loaded £6 Is 6d. Towage. On sailing vessel of 1,000 tons net reg. :-Inwards, loaded, sea to Ymuiden £5 75 8d; ditto pierhead to Ymuiden £3 Is 9d; ditto Ymuiden to Amsterdam £6 8s. Outwards --Amsterdam to Ymuiden in ballast £5 2s 3d, loaded £6 8s; Ymuiden to sea


ditto 3 1s 9d, ditto £3 Is 9d; Ymuiden to pierhead ditto L2 98 10d, ditto £2 9s 10d. In consequence of the abolition of the canal dues from Ymuiden to Amsterdam, and vice versa, the charges on shipping have been materially reduced. The owners of tugswills not be responsible for any damage occurring to vessels while in tow of their steamers. Rates. (ex steamer): For loading general cargo, 1/ per ton; discharging general cargo, 10d to 1/ per ton: grain and seeds 41d to 5d per ton; Baltic sawn timber 1/8 deals, 1/10 boards per standard; Baltic baulk timber 1/4 per tult; American baulk timber 2/6 per standard; sugar 7d per ton; rice 44d per ton. Officials. H.B.M.'s Consul, W. C. Robinson; Harb. Master, C. L. G. Kotting.

ANCONA, Italy. Lat. 43° 37′ 42′′ N ; long. 13° 30′ 35′′ E. Pop. About 47,700. Tr.-I. Coal, iron, sugar, fish, and grain, manufactures and jute; E. Cereals, hides, fruit, sulphur and asphalt. Accn. A harb. to receive vessels of large tonnage, drawing 24ft of water upon th of its area, 16ft upon fms, and from 9 to 10ft of water at the remainder. Vessels drawing 17 to 19ft of water may discharge alongside quay or projecting mole. Charges. Disbursements of a vessel of 2,500 tons, about £150. Harb, dues, 1.40 lire per reg. ton. Discharging coals 75 to 85 centimes per ton, other goods or merchandise from 1 to 1.50 lire (10d a ton to the ship's side). Pilotage. From a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 150 lire, according to tonnage. Not compulsory. Mooring 15 lire. Officials. Port Com. and Harb. Master, Giuseppe Alagna; H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, E. A. Kane.

ANGOSTURA, Venezuela. This place is now called Ciudad Bolivar, which see.

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, U.S. Lat. 38° 59' N; long. 76° 29′ W. Pop. 10,000. Seat of Naval Academy. Tr.-Almost wholly confined to Chesapeake Bay. Accn. Vessels drawing 20ft of water can anchor in the river, and those of 15ft dft. can lie alongside the wharves. Annapolis is 28 miles SSE. of Baltimore. No port charges. Towage. See Baltimore. Officials. Collector of Customs, John K. Gladden; DeputyCollector and Inspector, Chas. Ellinghansen.

ANTOFAGASTA, Chili. Lat. 23° 38'S; long. 70° 25' W. Pop. About 16,000. Tr.-I. Coal, machinery, and ll classes of merchandise for Bolivia for which this is port of entry and ransit; E. Nitrate of soda, tin, silver and copper ores, antimony, borate of lime, &c. Accn. The harb. safe to enter and lie in. The anchorage is about 15 to 40 fms of water. The bottom is very uneven and rocky; the shackles of mooring anchors should therefore be well fastened by wooden keys or pins, so as to prevent unshackling by the constant knocking on the bottom. Many vessels have lost their anchors at this port owing to the unshackling of the chain. Discharge effected by means of launches carrying 20 to 35 tons. Discharge 40 to 75 tons per day. The heaviest weights can be landed. Eight cranes 2 to 10 tons each, and derrick up to 25 tons. Charges. Since July, 26, 1904, light dues are charged in Chile, viz., steamers, foreign, in or out, 60c gold (18c=$1) per r.t. Chilian flag, and foreign coasters, one-half; ships in ballast and distress, free; sailers 40c gold. Port dues are light, and no charge for discharging or shipping, except nitrate, where £2 for every 50 tons is paid by the ship for launches. Hospital dues, payable once between

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