Sivut kuvina

can be entered by vessels of 14ft dst at lowest NT., and 17ft to 1Sit at ST., and is supplied with a half-tide dock, fitted to scour the channel, and measuring 524ft long and 263ft broad, and a floating dock 983ft long and 2631t troad, with an average depth of 18ft permitting ships to lie always afloat. 5 steam cranes secure quick dispatch. Rys. Lines of railways on the quays are in direct communication with railway company. LV. 1,400 reg. tons, 2,500 tons d.w. (cargo), 18ft dft. Charges. Harb. dues, If Ioc (or IId) per measured tonnage, cargo in and out ballast; If 200 (or 11d) loaded; If 65c (or 1/4) for ships from other ports than those of the United Kingdom and European possessions, cargo in and ballast out; If 75c (or 1/5), cargo in and out. On a vessel of 200 reg. tons, about £19. Pilotage. The large roadstead is three miles off, rate 2nd ton; to the smaller roads one-fourth less. Steamers pay one-half inwards and two-thirds outwards. Loaded sailing vessels also two-thirds On a brig of 300 reg. tons (carrying 500 tons d.w.), cargo in and ballast out, and also on a steamer of 453 reg. tons (790 tons d.w.), in, brig £3 2s 5d; steamer £2 7s 2d; out, brig I IIS 2d; steamer £11156d. Officials. H.B.M.'s ViceConsul, -; Harb. Master, Capt Bouriche; Commissary of the Navy, Lefauconnier; Lloyd's Sub Agents, Greenhalgh and


TRUXILLO, Honduras. Lat. 15° 54′ N.: long. 86° 02′ W. Pop. 2,500. Tr.-I. Rum, flour, American bread stuffs and dry goods. E. Mahogany, dye-woods, sarsaparilla, hides, cattle and fruits. Accn. Harb. inside C. Honduras, safe in NE. and S. winds, but dangerous during NW. or W. winds. No docks or quays. Charges. Averaged at 4/ ton. Official. H.B.M.'s Consul, A. E. Melhado.

TUNIS, Africa. Lat. 36° 48′ 36′′ N; long. 10° 18' 37" Ε. Pop. About 180,000. Tr.-I. Woollens, coarse German linens, cotton stuffs, hardware, sugar, coffee, spices, tin, plates, gunpowder, lead, alum, dye stuffs, wine, silk, Spanish wool, iron, coals; E. Hides, wax, morocco leather, sponges, coral, dates. corn, olive oil, woollen skull caps, oxen, barley, oil, sponges, tar, Accn. Vessels used to discharge and load in the roadstead in 3 to 5fms, but the channel connecting the town with the sea at Goletta has now been dredged to 21 ft, and is 98ft wide and rokm long. Basin within being enlarged to 1,800 sq. metres, with 21st. Three wharves, 640ft, being contructed. 1,875ft quays available for steamers. Three steam cranes 11⁄2 tons, one 3 tons; floating steam crane, 20 tons. Charges. Harbour dues, 30cts per ton reg. Officials. Proprietors of Port, the Committee des Ports de Tunis, Sousse and Sfax; Port Capt. Ponzevera; H.B.M.'s Consul-General, E. J. L. Berkeley, C.B; Vice-Consul, H. B. Johnstone.

TUTICORIN, India (Madras Pres.). Lat. 8° 47′ 17" N; long. 78° 11′ 10′′ E. Pop. 16,281. Tr.-I. General. E. Cotton, tea, general. Accn. D. at En. and in port 14ft HW. and 12st LWOST.; jetty 60oft long with 7ft D. alongside at HW. and 5ft LWST. One crane to lift 5 tons, and six 1-ton. Charges. Pier, landing, and shipping dues, moderate. Official. Harbour Master, W. S. Carlyon.

TVEDESTRAND, Norway. Lat. 58° 37′ N; long. 8° 56′ Ε. Tr.-I. Coals, coke, and iron; E. Timber,

deals, battens, boards, ice, felspar, and felspar flour. Accn. Sufficient water for all-sized vessels. Commodious quays, with enough water for vessels drawing 20ft. A pilot is necessary to enter. Charges. On a vessel of 400 tons, with cargo, in and out, total expenses £34 7s 6d. Officials. Lloyd's Agents, A. & F. Smith.

TWILLINGATE, Newfoundland. Lat. 49° 43′ N; long. 54°

45' W. Pop. 3,000. Tr.-I. Salt, biscuits, butter, dry goods, flour, pork; E. Codfish, seals, pickled salmon, preserved lobsters, seal oil, skins and furs. Accn. The outer part of the harb. is deep, but upper part shallow; the best anchorage is on N. side, in 5fms. The harb. is safe, except when it blows from the NE. Charges. Light dues I/ ton for 12 months. Labour about 3/ day. Ballast 2/6 ton. Pilotage. By agreement with fishermen, about 2/ foot.

TYBEE.-See Savannah.

UDDEWALLA, Sweden. Lat. 58° 20′ N; long. 11° 54' Ε. Pop. 11,000. Tr.-I. Coal, salt, artificial manures, bran, wheat, linseed, &c.; E. Oats, pit props, woodwork, mouldings, matches, paper, paper-pulp, granite, fish stores, barrels, staves. Accn. In winter a 40 to 50ft channel is kept open to quays.

Harb. has 25ft of water on bar, and 20ft alongside quays. Cranage good. Facilities for repairs. A tug boat and a small slip. There is a regular 14 days' line of steamers from and to London, and many coastwise. Three rly. lines into the interior of Sweden. Charges. Harb. dues in and out 12 ore per reg. ton, light dues in and out 25 ore per reg. ton. Loading wood, 2/ or 2/6 per std.; dis coal 6d to 8d per ton. Pilotage. C. For a vessel of 5/600 reg. tons from sea to Uddewalla, £4 Ios. in summer, and about I more in winter. Officials. Harb. Master, C. Ahman; H.B.M. Vice-Consul, C. D. Thorburn.

ULEABORG, Russia. Lat. 65° 00' N; long. 25° 29′ Ε, Pop. 17,000. Tr.-I. Colonial produce, coals. iron, hides, and salt; E. Barrels of tar, pitch, deals, timber, fish, boards, butter, salmon, and leather. Accn. There are only 18ft in inner harb Kly. to Wasa, Helsingford, Kemi, and Tornio. Charges. Vessels of 200 tons about £15 10s. Pilotage. On a vessel of 200 tons entering in ballast and clearing out with cargo, in 10ft dit £3; out, 13ft dit £3 tos 6d. Officials. Port Authority, H. W. Suellman; H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, B. Blunt.

UMEA, Sweden. Lat. 63° 49′ N; long. 20°18′ E. (Holmsund, 6 miles down is the out-port). Pop. 4,000. Tr.-I. Little or nothing, occasionally a cargo of coal, salt; E. Deals, battens, boards, timber. Accn. En. 23ft; quay 1,800ft long, 1810 19ft dít. No docks. Charges. Of all kinds on a vessel of 480 tons, about £30. Charges on loading I standard wood goods about 2/3. Pilotage. On a vessel of 480 tons reg., ballast in and cargo out, in £1 14s 4d, out £1 15s 5d, included in the £30. Official. Brit. Vice-Consul, A. Grahn.

VAAG-ON-SUDERO, Faroe Islands. Now a clearance port. This is S. of Trangisvaag. At ent. there are several submerged rocks out to two-thirds of a mile from coast. The whole fjord is liable to heavy ground swell in an easterly gale. There is anchorage in about 6 or 7fms of water. Difference between high and low water is 3 ft ST., Ift NT. Good holding ground of sand and clay. (See Thorshaven.)

VALDIVIA, Chili. Lat. 39° 52′ 53′′ S; long. 73° 25' 30" W. Tr.-E. Cheese, wood, &c. Accn. Harb. spacious and secure. The town is nine miles from the entrance. Anchorage at Fort Corral in 4 to 7fms. Official. Br. Vice-Consul, C. H. Howard.

VALENCIA, Spain. Lat. 39° 28′ N; long. 0° 19' W. Pop. 160,000. Auth. is a Commandant of Marine. Tr.-I. Provisions, guano, petroleum, coal, iron, &c.; E. Olives, oil, wine, tiles, and fruit. Accn. Harb. gives shelter to vessels drawing 24ft of water; ships of 24ft dft. can anchor alongside wharves stern on. Sand bar being dredged. There are eight or nine cranes of 3, 11, and I ton power. Charges. Navigation harb. dues and the navy tax abolished. These have been replaced by a new tax on cargo called "Impuesto de Transportes." To and from European ports, Asiatic, Mediterranean, and North African ports:-Coal and coke 0.50 ps landed, 0.50 ps shipped, grain 4 ps landed, 2 ps shipped; manures 2 ps landed, 0.25 shipped; other merchandise 5 ps landed, 2.50 shipped. To other parts of the world as follows:-Coal and coke 2 ps landed, 0.50 ps shipped; manures 2 ps landed, 0.25 ps shipped; grain 5 ps landed, 250 ps shipped; other merchandise 7 ps landed, 5 ps shipped. The "Impuesto de Transportes" (Transport Dues) are collected both on loading and discharging from the respective shipmasters or agents of the ship, but are recoverable by these from the shippers, or receivers of the cargo, by whom it is payable according to the new law. On all goods loaded or discharged there is a special harb. due (Obras de Puerto) of 1'70 ps per 1,000 kilos. This is independent of the harb. dues payable by the ship. Pilotage. C. Inwards or outwards: Shipsfrom 401 to 450 tons, 19 ps; 451 to 500, 20 ps; 501 to 600, 22 ps; 601 to 700, 24 ps; 701 to 800, 26 ps; 801 to 900, 28 ps3 901 to 1,000, 30 ps; 1,001 to 1,500, 35 ps.; 1,501 to 2,000, 40 ps; 2,001 to 2,500, 46 ps; 2,501 to 3,000, 52 ps; 3,001 to 4,000, 64 ps; beyond, 5 ps per 500 tons or fraction of same. The tons are computed on the gross tonnage of the ship according to Morre's system. Mooring dues: Ships from 401 to 450 tons, 9.50 ps; 451 to 500, 10 ps; 501 to 600, 11 ps; 601 to 700, 12 ps; 701 to 800, 13 ps; 801 to 900, 14 ps; 901 to 1,000, 15 ps; 1,001 to 1,500, 17.50 ps; 1,501 to 2,000, 20 ps; 2.001 to 2,500, 23 ps; 2,501 to 3,000, 26 ps; 3,001 to 3,500, 29 ps; 3,501 to 4,000, 32 ps. From sunset to sunrise these charges are doubled. The present rate of exchange on London is 60 ps per sterling. Officials. H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, A. F. Ivens; Capt. of the Port; Lloyd's Agents, Ivens & Co.

VALPARAISO, Chili. Lat. 33° 1' 53" S; long. 71° 38′ W. Pop. 125,000. Tr.-I. Manufactured goods, machinery, iron, coal, lumber, petroleum, &c.; E. Wheat, flour, copper ore, hides, wool, tallow, &c. Rly. State Rly. to Santiago and the interior, Accn. D. No bar at entrance to the port.

Alongside mole at LW. Outside 12 to 15 metres, inside 8 to 9 metres. W. South very strong from Sept. to May; "Northers sometimes do great damage from May to Sept. The wharf or fiscal mole is provided with cranes of various sizes, and other apparatus, for lifting from 1 to 50 tons weight, worked by hydraulic pressure. Vessels mostly discharged by lighters, as the fiscal mole is very little used. Abundant accommodation in Valparaiso Bay. Two wooden floating docks. Charges. Since 1893 light and tonnage dues have been abolished, and vessels are now only liaole for what is termed "Hospital Dues," namely, Ioc per ton reg. once in each calendar year, i.e., from January I to December 31. For loading and unloading alongside mole for each vessel $60 per day. Hire of anchors and chains, 3/ (300 ton vessels) to 25/ (3,000 tons) per day, above 3,000 tons ed per 100 tons. Pilotage. Vessels under 100 tons reg. $7. 101 to 200 tons $9, 201 to 300 tons $11, 301 to 400 tons $13, 401 to 500 tons $15, 5,501 tons and upwards 3c per ton, plus $12 (say, 18 gold) for each service. Towage. age. Towing from sea, by agreement; out, foreign vessels, £1 per 100 tons reg. Officials. Capt. of the Port, Capt. Francisco Sanchez; Assistant, Capt. Campbell; H.B.M.'s Consul-General, Sir Berry CusackSmith, K.C.M.G.; Vice-Consul, A. Rowley; Lloyd's Agents, Huth & Co.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Lat. 49° 18' N; long. 123° 7' W. Pop. 35,000. Tr.-I. Tinplates, iron, steel, cement, salt, and general. E. Gold, silver, lumber, copper ores, coal, salmon (tinned), sugar, fruits. Auth. Port Warden and Harb Master (joint position). Accn. D. at ent. 40ft, and protected harb D of W from 27ft to 30ft, close by C. P Ry. wharves over 5,000ft long. Terminus to railway. There is a ballast ground opposite the city, and a beach where vessels of any size may be scraped and painted. Several umber sawmills and warehouses, with wharves and depth of water for vesse s of any sze. Quarantine station at William's Head; all vessels from Asiatic ports should report there. One dry dock 2,000 to s, and several smaller. Charges. Harb. dues $5 max, twice a year. Sick mariners dues 2c rez. ton, payable thrice a year. Stevedores' charges are : On lumber $1 to $115 1,000 ft B. M., general cargo discharging and loading 40c ton. Wharfage 50c on cargo per ton. Pilotage. Vessels bound inwards not spoken at or outside these lines shall be exempt from all pilotage duty, both in and out, unless the services of a pilot are actually employed. Dues: For vessels entering or clearing the port of Vancouver, the rates of pilotage shall beUnder sail, $4 per ft; in tow of steamer, $2 per ft; under steam, $150 per ft. From Cape Fiattery to Vancouver, $6 per ft; Cullum Bay to Vancouver, $5; Beachy Head to Vancouver, $4; Race Rocks or Royal Roads to Vancouver, $3; and in steam, $3, $2.50, $2, and St, re pectively; same under tow, except Race Rocks and Royal Roads, $1. The pilo age is compulsory within the limits of the port, viz., inside a line drawn from Point Atkinson to the red buoy on Spanish Bank from where the rate is: ve sels in to v, 2:00 pe ft, and teamers $1.50 per ft. Towage. By agreement. Kound tow from Royal Roads and to sea, $600 charges in Puget Sound under Tacoma. Officials. Harbour Master and Port Warden, M. McLeod; Broker, A. L. Russell.


VARNA, Bulgaria. Lat. 43° 12′ 0′′ N; long. 27° 57′ 16" E. Ρορ. 37,000. Tr.-I. Manufactured goods, colonial produce, oil, pig-iron, coal, &c.; E. Grain, tallow, hides, cheese, dried beef, and wool. Accn. Anchorage in 4 to 5fms. Charges. Loading or di-charging, 8d to od per to, according to cargo; no port charges, but gratuities about 20/. Official. H.B. M.'s ViceConsul, Lt.-Col. P. H. H. Massy.

VELASCO, Texas. Lat. 28° 56′ 28′′; long. about 96° W. A the mouth of the Brazos river. Auth. This port is owned by the Brazos River Channel and Dock Co. (G W. Angle, receiver), and controlled by them under contract with the U.S. Government. Tr.-I. Coal, salt, coffee, ale, earthenware, iron, lumber, and other general merchandise; E. Cotton, cotton seed, oil, oil cake, oak, black walnut, live oak timber, hides, wool, tallow, cattle, grain, bones. Accn. 17 ft water on bar, and 17 to 20ft to wharves. Jetties about completed to outside of bar. There will soon be a depth of 20 to 24ft on bar. Charges. No port charges, nor wharfage on vessels. Custom duty 1/3 ton. Pilotage. C. 8/4 ft in; 8/4 out. If spoken, 1/2 ft. Towage. Rates not yet fixed, but from 2/1 to 4/2 per ft, steamers do without towage. There are two parallel jetties 5,400ft long, 560ft apart, similar to entrance of Mississippi river through jetties at south pass.

VENICE, Italy. Lat. 45° 26′ N; long. 12° 20′ E.


About 133,000. Tr.-I. Sugar, coffee, cotton, and woollen fabrics, cotton yarn and raw cotton, hardware goods, dye stuffs, salted fish, grain, and flour; E. Glasses, crystals, conterie, flour, rice, and transit goods. Accn. Vessels drawing 27ft can reach Venice, and vessels may reach Venice from Alberoni through a ship-caual 13 kilometers long, and from 45 to 100 metres broad, with a mean depth of 27 ft. Dry dock, 525ft long by 59ft wide, depth 28ft 6in; another, 295ft long by 59ft wide, depth 19 ft. Cranes to 20 tons. Extensive new grain warehouses. Charges. 1.40 lire per reg. ton. Pilotage. C. Ist section, 6c per reg. con, minimum 20 lire, maximum 108 lire; 2nd section, 45 millesimi for very ton up to 1,800 tons, and I centime for every ton exceeding 1,800, minimum 20 lire. Officials. H.B.M. Consul, E. de Zuccato; Captain of the Port, ; Lloyd's Agent, G. Serena.

VERA CRUZ, Mexico. Lat. 19° 11′ 30′′ N; long. 97° 8′ W. Pop. About 30,000. Tr.-I. Woven fabrics, wax, hardware, cutlery, paper, brandy, wines, metals, earthenware, and quicksilver; E. Bullion, cochineal, sugar, flour, drugs, indigo, pimento, provisions, sarsaparilla, leather, vanilla, logwood, coffee, tobacco, and mahogany. Accn. Average D. at En. 36ft; alongside quays and piers 28tt, in channel and alongside deep water jetty 33f1. One 20-ton and one 10-ton crane and several smaller; 200 to 300 tons coal per hatchway per day discharged; floating dock, capaci y about 1,500 tons. Charges. To nage dues: sail 15c, steam ge per ton gross; pratique $1 75 per ft df both in and out; also dock dues on goods, paid by mer hints, 25c to $t as per schedule. Pilotage. 8/ it in, same out Towage. 4/6 ft. Officials. H.B. M.'s Consul, F. P. Leay; Vice-Consul, L. J. Nunn.

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